Chapter 267 Model of raising children

Su Yan touched each child, and finally stood in front of the podium table, looked at them, and stretched out her two hands, "The fingers may be long or short, and the palms and backs may be thick or thin. But my mother's heart will never be like her hands." The same, because of the level of talent and mysteries, there are strengths and weaknesses.

You are both your mothers’ babies, and you have the same weight in your mother’s heart. You should also love each other, help each other, and grow up happily and healthily together. "

After Su Yan finished speaking, she looked at Xiao Qi, "What do you think?"

"Yeah, but mother still loves me the most, because my animal body and mother's body look exactly the same." Xiao Qi stood up, her small and white body was exactly the same as Su Yan's animal body.

Su Yan smiled, "Every one of you has my mother's bloodline in your body. It's just in different aspects. Xiao Qi is the one who looks most like my mother, and Xiao Hao likes freedom and adventure like my mother."

"What about me?" Manman raised his wings again.

Su Yan looked at her and thought for a moment, "Smart, pretty smart is the most like a mother."

"Yeah." Manman nodded, satisfied.

Su Yan coughed again and said, "Okay, let's get back to the topic. Mom is going to class."

Then he wrote some words on the blackboard, "You brothers and sisters, with your respective talents and mysteries, you almost understand each other.

From low to high, the talents are red level, green level, blue level, yellow level, mysterious level, earth level, heaven level, spirit level, holy level, and **** level..."

The little guys all listened obediently.

Especially the eldest babies in the front, after learning that the youngest brothers and sisters had already stood on the holy level since birth, they listened to Su Yan's lectures carefully and wanted to improve themselves.

She listened to the lectures calmly and calmly. If it weren't for the dark rules, her competitive temperament would have exploded.

Su Yan's original intention was to teach these big beast babies. Those little angel cubs, especially the one with the pacifier in its mouth, were definitely there to serve as 'teaching aids' to stimulate the big babies.

Sure enough, the effect is good.

Yuxuan, Shishi, and Faser listened particularly carefully, and with Su Yan's encouragement, they asked questions when they didn't understand.

Su Yan had other plans for the three of them.

Talent is usually determined at birth, but it can also be improved through practice or assisted by heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Xiaomei gave Su Yan a bunch of books on how to raise spiritual beast cubs, including secret methods for improving the cubs' innate talents.

Fortunately, there are a lot of spiritual materials on Qianyu Island, otherwise she would never be able to handle it if she had to look for spiritual materials and take care of the children at the same time.

Xiaomei also helped a lot, keeping an eye on these little guys, mainly to prevent them from getting hurt. It is absolutely impossible not to fight without making trouble. For example, Xiaohao and Manman have to fight every two days.

One used lightning to strike, the other used fire. Later, when Xiao Shi was added, Xiao Shi also helped Man Man deal with Xiao Hao.

The two hit it off immediately and both love flying.

Especially Xiao Ten, Xiao Jiu is lazy, and Xiao Thirteen is too young, so she can only practice flying by herself. After meeting Man Man, she finally found a companion.

Manman's personality is impulsive and fiery, and he goes on a rampage in everything he does.

Xiao Shi is different, everything he does is done after careful consideration.

In the beginning, when Manman fought with Xiaohao, Xiaohao always had the upper hand. Later, after Xiao Shi joined, the situation reversed.

Xiaohao is disgraced every day.

Xiao Shi still takes notes every day, holding a small notebook and writing and drawing. It seems that he is thinking about how to write better in the future.

But Manman is proud now, and is even more passionate towards Xiao Shi, like a little fan who admires Xiao Shi.

The two flying in the sky were mumbling, no one knew what the sister and son were discussing.

Su Yan didn't care, as long as he didn't get hurt.

She prepared the spiritual liquid that promotes the evolution of talents and let Yuxuan, Shishi and Faser soak in it.

Below the spiritual level, spiritual materials also interfere with talent evolution, and the effect is relatively good. Once you pass the spiritual level, it's a different world. Your lifespan is extended, and you need to understand the secrets of your talents.

Xiaoba also seemed to want to soak in the spiritual fluid, so Su Yan also prepared a small bucket for him. Seeing the little golden dragon happily swimming around on the egg shell, Xiao Qi said: "Mom, Xiao Ba has absorbed all the spirituality in the spiritual fluid."

Su Yan was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the spiritual liquid. It was originally green in color, but now it is clear and colorless.

The spirit liquid bucket next to Faser was still very green.

Su Yan secretly sighed. In the face of talent, hard work seemed extremely powerless.

She gave Xiaoba another bucket of spiritual liquid, and this time added some more divine spiritual materials and divine liquid... Let's soak it in.

Little Golden Dragon was even happier. Xiao Qi smelled the spirit liquid and jumped in...

Su Yan was startled and said hurriedly: "Xiao Qi, come out."

Xiao Qi swam around in the spiritual liquid, "Mom, this spiritual liquid is so comfortable."

Su Yan looked at Xiao Qi and asked Xiao Mei, "Is it okay for Xiao Qi to have fun?" 】

【It's fine. Xiao Qi is a shark at first, and is naturally fond of water. 】

[Okay, what about the other children? Should we also give them bubbles every day and treat them as baths? 】

[It depends on whether they accept it or not. If you don’t like it, there’s no need to force it. Their talent evolution values ​​are not yet full. 】

[Talent evolution value? Can I see it? ]Su Yan's eyes lit up.

Xiaomei replied [To enable the mode of raising children, you need 500,000 points. 】

[These points must be spent. 】You can see the specific data of the child's physical development, especially the health status. Every mother will not resist this function.

A data light screen appeared in front of Su Yan.

She took Father out of the spirit liquid bucket first, and soon a lot of data entries appeared on the light screen.

Name—Father Milut


Personality - normal

Talent - Earth level 89%.

Mystery - Water Element: Water Element Awakening 100%, Dust Purification Technique 70%, Water Ball Technique 68%, Water Arrow Technique 32%, Water Shadow Technique 0%... Fire Element: Fire Element Awakening 100%, Fire Ball Technique 67%, Fire Escape Technique 0 %, pyrotechnics 0%, explosive flames 0%…

Su Yan was stunned.

It took a long time to react.

Then ecstasy…

With the help of these data, raising children is not difficult.

She can train each child according to the optimal data. There are also many arcane skills that she doesn't know.

【Very good! 】 Su Yan was still thinking, don’t teach these children poorly and let their father beast have a lot of opinions about her... Now the problem is solved.

‘Bang—’ A violent explosion sounded.

High in the sky, Manman's flame ball collided with Xiao Hao's thunder ball, emitting huge power.

Su Yan's face darkened instantly, and she said to the two little guys: "Manman—Xiao Hao—come over here!"

Seeing Xiao Shi about to teleport away.

Su Yan called her to stop, "Xiao Shi, come here too!"

The other cubs all looked around.

Xiao Qi climbed out of the bucket of spiritual liquid, shook out the spiritual liquid on his body, and was instantly dry. Then he jumped lightly and landed on Su Yan's shoulder, watching the excitement from the super VIP seat.

(End of chapter)

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