Chapter 686 The Gift of 000


Su Kee Bookstore.

Su Yan held little Mumu in her arms and lazily basked in the sun.

She has been having some leisure time recently. Farlai sent a message saying that he sensed the tribulation of divine ascension and would soon pass it. He hoped to see her before leaving.

That tone made him want to give up. He closed his eyes and looked at her again...

“Dad, Mu Mu, I will go to the Western Immortal Realm tomorrow. Faer seems to be going through a calamity.” Su Yan said to Wen Jin.

Wen Jin came out to bask in the sun with some books in her arms, "Okay, I can take good care of little Mumu now."

Little Zhaozhao is currently living in the East Immortal Palace. Basically, Wen Jin can't take care of the little one even if he wants to.

If there is only Xiao Mumu, Wen Jin can take care of her.

“I see that Zulu’s cultivation has improved a lot. Is he now in the middle or late stage of the holy level?”

“It has improved, and I might be able to ascend to the divine realm in the future.”

"Then what will you do? You will be in the devil world or the fairy world by yourself." Su Yan looked at him.

Wen Jin didn't care, "It's still early, and we have to wait at least several thousand years."

Xiao Fengning and Xiao Shiyi came over from Suji Restaurant across the street, carrying a food box in their hands.

Xiaoshi said: "Mom, uncle Zulu asked us to bring this to you."

"What?" Su Yan opened it, and a smell of aroma hit her face, "God jumped over the wall! Haha~ I'm craving for this dish."

Xiao Fengning came over and looked at Xiao Mumu. The more she looked at him, the more she looked like him. "Mom, does my sister look the same as me?"

Su Yan looked at Xiao Mumu and then at Xiao Fengning, "Don't tell me, you two brothers are really alike."

Wen Jin took little Mumu from her arms and said, "Brothers and sisters, of course they look alike. You eat slowly, and I will take them to sort out the books."

“Xiao Fengning, Xiao Shiyi, have you two eaten?” Su Yan asked.

 “I’ve eaten.” Xiao Shiyi replied: “We ate it as soon as it was cooked.”

  【Host, do you really want to rest for a hundred years? 】Xiaomei whispered to Su Yan.

Su Yan picked up the spoon and took a sip of the soup, "Hmm~satisfied~it's so delicious. My Zulu cooking is really unique in the world." 】

 Xiaomei cannot be eaten by the system, […]

I am already a host with one trillion childbearing points, and you are almost the same, so let’s just enjoy it. In a few days, we will take our children, especially Xiaoba, to travel to other worlds to find new game map data, which will be quite interesting. 】

【OK! Xiaomei has no inspiration recently. She has developed a map. The host must go around. I am researching which world to go to. 】

  【Well, you study slowly. 】

Su Yan took out two full-moon gifts of 000 from the system space.

 She hasn’t opened it yet and doesn’t know what’s inside.

 Thinking about 000’s generous character, it should be a good thing.

 The ranking numbers of the two children are written on them. Xiao Zhaozhao is thirty-one and Xiao Mumu is thirty-two.

I opened Thirty Two first... Inside was a gold bracelet with a lotus pattern and a small white jade gourd pendant.

 “This is very cute.” Su Yan picked up the instruction manual about the gold bracelet.

—[Lucky gold and jade bracelet, predicting good and bad luck. The redder the gourd becomes, the more dangerous it becomes! As the gourds get greener, they are safer. 】

 “You can always carry this with you.”

 Then he opened the thirty-one full moon gift box.

 Inside is a black hammer!

Su Yan picked it up. It was two inches in size and very compact. It was carved with some complicated lines. She stared at the lines for a long time, but she didn't understand.

Picked up the instruction manual again - [Earth hammer, it can break everything. 】

“This is not bad. Xiao Zhaozhao likes to dig holes. If you put this hammer down, the ground will crack directly.”

Wen Jin hugged Xiao Mumu and came out to see her, "Yanyan, what's wrong?"

"This is a full-moon gift of 000 for two children. One is a lucky golden jade, and the other is a hammer. These 000 are real. Even if Xiao Zhaozhao is a rat tribe, he is still a baby girl. A little girl wielding a sledgehammer? Isn't that too much? "Lady." "There seems to be something else in the box." Wen Jin's eyes fell on the piece of paper in the box.

 Open the piece of paper—[Scratch Card]

Su Yan scratched off the coating, and underneath it was written - 50,000,000 childbirth points.

Su Yan was happy and pleasantly surprised, "There is such a good thing."

Wen Jin looked at another box and said, "There is also a card in it."

Su Yan scraped off the coating, and underneath it was written - 100,000,000 childbirth points.

 “So lucky! Thank you, husband!” Su Yan almost threw the card away, missing out on the 150 million points for having a baby.

  【Host, you need to find 000 for this point to redeem the prize. 】

【What did you say? Still have to find him? 】

  【Yes the host. 】

  【Is there an expiration date? 】

  【It says on the back of the card, it is valid within 30 days from scratching it off, and will be invalid after 30 days! 】

  【Then, where to find him? 】

  【Just go to the devil world and contact him. If it's not far, he should be able to come. 】

  【What if you don't come? 】

  【Then you may have to go find him. 】

  【It will cost a lot of points just to find him. 】

  【Since he asked me to find it, the host can ask for 000 to pay for the travel expenses to redeem the prize, hehe~】 Xiaomei snickered.

Su Yan thought for a while and said, "It's not impossible. Let's talk about it when we have time." 】

Xiao Fengning came out of the store holding a comic book, "Mom, where is the next volume of this comic?"

Su Yan fed the crab stick meat in the spoon to Xiao Fengning, "Let me take a look."

Xiao Fengning ate crab sticks and gave the comic book to Su Yan, "This is "Journey to the West."


 Farr is troubled.

 In the majestic Western Immortal World, the Holy Empire has no heir!

 He has four children. But the four heirs all ascended to the God Realm, and even the half-blood little Thirteen, who was most likely to stay by his side, was not left behind by him.

Ethan handed him a glass of beer, "I'm still worried about the prince."

"Yes, you have survived the catastrophe of becoming a god. How can I be far behind? But I can't find a suitable heir to take over this Holy Empire."

 “Ask the queen to give your majesty another one.” Ethan smiled, then picked up a cigarette from the bar and smoked one.

Farr also smoked one casually, but did not light it. He just turned it over in his hand and asked, "Do you have a more promising side branch?"

"No, they are all a bunch of trash." Ethan lit up the cigarette and just took a puff when he saw a slender shadow coming from the door. He pinched the **** of the cigarette again and took away the cigarette in Far's hand. " No smoking in restaurants.”

 “Didn’t you smoke just now?” Far said unhappily.

"What are you smoking for?" Su Yan walked in the door and happened to hear Far's words.

Farr’s shoulders tightened and he said quickly: “No, nothing happened.”

Su Yan saw the cigarette case on the bar and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter. I used to do this too. It's okay to relieve boredom or worry, but it can't be addicted. If you become addicted to anything, it will inevitably have its backlash."

“Yes, I am addicted to Yan Yan, and now I am suffering from lovesickness.” Farr pulled Su Yan into his arms.

Su Yan smiled and pushed him, "It's outrageous to do it in public."

 Farr, "There is no big crowd, but we are here."

 Ethan: “…”

 Asking for votes, we will continue to update around 8pm~~

  (End of this chapter)

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