Chapter 648 Xiaomei’s new invention


Su Yan and Rongruo stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the northwest palace that Xiao Mei mentioned.

Now it has disappeared.

What replaced it was a long river that meandered like a snake - Mangui Tomb. The rolling yellow water was churning with sand and the water was huge.

【Xiaomei? what to do? 】Su Yan almost wanted to give up. Curiosity can be present, but it cannot be unlimited.

Xiaomei scanned the Ten Thousand Ghost Tombs in front of her and said to Su Yan in surprise: [The Northwest Palace is underwater and submerged. The host goes in and takes a look. If he can't find it, it's not too late to give up. 】

Su Yan looked at Rongruo who was standing aside, "It's up to you to take action. Let the water recede first to reveal the palace relic below."

Rong Ruo is a quasi-sea god. Controlling water is as simple as breathing, "Open!"

The dim and ferocious river water suddenly became extremely tame and quietly receded into the distance, revealing the Northwest Palace under the water.

The dilapidated Northwest Palace has lost its prosperity in retrospect. Only the four large gold characters on the door remain, indicating the identity of this ruined building.

Su Yan said to Rong Ruo: "I'll go down and take a look. You can stand guard here to prevent any ghosts from the Ten Thousand Ghost Tombs from coming."

Rong Ruo had experienced Su Yan's power in Guiteng Linhai, so he was not worried about her safety. In fact, she always underestimated her own strength sometimes. If she really had to fight with all her life, even the God would give her three points.

Not to mention anything else, the treasure on his body is enough to make people fear him and not dare to provoke him.

The last time Xiao Qi returned to Haiwang Palace, she whispered to him - the God Clan now has an unwritten rule, no one can mess with the Goddess!

Su Yan turned into a little white mouse and cautiously approached the Northwest Palace.

Rongruo looked at her little appearance with a smile on her face, "It's quite good to be confused!"

This river is called the Tomb of Ten Thousand Ghosts because there are thousands of water ghosts hiding in it.

A big ghost noticed something unusual here and came to see what was going on.

But when he saw the faint divine light radiating from Rong Ruo's body, he turned around and ran away, and even decided not to come to this water area for at least a thousand years!

Su Yan said to Xiaomei: "This shabby place will completely collapse as soon as I come in, right?" 】

Xiao Mei replied: [Host, don’t worry, Xiao Mei will protect you. 】

Only then did Su Yan enter the gate of Northwest Prince's Mansion.

‘Bang Dang—’ The gold-lettered door plaque fell to the ground!

Su Yan was so frightened that her whole body turned white. Then she slowly turned around and looked at the shattered door plaque. She immediately put several defensive talismans on her body. This one was more reliable than Xiaomei...

She opened the system map and even looked underground, searching inch by inch.

She entered a room with broken doors and windows.

There were traces of water soaking everywhere inside. It was a gold animal cage with nothing inside. After Su Yan looked at it for a few times, he put it away and gave it to Zulu to raise some livestock.

On the rotten table, there is a map. Su Yan returned to her human form, picked up the map, shook off the sand on it, and a clear route map suddenly appeared.

After so many years, the Northwest Palace has been in ruins, but it has not been damaged at all. It is conceivable that this map is not ordinary.

[Xiao Mei, please check this map. 】Su Yan put the map into the system space.

Xiaomei was quite excited. She likes this kind of data material the most, [Good host. 】

Su Yan checked the room again. The system map showed that there was a compartment here, and there was a skeleton in it, a human skeleton!

She pushed aside the rotten bookshelf, revealing the compartment at the back, which could also be said to be a secret room.

Because I had seen the skeleton first on the system map, it wasn't that scary.

There is also a table in this secret room, and something should have been placed on it. A dagger was nailed to the table with a bull's-eye.

After Su Yan checked the room, she walked towards the skeleton again. He was lying on the bench by the window, holding a tattered book between his fingers, [Xiaomei, can you restore his appearance? 】

[A possible host. 】Xiaomei responded.

Soon the skeleton transformed into a tall young man with beautiful features in Su Yan's eyes.

Suddenly, the young man stood up.

The dilapidated secret room gradually transformed into a luxurious and elegant room.

The young man walked backwards to the table, pulled out the dagger on the table, and put it into his waist. There is a map on the table. It looks roughly the same as the one Su Yan put away, but there are still some differences in some places.

[Xiaomei, what’s going on? 】

[Hey~ This is Xiaomei’s newly developed detective mode. 】

[Detective mode... You are really a little genius who likes to invent and create~, so now is this a deductive reasoning method that restores the scene? 】

[Yes host. 】

Su Yan laughed. If that's the case, let's follow Xiaomei's abilities and see.

The young man put away the map, and after leaving the secret room, he went to the outside room. This is a study room, densely packed with books, with bookshelves reaching to the roof.

He put the map on the bookshelf, then took out a picture from the gap on the bookshelf and placed it on the desk. And this picture is exactly the one Su Yan put away.

There was an empty teacup on the table. The man picked up the teacup. As he sipped, the tea changed from nothing to half a cup...

[This man had no external injuries. After drinking this cup of tea, he placed a map and lay on a recliner by the window to read. Then he died? 】

[Yes, that is the case at present. 】

Su Yan couldn't find the tea cup, so she couldn't trace back the time of the cup of tea, or even who brought it in.

Time retreats from deductive reasoning.

Su Yan looked at the skeleton in front of her and turned to leave.

And after she left the room, the skeletal head suddenly moved...the dark empty eye sockets seemed to be looking at Su Yan's back!

Su Yan went to other rooms to look for clues.

Xiaomei seemed to like the newly developed deductive reasoning method, and she let Su Yan enter the deduction scene at every turn.

Finally, they came to a better-preserved room.

Su Yan saw a teacup and picked it up... [Eh? Isn't this the tea cup that the man drank from? Actually in this room. 】

Tracing back to the time of the teacup, it was Grandma Hua who finally placed it here.

And it was Grandma Hua who served the young man tea.

There was something painted on the edge of the tea cup by Grandma Hua.

[In a big family, there is danger. A servant may not be a servant, but a murderer. 】 Su Yan picked up the teacup, put it into the system space, and gave it to Xiaomei to study.

【murderer? 】

[Well, that skeleton was originally a living human being. If it is a ghost, even if it has become an entity, it will disappear as it dies, leaving no such carbon-based substance behind. 】

[Xiaomei checked the data of the skeleton and compared it with the human information in the database. It should be a 27-year-old male human. 】

【Um. Okay Xiaomei, we have to go straight to the target to find the skeleton lock. 】Su Yan looked towards the top of the mountain. Rongruo was standing there, like a guardian deity, and a warmth and softness fell in her heart.

Two more updates will be added at 8pm~~Please give me your votes~~

(End of this chapter)

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