Chapter 401 Qing Linghuan’s Fury (Part 1)

Seeing that the hunters had disappeared, Su Yan lowered her head and looked at her own was indeed quite weird.

[Xiao Mei, should we leave now or look for a parasitic fetus? 】

[I have reported the detailed data of the parasitic fetus virus and this continent to the main system. A special correspondent will be arranged there to take over the follow-up investigation. Let's continue to the next continent. There is no need to waste time here. 】

【Well! Xiaomei, I forgot one thing. 】

【What's up? 】

[I forgot to send Farr’s children back to him. He must be going crazy now. 】

[Does the host want to see what Far is doing now? 】

【How many points? 】

[Hehe~ Just find 000 for reimbursement when the time comes. 】

【Very appropriate! 】

After Su Yan packed her things, she asked Xiaomei to teleport to the next continent.

In the Holy Palace, Fal's face was haggard and his body was thin, as if he was terminally ill.

Ethan crossed his arms across his chest and looked at him with a smile, "I finally understand how I feel about losing my beloved son. It's not easy to come out!"

"Get out!" Farr's voice was hoarse and weak.

"Okay, if that doesn't work, go to mainland 9908 and bring all the children back."

"She can summon the children back with just a thought. You have to wait for her to send the children back."

"How about... I'll take you to relax."

"where to?"

"Maple Garden."

"Isn't that Gouldlin's love affair? If Yan Yan knew about it, I'm afraid she wouldn't return the child to me."

"You don't want to do anything, just change your appearance, just drink and have fun, and investigate Gouldlin's smuggling incident."

"...That's okay. But let's agree first that we can't be as big-mouthed as Luo Chuan and spit out everything."

"Hahaha, Luochuan was so beaten that he didn't even dare to come up."

"Hmph! Let's go."

Su Yan stopped before watching the video Xiaomei gave her and sneered, "You still want to drink flower wine without telling me?" 】

Xiaomei added fuel to the fire, [It seems that the beast husband is living a good life without his host and children. 】

[More than just good, this is called moisturizing! I work hard to do the task, but they are happy and free! 】 Su Yan originally wanted to send the children back to him immediately. Since his life was so rich and unrestrained, we would talk about it later.

Su Yan came out of the teleportation array.

What I saw face to face was a group of phantom monsters!

This is hitting the muzzle of the gun.

Su Yan did not use Xiao Fengning and killed these phantom beasts herself. It was not until the "Tai Yi Jue" energy in her body was exhausted that she removed Xiao Hao and Xiao Fengning together.

Commanded the eldest and youngest sons, "Kill all these monsters!"

Realistic version of killing monsters and upgrading.

Xiao Hao immediately screamed with excitement and rushed into the group of phantom beasts...

Xiao Fengning was held by Su Yan to prevent him from accidentally hurting Xiao Hao.

As for Xiao Mei, she also discovered the location of the childbirth virus and asked Su Yan to stop fighting for the time being and go over to kill the childbirth virus because the virus was about to evolve.

If it evolves, Mei will waste more data energy by killing it.

Now the energy of the child-killing virus is paid for by them in advance, and they can save it if they can. In the future, if you encounter someone who is difficult to bite but don't have the strength to kill it, you will be in trouble.

Su Yan put away Xiaohao and Xiaofengning and headed towards the birthplace of the virus.

The closer to the birth virus, the more phantom monsters there are.

In the end, Su Yan had to turn into a white mouse and teleport forward, shrinking her body target and reducing her sense of existence. [Xiaomei, why did this childbirth virus create so many phantom monsters? It feels like this continent is about to be invaded by phantom monsters. 】

[Yes, the host. Even the birth system and the host in Continent 7003 were swallowed up by the birth virus, so it has the energy to evolve. 】

【…so serious. 】

[Host, Xiaomei needs to use your body this time. 】

【Um. 】

Su Yan's mental consciousness entered a state of emptiness, and the tense nerves relaxed at this moment. The waves of fatigue are like a scourge, irresistible. Just when she was about to rest, Xiaomei returned her body to her.

【nailed it? 】

[Yes, the host can handle the phantom beast. 】

[Killing all the way, it feels like the childbirth virus we encountered for the first time is the easiest. As soon as the virus mother body died, the phantom monsters also exploded themselves, cleanly. 】

【yes. The host can also summon other cubs. There is strength in numbers! Moreover, the highest level of these phantom monsters is only the spiritual level, so they cannot be harmed. 】

[Just in time to gain some practical experience. 】 Su Yan summoned all the children with strong fighting abilities, even Xiao Ba, who was still in the egg, came to direct the little golden dragon lying on the egg shell to work.

Xiao Fourteen and Xiao Fifteen, these two nine-tailed sky fox cubs, Su Yan gritted her teeth and refused to let go, hoping that 000 would reimburse him for the large amount of childbirth points.

Su Yan asked Xiaomei to pay attention to these little guys.

And she carried Xiao Fengning to a place a little further away, where there was a large group of phantom beasts.

Xiao Fengning directly released the Tao Tzu, and the sea of ​​flames burned in pieces. When those phantom monsters touched the Tao Tzu fire, they immediately turned into a wisp of gray smoke and dissipated.

Xiao Shisi stared at the huge Tao Zhu in the air for a while.

The beautiful obsidian fox eyes gradually narrowed, and he began to mutter something.

Thunderclouds began to gather in the sky…

Su Yan looked at the thunderclouds in the sky, feeling a little confused, and asked Xiao Mei, "What is this?" 】

[Jie Yun, who wants to survive the tribulation? 】Xiaomei observed the little cubs.

In the end, it was discovered that the calamity cloud was directly above Xiao Shili's head, "It's Xiao Shili." 】

Su Yan immediately came back with Xiao Fengning in her arms.

Looking at Xiao Shisi's nine tails, swaying, a faint shadow of a nine-tailed sky fox appeared behind him...

Secretly thinking that something was wrong, he quickly teleported over and said to Xiao Shisi: "Son, stop!"

Little Fourteen didn't seem to hear it.

Su Yan suddenly became anxious. It was obvious that Xiao Sisi had used some powerful secret.

He hurriedly said to Xiao Shiwu: "Let your father come down."

"What did mom say?" Xiao Fifteen looked cute. She was quite curious about what Xiao Fourteen was going to do.

Su Yan hurriedly put the other children into the space first, and Xiao Fengning also put them away, leaving only Xiao Fourteen and Xiao Fifteen.

As for the endless waves of phantom monsters around, Xiaomei was directly ordered to [clear them out! 】

Forty million childbirth points evaporated instantly!

Su Yan raised her head to look at the calamity clouds in the sky, and said in an extremely serious tone to Xiao Shiwu, "Do you know the rules of protecting seedlings of pure blood? Summon your father."

Xiao Shiwu was frightened by Su Yan and immediately bit off one of his snow-white tails and started to summon...

At the same time, the phantom of the nine-tailed fox behind Little Fourteen became clearer and larger. The calamity clouds in the sky seemed to be not only thunder, but also other things that were forming rapidly. Su Yan didn't understand those things, but she was very frightened in her heart. .

Xiaomei was unusually quiet.

【Xiaomei? 】

[Host, do you still remember the secret of Little Fourteen’s talent? 】

[Earth element secrets, fire element complete rules secrets, bloodline inheritance nine-tailed fox secrets, wind system rules secrets, space secrets, Golden Marrow Pill upgrade to high rules destruction fragment secrets... What do you mean? 】

[He should have triggered the secret of the supreme rules. 】

I could have updated it earlier, but it turned out that little Xuanzi ate something unclean, which caused her to suffer from stomach problems, which made the babies wait for a long time. I’m sorry~Bi Xinxin...

Night owl darlings, go to bed early after reading this~~

(End of chapter)

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