Chapter 396 Special Host


[Host, Xiaomei received a task from the main system. 】Xiaomei reminded Su Yan.

Su Yan prepared the test papers for the monthly exam and was about to summon the children when she heard Xiao Mei's reminder and stopped temporarily, "What mission?" 】

[Biocidal virus. A child-bearing virus starts with one million child-bearing points. The more powerful the child-bearing virus is, the more points will be awarded. 】

Su Yan curled her lips, "She's quite good at calling people." So is the childbirth virus this time the same as last time? 】

【no. This time it is another malignant virus that uses the continent where the biological system is located as the medium of transmission. Not only the 9908 continent, but also other continents. 】

【Well! It won't be the same as the time with the Zerg, right? 】Su Yan is really afraid of this kind of system-wide disaster.

[It is different from the insect virus that broke out throughout the system. The emergence of child viruses is normal for the main system and has limitations. It is limited to the child system and can be disinfected. And not every continent has it. Continents that have not introduced the birth system definitely do not have the birth virus. Even if they do, there are still people who are not infected with the birth virus. 】

[Is there any continent where the childbirth system has been introduced in the Beast World? 】

[The continents with biological subsystems in the Beast World account for 64%. This is the latest data. 】

【What about other worlds? 】 Su Yan took a pencil on the blank paper, casually wrote the number 64%, and then played with the pen barrel.

[Not in the demon world, not in the human world, not in the Shura world, not in the original world, not in the virtual world, and is being released in the divine world. 】

The pen in Su Yan's hand suddenly fell on the table, [Wait a minute, you said that the God Realm has also launched a childbirth system? 】

[Yes, the host has a great contribution to the success of the launch. 】

[…It’s not the data of my fourteenth and fifteenth births, right? 】

When Xiao Twelve was born, although he had divine status, he was at the holy level.

Later, under Xiaomei's ten thousand years of teaching, he advanced to the divine level. And with the godhead, the advancement was smooth, not even a catastrophe.

The cubs who truly took on the form of divine beasts and led to godhood were Little Fourteen, Little Fifteen and Little Seventeen. But Xiao Qi was born ten thousand years later, so the data is not that early.

Xiaomei replied: [Yes, the host can successfully escape the time reversal with the children only with the tacit approval of the system. 】

[…] Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from the system.

[After the time reversal, the God Realm began trial delivery. After a thousand years of trial launch, the official launch began. 】

[Well, other circles can understand that either the environment is harsh, or it is too advanced and cannot be reached by the system. But why not in the human world and the demon world? 】

【unnecessary. Fertility in the human world is normal, and the child-bearing system has no value in existence. In the demon world, the patron saint of the demon world does not agree to release it. 】

Su Yan remembered the release agreement signed by 009821 with the Beast God and the system... It seems that the patron saint of the Beast World is the Beast God.

Who is the patron saint of the demon world?

Su Yan came up with an idea and threw it aside.

[Do birth systems in other continents also need to be disinfected? 】Su Yan felt that even if there were rewards, this didn't seem to be the job that the childbirth system should do, "That supervision system of yours, this is their job." 】

[Yes host, only Xiaomei received the anti-virus command. 】 Xiaomei replied.

Su Yan suddenly felt that a big pot fell from the sky, "Is it because you are special?" 】

[Because the host has not given birth for more than three months and the fertility data currently provided is extremely valuable, the main system lists the host as a special birth host and can directly assign other tasks related to the birth system. 】

[…] She doesn’t give birth to babies, but she actually becomes a special host! In the past, those who did not have children for more than three months would be terminated from rebirth on earth. She didn't care whether she could be reborn this time, so she didn't take the three-month restriction seriously. She didn't expect it to be here waiting for her.

[I’m not busy raising babies! Where is the time? 】

[Raising cubs is not within the scope of the childbirth system’s responsibilities. Of course, Xiaomei also likes raising babies. 】Xiaomei immediately made it clear that she and Su Yan were on the same side, it was all the fault of the main system!

Su Yan was speechless.

【000 is here. 】Xiaomei reminded Su Yan.

Su Yan immediately teleported out of the Beast Palace and saw 000 and Zi Qi facing each other. The atmosphere was a bit condensed. Afraid of a conflict between them, Su Yan hurriedly went over, "Well, Xiaomei has already told me, does the inspector have anything to add?"

000 took out a folder from his briefcase and handed it to Su Yan, "This is where you are going. Just ask Xiaomei to contact me after you are done. I will help you apply for the corresponding reward points based on the completion of the task. All points losses during this period will be borne by the system. The host will need to pay in advance, and the reimbursement will be reviewed and reimbursed in the future. "

Su Yan took the folder, it was so thick...

000 caressed Zi Qi's chest and saluted, "Your Majesty the Beast Emperor, I wish you a happy life."

It turned into a data shadow and left.

Zi Qi frowned slightly, took the folder from Su Yan's hand, opened it and looked at it. It was full of mainland names.

"What's this?"

"A continent with a childbearing virus. Because I haven't been pregnant for more than three months, the system determined that I was a special host and asked me to participate in other tasks."

As Su Yan said this, she leaned into Zi Qi's arms and acted coquettishly, seeking comfort.

Zi Qi hugged her and patted her back gently, "I'll go with you."

"No need. To put it bluntly, the killer virus is a data war, and Xiaomei will solve it. Not to mention you, even I can't help." Su Yan hugged Zi Qi, "You are here to keep an eye on the children during their monthly exams. They, I will go to the Dark Continent and kill the birth virus in our area first, so that you can deal with the third demon king."

"Well, when you get to the Dark Continent, let Linyuan accompany you."

"It depends on the situation." Su Yan replied. In fact, it was more convenient for her to be alone. If she couldn't fight, she could just run away.

After Xiao Shi was summoned, he handed a letter to Su Yan. It turns out that there is also a birth virus in the abyss, and it is very powerful. Farr asked her to go there.

Su Yan hurriedly looked at the list of mainland China infected with the childbirth virus that 000 gave her, and sure enough, Abyss was also on the list.

[Let’s go to the Dark Continent first. 】Su Yan couldn't wait any longer and said to Xiaomei.

With the support of the main system, Xiaomeihua’s points are a joy, [Yes, host. 】

The dark continent, the land of divine heritage.

After going to the Shura Realm, the blackness of the Dark Continent is nothing.

[The host, the childbirth virus is in the temple in front, which is supported by a pillar. The host transforms into an animal body and goes in, getting as close to it as possible. 】

【OK. 】 Su Yan transformed into a mouse and teleported to the pillars of the palace.

Just as she was about to enter the hall, Su Yan stopped and looked at the pillar, "Xiaomei, help me see, what is the material of this pillar?" 】

[The host is lucky. This is Ten Thousand Years Ice Jade. Although the outside has been completely worn away by the demonic energy of the Dark Continent, the core of the pillar inside is a cold crystal, intact, a rare treasure of heaven and earth. 】

[After killing the virus, collect it again. You hide first, I'm going in. 】Su Yan also put away the system map and slipped in along the corner.

As soon as she entered the palace, Su Yan was almost fainted by the stench.

I saw pieces of beast corpses in the hall, which had long since rotted, with maggots crawling everywhere, and some even turned into pupae or broke out into black moths...

Su Yan was busy and went out again.

No, she can't go down this road, so she should enter through other entrances.

After wandering around the periphery of the dilapidated temple, I finally came to another entrance.

"Send more female beasts over, preferably female orcs."

(End of chapter)

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