Chapter 83 Entering the Dark Continent

 “Well, I know he’s gone.” To avenge Manman and retrieve Manman’s gifted soul bead.

"This time when I entered the Dark Continent, I met two demon kings at the same time. Fortunately, he appeared in time and I had a chance to escape. It's just..." Zong Sili didn't know whether he should tell Su Yan.

"Continue." Su Yan looked at his expression and felt something strange in her heart.

" the Demon King!" Zong Sili didn't want to believe it.

But the fact is that Ming Linyuan and the first demon king and the second demon king of the Dark Continent had a very happy conversation and a deep relationship. They even called the two demon kings eldest brother and second brother, and he was the fourth brother!

"Demon King?" Su Yan shook her head, "Impossible, I'm quite fine."

Genes cannot lie.

"It's hard to believe, but the demonic energy emanating from him is indeed the dark continent."

[The host rushes to the Dark Continent as soon as possible, otherwise more females will be persecuted by the virus. 】Xiaomei urged Su Yan.

Su Yan raised her eyes and looked at Zong Sili. If she told him that she was going to the Dark Continent, he would definitely not agree.

[Xiaomei, you want to go to the Dark Continent, right? 】


[If you use the power of the system and don’t deduct my points, I agree to accompany you. 】

【no. The virus will detect me, hide and run away. 】

【What should we do? 】

Suddenly, Su Yan thought that she had a way.

"I once heard a rumor. At the time, I thought it was just a joke and didn't take it to heart. Now that I think about it, it may not be unreasonable."

"What rumors? About Ming Linyuan?"

"Yes. It is said that the old patriarch of the Guiche Feng Clan, Ming Linyuan's mother, once traveled to the Dark Continent.

Later, when I came back from there, I found a non-pure-blooded male from the White Phoenix tribe to get married.

Not long after the two got married, the old patriarch became pregnant.

The males of the Baifeng tribe were fond of lustful pleasures and were restless in their families. They had illegitimate children with the females of other bird tribes. The old patriarch didn't feel embarrassed and let him leave.

A hundred years later, Ming Linyuan, the elder of the clan, was born and lived in seclusion. All affairs within the clan were left to a few elders to take care of until Ming Linyuan came of age and took over the position of clan leader.

Ming Linyuan accidentally exposed one of his secrets besides the wood element, swallowing! "

"Swallow? That's not a magical beast..." Su Yan's expression changed drastically.

"Yes, this is it. People begin to suspect that the old patriarch was not pregnant with a descendant of the White Phoenix clan, but a descendant of the Dark Continent, a high-level demon clan. But the old patriarch flatly denied it, and Ming Linyuan was also pregnant with pure blood of the Gui Che Feng clan. Unique transformation technique, so this rumor is self-defeating. "

Su Yan thought of Manman. In addition to fire, her secret talent also had another one - quasi-rule darkness!

"Since it's a rumor, just listen to it. My daughter is doing very well, so there's nothing wrong with him." Su Yan lost her appetite, so she fed the remaining half of the fruit to Zong Sili, "Don't waste it."

Zong Sili opened his mouth to eat, and his lips inevitably touched Su Yan's fingers.

Su Yan's heart trembled slightly, and the next moment she probed between his lips and teeth with her fingers...

The night is dark.

Su Yan was very sleepy. After a few indulgences with Zong Sili, her hands were weak and she didn't want to move.

But Xiaomei urged her very dedicatedly to head to the Dark Continent.

And he promised to protect her personal safety, especially the safety of her fetus.

Only then did Su Yan agree to go.

Zong Sili has already returned to the academy. During this trip to the Dark Continent, he got a lot of information there, so he will inevitably be busy for a while.

Su Yan asked him not to come to her for the time being and to resolve the matter in the Dark Continent first. In fact, she also wanted to go to the Dark Continent, and he came to see her but it was an empty trip.

She put Manman, who was not sleeping peacefully, into the system space, and changed into a light-colored maternity skirt that particularly showed off her waist and big belly.

[Xiaomei, is there any reward for this errand? 】

[Besides points, what does the host want? 】

[I just want points. 】

[Sorry host. You can look at what's in the system store and pick one out. 】

【Ten pieces! 】

【…Maximum two pieces! 】

【Nine items. 】

【Two pieces! 】

【Eight items. 】

【Two pieces! 】…

【three item! It can’t be any less, otherwise I won’t do it. 】

【three item! 】Xiaomei agreed.

[I’ll pick and choose when I’m free. 】

[The host can be selected at any time. 】

Su Yan left the hotel and walked on the street.

She opened the system map and checked the people who appeared in the system map.

After walking not far, a red light spot suddenly appeared on the map.

It's very close, just in the alley ahead.

And next to the red dot, there is a space crack!

Su Yan walked over quickly with a big belly.

The solution she was thinking of was to find a phantom monster that wanted to rob Dongfang Yan that day. Let the phantom monster take her to the dark continent, or even to the system virus.

This method saves time and effort and can quickly find system viruses.

Su Yan turned into the alley with her big belly.

A man with dull eyes and somewhat stiff limbs looked towards Su Yan.

After seeing her, I was confused at first.

Later, when I saw Su Yan's big belly, her dull eyes suddenly lost the whites and turned completely black.

He came towards Su Yan like the wind.

Su Yan was so frightened that she turned around and ran away... This was not pretending, but she was really scared.

The Phantom Monster is faster.

Su Yan didn't run a few steps before she was caught.

And he slashed her carotid artery with a knife.

Su Yan was almost hacked to death, but luckily she was protected by Xiao Mei.

The phantom monster hugged Su Yan and entered the space crack...

Su Yan said to Xiao Mei, "What do you think of this idea?" 】

[The host is very smart, and he is worthy of being chosen by this system! 】

Don’t forget to praise yourself.

Su Yan laughed [Old Wang sells melons and boasts of himself. 】


The Beast World Continent and the Dark Continent are like a world in the sun and a world in the underworld.

There is light and darkness in the sun.

Light, all things multiply. Dark, everything grows.

In Hades, there is also light and darkness.

Light, everything dies. Darkness, everything falls and perishes.

There are no living creatures in the Dark Continent. Warcraft are ghosts born from death. They devour everything in the Beast World and want to become the light and darkness of the world.

Therefore, there was never a moment when the Dark Continent did not think about invading the Beast World Continent. The war never stops.

Su Yan was carried head-down by the phantom monster on its shoulders.

The big belly happened to be suppressed, and it was really thanks to Xiaomei's presence, otherwise she would have had to suppress the baby.

The air of the dark continent made her feel dizzy and vomiting, making her unable to breathe.

[The host can take an antidote pill and be immune to all poisons. 】

[I told you earlier, this doesn’t count towards my points. 】

[Okay, give it to the host for free. 】

【That’s pretty much it. 】

Su Yan finally relaxed after taking the detoxification pill and was able to take a good look at the surrounding situation.

Thank you for your support, babies, please give me a hug~

Today’s opening: Cute baby: [Mama and Auntie Xiaomei want to take me on an adventure in the dark continent. I’m so happy and excited! 】

Xiaomei: [Don’t worry, I will protect you. 】

Su Yan: […]

(End of this chapter)

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