Outside the blood club, the atmosphere had fallen into a strange silence.

Shana and Zidian didn't know anyone from the blood clan present.

Needless to say, Zidian, although Shanna is a member of the Raymond clan, she belongs to a "defectionist" and she was just a little transparent before she defected.

The inability to recognize the identities of the two means that they cannot make the next decision.

Ms. Mara already regretted it a little. I had known it a long time ago and I would not have come forward to deal with Lu Xinhuan personally in order to please that one.

If it’s just a junior, then you don’t want to let anyone in. It's a big deal to be fooled by the other party once, and it's not shameful.

But standing here, if after letting Lu Xinhuan enter the door, Gu Nan said "Who are these two", then Ms. Mara would be ashamed.

Kinship is a very special race. In private, they can make unimaginable degrading behaviors, but in front of others, they place great importance on face.

Seeing the embarrassment of the vampires, Lu Xinhuan flashed a trace of anxiety in her cold eyes. Before she could think about it, she slapped her palm directly behind Ms. Mara.

She had no choice but to be in a hurry. In order to hold the girl away from home, God knew what the price Qinghe Pavilion had paid.

To put it bluntly, now Lu Xinhuan is taking her own life for time. How can she delay her time with Mara?

However, her move saved Ms. Mara's entanglement-anyway, the movement has already been made, and she took advantage of the situation to inform Gu Nan, which was considered to be the intention.

"What's the matter?" Gu Nan came sooner than they thought, and there was a blonde girl beside him, standing behind him with a serious expression.

When finally seeing you, Lu Xinhuan couldn't help taking a deep breath.

She knew that the one in front of her had the ability to kill her easily, but she had come with the determination to die this time, so she was not afraid.

If you don't even have the courage to put it to death, how can you bring Zhong Die back?

Lu Xinhuan secretly cheered herself up, and said in a deep voice, "These two, presumably adults are not unfamiliar? They have already taken the special Gu worms from Qinghe Realm. The worms are in their hearts. If they can't get the method to relieve them, they will be in two days. Die."

When she said this, Lu Xinhuan was confident.

There is no one in this world who is completely without weakness. Gu Nan is certainly terribly strong, but as long as he still wants something, there will be weakness.

Lu Xinhuan's ability to become one of the managers of Qinghe Realm couldn't be more clear about this.

She followed Gu Nan all the way to the world of the gods, believing that he needed help from Wugui and Zidian; on the other hand, she investigated Gu Nan's behavior in the Bloody City.

Shana was found from the flower girl, so Shana was also taken over.

If even the two of them can't "impress" Gu Nan, then Lu Xinhuan is really powerless-do everything for you and keep your life safe.

Lu Xinhuan muttered these six words in her heart and stared at Gu Nan with a bright gaze: "As long as you promise to return Zhongdie to Qinghe Realm, everyone on the scene can do whatever you want, including me."

Lu Xinhuan is really a very smart person, she knows how to get along with the stars. The core principle is to keep the posture to the lowest level.

But she did not expect that Gu Nan's response was to turn around and pat the blonde girl on the shoulder.

"Go and say hello." With Gu Nan's voice, Lu Xinhuan suddenly panicked.

"Lu Big sis." The blonde Zhong Die shouted in her still crisp voice, as if nothing had happened, and even jumped to Lu Xinhuan's side.

The taller Zhong Die is already a little taller than Lu Xinhuan, and the high heels that come with the kinship standard have caused the height of the two to reverse.

Lu Xinhuan raised her head and looked at Zhong Die, who was completely unfamiliar. He could only find a trace of the old shadow from the outline of her face.

"Have you... had you embraced for the first time?" she asked dumbfounded.

"Yes!" Zhong Die still looked innocent.

Even Gu Nan didn't expect Zhong Die to be ready for the first embrace so quickly, of course Lu Xinhuan couldn't think of it—so she was pitted by herself.

She was almost stuck at the time of two months, and only with this amount of time could she make enough preparations to snatch Zidian out in one fell swoop.

But now, Zhong Die only used two words to smash all her calculations and plans, like a bolt from the blue.

"How could it be like this..." There was a muck in Classmate Lu's head, and he didn't know what to say at all.

"Let's go, continue training." Gu Nan's unhurried words came, and Zhong Die, who had not had time to relive, had to flatten her mouth and walk back obediently.

Since waking up, she has never disobeyed Gu Nan's orders, Gu Nan's opening is almost more effective than Christina.

This is also normal. Christina is her immediate senior, but Gu Nan is the one who introduced the blood of origin for her.

From the root of the blood race, if Gu Nan is her own father, Christina is at best a surrogate mother, maybe even just a test tube.

"No!" Lu Xinhuan let out a loud shout as if she was awakened suddenly.

She grabbed Zhong Die's wrist and said in a deep voice: "Even if you have accepted the first embrace, I will take you back, maybe..."

Lu Xinhuan's voice hadn't fallen yet, and a sudden burst from her shadow, like countless black tentacles, completely entangled her from behind.

She took Zhong Die's hand and was pushed aside by those tentacles, and then she quickly fell into the shadows.

Lu Xinhuan, who had been dragged to the ground and her whole body was in the shadow, only half of her face was still in reality, and she still saw this scene.

Why... Doesn't he care about the lives of those two people at all?

Lu Xinhuan couldn't see the result anymore, because she had completely fallen into the shadow.

This weird scene made everyone present feel scalp numb. Even the blood races have never seen such a way of killing.

What is even more bizarre is that it didn't take long before a group of black shadows began to churn in the shadows, quickly forming a new human form.

"What is the method to disarm Gu worm?" Gu Nan asked casually.

Shadow began to report the "Dish Name" with all his heart and responsibility: "Blue heart grass, Yinyue Baishuang, the hind paws of the big eagle..."

Since the first turn, Gu Nan has rarely used the law of resurrection, but this does not mean that he will not be able to use this trick.

On the contrary, as his strength grows, when the law of resurrection is used on low-level opponents, the effect is much better than before, and most of his memories can be inherited.

Of course, it is almost completely useless for the gods.

"This is also the application of shadows?" Silvia's figure appeared next to Gu Nan somehow, looking at the Shadow Servant in surprise.

Gu Nan didn't know how to explain. The player has several law slots. After thinking about it, he said, "You may not believe it. This is called shadow recovery. It is one of the ultimate meanings of our shadow law."

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