Qian Han has been operating in Zhutian World for many years, and he naturally has an elite intelligence team in his hands to collect and analyze all kinds of intelligence for him.

And the news that can be rated as A by the intelligence team can basically be confirmed as true.

Qian Han opened the intelligence file and scanned the contents quickly. In just a few moments, he couldn't help but lift up his spirits-90% of the information written in this information might be Gu Nan's right!

Suddenly appeared in Jixitian, forced to smash the guardian barrier with the power of the flesh, and then easily killed four breakers...

In addition, it is not difficult to find the identities of those who are traveling with him. They are all world breakers from Zi Luo Tian. Hasn't Gu Nan appeared in Zi Luo Tian before? !

In Qian Han's city house, there was a sense of joy at this time. It was really Gu Nan's brief but thrilling resume that put him too much pressure.

He was afraid that a person like Gu Nan with a clear goal would not mix up anything at all and disappeared from then on.

As for Gu Nan's strength, he didn't feel much. After all, the information obtained from the text has not been touched by seeing it with my own eyes.

Besides, Qian Han suspects that Gu Nan is a family of golden giants. Isn't it normal to have super physical fitness?

Gu Nan's purpose and whereabouts did not conceal Wu Jing, and naturally fell into Qian Han's hands.

"Birth and Death Stone, is it the capital of Qinggu Region?" Qian Han showed a slight smile, his figure slowly disappeared from the place, and quickly hurried towards the sky.


Three days are not long, nor short.

Gu Nanan was sitting in the other courtyard, and soon it was the day when the auction started, and in these three days, he was also constantly inquiring about the news of the auction.

Unfortunately, there is still no news about the mysterious seller, let alone where the goods were stored.

In other words, for this level of auction, the auction items must be secretly stored in other planes, and will not be slowly shipped to the sky of dying until the auction begins.

In this way, unless someone can snatch it in front of countless strong people, there is no need to worry about safety.

As soon as the auction time came, Gu Nan directly tore through the void and came to the scene, but he didn't mean to bring the half-dragon girl, let alone any admission ticket.

However, dog-blooded bridges such as "admission blocked" have no chance to happen-those who can come in this way are bound to break the world!

Bound Breakers still need a voucher for admission?

Seeing Gu Nan's arrival, two people greeted him immediately. After greeting him, he respectfully handed over a black sign, and one person led Gu Nan into the venue.

Gu Nan was introduced into a separate quiet room, which was clearly on the second floor of the venue. Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, the situation underneath could be seen at a glance.

It didn't take long for the lights in the venue to dim, and all were concentrated on the central booth. A enchanting woman with a graceful figure but a snake in the lower half was twisting her waist and came to the stage.

There was a burst of noise at the scene, and the audience laughed and noisy.

After all, the breakers are only a minority, and the main force participating in the auction is still a large number of Transcendents, and this snake-body woman is obviously well-known and popular among them.

"That's Leng Yedie!"

"Didn't she be taken by some big man? Actually she will be an auctioneer here..."

"You can spit it out if you take it away! Tsk tsk, I really want to know who the seller of the auction is, what a big hand!"

Similar conversations continued to sound, mostly expressing surprise at the energy of the auction organizers.

Leng Yedie is a celebrity in the Qinggu domain, so he came here. Naturally, other domains are also similar candidates-this is the auction held by the sixteen domains at the same time!

Just as people kept marveling at the seller's generous work, the Leng Yedie on the stage finally spoke with a smile.

"Seniors, fellow fellows, welcome everyone to..."

There was nothing special about the opening, but Leng Yedie's voice was soft and tactful, and there was a strange feeling of friction, which made people feel itchy.

Gu Nan always sat blankly in the room on the second floor, staring down coldly.

The opening is over, and the first auction item is slowly being taken up, but this is not Gu Nan's goal.

According to the auction list, the birth and death stone he needs will be on stage in the fourth one.

However, at this moment, he smelled a strange fragrance, slowly drifting out of the room, and a phantom began to appear in front of his eyes.

It was a Buddha wearing a golden Kasaya, saluting him with both hands.

"Amitābha, please join The Underworld for the donor."


The progress of the auction is not fast, but the atmosphere is very warm. Leng Yedie is obviously a very good auctioneer, who can not only mobilize the atmosphere, but also lengthen the auction and raise the price as much as possible.

As a result, the first three products have been sold at a price that can be called sky-high. Until the fourth product is ready to be sold, the atmosphere on the scene has reached its peak.

"Birth and death stone! Birth and death stone!"

"Stop talking nonsense, get the best birth and death stone quickly!"

The first three rounds of auctions have thoroughly heated up the atmosphere of the auction scene, and everyone in the audience became more and more immersed in the auction items.

Birth and Death Stone is a specialty of Ninety Heaven, but this does not mean that there is no need for local people!

On the contrary, the outside world will only use birth and death stones at special times. On the contrary, many local people are using it to practice and even create Cultivation Technique, birth and death stones have become their regular needs.

Leng Yedie did not live up to their enthusiasm, and a crystal stone almost the size of a palm was slowly moved to the auction stage.

The shouts off the court became more enthusiastic, but Leng Yedie didn't read the auction words, instead she hid her mouth and chuckled: "I'll tell you one more piece of news. In this sixteen-domain joint auction, the fourth item is a stone of birth and death! "

Her words made everyone a little puzzled, and even the noise was quieter-the simultaneous auction of birth and death stones, what does this mean?

I saw Leng Yedie laugh constantly on the stage, but began to express a chill: "The Stone of Birth and Death...Of course it is to be the eye of the Array of Death and Death!"

As her voice fell, the endless blood light began to rise from the ground, and the overwhelming killing intent enveloped the entire scene, and the center where Leng Yedie was located was where the blood light was the most intense.

It was only then that people discovered that the three treasures that were previously auctioned were also flying out of the hands of the three buyers with the same blood... They were clearly the auxiliary materials of the big array!

"Scam! This auction is a scam from beginning to end!" Someone realized something was wrong, but the reaction seemed a little slow.

"The Great Array of Death and Death? Isn't this an ancient formation?! There are still people who will..."

The cultivators of Silent Sky, it's not that they haven't thought about the problem of unknown sellers' origins. It's just that there are so many strong people here. Who would have thought that they would really dare to do it? !

Others began to question the stage: "Leng Yedie, your family and teachers are here, what good will this do for you?"

Leng Yedie just sneered, the seductive aura of her body slowly faded, and finally her hands clasped together, she was actually a little bit more Zen.

"My Buddha is merciful, since you don't want to put down the butcher knife, don't go to The Underworld."

She said this indifferently and compassionately, but two completely different auras were revealed at the same time.

All the people in the audience were unable to answer for a while, and the blood constantly emerging from the ground involved the law of their bodies and gradually swallowed their power.

Someone began to look back at the second floor, but the people sitting there were all the world-breakers. Would they just sit back and watch?

Of course Leng Yedie noticed their actions, but she didn't make any movements, only the sneer on her face was even worse.

Those who break the world are of course their primary goal, and the other big formation has long been silently activated, precisely to trap them too.

If all goes well, the worldbreakers should all be trapped in the Buddha realm, as long as the stone of birth and death is placed in the eyes of the formation to open the great formation of death and death... eh?

When Leng Yedie turned her head, she was surprised to find a figure standing beside her, playing with the birth and death stones with great interest.


Outside the endless starry sky, a young girl sat cross-legged on the black Lotus flower, muttering words.

A figure emerged in front of her, and whispered: "Buddha, something has happened on the side of Jiexiantian... Someone has broken out of the Buddha's realm."

"Oh?" The girl slowly opened her eyes and whispered, "It just happens that this constellation is coming back to the star position, and see who is so capable."

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