Geng Chengyun looked at Mai Cheng inexplicably, and didn't understand what he was talking about.

Seeing this, the few people nearby couldn't help showing a friendly smile. One of them knew Geng Chengyun, and said with a smile, "Old Geng, are you just coming out of Closed Door Training? You haven't even heard of this important event?"

Geng Chengyun nodded and said, "Don't hide it, fellow daoist... I did just leave the customs."

"It's no wonder then!" Mai Cheng looked dazed, and handed a copy of the information to Geng Chengyun. "Brother, take a look at this first."

Geng Chengyun took a look and found that the first page of the information was impressively written with a line of big characters: The Weak God Hunting Manual.

Geng Chengyun naturally knew the existence of the world of gods and gods, so when he saw this name, he was shocked on the spot.

The gods are at the same level as the star master, so anyone dares to say that they kill the gods?

The disdain flashed in his eyes. Geng Chengyun didn't want to bother about such nonsense, but considering that it was Mai Cheng who gave him the information, he still patiently turned it over.

On the title page, Geng Chengyun saw this sentence: All the methods in this manual are only for weak gods below the seventh level, and remember to choose the correct hunting target when using it.

"It's exactly the same." Geng Chengyun curled his lips secretly, but was immediately shocked by the long catalog on the next page.

The definition of the weak gods, the common residence of the weak gods, how to lure the weak gods to show up, the common activity area of ​​the weak gods...

Geng Chengyun even saw something even more horrifying at the end of the manual.

Demonstration example: Detailed steps to hunt down the sixth-order gods-Nofiti, the god of smoke and dust.

Geng Chengyun felt that his heartbeat had become a bit faster, and quickly turned to the back. Sure enough, he saw extremely detailed steps written there, telling readers how to kill Nuofit.

This is a god who has reached the sixth rank and already has the kingdom of God!

He quickly raised his head and looked at Mai Cheng and said, "This Nuofit..."

"Dead." Mai Cheng said lightly, "The method of death is exactly the same as that stated in the manual, and the godhead has also been poached."

Geng Chengyun only felt that there was a "boom" in his head, as if something was broken in his heart. He knew that it was a kind of high above the star owner.

Seeing him like this, Mai Cheng couldn't help but smile: "Don't be nervous, this manual is completely for the gods and has no effect on us."

With the narration of Mai Cheng and others, Geng Chengyun understood what major events had happened in the heavens during his Closed Door Training.

First, a strange information about the use of the godhead to cultivate world-breakers began to circulate among the star masters.

At that time, not many people took it seriously. After all, the godhead is not a Chinese cabbage. The difficulty of obtaining it may be higher than that of cultivating a world breaker, and it is completely tasteless.

But then this hunting manual turned out, and it was no longer secretively, but was published openly for all star owners and even breakers to read.

"There is even such a method..." Geng Chengyun muttered after reading the method of Godhead cultivation.

Although he has not yet reached the stage of managing the star realm, he lacks a realm breaker, which is a situation that every star master will face. If there is a world-breaking subordinate, it will undoubtedly save a lot of energy.

Star masters like Mai Cheng at this stage need the help of the Breakers, and they only have to wave the flag to attract the Breakers from all sides to settle in their own star realm.

And the world breakers trained by his own hands are obviously more reassuring than outsiders... Almost no need to think about it, Geng Chengyun understood the value of these two materials.

His eyes started to heat up, and he looked around.

According to the manual, the team that hunts the gods is best with five people. This quantity can guarantee a very high success rate, and it will not lead to poor distribution of loot due to too many people. It is the most cost-effective configuration.

Geng Chengyun even thought that even if five people only get one godhead in the end, the five of them can use it in rotation...

As long as you find a small plane with extremely slow time flow, it will not take long to train a world breaker, and you will be able to squeeze the value of a godhead very quickly.

Seeing the changes in Geng Chengyun's eyes, Mai Cheng understood the other party's attitude without asking more questions.

So he opened his mouth again: "It shouldn't be too late. If Brother Geng intends to participate in this matter, why don't I set off immediately?"

"Do you want to leave immediately? I still want to go back and prepare some means..." Geng Chengyun was stunned for a moment, but she didn't expect Mai Cheng to be so urgent.

He was out to relax, but he didn't prepare too many things suitable for combat.

The fellow Xie fellow daoist next to him said: "Old Geng, you are confused! This hunting manual is public. It won't be long before the gods will learn, how can there be time for us to wait?"

Geng Chengyun suddenly realized that he was bewildered by this series of news. He didn't expect this for a while, and said quickly: "It shouldn't be too late, hurry up!"

This is really urgent.


Driving people with righteousness can only last for a while, and driving people with interests can last long.

Gu Nan didn't do anything, just publicly and semi-disclosed the two materials, the entire world of heavens was completely fried, and most of the star masters were mobilized.

There is no way for the stars to not be enthusiastic. After all, a godhead represents at least ten world breakers, or the kind that can appoint a person by himself, even the star master has never seen such a good thing.

Those little star masters who are still in the initial stage of the star realm are definitely people who are grateful for the disclosure of information in their hearts. This is really a timely rain.

As a result, the number of world-breakers in the entire world of the heavens reached the highest level ever. After just over half a month, the star masters almost had a world-breaker entourage.

The status of the Wild Boundary Breaker also plummeted as a result. It can be said that Gu Nan's actions have made the problem of class consolidation in the world of heavens many times more serious.

Also unlucky are those weak gods in the world of gods, and the wild world breakers are at best lower in status, but these gods have lost their lives.

The unprovoked fall of a large number of gods finally attracted the attention of the top of the world of gods. The twelve main gods sat together for an unprecedented time, trying to find the root cause-it should be thirteen, and now there is one more Lorensha.

But when the results came out, they could only care about each other speechlessly.

The main gods don't know anything about the world of the heavens, so they are also very clear: when the godhead and the star realm background are linked, the contradiction between the two has become irreconcilable.

"Negotiate with that side, let their comrades impose a ban, prohibiting the star master from coming here privately?" Fan Lun, the god of time, thought for a while and said.

"It's useless." The dark lady Dess sighed softly. "Even if there is a ban, there are unavoidable people who take risks."

The beast god pressed the epee on the table, looked around and said, "Everyone, I think we should start the war."

None of the main gods answered, they actually acquiesced to his words. No matter how strong a ban is, it is impossible to stop such behaviors with huge benefits.

Pandora's box has been opened.

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