Chapter 511 Proving that my vision is fine

"That room." Sissixia pointed to the master bedroom where Su Yan was.

Yang Suomi used the assassin's skills to assassinate through stealth.

But as soon as he reached the door of the room, he was blocked by something. A black light flashed very quickly, and Yang Somi turned into data and disappeared!

Wawat and Sisixia froze in place.

At this time, the sound of the elevator arriving at the floor sounded.

The two people quickly recovered, picked up the items dropped by Yang Somi, and quickly ran to the opposite room.

As soon as the door was closed, the cleaning staff came from behind.

Seeing that the door to Su Yan's room was open, she knocked on the door and asked if it needed cleaning.

The staff member who had been controlled finally came back to his senses. But I don’t remember what happened at all. Why are I here?

Seeing the cleaner, he hurriedly said: "Sister Wang, come in and clean the floor."

A scroll also fell on the ground, so I picked it up and placed it on the coffee table in the living room.

Wen Jin is back.

Seeing the 'Cleaned' sign on the door, I pushed the door open and went in.

First, he walked to the door of the master bedroom and closed the ban.

Then quietly opened the door.

Su Yan was lying on the bed, eating 'jelly beans' and browsing the game forum.

When she looked at him, she raised her eyebrows slightly and said in a whisper: "-Goodbye, my brother who fell in love with me at first sight!"

Wen Jin was speechless.

Su Yan also had goose bumps all over her body at the sound of her own voice. In the end, she couldn't hold herself up on the bed and collapsed laughing, "Sissi Xia quite likes you."

Wen Jin put away the 'Jelly Beans' that fell on the bed and folded the messy quilt, "What does it have to do with me?"

"Prove that my vision is fine."


Su Yan stood up quickly, then reached out to him, "I just saw that the Holy Grail Card Ranking has been updated. We are now in 4th place, with a valid number of 40."

Wen Jin gave her the Holy Grail card collection book, "I bought them all."

"Yeah, I know." Su Yan blinked.

But on the ranking list, the Singles Guild, which was originally ranked tenth, disappeared and became the Fenghua Guild. There are a total of 30 Holy Grail card fragments and 4 valid ones in the collection book.

Opening the Holy Grail card collection book, there are some ordinary fragment cards in it, "How come they are all ordinary level."

Wen Jin said: "There are 120 fragments in a set of Holy Grail cards. Normally, they account for 99. Not one of them is missing."

"Why are there so many of them but so few significant numbers?"

"In addition to highly repetitive ordinary cards, there are also duplicate cards that are also easy to buy. They make many copies of the cards in their hands, especially ordinary cards, for exchange."

"Then why don't we also make some copies?" Su Yan said: "Maybe we can get a lot more together just by exchanging copies."

"Well, I'll go to the prop store and buy a copy card."

The King of Beasts, Su Ji Bookstore.

Xiao Fengning came back with Xiao Hao.

Seeing Mo Zui staring at the empty bookshelf, he asked, "Where is my dad? Where are the books?"

Mo Xiu raised his demonic eyebrows and replied boringly: "Your father hasn't come back, and the books have been sold out. Even the few old books have been sold out. I was wondering if I could get something in." Selling other things, young master, what do you want to sell?”

"Brother, what do you think?" Xiao Fengning turned around and threw the question to Xiao Hao.

Xiao Hao replied seriously: "You can go to the North-South Chamber of Commerce to find Uncle Ming. He will definitely know what is easy to sell."

Xiao Fengning said to Mo Si: "Go to the North-South Chamber of Commerce and ask."

After saying that, he turned around and ran away with Xiaohao.

"Little Master, Xiao Hao, please be careful on the road -" Mo Si waved his hand and then yawned. He must have been too lazy to go to the North-South Chamber of Commerce, or else he would have simply closed down. At this time, a tall figure entered the store.

Mo Zuo was stunned, "His Majesty the Southern Emperor?"

"I'm not him." Rong Wu took out an ancient book from his arms, "Do you want to keep this?"

"Oh, it seems that we have this business." Mo Sui took the book, still looking at Rong Wu secretly.

At first glance, he looked like Nanhuang Rongruo, but there was a clear difference between his facial features and his eyes. His unruly aloofness was like an unsheathed sword, with its edge clearly revealed. And he exuded an indifference that would repel people thousands of miles away.

"Who are you from Nanhuang?"

"What does it have to do with you?" Rong Wu frowned, "Where is Boss Wen?"

"He...has been gone for almost two months." Mo Sui just agreed at first and stayed in the bookstore for a few days. He didn't expect that it would take so long, and it would delay his trip to the Southern District to find the Southern Emperor.

"Dead?" Rong Wu was a little surprised. The man looked quite healthy. "Did an accident happen?"

"Dead?" Mo Sui was stunned for a moment, then threw himself on the counter and smiled, "Gone...dead...hahahahaha..."

"Why are you laughing?" Rong Wu frowned. His boss was dead and he smiled so happily. He was not a good person. "This book is almost the same as the one I sold last time. Hurry up."

"Oh." Mo Zuo glanced at it casually, "500 high-grade crystal coins."

"Deal." Rong Wu responded immediately.

"Huh?" Could it be that I was cumming? Mo Zuo looked at him thoughtfully.

Rong Wu took out the empty storage bag and waited to put the crystal coins in it.

Forget it, give it to him. Mo Xi opened the different space, took out a bag of high-grade crystal coins from it, and threw it to Rong Wu, "This is a thousand high-grade crystal coins. Please tell me about your relationship with Nanhuang. The remaining 500 are also yours." "

Rong Wu didn't expect such a good thing.

His relationship with Rongruo is actually not a secret. Anyone who knows him and Rongruo knows it.

"Since you know that he is the Beast King of the Southern District, you should also know his beast body very well."

"Yeah, blue shark."

"The Deep Sea Blue Shark is the body of a water and land beast, and I am the land-born part."

"Then you and him are twin brothers?"

"You can say that." Rong Wu took the crystal coin bag and said, "Thank you."

Turned around and left.

Mo Zuo looked at Rong Wu's back and suddenly narrowed his eyes, his eyes full of interest...


Tomb of Augustus.

After Su Yan put on the divine armor, she saw Wen Jin opening a scroll and looking at it, and asked, "What is that?"

"It's the mission of the Ice Wolf Justice Guild - the White Cage."

"White cage?"

"There is a saying on the forum that the only world card is in the white cage."

"It's obviously in the Black Tower of Doom." Xiaomei set it, but I don't know if the main system has been changed.

"But the white prison is also very difficult to fight. Your son died there twice."

"...Don't say that." Wen Jin patted Su Yan's head, which was wearing a divine helmet, "I can't help but break the white cage now."

"Ah, I have the fighting spirit!" Su Yan said with a smile. She was the one doing the fighting all the way while he walked behind.

"Your son died 18 times in the Black Tower of Doom." Su Yan continued to stimulate Wen Jin.

Wen Jin: "...Why is he so weak!"

Su Yan replied: "No! It's definitely not that your son is weak, it's that Xiaomei set the various data too high, far beyond the normal level of defeat. I guess she didn't want anyone to clear the level at all. Anyway, except for you Son, none of the other children can survive the apocalypse."

I'm not feeling well, good night to my sweethearts~ Will continue to update at noon~

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