Chapter 479 Generating the Sun and the Moon


They were two white oval eggs that were larger than ostrich eggs, exuding colorful brilliance, and a thin and small black mouse!

Su Yan took the Hui Yuan Dan and regained her strength. He touched the two warm white eggs, finally picked up the little black mouse and fell silent.

"Yanyan, give it to me." Wen Jin looked at the little black mouse with longing eyes, as if it was his own.

Su Yan looked at the little black mouse. Its eyes were still covered with a layer of turbid gray film, and the true eye color could not be seen. They were blurry.

He said to Wen Jin: "She is a girl. She has no talent, she is just a mouse."

Speaking of which, this is the same as her real body, a little female rat with no talent.

"It doesn't matter." Wen Jin held up the little one and said, "I will take good care of her."

"Where are you going to raise her?" Su Yan looked at the two eggs that exuded colorful divine light. There was no doubt that these two eggs were going to be sent back to Yu Hao.

Because hatching them requires Yuhao's Kunpeng Yuan Power.

"She is very weak. She is definitely not good in the Shura world." Su Yan said.

"I'm usually in the Beast King's capital."

"It's better that I raise it myself. Although this little guy is not well developed, he is still very lucky. He was almost eaten by his elder brother and sister."

"Brother and sister, have you eaten?"

"Yes. According to my physique, I should have multiple children in each pregnancy. But in fact, it is based on the nutrients I can absorb, which determines how many children I can have. This was almost the same when I was pregnant with your son and Xiaomi Qi. , If Xiaomei hadn’t kept interfering, there might not have been Xiaomi Qi.”

"...That is to say, the more nutritious you eat, the more children you will have."

"Not necessarily. For example, after you and I finish playing the game, and there is only one effective bullet, there may be only one bullet."

When Wen Jin mentioned the game, his face turned red and his throat felt dry and hot.

"Why hasn't the godhead descended?" Su Yan kept opening the system map and looking outside.

In the Shura world at this time, there was a dim moon in the sky.

"Wait a minute, is there a moon in the Shura world?" Every time she came here, it was always dark. Even in his Shura palace, there was only a light in the corridor.

Although the moon in the sky is not very bright now, it at least makes the Shura world less dark.

Wen Jin replied: "The reason why the Shura world is dark is that the dark restriction imposed by heaven here can only be broken by the birth of life. And you gave birth to three children here in a row, breaking the restriction, and the sky and the earth became the sun and the moon. From now on, Shura The world is no longer dark.”

Su Yan was stunned, "If it's so easy to expel the darkness, why has no life been born here before?"

"What kind of female does Yan Yan think can give birth here?"

"I'm just a holy-level female."

"Yan Yan, don't underestimate the childbirth system in your body. She is so powerful that it can compete with the law of heaven."

【Yeah? Xiaomei? 】 Su Yan asked Xiaomei.

Xiao Mei hurriedly said: [Thank you! you flatter me! Xiaomei is just a small childbirth system. 】

【…Excessive humility is pride! 】

"Okay, I don't understand anyway." Su Yan's mental strength was very tired now, so she took the little black mouse into the system first and asked Xiao Mei to nurse her body.

Wen Jin suddenly became nervous when he saw that the little black mouse was gone, "Didn't you promise to give it to me?"

"Huh? When did I agree?" Su Yan thought about it for a moment, but now she was so mentally weak that she felt like she had been fragmented and couldn't remember.

Wen Jin was very sure: "You promised to give me the youngest one, and you can't break your promise. Otherwise, I will keep the two older ones too."

Su Yan was happy, "I have to tell Yuhao that this is his daughter."

"..." Wen Jin frowned, "Tell him, he might take out his godhead and throw it into the Forbidden Sea, and then come down to raise the child." "That's not true. This little one was almost killed by the little one. Mei was taken back, which shows how poor her talent is."

[Host, Xiaomei just said that it can be recycled, not that Xiaomei wants to recycle it. 】Xiaomei argued hard.

【…Isn’t it different? 】

【no the same! 】

[Okay, okay, it’s different. 】

When Wen Jin heard that the child was going to be recycled, Wen Jin became even more furious, "No! Take her out for me!"

"She is drinking milk." After Su Yan finished speaking, she also put away the two white eggs that were still emitting divine light.

Wen Jin immediately stopped him nervously, "What are you going to do!?"

"This is Yuhao's child. Of course we should send it back to him." She couldn't raise it.

"No, no, please let me think about it first." Wen Jin snatched two Nine Heaven Kunpeng eggs into his arms, "Their birthplace is the Shura Realm, and they are actually the people of the Shura Realm."

"Is there such a thing?" Su Yan yawned, feeling exhausted and her thinking ability plummeting.

Wen Jin nodded vigorously, "Yes! Absolutely! Ask Zi Qi if the beast people's cubs are born in the East District, are they considered to be citizens of the East District?"

Su Yan replied: "There is no need to ask, it is indeed the case."

"That's it. When a child comes out from me, even if it is a citizen of the Shura Realm, it is also my child!" Wen Jin found a good reason for herself, felt proud, and finally left two on the Jiutian Kunpeng egg. , a small black butterfly mark produced by myself.

Su Yan was speechless: "...What is that?"

"Parent-child contract." Wen Jin looked at Su Yan with extremely sincere eyes.

"..." After Yuhao found out, he didn't know what kind of trouble he was going to make.

Su Yan saw the two black butterfly marks slowly seeping into the eggshell and disappearing, and asked: "Will your two butterflies affect their development?"

"No, I will only protect them." Wen Jin replied.

Su Yan couldn't hold it on any longer, "I have to take a nap and go back to mainland 9908 when I wake up."

"Okay." Wen Jin held Jiutian Kunpeng's egg, feeling extremely curious.

"How wonderful it would be if this were really my own!"

Spirit world.

In front of Taiyi Mountain, Yu Hao, who was looking for the ancient tomb of the god, seemed to sense something. He felt anxious and immediately returned to Tianhu Mountain.

Just in time to meet Qing Linghuan coming out of the fox hole.

"What are you doing back here?" Yu Hao's tone was fiery.

"I'm coming back to recuperate!" Qing Linghuan's face suddenly darkened, "You build a house in front of me and I won't care about you. What a tone."

"No, I think something happened to Yan Yan and the children. Please go down to the next world and have a look. I owe you a favor."

"You're the one who got into trouble. You're very beautiful." Qing Linghuan glared at him, but didn't linger any longer and opened the space directly.

When he returned to Zi Qi's Beast Palace, he saw his two children eating and drinking comfortably. The other children were also having fun together, except for Su Yan.

"She went to the Shura world to give birth." Zi Qi said to Qing Linghuan.

"What?" Qing Linghuan was stunned for a moment, then thought of something and opened the space again, "I'm not done with this **** devil!"

More updates are coming~~

(End of this chapter)

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