Chapter 177 Zhu Sanlang’s Curiosity

Su Yan was surprised. It was better now. Although each team was destroyed one by one, at least the clan was not wiped out.

"Are you the leader of the rat tribe?" Zhu Sanlang asked.

Su Yan hurriedly waved her hands and said, "No, no, I'm just a mouse, and I don't dare to be the leader of the mouse clan. It's just a fluke that I have a beast husband who is very capable of taking care of things. He helped me earn the status of a holy female." To be honest, I haven’t benefited from this position as a holy female, and I still owe a lot of debt.”

Zhu Sanlang recalled with his eyes wide open: "I remember that the holy female can see the beast **** and receive gifts from the beast god."

"Really? I didn't." Su Yan touched her belly, "Except there were two babies stuffed in my belly."

Zhu Sanlang looked at her belly and said, "Heirs are a supreme gift."

"Does Mr. Zhu have any children?" Su Yan asked casually.

Zhu Sanlang looked at Xiaoguang jumping around outside, "I don't need it!"

Su Yan replied: "Oh."

She touched her belly with a gentle look, "With these two, I have ten children."

Zhu Sanlang secretly glanced at her belly, "Is it a rat demon?"

Su Yan replied: "It's an angel."

Zhu Sanlang was surprised, "Angel? Angels are a high-level demon clan, and your rat clan is the lowest. How can you breed offspring across levels?"

You are the lowest... Su Yan slandered, but still smiled and said: "Maybe it's because I am a holy female."

Zhu Sanlang nodded. If the holy female received the gift from the beast god, it would indeed be possible for her to become pregnant with the blood of the angel clan.

"Mr. Zhu, if you want to go back to the beast world in the west, how should you go?" Su Yan asked.

"There used to be a passage between the two realms, but it is now sealed. At that time, I was attracted by the battle between two powerful people. When the seal was broken by two powerful people, I was swept in by mistake.

Later, time was reversed and I returned to the time when the seal was not broken. Although time has been reversed, my memory has not disappeared, and I still retain what happened in the beast world during that time. Zhu Sanlang looked at her and said, "Miss Su, maybe you can try the method you used here." "

Su Yan shook her head, "My method is purely random transmission and cannot be specified."

Moreover, this place had food and drink, so it was the best place to raise a baby and wait for delivery. If she moved... and then entered a place like the Dark Continent or the Abyss, she and her children would starve to death.

"Well, I won't bother you if I have something else to do. I'll come visit you another day." Su Yan finished the tea and put the lid on it, "Thank you for the good tea."

"You're welcome." Zhu Sanlang stood up to see Su Yan off.

Su Yan first teleported to the platform, then turned back and waved to Zhu Sanlang, then teleported again and returned to the woods.

Then he turned into an animal body and began to collect treasures from heaven and earth to eat.

Her stomach will be hungry at any time now. With two children having double nutrition, it is really hard to eat.

I rummaged through the warehouse of the system space and finally found a juicer.

I wonder what it would be like to put those spiritual materials into a juicer and squeeze them directly into juice?

Su Yan started to do it after thinking about it.

First I picked a bunch of spiritual fruits, then squeezed the juice and drank it.

His eyes lit up, "It's very useful."

Save your mouth now.

She picked another bunch, squeezed it into juice, and continued drinking.

I felt full after just a few cups.

There is also meat, which is also made into stuffed pies and meatballs one bite at a time. Although the taste is not as good as self-chewed or refined food, it saves time and effort and absorbs the same nutrients into the body.

"Save a big deal, why didn't you think of this earlier?"

Su Yan started squeezing, stirring, stirring, and her figure could be seen everywhere in the deep forest.

Zhu Sanlang tasted tea with the tea set given to him by Su Yan. The more he tasted it, the more he felt that the new tea set was good. The clear teapot made of unknown material made the tea soup extremely clear, and the color was as beautiful as if it had been coated with a layer of light. , "The wild land in the west has become a lot civilized in the past few thousand years. Then let's keep this little demon for a few more days and see if there are any other novelties."

In the storage room across from the tea room, there is a new shelf, which contains some cooking utensils, bowls, seasoning boxes, and an old juicer that Su Yan 'accidentally' lost.

Su Yan was tinkering with making dumplings in the kitchen of the RV.

The stuffing is made of shrimps, and it is delicious with a little wild vegetables similar to fennel, a little sesame oil, and salt.

‘Woo~woo~’ there was a cry of a small animal.

Su Yan looked over and saw the little black and white rabbit jumping in.

He couldn't help but smile and said: "Xiaoguang is here, where is your master?"

"Sorry to interrupt." Zhu Sanlang stood outside, looking at Su Yan's latest RV.

"Don't bother me, I'm a distinguished guest that I can't even invite." Su Yan hurriedly took a pair of disposable men's slippers and placed them at the door of the car.

Zhu Sanlang looked at the pair of slippers, paused, took off his boots, and entered the carriage wearing only his socks.

Su Yan thought it didn't fit, so she didn't force him, and asked him to sit inside, "I was just about to make dumplings, some with shrimp, do you want to try them?"

"Well, trouble." Zhu Sanlang kept looking at the installation in the car.

Su Yan smiled and said, "Do you have any taboos?"

"No. By the way, this is for you." Zhu Sanlang handed Su Yan a spiritual chalcedony box in his hand.

"It's just a meal of dumplings. No need to be polite. Just put them away." Su Yan declined politely.

Zhu Sanlang put the chalcedony box on the coffee table, "You also gave me a tea set. I like it very much."

"Really? Just like it." In fact, the tea set was given as a free gift from the childbirth gift package. The high-end glass gift box had been gathering dust in the warehouse as debris.

Usually when she makes tea, she likes to use purple sand or old objects, which have charm, so glass ones are rarely used.

"I'll have something else later, and I'll give you another set."

"Okay." Zhu Sanlang responded. He was quite rare in anything Su Yan made.

Su Yan handed him a bag of potato chips, "This is also a specialty snack from my hometown. You can try it."

"Thank you." Zhu Sanlang took it and looked at the potato chip bag. The pattern on it was very interesting. After eating a piece of potato chips, my eyes suddenly widened, "This!"

"Huh?" Su Yan thought it was not to his taste, "Isn't it delicious? There are also some melon seeds, spicy strips and the like here. You can see what you like to eat."

Su Yan pulled out a box of snacks from under the sofa and let Zhu Sanlang choose.

Zhu Sanlang said: "No. Can I taste them all?"

"Of course, it's okay to take whatever you like." Su Yan replied.

For her, these snacks are just an indulgence and have no nutrition for the fetus. When she was pregnant, Xiaomei was the most opposed to eating this, saying that chewing a few tree leaves was better than eating these snacks.

Zhu Sanlang was not polite and put them all into his storage space.

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