Chapter 306: Listen to the advice and take control!


Su Yan ran away!

A male who has never touched a female in ten thousand years is really terrible!

She didn't wake up for more than half a month.

In the end, Xiaomei could only be allowed to take her, 500 points were deducted, and she was teleported directly to the Western District.

A little white mouse was running in the Senyu Animal Forest in the Western District.

It was Su Yan who had recovered her beastly form.

[Xiaomei, Xiao Qi is not pure blood, how come he has become a god? 】

[The host forgot that in the planet world, after the death of the Insect King, Xiao Qi gained a lot of merit. Only when the godhead of merit comes, it will test the mind of the recipient, and even bring about heavenly calamity. But Xiao Qi is still young, so there will be no more calamities. The beast **** is also attracted by the meritorious godhead and casts his divine shadow. In the future, the host needs to be careful, as the beast **** takes away Xiao Qi's meritorious deity. 】

[Isn’t it true that the Godhead cannot be taken away? 】

[Of course, the divine position cannot be taken away. But the **** of merit is different from other godheads. It does not have the supreme restriction granted by heaven to pure blood. It is mainly about the power of merit. If you kill the **** of merit, you can seize the power of merit in his god.

Now Xiao Qi's meritorious deity is like a seed. It has just sprouted. The beast **** will not do anything yet. In the future, when the small sprout grows into a towering tree, it may not be able to do anything. There are also the talents of Xiao Qi and the Supreme Life Fragments. Together with Xiao Ten, we are almost complete. 】

[Aren’t ordinary children pretty good, hey! 】

[What Xiaomei produces must be divine! 】

[…] This game she was asked to play, she got the second grade!

[His eyes are exactly the same as Zi Qi's. No wonder Zi Qi has no memory and has no doubt that it is not his seed. 】

Su Yan thought about Xiao Qi's appearance, and then thought of Xiao Ba. This little guy always stayed in the egg shell and wandered with her for ten thousand years without moving at all.

Even after the little golden dragon took off, he didn't even come out. What kind of trouble is this kid trying to make? Is he too good-looking and afraid of being seen and killed, or is he too ugly to be embarrassed in public?

Fortunately, Zi Qi's memory had not recovered, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to tell him if he had opened his mouth to ask her if she wanted children. I hope Xiao Qi can appease a certain beast king's longing for his children.

[Host, in front is Pei Xuan, he has entered the spiritual realm. 】 Xiaomei said to Su Yan with some regret.

Su Yan opened the system map, and sure enough she saw Pei Xuan's figure, the elegant and noble giant leopard body, black and shiny, like the best black satin.

[Xiaomei, I’m a little jealous of his body. ] Su Yan swallowed as she spoke.

[It’s useless to be greedy. For those of the spiritual level, don’t think about it. Just go to Zulu or Ming Linyuan. According to the previous time, Ming Linyuan should be arriving in the West District soon. 】

[Well, let’s go to the rat tribe first. 】

50 childbirth points were deducted and he teleported away.

Pei Xuan was walking, then stopped suddenly and looked towards where Su Yan had just stopped, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Until he saw a monster appear, he broke out on the spot and rushed towards the monster...

Zi Qi hugged Xiao Qi and entered the Academy of Divine Beasts.

Before he had no heirs, he almost never came. Now that I have a son, I have to parade around the streets to show off to the public.

When Ziyuan heard that Xiao Qi had arrived, she immediately threw away the half-processed official documents and went to Zi Qi to ask for the child.

"Cousin, let me play for a while." Ziyuan said and immediately grabbed it.

In terms of how much he wanted to have an heir, Zi Qi knew that his cousin was no worse than him, so he finally gave up Xiao Qi to Ziyuan after being ruthless.

Turning his eyes, he saw a young man passing by not far away, and hurriedly called him, "Zong Sili, come here."

Zong Sili held a thick stack of papers in his hand and came over to greet him, "Your Majesty."

"You are now at the late stage of heaven level?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Control it, don't enter the spiritual level too quickly."


"Listen to me, or you will regret it later. Don't blame me for not reminding you." Zi Qi calculated the time and said, "That guy Pei Xuan must have missed it. He is a cheap rabbit." "What did Pei Xuan miss?" Ziyuan asked curiously. road.

"Nothing, have you hugged me enough?"

"No, no, I'm going to inspect the academy."

Zi Yuan hugged Xiao Qi and ran away.

"Your Majesty, how long will the student have to control his cultivation?" Because he felt that he was about to enter the peak of the late heaven level.

"At least a year." Zi Qi patted him on the shoulder, "Go ahead."

"It's Your Majesty."

Su Yan first followed the location of the rat tribe in his memory and found it.

The tribe has been empty.

She went back to her home, picked up a broken backpack, and threw in some daily necessities abandoned by her tribe members when they fled in panic.

Now the system space is limited for development, and I can’t buy anything with my empty points.

As for the materials given to Xiao Shiqi, almost all were left to Zi Qi, and they were all for the child.

Zi Qi took it quite happily and had no doubt where these things came from.

Xiao Qi must have obtained his true inheritance. This money-obsessed person... doesn't care where the money comes from.

The talent scroll is not opened.

Those scrolls are upgraded and doubled according to the talent level of the mother body.

Now she doesn't have any talents, and they are wasted.

And just follow the Romans, have nothing, and be poor like those in the West End.

Even the clothes she was wearing were changed into burlap.

Hike to the Rabbit Tribe.

On the road, she occasionally encounters monsters, so she temporarily takes a detour.

[Xiaomei, what do you think if there are other females in Zulu? 】

[Then after saving his life, the host can go directly to Zong Sili or Ming Linyuan, or Rong Ruo. They are familiar with each other, get along well with each other, and recognize each other's existence, which is good for both the host and the heirs in the insurance system. 】

Xiaomei is a childbearer, and she cares a lot about children. She has a healthy body and mind and has excellent talents. These are the data that Xiaomei is most proud of.

[Well, let’s do it. 】

Su Yan came to a small stream.

Just when I was thirsty and wanted to drink some water, I saw several people walking towards the creek.

One of them is an old acquaintance, Linlang Jialuo. I never thought that if I had to do it again, I would meet him first.

Don't forget to say that she and him are destined to be together, but it's a pity that they have nothing to do with each other.

Now, he should be married to Ashley Gusa, and they probably have children.

"Where did the little female come from?" asked a male following Lin Lang.

Females in the western region are beautiful because of their fatness. Su Yan was slender, and her arms and legs were thin and long, as if they were not yet fully developed.

Lin Lang's eyes lit up when he saw Su Yan, especially Su Yan's facial features, which were extremely delicate and beautiful. No matter it was the rat tribe, the rabbit tribe, or even the fox tribe, no female was as beautiful as her.

Su Yan replied: "My father is Oro from the rat tribe."

"Auro Milut? Why didn't I know he had a daughter?" Lin Lang looked at Su Yan with interest.

Su Yan did not answer, but looked behind them and saw another male running towards them.

Pei Xuan is a bit cold and naive...will update later~

(End of this chapter)

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