Chapter 442 Zi Qi’s Weakness

Su Yan stayed in Qilin Court for half a month and welcomed Xiao Twelve's envoy who ascended to the divine world.

The heads of the major families are here, including the Dragon Clan, the Qingluan Feng Clan, the White Tiger Clan, the Giant Ape Clan... and some hidden demon cultivators.

For hundreds of thousands of years, no one in the demon world has been able to ascend to the divine world.

They all thought that the God Realm had given up on their Demon Realm, and that there might never be any more demons who would become gods.

Unexpectedly, a junior appeared in the Qilin clan. He was not yet an adult, and was still a cub about to ascend to the divine world.

They all look forward to Qilin Yuan giving them a good start, and giving the top saints of other tribes a chance to reach the divine realm.

It's not because the divine world is so good, or that one can live as long as heaven and earth in the divine realm. But after entering the divine level, the aura of the demon world is far from enough to support cultivation.

Divine energy and spiritual energy are completely different energies of heaven and earth.

A colorful and auspicious light fell from the sky.

The oil lamp in Su Yan's space suddenly moved.

She took out the oil lamp.

Qing's voice came from the oil lamp, "Disciple, disciple, give the lamp to Xiao Twelve, I'm going to the God Realm."

Su Yan looked at Xiao Twelve and Zhu Sanlang who were surrounded by the Qilin clan members, and whispered: "I can also go to the God Realm now."

"It's different. Going up this path to the gods will be of great benefit to me."

"What's the benefit?"

"Generally, after a new **** has gone through the God Ascension Tribulation, his soul will inevitably be damaged by thunder. These auspicious divine lights can repair the spirit. Xiao Twelve is an auspicious beast, and the damage to him from the God Ascension Tribulation is negligible, so this divine light is It’s a waste for him.”

"...Master's plan is quite accurate. I just want to go up with my son. Master will protect him personally until I go to find my son and get the oil lamp back."

"No problem, he is also my biological disciple."

"You also know that I am your apprentice. Every time something happens, you reach out to fish for me. It's me who fishes for you."

"Hehe~ Don't you have a little beauty?"

Su Yan put the oil lamp into a small storage bag and called to Xiao Twelve, "Come to Mom."

Xiao Twelve immediately came to Su Yan and said, "Mom."

Su Yan opened the small storage bag and took out the oil lamp, "You can help my mother keep this thing temporarily, and then return it to my mother when she comes to the God Realm to find you, okay?"

"Okay mom." Xiao Twelve put on the small storage bag obediently.

Su Yan hugged him and looked at the divine envoy who came out of the auspicious divine light. It was a huge green-gold unicorn.

The whole body is green and golden, and it is majestic and exudes the pressure of the rules of the top ancient beasts.

All the monsters involuntarily knelt on the ground. This was a natural surrender when facing a higher existence than themselves.

Su Yan held Xiao Twelve in her arms, raised her head with difficulty, and looked at Shi Qilin, "Master Divine Envoy, my son will trouble you."

Shi Qilin didn't speak, just looked at her.

"Son?" Su Yan patted Xiao Twelve.

Xiao Twelve immediately hugged Su Yan, "Mom, I don't want to leave you."

"Good boy, our little Twelve has grown up, and you can go to Tianhu Mountain to play with Little Fourteen and Little Fifteen. Also, during the monthly exams, mother will also summon you back. Don't think that it will be a different time. There is no place to study, you know?”

"I understand, mother." Xiao Twelve said coquettishly.

The young body flew towards the colorful auspicious light.

Shi Qilin's majestic body flew towards the God Realm with Xiao Twelve on his back.

Zhu Sanlang held Su Yan in his arms, "Can you really summon him back?"

"Of course." Su Yan smiled and said, "Just think that your son has left home to practice. In fact, it is almost the same. You must also work harder and strive to ascend as soon as possible."

"Well, do you want to go back to Yunmeng Island?"

"I have to go back to the beast world, where I'm still waiting for news about Xiao Twelve."

"..." "I'll be back tomorrow."


Since Xiao Twelve passed through the Tribulation of Ascension to God, Zi Qi has always looked at Xiao Qi and even hugged him, because he felt that Xiao Qi might be leaving him soon.

Xiao Qi ran in from outside, "Father, I want to go to Uncle Zong's house with Qi Qi to play."

"Huh? Let them come into the palace." Zi Qi did not let go and hugged Xiao Qi tightly, who was excited and struggling when he heard that he was about to go out.

Xiao Qi teleported to Zi Qi's head, "Father seems unhappy?"

Zi Qi said: "My father doesn't want you to leave too soon. My father has waited for thousands of years to bring you back."

Xiao Qi patted her chest and said categorically: "Father, don't worry, Xiao Qi will never leave. Xiao Qi will stay with his father for the rest of his life. He will be his father's daughter in life and his heart and soul in death."

"Come down here." Su Yan came back from outside and happened to hear Xiao Qi talking nonsense again.

Caught her off Zi Qi's head. She was put into the system space, [Xiaomei, cure her acting energy! 】

Xiaomei was worried that no one would test the game, [Okay host, I'll put her on the Sea of ​​Broken Blades map. 】

"Mom, I want to go in too." Xiao Qi also said.

"Go, your Auntie Xiaomei's newly developed map needs to be tested." Su Yan took Xiaoqi into it.

Xiaojin also swam down from Xiaoba's eggshell...

Su Yan took them in as well.

"...Can you also take me in?" Zi Qi saw that all his children were gone, and the panic of separation from his children became more obvious.

Su Yan was speechless, "Xiao Twelve ascended to the divine world, and I don't feel sad for you even when I see Zhu Sanlang."

Zi Qi took her hand and teleported to Lin Haiyuan.

Walking in the animal forest, listening to the chirping of birds and smelling the fragrance of flowers, my mind gradually calmed down a little, "Yanyan, give me another baby."

Su Yan looked at him and asked seriously: "Are you sure?"

"Well!" Zi Qi squeezed her hand, "I don't care about talent."

Su Yan looked up at him, "Although I have twin uteruses, I may not be able to conceive different fetuses. I was pregnant with Little Pomegranate and Little Seventeen before, because Little Pomegranate was just growing up in my belly temporarily, and she was already pregnant. Take shape."

"...I'm sorry Yanyan." Zi Qi sighed in shame, leaned over and pressed his face against her neck and shoulder, "I was a little panicked."

The hot breath itched, Su Yan's whole body began to tingle...

"Qi, I miss you."

"Didn't Zhu Sanlang feed you?"

It’s so jealous!

"Man! You can be more of a spoiler!"


Zi Qi's external impression has always been that of a perfect beast king with no shortcomings.

But how could such a thing exist?

Through Xiao Twelve's ascension to the divine world, Su Yan discovered Zi Qi's hidden weakness. He is a person who is afraid of loneliness!

If she could always accompany him day and night, he would not covet the children.

But she was destined not to.

If only one beast husband was needed to complete the upgrade of the childbirth system, she would not leave the rat tribe.

From the beginning, she and him used each other. He wanted to have children, and she wanted his children's talent to upgrade the child-bearing system and earn child-bearing points.

An unexpected jihad journey gave her a different relationship with him.

She has experienced unreserved lingering to the death, shared hardships, and also experienced partings in life and death... In the end, she became an indispensable support for her.

As long as he asks for a child, she will never refuse.

More updates are coming~

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