Gu Nan sat in a dark room, tapping his fingers on the tabletop regularly.

There is no light in the room, not even moonlight can come in, everything seems to be shrouded in shadows, it is the deepest darkness in the world.

This is of course not that Gu Nan is unleashing his own power and pretending to be deep, nor is he so boring. In fact, this shadow does not come from himself at all.

"You don't seem to be afraid of me..." A witty female voice in Gu Nan's ear sounded faintly, and it seemed to be directly in his heart.

With her voice, the surrounding shadows grew thicker, almost drowning Gu Nan's entire body.

When Gu Nan was about to be wrapped in his whole body, he suddenly stood up, stepped into the shadow in front of him, and grabbed his right hand toward the front.

"It's not a good habit to hang out, Silvia." Gu Nan's voice wandered in the shadows, reaching every corner of the shadows, but there was no rush to the outside.

This change was so sudden that the "Sylvia" Gu Nan spoke of was caught off guard, and Gu Nan was directly caught.

The surrounding shadows quickly faded, and Gu Nan's figure was revealed again, and on his right hand, a girl in a black dress was being held up like a chicken.

Gu Nan looked at the opponent calmly. He did not expect that he just wanted to take away Cain's left hand, but unexpectedly brought out this...well, not a big fish.

Silvia, the goddess of shadows.

That's right, this one has the same power as Gu Nan, and the priesthood is the shadow goddess who controls the "shadow".

Silvia's own strength is not strong, and may not even reach the seventh rank, the divine power is absolutely worthy of the word "weak".

But she is a big fish at the same time, because she has a good Big Brother-the strongest person in the entire world of gods, the Lord of light and justice.

The two brothers and sisters are gods, and it was they who began to spread the idea that light and shadow are of the same origin.

"Your power..." When Gu Nan took the shot, Silvia was unavoidably aware of Movement Technique, so she spoke in surprise and inexplicably.

Silvia didn't panic when she was caught by Gu Nan. She, whose priesthood was a "shadow", was not so easy to be killed.

On the contrary, in tens of thousands of years, she was the first time she encountered a god who also held the shadow-of course, only the god who had the ability to catch her.

"People of the Light God system dare to come to the kingdom of the undead, you are very courageous." Gu Nan smiled non-committal, and left her aside.

He doesn't care if Silvia will run away, a sixth-order god, at most worth a few hundred points of evil, Gu Nan still looks down on it.

And for this to offend the Lord of Light and Justice, it is more than worthwhile.

What Gu Nan really cared about was why Silvia appeared here—according to his memory, this shadow goddess shouldn't have any contact with the kingdom of the dead.

Although it is an abandoned main plane, the natural characteristics of the undead make this place more suitable for the development of the dark gods.

"I'm only entrusted by others." Silvia didn't look scared at all, and even turned a chair out of shadow, and sat on it safely.

After a pause, she smiled again and said, "Someone asked me to come and see you!"

"Who?" Gu Nan already had a guess in his mind, but he wasn't very happy to see this guess, so his tone became hardened.

Silvia obviously didn't like this way of questioning. She pursed her lips and deliberately looked upwards, pretending that she didn't hear Gu Nan's words.

The next moment, a shadow dagger had penetrated her abdomen, and a big hand directly pressed her neck, pressing her to the ground.

"You better figure out the situation." Gu Nan's cold voice sounded, and his eyes hit her face coldly, "Others are afraid of Austin, I am not afraid."

Austin is the real name of the Lord of Light and Justice, but because he is too noble, there are not too many gods who know his name now.

It is precisely because of this that when Gu Nan said the name with a cold face, the shock it brought to Silvia can be imagined.

The severe pain in her abdomen was still coming, and the power of the shadow that should have been of the same origin kept pouring out, invading her body and wantonly destroying it, almost driving her own divine power aside.

The shadow of the sky appeared again, but this time it was from Gu Nan, and the aura was completely different from before.

If Silvia's shadow is mysterious and silent, with a touch of coldness in the night, then Gu Nan's shadow can only be described as "unscrupulous".

This shadow ignored all rules and swallowed everything around it, like a tyrant who wanted to kill.

Silvia couldn't imagine that the power of the shadow could be so overbearing, just like... and the light that suppressed everything in her impression.

"Light and shadow have the same origin, does that mean..." Inexplicably, this thought came to Sylvia's mind.

But Gu Nan's words still passed into her ears, so she hurriedly said: "I, I said...I just said it!"

Gu Nan's body didn't move at all, and the shadows around him didn't stop at all, so that Silvia hurriedly told her what she knew.

She would come here, "entrusted" to watch Gu Nan, precisely because she received a letter of help from Lu Xinhuan.

The business of Qinghe Realm can come from the world of the gods, of course not all relying on the way of smuggling, Zhong Qinghe himself has been here long ago.

Not only has he been here, he has also joined a special organization, and Silvia is also a member of this organization, so he can receive help.

According to Silvia, the members of this organization are all gods, or star masters from the world of heavens, among them there are many acquaintances of Gu Nan.

Goddess of Dawn, God of Blood, God of Flowers... There is even a name that surprised Gu Nan, left and right.

These gods have more or less set foot in the world of the heavens, and Gu Nan finally knew why Zuo Zuo knew the saying of equal rank.

"Tian Shenhui?" Gu Nan muttered the name of this organization, confirming that it had never been in Own's memory.

In other words, this is an organization that does not exist in the game. Even the members of this organization have killed many Gu Nan in his previous life.

Gu Nan had thought about it, but his thoughts without in-depth thoughts finally came true.

The gods and the star masters had had close exchanges for a long time. They had no conflicts of interest, and they even jointly formed an organization that straddled the two worlds.

Reality is not a novel after all. There is not necessarily a war between two interconnected worlds. The gods and the star masters also have their own interests, rather than waiting for Gu Nan to attack.

"It's interesting." Gu Nan showed a smile on his face and dragged Silvia up and said, "I want to join the Celestial Society."

Silvia's abdomen wound has not healed yet, she clutched her belly and replied angrily: "Can you join if you want to join?"

Gu Nan glanced at her wound and said, "You either have one more member or one less member today, you choose yourself."

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