When Fang Chaoyun was about to join the Celestial Society, when the news came out, many people were undoubtedly shocked.

Fang Chaoyun is a top star master, and even a disciple of Tian Song Fei, how could he join the old man Ziluo's Celestial Society? Isn't the two sides at odds?

So at first, many people sneered at this, and there was no indication from the Celestial Society, and they even regarded it as false news.

But soon Fang Chaoyun himself came forward to speak out, proving that it was true that he submitted an application to join the Celestial Society, and that he really wanted to join the Celestial Society.

"The Heavenly God Society is an organization that belongs to the gods and the star masters. It's not someone's family. Why can't the old man join?"

The old Master Fang's vocal questioning was like a sharp sword, stabbing the window paper blocking the front of the heavenly gods meeting.

The Celestial Society was founded by the old man Ziluo, and he is now the most authoritative in the organization, but this does not mean that he can openly say that Celestial Society is his all-in-one word.

The flourishing development of the Celestial Society is mainly because some star owners want to hug their thighs and want to hug together for warmth, so they join a seemingly powerful organization.

After all, there is an organization in which the collaborators are seated, and the entire world of heavens has never appeared.

Previously, Zhuang Xuan and others had been propagating through public organizations, and everyone did not realize that it was wrong. Only Song Fei saw the flaws hidden in the deepest place.

The organization is open, but the collaborators have a standpoint.

If Fang Chaoyun's application to join is rejected, then all those who have grievances with the old man Zi Luo should consider their own position.

In other words, from the moment Fang Chaoyun admitted to the application, the attitude of the Celestial Society became less important.

Even if others were still able to sign up enthusiastically, the Celestial Society would not dare to accept people like before, because Fang Chaoyun's move was also a warning to the Celestial Society.

It doesn't matter if his own application is passed or not, but among those who subsequently applied to join, who knows if there will be a hidden child of Shi Daotian?

Song Fei's move was regarded as putting all the deep things in people's hearts on the bright side.

"I have rejected Fang Chaoyun's application, and I have not given a reason." Zhuang Xuan said.

Xue Ren nodded gently. At this time, instead of finding some specious excuses, it is better not to explain, anyway, everyone knows why.

But Zhuang Xuan immediately said: "Of those who joined the meeting these past two days, two have already opted out, and a few still need to be reviewed, and even one old member was found to be from Shi Daotian."

Xue Ren was silent for a moment: "When many old members joined the meeting, they didn't know the existence of the old man..."

"But no one can guarantee that they will not be instigated in the future." Zhuang Xuan still has a cold face, completely disregarding what he said, it is all his senior, "We can't take risks now."

Xue Ren could only sigh again.

He knew that Zhuang Xuan was right, Song Fei could settle down calmly, but they couldn't take risks, especially at this juncture.

The ten-year period is imminent, and if there is a mistake within the organization at this time, the entire Celestial Society may be destroyed.

However, at this moment, Gao Xiaowen suddenly knocked on the door and walked in, bringing a slightly frightening piece of information.

"Uncle Master, Gu Nan senior, he...went revenge on Old Master Fang!"


Gu Nan is here to seek revenge, and this is true.

Fang Chaoyun was willing to let Gu Nan temporarily, but Gu Nan didn't mean to let him go.

If Fang Chaoyun is not convinced, so that other people dare not peep, how can his war of the Kingdom of God continue? !

What Gu Nan did was also very simple, almost not much different from the previous year.

He ran to Jinghongtian, broke it unscrupulously, then patted his butt and left, leaving Fang Chaoyun burning with anger.

But what is different from the previous year is that Gu Nan did not return to the Kingdom of God this time, but stayed near Jinghongtian.

"Zhuzier dare!" Fang Chaoyun discovered Gu Nan's whereabouts for the first time, and shot without any hesitation.

Song Fei asked him not to provoke Gu Nan for the time being, but he didn't let him fight back.

A huge "Kill" word emerged from the void, and quickly fell towards Gu Nan, showing that Fang Chaoyun's killing intent was overwhelming.

However, Gu Nan just smiled and hit the word "kill" with a punch. The giant character was shattered, and Gu Nan was also shaken out, his right hand was already bloody.

With a fair battle, Gu Nan, who had already been promoted to the eighth rank, was finally able to contend with Fang Chaoyun.

Although there is still no force to fight back, as long as he can save his life, Gu Nan's goal has been achieved.

Gu Nan showed a sneer, his figure plunged into the crack in the space, but it had already gone to another plane.

His movements seemed hurried, before he could close the space channel, Fang Chaoyun rushed over immediately.

He could judge that the opposite was not Gu Nan's strange star realm, so he had nothing to fear.

However, as soon as Fang Chaoyun arrived, he heard a call for help in his ear.

"Old Fang, please help! This Gu Nan thief is here for my Yuanwu Realm!"

It was Cao Yu, the star master of Yuanwu Realm, who was struggling to support Gu Nan's mad attack. Seeing Fang Chaoyun's arrival was like seeing a savior.

Yuan Wujie Cao Yu was one of the star masters who hindered Gu Nan's War of the Kingdom of God, but this time he was targeted by Gu Nan.

Fang Chaoyun realized what Gu Nan wanted to do: He clearly wanted to warn all star owners who were against him in this way!

Cao Yu is considered to be the weakest group among the realm-level star masters, not much better than Hong, but he is the realm-level star master after all.

If he suffered heavy losses under Gu Nan's ravages, who would dare to participate in the battle against Gu Nan?

All these thoughts flashed in Fang Chaoyun's mind, and without hesitation in his hand, he wrote nine characters in a row.

Gu Nan laughed, leaving Cao Yu aside, and ran towards Cao Yu's nest below.

The nine characters fell naturally, and then they were forcibly blown one by one by Gu Nan, and the aftermath of horror erupted, almost destroying most of Cao Yu's lair.

Cao Yu had an expression of crying but no tears: "Old Fang, this..."

Fang Chaoyun also looked ugly. Not long ago, he could easily take the opponent, forcing the opponent to flee into the star realm, but now there is no way to get him.

After all, the literary and Taoism he is good at is not the way of killing and cutting, and it is very difficult to kill Gu Nan.

"Don't worry." But that doesn't mean that Fang Chaoyun has nothing to do, he said in a deep voice.

Fang Chaoyun began to write characters quickly, and the characters "town" appeared in his pen one by one.

"As long as this person is controlled, the old man is sure..."

"Next, Black Dragon World." After Gu Nan destroyed Cao Yu's lair, he waved at this side unhurriedly, "Old Cao, wait until I finish teaching them a round, come to you again!"

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