Traveling Through The Heavens To Be An Evil God

Chapter 166 Side Quest-Twin Heroines

The pitch-black short sword struck Shattering Void in an instant, and President Han hadn't even said a word, his throat was directly penetrated by the short sword.

His corpse fell slowly, blood pouring out of the throat, and in a blink of an eye, the precious carpet on the villa floor was soaked.

Zhang Yibai's eyes were slightly startled. He didn't expect Gu Nan to start so quickly, he hadn't had time to speak a lot of words, and he didn't have the opportunity to show his own in front of Gu Nan.

He was even more puzzled: This adult seemed to only come here for murder... Then what was his purpose?

Whether it is for the innate heroic spirit or seeking other resources, leaving the life of President Han temporarily, he can always torture more.

The naked girl had already screamed, but not long after she screamed, she closed her mouth tightly, for fear that Gu Nan would also kill her.

Gu Nan didn't even look at the two of them, but walked slowly inside, flipping gently in his hands, and there was an extra small box.

This is the box of Lin Duo before, but it came to Gu Nan's hands at some point.

When this box was in Lin Duo's hands, it would often make abnormal fluctuations, which made people feel that there was something in it that they wanted to come out; but when it arrived in Gu Nan's hands, it was extremely quiet.

It wasn't until this time that Gu Nan took it out, and it made some waves again, guiding Gu Nan in a certain direction.

"Sure enough..." Gu Nan smiled a little on his face. With his so many years of experience in dungeons, behind any unusual things, there may be tasks hidden.

Lin Duo's box is so obvious that it can't hide from Gu Nan's eyes.

So he took the time to fetch this box, and brought it to President Han's villa by the way, and it really felt like that.

"My lord." Seeing that Gu Nan didn't mean to leave, Zhang Yibai couldn't help but feel a little anxious, "Let's go faster, there are still a lot of masters hidden here...ah!"

He kept talking, and another black light flashed across, and the same black sword appeared on his neck.

Zhang Yibai looked at Gu Nan in astonishment. He couldn't figure out why the other party would attack him.

Isn't he going to continue to deal with the Han family? Don’t you need to provide information yourself? Even if I don’t need anything... I clearly didn’t show any ambitions, why...

Naturally, no one answered Zhang Yibai’s question, and no answer was found on Yellow Springs Road.

Gu Nan didn't have any hatred with the Han family. He just wanted to kill all the Han family who knew Lin Duo to ensure the safety of female high school students.

As for Zhang Yibai, it was based on the same reason. Now that it is useless and knows the existence of Linduo, then go to die.

Gu Nan's figure disappeared in the corner. The naked girl resisted the fear in her heart, found a piece of clothing and wrapped it on the ground, and hurried out.


The thing calling the small box is also a box, hidden in a room in the deepest part of the villa.

If it is not for the induction between the two boxes, it is really not easy to find here, even if you can enter this room, it is difficult to find another box.

But Gu Nan would definitely not miss it, because when he stepped into this room, he frowned slightly and slashed at a corner of the room.

"Wait! Don't do it, I'm my own!" A scream came, but a figure floated out.

"Gone with the wind" is very appropriate, because this is an old man with white hair, and he has only the upper body and only a cloud of smoke on the lower body, just like a ghost in a novel or comic.

This is a heroic spirit, and it doesn't belong to someone, but a special heroic spirit that guards these two boxes.

As the body of the heroic spirit, Gu Nan is particularly sensitive to the heroic spirit. As soon as the two boxes approached, he noticed that the other was born from the other box.

"Are you the hero of these two boxes?" Gu Nan held both boxes in his hands, then looked at the old man with white beard and asked.

"Not bad." The old white beard raised his head and said, "The old man is the guardian spirit of this sun and moon magic box."

"Sun Moon Magic Box?" Gu Nan frowned slightly. He looked down at the two boxes. It was true that although the two boxes were similar in style, the patterns on them were different.

Lin Duo’s ancestors should have been a day box with a sunburst pattern on it.

Seeing Gu Nan's expression, the white-bearded old man's face looks more elegant: "Young people nowadays, it's really impulsive to do things! Why don't you come and help my old man?"

Gu Nan was still expressionless, completely unaffected by his words, but gently raised his right hand.

The old man with white beard only felt a suction coming, and his body quickly approached Gu Nan, his neck was already stuck with one hand by the other party.

"How to open the Sun Moon Magic Box?" Gu Nan's unsalted voice came.

Although it is a heroic body, the suffocation is real, and the old white beard is immediately annoyed, and only feels an angry rush to his forehead-is this an attitude of asking for help? !

So he turned his head angrily, did not answer at all, but sneered in his heart.

This sun and moon magic box is a treasure that has been passed down for many years. Only when the magic box itself and own are recognized, can you become the owner of the treasure, and then open the magic box, and this guy in front of him...

Humph, a young man who doesn't know how high the earth is!

Gu Nan couldn't get his answer, but he didn't respond much-he just asked casually, and routinely saw if he could trigger the task.

Throwing the old man aside, he picked up the moon box he got from the villa, placed it in the palm of his right hand, and then began to clenched and exerted force.

The old man, the heroic spirit, almost didn't laugh out loud when he saw this scene. This person... actually wants to open the Sun and Moon Magic Box by brute force? ! It's simply...


There was a crisp sound, causing the old man's heroic spirit to instantly cut off all thoughts, and his mind went blank.

Click, click.

There were two more crisp sounds. At the place covered by Gu Nan's palm, two cracks had appeared on the moon box, and they were still expanding.

"No... please don't..." The old man's spirit floated to Gu Nan quickly, his voice began to tremble, but he didn't know how to stop Gu Nan's movements.

Naturally, Gu Nan completely ignored his words, The next moment, the moon box was completely cracked.

A stream of smoke floated out of it, and walked in mid-air into the figure of a little girl, with a pair of transparent wings growing behind it, lying flat in front of Gu Nan.

But at this moment, the Heretic Temple in Gu Nan's mind slightly shook, and a piece of information was sent out.

"Secondary mission: protect the twin heroes-the sun and moon demon."

Gu Nan immediately lifted his spirits. He ran here with a lot of effort, and he didn't do any useless work. Lin Duo's strange ancestral box really had a side mission!

Twin heroic sun and moon demon?

Gu Nan looked at the little girl in front of her, and she saw that there was a crescent moon mark on her forehead, and a strong moon power lingered all over her body.

This kind of power only depends on the quality, and it is even more pure than the original Yue Qian Leng.

Worthy of being a natural hero...

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