Chapter 242 Ten billion points!

But the mother and son could no longer be seen.

Su Yan looked around but couldn't find it.

[This virus should be created by the system. ] Xiaomei's voice sounded.

【Why? 】

[Perhaps it is to eliminate humans. 】

[What is the relationship between humans and the reproductive system? 】

[Humans can reproduce normally. 】

【really. There is nothing wrong with human fertility. 】

Lu He said he has four children. Children can be seen running and playing everywhere on the streets of the 19th arrondissement. Even on the earth, although there are some infertile people, in terms of reproduction, even in the dark ages, there is no problem with natural pregnancy, not to mention various artificial aids.

[It is very difficult to transform into a beast, and the childbirth system is only for orcs. 】

[You mean, the childbirth system now wants to turn this place into a world of beasts? 】

【Um. 】

【Why do this? If you can't have children, forget it, but if you can have children, you will become extinct? 】

[The host means that this sudden corpse incident has nothing to do with the birth system? 】

[The situation in Zone Zero is so bad now, it is not unexpected to see any changes. 】

[Does the host want to intervene? 】

[I don’t have that much energy to fight against nature. 】Su Yan replied.

[Xiaomei can destroy these mutated viruses. 】

Su Yan was stunned, [You? 】

[Yes, but it needs to be decided by the host. 】

Su Yan was silent for a moment, [How many points are needed? 】

Xiaomei replied: [Ten billion points, the human race is huge. 】

Su Yan【…】

【Host? 】Xiaomei asked tentatively.

[This situation is obviously far beyond my ability. 】

Ten billion points!

How can it be?

Without the emotional influence, without thinking about those beastmen and children, Su Yan calmly analyzed all the information she had about the childbirth system.

The 002 Ark system was originally a part of the childbirth system.

Later it was eliminated.

Why was it eliminated?

Why did the programmer who wrote her give her such powerful upgrade settings?

To eliminate the mother machine of the child system? 009821 is just the first one to come to take back Xiaomei. I don’t know what kind of characters will come later.

There is also Jihad, which is currently confirmed, but is just for collecting data.

After the collection is completed, all subsystems will be re-released.

Looking at the holy war from the sidelines, although it is cruel, to a certain extent, it also stabilizes the entire beast world and avoids the pain of kings chasing each other.

Moreover, the population of the Beast World does not seem to be large. Females are still lacking, but are gradually increasing.

According to Xiaomei, the data atmosphere of the childbirth system has also appeared in this world.

Is it possible that the reproductive system has noticed that the lycanthropes in this world are unable or difficult to reproduce?

I want to put it in the laboratory here.

It has been proven that lycanthropes can survive in the harsh Zero Zone environment and are not affected by the zombie virus.

As for the demise of purely human beings in this world, after the great migration two hundred years ago, it was destined to end today.

And the human race has never been extinct. As she saw in the Yunshan Continent, humans were still thriving and civilization was gradually developing.

Since the subsystem is allowed to exist, it must have a rationality for its existence.

She is a small human soul. In just a few decades, she has no power, no data, no data, who is good and who is bad, who is right and wrong. She has no control over her. Her eyesight goes dark. She relies on her own leaf. See you to weigh in.

Even her survival to this day, no matter what form it is, is an accident.

When she was waiting in line to bind the birth system, she was not completely hypnotized. Zhang Lin, the staff member who bound her to the birth system, should have cleaned it up, but did not clean up her memory. He also bound Ark System No. 002, which was about to be destroyed, to her. Said it was the last chance for Xiaomei...

When she didn't think of the memory of the laboratory before, she thought it was her original wish to return to her mother's arms.

In fact, it belonged to Zhang Lin.

So does she have her original wish?

Even emotions can be influenced, and memories can also be tampered with!

Su Yan's whole soul trembled when she thought of this...

After all, does she have her original wish? What is her original wish?

[Xiaomei, let me ask you a question, and you have to answer it truthfully. 】

[Excuse me, host. 】

【009821 You can’t even send me back to Earth, can you really? 】

【Can! 】

【Why? In other words, how do you send me away? 】

[I will enter the mother machine system through the subsystem seed machine. Through the power of the mother machine, it is not difficult to send the host back to earth. 009821 If you apply upwards, you can do it, but the resources consumed are too large, which is very uneconomical for them. 】

[Who is operating the points I earn and the points I owe? You? 】

【not me. 】

【Who is that? 】

[Xiaomei still has many blocks that have not been unlocked. When this part is unlocked, she will tell the host. 】

【What is my original wish? 】

[Isn’t it a rebirth of human beings on Earth? 】

[Wait, you said...rebirth of human beings on earth? 】

【yes. 】

Rebirth of humanity on earth! How should we understand this sentence?

Su Yan was confused. She didn't know if the system would lie, but even if it did, she couldn't do anything.

It's better to believe what she said before, they are now grasshoppers on a vine. No matter what kind of secrets each holds or what purpose they have, they are now companions.

Su Yan arrived at Tianfeng Hotel.

However, this place has been sealed off and no one from outside is allowed in at all.

The zombie virus spread faster than Su Yan expected.

Not far away, zombies can already be seen approaching here.

Huo Qing learned that Su Yan was coming and immediately asked the hotel to open. And informed the hotel that Su Yan was a beast.

Su Yan had no choice but to transform into a jungle wolf again, and after being disinfected in her animal body, she was able to enter the hotel.

"You still know how to come here, that's good." Huo Qing patted Su Yan's wolf head.

Su Yan opened her mouth and bit his hand with her fangs. If he dared to move again, he would bite his hand off.

"Spare my life, spare my life." Huo Qing immediately begged for mercy.

Su Yan then relaxed, "Where are Xiao Ji and the others?"

"They have left." Huo Qing replied: "After you left, a fire suddenly broke out among the cockroaches. The fire was a bit weird. It burned to ashes when it was stained with cockroaches. It is better than explosives."

"...I won't apologize for leaving the team without permission, but you can deduct my salary."

"As long as you can survive, your salary will not be less."

"That's good."

"How did you get here? We haven't been here long." Jerry asked curiously.

Su Yan said: "I took a downwind plane."

Lu He: "We are so lucky, we were almost swallowed by a giant horned lizard."

Jerry looked at Su Yan with a little envy, "Lycanthropes don't have to worry about viruses."

Su Yan nodded, "Yes, the infected passed by me as if I didn't exist."

Thank you Tang Chi Dou Bao'er, Xinghe Marches Back on the Moon, caroletu, Hallelujah, Nina, Amo, Beloved, Persian Cat, Demonic Angel, Peaceful Time, Hongyu Lisa, Flying White Clouds, Lich King, One person is half talented It’s companionship, Xiangxiang…a reward from my darlings, I’m very grateful~

More updates are coming!

Continue to update at zero o'clock~~Xiao Xuanzi is working hard to code...

(End of this chapter)

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