Traveling Through the Beast World: Counterattack After Binding the Childbirth System

Chapter 584: Is it a celebration? It's a catastrophe!

 Chapter 584 is a celebration? It's a catastrophe!

 "Old Zhu has survived the tribulation." Ming Linyuan stood beside Su Yan.

Su Yan glanced at him and said, "You only have a little Eleven left. It looks like you are about to ascend. Should you work harder on your cultivation?"

"I didn't want to go to the God Realm. Let's just leave it like this. I have Lao Pei accompanying me." Ming Linyuan looked in the direction of Xiaohao.

Pei Xuan stared at Xiao Hao closely, lest he make any mistake.

A group of god-level cubs were surrounding Xiao Hao happily... It seemed more like a celebration than a tribulation, and they were not afraid of the thunder pillar hitting them.

This is a bit bullying Tianjie!

As a result, the thunder pillar increased its power.

Xiaohao always steadily ate Lei Zhu as a tonic, and burped loudly while eating.

Xiao Fifteen was anxious, "Big brother, big brother, please give me one too."

Xiao Shiwu possesses the mysteries of thunder rules, so she also has a special liking for thunder pillars. Seeing how delicious Xiao Hao is, she also wants to try them.

"Okay, the next one is for you." Xiao Hao responded.

Suddenly, the calamity clouds in the sky seemed to hear the conversation between the brother and sister, and quickly dispersed...

A divine light descended from the sky, and a godhead exuding the rules of thunder and lightning slowly descended.

Xiao Hao flew to catch the godhead.

Pei Xuan's eyes filled with tears when he saw his son becoming a mythical beast.

Su Yan teleported over with Xiao Twelve in her arms. Seeing his excitement, she smiled and said, "What's wrong?"

Pei Xuan endured it for a long time before he finally said: "My son has a great future."

Su Yan: "..."

Accompanied by his younger brothers and sisters, Xiao Hao ascended to godhood as smoothly as if he were playing a game.

Zhu Sanlang is in some trouble here.

Now he has been hit twice by the thunder pillar, which looks quite tragic.

"Why is it so difficult?" Su Yan asked worriedly.

Ming Linyuan replied: "It's normal. He is a hybrid beast and shouldn't have the chance to ascend to the divine world. But a few times of auspiciousness and being a descendant of Qilin, he got the opportunity to ascend. Like me and Lao Pei, we should There’s no chance.”

"I have Xiao Lingdang with me, it doesn't matter." Pei Xuan now doesn't urge Xiao Lingdang to practice at all, and he doesn't even let her practice, for fear that she will go to the God Realm like Xiao Hao.

Su Yan gave them an angry look and said, "You mean what you say."

There is no one who doesn’t want to become a god, but there’s nothing you can do if you don’t have enough talent. Fortunately, the children all worked hard and fulfilled their dream of a mythical beast, and they were very satisfied.

Suddenly, Zhu Sanlang stood up, his whole body covered with Qilin True Fire, burning brightly.

The calamity cloud began to rain down thunder pillars intensively. Zhu Sanlang was able to resist it and flew towards the calamity cloud...

Within the calamity cloud, bursts of explosions were heard, as well as fire, thunder and lightning.

Su Yan couldn't help but worry, "Will he be okay?"

"It'll be okay," Pei Xuan replied, "How about asking the children to come over and help?"

"No need yet."

When Xiao Hao crossed the tribulation, he was originally from the thunder system, and he had eaten countless divine treasures of the thunder system. Not to mention being swallowed by him, even if those thunder pillars really fell on him, they would not be able to break them. A leopard hair came down.

Xiao Shiwu swung his furry tail, "Mom, I want to taste the taste of Jie Lei. Can you go over and take a bite?"

Su Yan was speechless: "..."

People can't avoid her, but she still wants to eat...

"be safe."


Xiao Shiwu immediately teleported above the robbery cloud.

At this moment, the thunder in the calamity cloud disappeared, and Zhu Sanlang fell from the clouds covered in charred black!

Su Yan was startled and then heard Xiao Twelve say: "Daddy has survived the catastrophe."

"Daddy is very powerful, right?" Su Yan hugged him tightly and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Speaking of which, among her fellow beastmen, Zhu Sanlang was the first to ascend to the divine realm.

As for Qing Linghuan and Yu Hao, they are divine beasts. Zhu Sanlang took off the burnt skin on his body, changed his clothes, and restored his previous elegant and indifferent handsome appearance.

"Congratulations." Ming Linyuan sincerely congratulated Zhu Sanlang.

Pei Xuan also said: "In the future, when you ascend to the God Realm, help me keep an eye on Xiao Hao."

"Okay." Zhu Sanlang responded.

Xiao Shiwu flew down with a depressed look on his face.

Seeing this, Su Yan laughed out loud, "Is Tianjie afraid of you? As soon as he saw you going, he immediately withdrew."

Xiao Fifteen looked up at the sky, then at the other brothers and sisters, and finally his eyes fell on Xiao Eleven, "Brother Eleven, when will you survive the tribulation?"

Little Eleven was taking a nap, and there was a small bubble in his nostrils. It grew bigger and smaller as he breathed. Little Bell and Little Belle stared closely at the little bubble...

‘Pa~’ The bubble burst!

Little Eleven looked left and right, "Who called me?"

Xiao Fifteen: "...Brother Eleven, when will you survive the tribulation?"

"Me? How many more years will it take?" Xiao Eleven replied.

"It's boring." Xiao Wu came to Xiao Shi's side and played with her.

Little Eleven: "Huh?"

After Zhu Sanlang's godhood arrived, he was immediately summoned to the divine world. There were even people from the Qilin tribe waiting to pick him up in the God Realm.

Holding Su Yan tightly, who was pregnant with his child, Zhu Sanlang didn't want to go to the God Realm at all.

But the call from the divine realm cannot be disobeyed.

His body has soared towards the God Realm completely uncontrollably.

"Yan Yan, I will leave Yunmeng Island to you. Take good care of yourself and your children."

"I know, take care of yourself too—"

Su Yan waved her hand at Zhu Sanlang.

Xiaohao also wants to ascend to the divine realm. But with other god-level brothers and sisters accompanying him, it was really lively and he ran away happily.

"It's not up to the parents when the children grow up." Su Yan looked at the children who would soon disappear, sighing, and raised her hand to touch her belly.

Ming Linyuan said: "Why don't you feed this thing in your belly to me?"

Su Yan couldn't help but laugh, "This is a little unicorn. It will ascend after birth. There is no way to keep it."

Pei Xuan became more and more proud, holding his little daughter in his hands, "My little bell is better, you can spend more time with me."

Ming Linyuan looked at his eldest son, who was about to be unable to keep him, "Eleven, stop practicing and spend more time with dad, okay?"

"But I want to be with my brothers, sisters, and younger brothers and sisters." Xiao Eleven replied.

"Yan Yan~" Ming Linyuan looked at Su Yan again.

Su Yan smiled and said: "Rebirth is also a divine level. It is better to practice hard and strive to ascend to the divine realm as soon as possible like Sanlang."

Zi Qi didn't say anything after learning that the children had returned to the God Realm.

The call to return to the God Realm has been issued over and over again, but these children just won't leave. Qing Ling came twice but failed to bring the children back.

This time, following Xiao Hao's ascension, the envoys who were guiding him were inevitably frightened by a group of them.

"Jian is here." Zi Qi said to Su Yan.

Su Yan replied: "I know, he also went to Yunmeng Island, was stabbed twice by me, and ran away."

"...You can't kill him."

"I know. But letting him taste what he wants but not getting is torture."

Su Yan looked at Xiaodian playing with Xiao Fengning outside.

Dear darlings, please take one by one~~Good night~~

(End of this chapter)

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