Chapter 230 Destination

"Why are you running? Look at how cowardly you are."

"Yes, I'm a coward, so get out of here first."

Sachi wished he could grow wings and fly away, so he ran away without looking back.

Su Yan said to Lena: "Take the children and go back to the house first."

"Oh." Lena knew Su Yan's strength and immediately carried Angel into the house and closed the door.

Su Yan looked coldly at the lewd males, shooting flaming arrows at them... In an instant, screams sounded one after another, and they turned into ashes.

Su Yan finally looked at the young male in gorgeous clothes.

He has talent, but he is only at the green level. When Su Yan used his talent, the pressure of the talent that exploded frightened him so much that he didn't dare to move.

"Your Majesty, spare your life, spare your life! I will never dare to do this again."

Su Yan continued to condense the fireball.

When the young male saw this, a sinister look flashed in his eyes. At the same time, he used his own profound energy to attack Su Yan's bulging belly with an earth spear.

Su Yan actually saw him begging for mercy and wanted to take back the fire energy. Just when she was about to stop, she saw his earth spear coming straight towards her pregnant belly.

With a stern look on his face, the fireball in his hand directly hit the earth spear. In the blink of an eye, the earth spear disappeared, and the fireball chased after the young male who was about to run.

In the blink of an eye, he was caught in the fireball, turned into a burning man, and finally burned into a ball of ashes.

Su Yan sighed.

He said to Lena who was standing in front of the window: "Let's go to the Holy Church."

Mainland teleportation arrays are generally managed by the Holy Cult.

Su Yan took Lina to the Holy Cult. She took out the angel feather crown that Farr gave her, symbolizing the queen's identity.

The holy deacon immediately knelt down and saluted.

Su Yan ordered him to arrange the teleportation array to the Holy Capital Continent.

Lena looked at the luxurious and noble queen's feather crown in her hand and asked, "Didn't Sister Su complete the marriage ceremony with His Majesty?"

Su Yan nodded, "Yes, he forced this on me."

"Your Majesty is so kind to Sister Su." Lena couldn't help but look envious.

"It's not good for me. How could I give him a second child?" Su Yan said with a smile, and then touched her belly. This child's appetite was normal. It should be the same as Ming Linyuan's second child, which was a mouse.

"Sister Su, I'm going to go and make a convenience." Lena's face suddenly looked a little unnatural.

Su Yan didn't think much and nodded immediately: "Go quickly, I'll just watch Angel."

"Okay, please, Sister Su." Lena hurried away with a guiding cultist.

Su Yan took out a furry bear toy from the system space, pressed its nose, and said: "Get up~ wake up~ the sun is shining on your butt~" "Here you go." Su Yan gave the bear toy to Angel.

Angel's eyes were full of sparkling light, "Thank you Aunt Su, you are so kind to me and my mother."

"Because your mother and I are friends." Su Yan touched Angel's head.

After waiting for a long time, Lena came back.

He said with an apologetic look: "I'm sorry, Sister Su, for keeping you waiting for so long."

"It's okay." Su Yan smiled.

The deacon of the Holy Cult came over and said to Su Yan: "Queen, the mainland teleportation array is ready and can be activated at any time."

"Then there's no need to wait, let's go now." Su Yan looked at Lena.

Lena also nodded, "Okay, Sister Su."

As the teleportation array was activated, the array's light gradually brightened. Su Yan asked Angel, "Have you ever ridden a teleportation array before?"

Angel shook his head, "No, I haven't left town."

"Really? Then when we get to the Holy Capital Continent, there will be many things you haven't seen before. Then let your mother take you to play around."

"We'll be back after she's been treated. Besides, she's still young. When she gets older, it won't be too late to come to the Holy Capital Continent."

"There are also things for children to play. The newly built secret theme amusement park is very good. It introduces various talents and secrets, and children can also increase their knowledge."

"Really? That sounds great."

"It's really good. I've been there five times with my two, and they really like it."

The mainland teleportation array suddenly burst out with dazzling white light and began to teleport...

Su Yan raised her hands to protect her eyes.

Lena seemed so nervous that she even forgot to protect Angel's eyes. When Su Yan found out, she quickly covered Angel with her hands.

"Lena?" Su Yan asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"Ah, Sister Su, I'm sorry..." Lena said something else, but she couldn't hear it at all amid the noise of the teleportation array.

The mainland teleportation time this time was a bit long, but considering that it was a mainland teleportation array, Su Yan didn't care.

Finally arriving at the destination, the light from the teleportation array gradually dissipated.

Su Yan released her hand covering Angel's eyes, "Okay, let's"

The words stopped abruptly.

Because the other end of the mainland teleportation array is not in the Holy Capital Continent, but a deserted island.

(End of chapter)

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