Chapter 99 Novice Village

Imperial capital.

Head to the teleportation array in Senyu Beast Forest.

All the talented males of the Rong family were brought here.

Rong Ruo was not found, and there was no news about Su Yan. As he said, Zong Sili wanted to send Rong's family to the Dark Continent for exile, except for the old, weak, women and children.

Patriarch Rong also knows that this is the biggest concession and kindness the clan can do. Let the Rong family go to the Dark Continent to kill monsters, and they will die a worthy death.

After all, the Rong family also had two highly valued middle-to-high-fertility females who were kidnapped by phantom monsters and died in the Dark Continent. They had long wanted to take revenge.

This wish has come true.

"Thank you so much, Brother Zong." The head of the Rong family saluted the old Zong.

Lao Zong patted him on the shoulder and said, "Take care."

Once you go, you are destined to never come back.

Zong Sili did not show up. He had already carried his son to the Dark Continent. In his different dimension, he brought enough milk for Xiaolu Shu to drink for a month.

Of course, Lao Zong didn't want the newly born Xiaolu Shu to follow Zong Sili, but it was useless to talk about it.

He took it with him anyway.

The teleportation array suddenly lit up, and everyone looked towards the teleportation array.

Someone teleported back to the imperial capital.

After a dazzling white light, two people were revealed.

It was Su Yan and Rongruo.

When they were teleporting to Feifeng Prefecture, there happened to be something wrong with the teleportation array from Feifeng Prefecture to the Imperial Capital. They had to make repairs before they came back.

By this time the sun had come out.

Seeing the two of them, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Lao Zong, especially, his eyes turned red, "It'll be good when you come back."

What was waiting for him on the other side of Rong Ruo was a big ear-scratcher from the head of the Rong family, which hit Rong Ruo's cold white porcelain face hard, and five **** fingerprints suddenly appeared.

Su Yan was also frightened when she heard this, "Why are you beating someone?"

The head of the Rong family immediately bowed respectfully to Su Yan, "This treacherous son has committed a heinous crime by kidnapping Su Guini. Today, he will be handed over to Su Guini. He will be beaten or killed as he pleases!"

Su Yan looked at Lao Zong in shock, "What is going on?"

Lao Zong simply said, "Rong Wu took you away, and the Beast King was furious, so he ordered Si Li to hold Rong Mansion accountable. Si Li gave them one day, and as long as they can send you back, this matter can be solved Let it go with ease. If not, the whole family will be exiled to the Dark Continent."

Su Yan frowned and looked at Rongruo, "The person who kidnapped me was Rong Wu, and the person in front of me is Rongruo."

"Rong Ruo?" Lao Zong looked at Ron Ruo. He seemed to be less arrogant than before, and he still acted like someone owed him something.

Rongruo bowed respectfully to Lao Zong, "Student Rongruo, I have met Lao Zong."

"...I am more polite than before." Lao Zong said thoughtfully.

The head of the Rong family doesn't care about this. Rong Wu and Rong Ruo are all obstacles that lead to failure and failure. I really regret giving birth to such a **** son.

"Old Zong, I will leave him to you. In the Dark Continent, our Rong Mansion will also go there, for no other reason than to avenge Rong Mansion's daughter!"

After saying that, he led the people towards the teleportation array.

It could be said that they were exiled before, but now it is different. They asked for orders voluntarily.

The old sect bowed his hands to Patriarch Rong and said, "Master Rong is a righteous man! I will report it to the Beast Emperor right now. When Patriarch Rong comes back, I will definitely take the first credit."

"Thank you!" The head of the Rong family returned the greeting, and then looked at Rong Ruo with an extremely sharp and disgusting look, "The Rong family can't tolerate you anymore!"

These words meant to expel him from Rong Mansion.

After that, a group of them disappeared into the teleportation array.

Rongruo lowered his head, wondering what he was thinking about

Su Yan patted him on the shoulder, "I'll explain to His Majesty, it has nothing to do with you."

"It's my responsibility. I shouldn't let him go. I'm sorry Su Yan. Give me a few days. When I come to see you again, I'll let him do whatever I want."

"No need! Then go and do your work, and don't come to me again." Su Yan really didn't want to see him again. Rong Wu is a time bomb, who knows when he will appear. Rongruo knew what she meant, smiled tenderly and sadly, and teleported away.

Lao Zong was surprised, "Is he a Heavenly Ranker?"

"He has two beast bodies. One talent is earth level, and the other is heaven level, both are water-based."

"Oh, I remembered that his biological mother seemed to be a female from the South District. She died after giving birth to the child. She always wore a veil on her face. No outsider has ever seen what she looked like."

Su Yan thought about Rong Wu's mermaid-beast body. That person must also be a mermaid.

"Where are the priest and the children?"

"Alas! Speaking of cheese, he is extremely stubborn. He took his child to the Dark Continent."


There are still nineteen hours until the system is updated.

Su Yan was sitting on pins and needles.

How could such a small cub adapt to the environment of the Dark Continent? She even had to take antidote pills first.

"Daughter-in-law, don't worry too much. The Lushu clan is naturally resistant to darkness and is difficult for evil spirits to invade." Lao Zong personally cooked a pot of meat porridge and served it to Su Yan.

Su Yan quickly stood up and took it with both hands, "Thank you, Father Zong."

"Eat quickly, eat quickly~" As long as you call yourself dad, it doesn't matter if you have a surname or not.

"I entered the palace and met with His Majesty. His Majesty learned that you were back and showing off your beauty, so he sent his attendant Yu Yan to go to the Dark Continent and ordered the priest to bring the child back."

"Yes." Su Yan took a sip of the porridge, "No matter how resistant he is, he is still young. He wants to kill the devil, just let him go. At least the child will stay, and he will not be left alone in the future."

"Yes, what my daughter-in-law said is absolutely right. I will teach him this way later on." Lao Zong now obeys Su Yan, a great hero of the family, without saying a word.

Su Yan couldn't help but smile, "I'm reassured about the child's safety. I'm not absolutely sure. Even if I think about it, I won't take him with me. He's so young and will suffer."

"What my daughter-in-law said is very correct. Where's Manman? I haven't seen her for a few days."

"Her?" Su Yan then remembered that she had left the little guy to sleep in the system space.

The system space can set children's status, sleeping, games, language or learning talent skills.

Now that Manman is still young, Su Yan basically lets her sleep, play games, and learn to talk. Let her learn it when her natural skills are stronger.

"Oh, she's still at the hotel. I'll bring her over later to play with Father Zong."

"Okay, okay, then I'll wait."

"By the way, I was abducted by Rong Wu to the Southern District this time. How is the relationship between the Eastern District and the Southern District?"

"Absolutely. The monsters in the Dark Continent will not attack the Southern District, so they keep to themselves and rarely interact with the Eastern District."

"Why don't the monsters attack the southern district? Instead, they attack the east and west districts more frequently?"

“Of the four districts, southeast, northwest and east, the eastern district has the largest population of orcs, and the avian people are also in the east district, accounting for 80% of the continent’s resources.

The western region is second, but in recent years, both the population and the number have been recovering year by year.

There are very few orcs in the southern and northern areas.

The orcs in the Southern District are all water beasts. They live in the water and generally do not go ashore. The total number of orcs combined is not as large as the number of orcs in a single state in the Eastern District.

Due to the extreme cold all year round, the northern region only has some highly resistant beasts, such as polar bears and snow leopards, and some sporadic populations that are not afraid of extreme cold. The total number of orcs does not exceed two thousand, and it is still gradually decreasing.

The last time the Beast King of the North District came to the imperial capital to celebrate my emperor's birthday, he was alone, which was really desolate. His life span was more than 500 years old, and there was not even one male or one female. "

"…Then, besides the four districts of southeast, southeast, northwest, are there any other districts?"

"You want to ask if there are other orc areas outside the mainland?"


Lao Zong peeled another fresh spiritual fruit for Su Yan, "The Beast World Continent we are in is only the basic part of the huge Beast World. If the Beast World Continent is regarded as a district of the Beast World, then there are indeed many orc districts. ”

"Beast World?" Su Yan remembered that Xiaomei had said that her name was the Beast World Childbirth System.

Therefore, she originally thought that the West District was a novice village. When she arrived in the East District, she started to upgrade, and then completed the mission and returned to Earth.

In fact, the entire Beast World Continent is the Novice Village! ?

(End of chapter)

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