Chapter 592: Bad intentions

“Yan Yan, do you know Li Nai?” Qing Ling entered the delivery room full of energy.

Su Yan's expression calmed down, "I don't want to see this person now, so it's best not to mention it."

The anger on Qing Linghuan's face disappeared and she looked at Su Yan, "You don't like him?"

Su Yan nodded, "Yes."

[If the host doesn’t like it, we won’t want him. 】

【Huh? It’s so strange that Xiaomei still has a day to give up data. 】

[Xiaomei feels that he may be a threat to the host. 】Xiaomei's tone was a little cautious.

【threaten? ] This was the first time for Su Yan to hear her evaluate a male so seriously.

[Xiaomei feels that his understanding of the main system is extraordinary. He doesn't agree with the main system entering the demon world. There must be other reasons. 】

[You want to investigate him? 】

[Perhaps there is relevant data in the main system. Should the host go to the Dark World Continent or other worlds? 】

[Well, let’s go to the Dark World Continent later. The points will be deducted less. 】

[Good host. 】

Three months later, Su Zhai.

Su Yan hugged little Tiantian and touched his fluffy and soft fur, unable to put it down.

Said to Qing Linghuan: "I'm going to the game world, you..."

Qing Linghuan looked aggrieved, "I hate the Godhead!"

Su Yan laughed out loud, "I'll be back soon. I also have two little Qilins as a reward for giving birth to children, and I have to go to the outside world to cash it in. After a long time, if the main system doesn't give it to me, I will suffer a big loss."

"Okay. Those two little Qilins?" Qing Linghuan rubbed his hands.

Su Yan shook her head, "Since the full moon passed, our ancestors sealed off Qilin Mountain in order to protect these two children, and the elders could only find a place to stay outside the mountain.

The last time I went to see the children of the Qilin tribe, I had to make an appointment with my ancestors first. Zhu Sanlang could see the two of them at any time, but as he succeeded Queen Qilin, all kinds of general affairs in the clan fell on him, so he was quite busy.

In fact, the main reason was that the ancestors wanted to teach Shi Qilin's inheritance, and Xiao Twelve also followed suit. Don't bother me too much. "

"You are the child's mother, and they are too overbearing." Qing Linghuan said angrily.

Su Yan couldn't help but smile: "You were similar before."

"I didn't." Qing Linghuan denied.

Su Yan lowered her head and kissed Xiao Tiantian, "It doesn't matter, I used to be angry with you, and relied on the system function of summoning heirs to force you to submit to me. I'm sorry~"

After saying that, Su Yan stood up on her tiptoes and kissed his chin tenderly.

With a pair of big dark eyes, Xiao Tiantian turned around and teleported away from Su Yan's arms.

Seeing that her youngest son was so sensible, Qing Ling would not let go of the opportunity. She immediately picked up Su Yan and returned to the fox cave...

Yuhao returned to Su's house and saw that only Xiao Tiantian and Xiao Beier were playing, and asked, "Where is your mother?"

Just as Little Beier was about to answer, Little Tiantian stepped forward and said, "Dad is very angry about the Qilin tribe occupying two little sisters."

"They went to the Qilin tribe?"

"Not sure." Xiao Tiantian replied.

Little Belle only knew that her mother and Qing Linghuan hugged her and left together, but she didn't know where they were going, so she shook her head.

Yuhao had no choice but to give up for the time being and went back to the house to find two eggs to hatch...

Dark World Continent. Su Yan came out of the player hotel.

This time she was alone, without a single child in the system space, and felt a different kind of relaxation.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully giving birth to the twenty-seventh child, gender (female), animal body (pure-blood Qilin), talent (super **** level), secrets (space rule secrets, thunder secrets, earth secrets, wood System rules secrets, water system rules secrets, golden marrow elixir upgrading transformation rules. ), father beast (unicorn dragon scale beast), reward (childbirth points 300,000,000. Childbirth system upgrade points 200,000,000) childbirth spree. 450 copies, 100 copies of the Mother Talent Scroll. 】

[Congratulations to the host for successfully giving birth to the twenty-eighth child, gender (female), animal body (pure-blood Qilin), talent (super **** level), secrets (space rule secrets, thunder secrets, earth secrets, wood System rules secrets, water system rules secrets, golden marrow elixir upgrading transformation rules. ), father beast (unicorn dragon scale beast), reward (childbirth points 300,000,000. Childbirth system upgrade points 200,000,000) childbirth spree. 450 copies, 100 copies of the Mother Talent Scroll. 】

[Are these two exactly the same? 】

[Yes, host. Identical twins will have the same talent if they are well-nourished. However, Shi Qilin's bloodline inheritance is not within the scope of statistics. 】

"Hurry up, Dugu and Wu Lian Luo have a duel."

"Really or not, aren't they on the same team?"

"I heard that when they were a team, they fought endlessly every day. It's not unusual to see them today."

...Several players on the roadside stared at the virtual game screen lively.

Su Yan stopped and opened the world forum in the game.

As expected, information about Dugu and Wulianluo was everywhere.

These two people were originally a team called Light and Shadow. The leader was a randomly matched NPC, and the other three team members were the same. In fact, they were just two real players.

But just the two of them, with four NPCs, reached the level all the way, and then passed the level to become a god.

Su Yan looked at the appearance of these two people and fell silent!

Isn't this Jian and the Demon King... No, it should be the Demon Lord now.

Okay, you came here to play games. The country you worked so hard to build is not as fun as games?

Su Yan couldn't understand.

However, she was still quite interested in watching the duel between these two people.

Su Yan found a Western pastry teahouse, ordered some tea, sat down by the window, and turned on the live broadcast channel to watch the duel between the two.

The location is in a place called Miasma Mire.

Without protection, even a max-level player wouldn't be able to withstand it for ten minutes, and all his health packs would be lost in minutes.

The player labeled Dugu is none other than Jian, who has not even changed his face and is holding a black giant sword.

Su Yan felt sick when she saw the sword. It seemed that he had already replaced Wen Jin and was lurking beside her.

The Demon Lord is wearing a nine-magic armor suit, which looks very majestic.

[Xiaomei, can you kill both of them here? 】

[Xiaomei is a childbirth system. If the host is pregnant and these two threaten the host's life, Xiaomei can trigger the strongest combat power and strongest defense. If it were now, even if they launched an attack on the host, Xiaomei would only take the host out of this world. 】

【OK. By the way, have you found any information about Li Nai? 】

[Xiaomei contacted 000 and he said he would come over to the host to discuss the matter. 】

【oh? ] Actually asked 000 to come forward. It seems that Li Nai really has something to do with the system.

Talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrives.

000 has short silver-gray hair, a casual striped shirt, dark gray slim trousers, and casual shoes of the same color. He is holding a briefcase that has not changed for thousands of years and stands opposite Su Yan.

"Congratulations to the host, you are blessed with a pair of Qilin cubs. This is a special reward given to the host by the system!" 000 took out a check from the briefcase with 5 billion birth points written on it.

"I feel like the weasel is not kind to the rooster when it comes to New Year greetings." Su Yan took the check, and her childbirth points immediately increased by 5 billion.

The total points are now - 511, 597, 421, 368.

(End of chapter)

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