Chapter 373 Who is the smartest?

Early in the morning, all the children gathered at the Beast Palace to prepare for the monthly exams.

Zi Qi didn't do anything anymore, just watching a group of little cubs flying around, jumping around, and rolling around in the palace.

Zong Sili also came to the palace. After recovering his memory, he has been waiting for Su Yan.

In the study room, Su Yan installed the printer and prepared to print the exam papers.

Seeing Zong Sili coming, Su Yan waved to him, "Here, help me see how these questions go? I've been a little busy these past few months and haven't bothered to give them the exam."

"Yes." Zong Sili walked over, picked up the test paper, and said while reading: "Rong Ruo left the Divine Beast Academy and went to the Southern District."

"Oh?" Su Yan paused, "Are you sure it's not Rong Wu?"

"The two of them are separated. Rong Wu is traveling to practice and is not in the academy."

"Just live." Su Yan felt more pity for Rongruo, and he was Xiao Qi's biological father, and she had no time to think about other things.

"Rong Ruo saw Xiao Qi several times when he was in the academy."

"I remember that father beasts have a special feeling for their offspring?"

"Yes, this is the instinct of the father to determine his own bloodline. The mother does not have it, but the offspring will have a special kind of obedience to the mother."


"When the talent is not awakened, one male is often not enough to feed the female, so there will be multiple males. In order to facilitate the identification of his own bloodline heirs, this instinct arises. Some males have no heirs and will rob others. This is also instinct."

"..." Su Yan somehow remembered Zi Qi. He had his own children and also liked other people's children.

"Then he should know that Xiaoqi is his child, and he didn't propose to recognize her?"

"No. Your Majesty has been waiting for him, and he did not enter the palace. But before going to the South District, he met Xiao Qi at the academy."

"Although Xiao Qi looked at Xiao Qi, he had a lot on his mind and had his own thoughts. Even with those eyes, he must have recognized Rong Ruo as his biological father. But he never said anything. He should be thinking about it. I turned around and asked Ask her, and it’s time to tell her about her life experience.”

"It's more appropriate for you to talk about this matter. How you and Rongruo got together at that time, only you... no, only you know best now."


"These questions can be more difficult." Zong Sili handed her the test paper to copy.

"Then you come out next month and I'll save some trouble."


"Would you like to come to Wanfang Hotel tonight?" Su Yan had a hint of sultry charm in her eyes.

Of course Zong Sili knew what she meant, and his ears felt slightly warm, "I have to take care of a child, I'm not sure I can handle it."

"I'll be waiting for you." Su Yan suddenly moved closer to his ear and lightly hooked his earring with the tip of her tongue.

Zong Sili's breathing suddenly became heavy, and he turned around and ran away, "I'm going to inform the children to take the exam at Jiaoyidian."

Su Yan laughed out loud.

[Host, why don’t you take a test on talent and mysteries? 】Xiao Mei protested, she was so dedicated in teaching the children to learn their talents, how could she not take a test to check and accept the results.

Su Yan replied naturally: [Because I have no talent. 】

Not to be outdone, Xiaomei said, "Isn't there a beast husband?" The same goes for their exams. 】

Su Yan was worried about Zi Qi and the others, [None of them are as talented as the children. 】

Xiaomei still insisted, [Test math and Chinese in the morning, and test the secrets of talent in the afternoon. 】

Su Yan sighed, [I'll discuss it with them. If they don't object, then add talent. 】

Xiaomei was satisfied, [Well, if anyone falls behind in his homework, let him practice in the game again. 】

Su Yan: [I understand, you have updated the game and want these brats to help you test it. 】

Xiaomei: [The host has become smarter. 】

Su Yan: [I have always been smart, okay? 】

Xiaomei: [Then 124356×8942 = how much? 】

Su Yan: […]

…Jiaoyi Hall.

Zi Qi hand-delivered the test papers to each child, especially the two little nine-tailed foxes whom they met for the first time, with particularly gentle eyes.

After the test papers were handed out, he watched the children whispering among themselves to discuss the answers, but he didn't care.

Su Yan was angry, holding a ruler in her hand, and just as she was about to knock on the table, she was stopped by Zi Qi, who pulled her out of the Jiaoyi Hall, "It's okay, the children's monthly exams don't have to be so strict."

Hearing this, Su Yan's eyes widened, "You are right if you don't teach your father your fault!"

"Okay, okay, it's all my fault. Yanyan, can those two little foxes stay with me?" Zi Qi's greed was exposed.

Su Yan shook her head, "I'm afraid not, that guy Qing Linghuan won't let me go."

"Then can you set the location of the monthly exams at my place? I like these children very much." Zi Qi looked at Su Yan with hopeful eyes.

It was difficult for Su Yan to refuse, "As long as I am in the 9908 continent, I will definitely summon the children here."

Zi Qi held her in his arms and said, "Let's live here for a few years."

Su Yan also responded: "Okay."

After Pei Xuan was busy with family affairs, he hurriedly entered the Beast Palace.

When Yu Yan saw him, he teased and said, "Are you here to pick up your son, or are you in a hurry to meet someone?"

Pei Xuan: "...pick up my son."

"Duplicity." Yu Yan led him to the Jiaoyi Hall.

As a result, I happened to see Su Yan acting coquettishly in Zi Qi's arms.

Pei Xuan turned around and left again.

Yu Yan hurriedly followed, "Aren't you going to pick up your son?"

"He can go home by himself." Pei Xuan said and teleported away.

Yu Yan shook his head, thinking that Su Yan might have been coaxed.

Su Yan collected the children's test papers.

Zi Qi took it from her hand and said, "I am the most familiar with marking. You take the children to eat something good and make up for it. You will be very tired after this exam."

Su Yan was stunned... In this group of kids, except for Putao and Shiyi who were answering the questions seriously, the others were waiting for Putao and playing at the same time. Some of them even tore the papers in half.

"You are a loving father!" Su Yan was really speechless.

He shouted and took the children to eat, drink and play in the garden.

When Zi Qi was reviewing the papers, Zong Sili came over and picked them up to take a look. The answers were all the same.

"Except for Xiao Shiyi, they all got the same question wrong." Zi Qi smiled and handed him a paper.

"Ashamed, ashamed." Zong Si said politely, "I will discipline you strictly when you turn around."

"124356×8942 is really not easy to calculate."

"If you don't talk about the children, her talent is gone, you know!"

"I know."

"Has it been taken away by someone?"

"How much do you know about Yuan Mo?"

"The God-killing Clan. Some say that after the ancient gods fell, the descendants they gave birth to were Yuan Demons. There is also a theory that the heaven and earth came into being, and the birth of Yuan Demons was the time of the war between gods and demons. There are various other legends... But no matter which one , Yuan Demon is the natural enemy of the gods. The power of Yuan Demon is to devour, and it cannot be devoured without talent.

Could it be! Did she meet Yuan Mo? ! "

"She gave birth to a Yuan Mo."

The extra update is here~~Xiao Xuanzi rubbed her hands together and continued coding quickly! !

(End of chapter)

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