Chapter 670 Secret

Li Nai put away the system light screen, took out a bottle of wine from the space, opened the bottle cap and threw it to the woman. He also took another bottle and opened it, "I wish you success."

The woman looked at the wine in her hand, and when she raised her head to drink, she suddenly paused and said, "Change it."

Li Nai raised his head and was about to drink. When he heard her words, he smiled and exchanged words with her, "You Geqihuot tribe are naturally suspicious."

"In the words of you humans, be careful when sailing a thousand-year-old ship." The woman raised her head to drink and drank all the wine in one breath.

But soon I felt dizzy, and my body turned into an insect shape uncontrollably!

She looked at Li Nai in shock and disbelief, "You! You drank an aphrodisiac!"

Li Nai raised his head and took a sip of wine, and said lazily: "It would be fine if you didn't change the wine."

Zerg are very sensitive to aphrodisiacs.

As long as it touches it, it will turn into an insect form, then go into heat and enter a violent state!

"You betrayed our clan!"

"No way, who told you to kill that woman?"


"To put it bluntly, there is no free benefit in the world!" Although the divine body shaped with Hongmeng Qingqi can accommodate the split divine power of other god-level talents, it also has a huge hidden danger.

He cannot do anything unfavorable or rebellious towards Su Yan! Just like if this female insect wants to harm Su Yan, even if she doesn't want to, she will get rid of her for Su Yan.

He has completely become her puppet!

It was really hard for him to accept that he, who controlled the gods like dolls, was reduced to a doll. Leaving the world of gods was actually to escape Su Yan.

If she discovers this secret of his, the result will definitely be extremely dangerous!

The sudden appearance of the insect beast immediately plunged the surrounding area into a screaming commotion.

Li Nai blended into the crowd and wandered along.

After a burst of violent gunfire, he turned back - and saw the violent insect beast, beaten to pieces!

"Ha! This way no one will know, and it won't be considered a betrayal!" Li Nao smiled and continued to move forward, quickly disappearing into the sea of ​​people.

A supermarket on the second floor.

Wen Jin pushed the shopping cart while Su Yan selected the products.

When she is not sure which brand of goods to buy, Su Yan will ask Wen Jin. Wen Jin, on the other hand, simply put several brands into the shopping cart without having to worry about choosing.

Su Yan was very satisfied with this move.

The commotion of insects and beasts in the square outside finally reached here.

Many people immediately left with their shopping carts.

Su Yan looked at Wen Jin, "Should we leave too?"

"Don't be in a hurry, buy slowly." Wen Jin said calmly. For him, dinner was more important than the commotion outside.

When the supermarket saw that the customers had fled and there were still a lot of fresh goods that had not been processed, they immediately started promotions to sell as much as they could.

Otherwise, when the supermarket is closed and a thorough investigation is carried out, these fresh products will be spoiled.

When Su Yan heard about the sale, she and Wen Jin looked at each other, and both saw the surprise of taking advantage of each other's eyes.

"Hello, I want these, can you make them cheaper?" Su Yan pointed to the fresh steaks.

"You can get another 50% off!"

"Get all dressed up!"

Others noticed the two of them's panic buying, and immediately imitated them and started shopping. Some customers who left had the courage to come back and continue shopping when they heard that the supermarket had begun to reduce prices and offer discounts.

After returning to her residence from the supermarket, Su Yan lay down tiredly on the sofa to rest.

Wen Jin took out large and small bags of ingredients from the storage bag, "Yan Yan, you can take the children to play first, and I will cook."

"Are you sure you don't need my help?" Su Yan changed into relaxed and comfortable home maternity clothes. Walking over, leaning against the water table and looking at him with a smile.

Wen Jin looked at her, hesitated, and tried to get closer to Su Yan. Seeing him taking the initiative, Su Yan smiled even deeper.

His slightly trembling lips pressed against hers and kissed her softly... To Su Yan, this was like tickling.

She grabbed his belt and said, "We'll make dinner later, huh?"

"It's up to you." Wen Jin immediately picked her up and carried her into the bedroom.

However, neither of them had finished taking off their clothes, and when they entered the negative state in a hurry... there was a knock on the door!

Su Yan was stunned, then looked at the forbearing Wen Jin, and suddenly laughed, her body trembling slightly.

Drunken for a while... Wen Jin had the desire to kill someone.

Su Yan looked at the system map and saw that it was the female inspector who was here last time, "Later."

Wen Jin looked full of lack of desire and walked out the door sullenly, "You'd better have a good reason, otherwise!"

The female inspector was shocked!

The body instinctively entered the door with trepidation.

Seeing Su Yan with pink face and rosy cheeks, as delicate as a summer flower, coming out of the kitchen with a fruit plate, she was shocked at first, and then calmed down a little, "Excuse me, Ms. Su."

"You're welcome, please take a seat." Su Yan smiled, then looked at Wen Jin, "Honey, please handle the ingredients."

"Okay." Wen Jin felt like a spring breeze when he faced Su Yan.

The female investigator did not dare to look at Wen Jin and directly gave her work badge to Su Yan, "I am temporarily helping with the investigation. My job is Amanda, the Queen's adjutant. Ms. Su can just call me Amanda."

"Wow~" Su Yan was surprised, "Well Amanda, you're welcome, just call me Xiao Su."

"Well, the queen wants to meet Xiao Su."

"See me?" Su Yan was surprised, "Why?"

"Your Majesty needs to tell you personally." Amanda replied.

Wen Jin refused directly, "No, it's inconvenient for her to be pregnant."

"If Mr. Wen is worried, you can also accompany him to the audience." Amanda said to Wen Jin: "Besides, aren't you adventurers?"

Su Yan said: "Okay, where is Her Majesty the Queen?"

Amanda said: "It's in the house opposite."

Su Yan looked at the house opposite through the window. I don't know when, there were a few plainclothes around the house, wearing ordinary people's clothes, but their temperament was that of soldiers.

"The Queen is so humble that it would be inappropriate not to go. My husband, please go." Su Yan said to Wen Jin.

Wen Jin was a little unhappy.

Although Su Yan came here to do a task, he has been passive and slow in his work since he arrived. He just wanted to spend more time with Su Yan. The later the task was completed, the better.

"I'll just go. Yanyan can help prepare dinner."

Su Yan looked at Amanda, "Is that okay? My husband can fully represent me."

"Okay." Amanda responded.

Wen Jin tied Su Yan's apron and said, "We will prepare some difficult ingredients when I come back. Or you can just lie down and rest without doing anything. If you need anything, call me and I will rush back immediately."

"Okay, okay, I can do it. You and Amanda go to see the Queen quickly. Don't keep His Majesty waiting." Su Yan urged.

However, Wen Jin was originally the Demon Emperor of the Demon Realm, so it was not necessarily that the other party was condescending, but perhaps Wen Jin was condescending.

Then the two of them are king versus king... Hehe, she can use the system map to see the negotiations between the two.

Dear babies, Xiaoxuanzi loves you so much~~Good night! !

(End of this chapter)

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