Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 99 Isn’t this normal?


The shrill cold wind, accompanied by Zheng Yuanqing's eerie voice, slowly blew through the gray building, passing the ghostly cry-like voice through the thick glass into the cold bedroom and into everyone's ears;


Listening to Zheng Yuanqing's voice and the wind sound like a soul-calling sound, Dai Anyang couldn't help but trembled all over as he was lying on the ground and rubbing. Then he quietly turned his head to look at Zhang Yu on the bed with horrified eyes, but only saw The girl who usually didn't seem to care about anything was curled up into a ball at this moment, covering her face tightly with her hands, letting her thin shoulders tremble slightly...

It’s over!

It’s over this time!

Seeing that everything in reality did not develop according to the script, Dai Anyang felt no pain anymore. He could only clutch his collar and look worriedly at the two blurry figures in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. The huge bedroom was also trapped in this moment. The terrifying silence;



Hearing Zheng Yuanqing's eerie voice, Xu Shucheng suddenly stopped howling, then blinked his tear-stained eyes, then raised his gauze-covered head, stared at Zheng Yuanqing with a pair of extremely innocent eyes, and looked at Zheng Yuanqing with clear eyes. Innocently, he met those eyes that sparkled with murderous intent;


"What did you just say? Scheming? Who were you scheming against?"

"You...haven't you been planning on Chengshan Port? What a great opportunity now. The entire local gang in Chengshan Port has been completely destroyed;"

"Besides, since the second brother is gone, you don't have to worry about the pure brotherhood between you;"

"So now, if you don't come out and pull the mountain away, who will come out?"

"Could it be...could it be that you are talking about me?"

Xu Shucheng cheered for a while, and then as if he suddenly thought of something, he raised his finger and pointed tremblingly at his nose, then blinked his innocent eyes, then grinned and howled again:

"Wow! Brother, you really blamed me wrongly!"

"Brother, you are a powerful person, a god in the sky, and a city god on the earth! You don't understand the suffering of a low-level person like me!"

"Do you know? It's normal for me, a low-class person, to sell his son, daughter, wife, and chrysanthemums just for a bite to eat! From the first day you came here, I treated my wife and father-in-law as your maids. Old servant, isn’t it normal for me to bring a bunch of brothers here to hug me?”

"Don't glare at me! I know I'm shameless when I say this! But do you know? This is the reality of the lowest gang members! How much is your face worth compared to your belly, don't you think?"

"And I'm still a lame. In the past, my brothers took pity on me and gave me a bite of food, but now? Who am I to bother anyone now, and they wish they could stay away from me. After all, everyone can't eat anymore, so who cares about bullshit feelings? What kind of face...isn't this normal?"

"Moreover, now the second brother of the Black Ling Gang is gone, the third brother is useless, and the fourth sister is still lying on the bed not knowing whether to live or die. Even if she recovers, she is just a girl, and sooner or later she will be the maid next to you in bed. ...Okay, I digress. Who will give me a bite of food now? I am a cripple and can't even fight. Where can I find food? You said you are in need of a car repairman here. I won't come to you. I will look for you. Who? Isn’t this normal?”

"And, and, you are a powerful person, you are a god in heaven and a city god on earth. You are qualified to be conscientious and moral, but what about us? I don't even know if I can get up tomorrow morning if I lie down today. Do you have the right to be shameless? Isn’t this normal?”

"You can call me shameless or immoral, but in short -"

After a burst of "thud, thud, thug" like a submachine gun, Xu Shucheng once again rubbed his face with snot and tears on Zheng Yuanqing's pants, and then looked at Zheng Yuanqing with his watery eyes, so pitiful and innocent. Choking innocently:

", I am doing this in this apocalyptic era -"

"Isn't that normal?"

All right……

damn it! Damn it! I'll fuck your uncle!

Very normal!

It is indeed normal!

Listening to Xu Shucheng's "Tu tu tu tu tu tu tu" without even a beat, Zheng Yuanqing gritted his teeth and had nothing to say. He admitted that he could not argue with Xu Shucheng in this matter, because no matter what Xu Shucheng said, Whether it’s true or false, nonsense or nonsense, they all capture Zheng Yuanqing’s weakness——

He wants Chengshan Port!

The Tao is to be strong without desire, and the Tao is to prescribe the right medicine. Xu Shucheng firmly grasped this point and clearly conveyed a transaction message to him:

Don’t worry about what plans I have, get money to do things, use money to do things, this is the rule no matter it is the end of the world or anytime;

If you want to easily conquer Chengshan Port, you really need me to give you some errands and advice; if you leave me, who will you go to? Who do you know about you? Who do you dare to believe?

So you don't care what my plans are. You support me and I'll do things for you. I'll take care of things. Why do you care so much about it?

And and and and…

You are a sixth-level awakened person. To ordinary people, you are like a god in heaven or a city god on earth. Are you afraid that I will eat you?

Since you are not afraid of things getting out of your control at all, then what are you worried about? You are the one who is abnormal!

This is the transaction message conveyed by Xu Shucheng...

The only difference is that Xu Shucheng's shamelessness and persistent pursuit gave this seemingly cold transaction a layer of benevolence and morality, which not only made the two of them look good, but also praised Zheng Yuanqing. It's so high, and it makes people unable to say a word, and Zheng Yuanqing really has to maintain this layer of benevolence and morality, after all -

Isn’t that what the end of the world is like?

Isn’t that what gangs are like?

The human heart is human – isn’t that essentially what it is?

Isn't this normal?

Of course, one can be strong without desires, but the key question is, how many people in this world dare to say that they are strong without desires?


What a risk!

The most important level is finally passed!

And just when Zheng Yuanqing's head was full of random thoughts, looking at his expression that was changing, but not knowing where his thoughts were going, Xu Shucheng also put down a huge stone in his heart;

Everything was as he expected. Find Shuyuan Zheng Yuanqing is not an omniscient and omnipotent god. He doesn't know many things at all... In other words, in Xu Shucheng's view, awakened people of this level are simply too lazy to care. What is the relationship between a third-level awakened person and an ordinary person?

"That's fine! As long as he didn't see what happened last night!"

After carefully observing Zheng Yuanqing's eyes and expression again, Xu Shucheng took a deep breath and gritted his teeth secretly in his heart;

"Ah, very good;"

On the other side, listening to Xu Shucheng's series of sudden conflict, Zheng Yuanqing's heart was full of fire, but his face had to pretend to be very satisfactory, and then bent down his waist and was very good at each other. He pulled Xu Shucheng off his legs, then slowly lifted him up, and then said with a smile on his face:

"Very good, you gave me a satisfactory answer;"

"From today on, you are my first little brother, and you are my second in command;"

"Thank you for the reward, brother!"

Hearing Zheng Yuanqing's words, Xu Shucheng immediately softened, stared with passionate eyes and let out a soul-stirring roar. Then, as if he had watched too many Qing palace dramas, he drooped his sleeves and fluttered at each other, and then he was about to bow his head... But Zheng Yuanqing pinched his shoulders and lifted him up;

"Then now..."

While Zheng Yuanqing was carrying Xu Shucheng with one hand, he approached his face with a smile, and then said with a smile:

"You can tell me what you're going to do next-"

"What should we do?"

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