Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 104 I’ll take you away


Everything is time!

As Zheng Yuanqing has grown up, he has never felt like he does today. Time is so urgent and lacking!

Although Zheng Yuanqing knew that he could not build an army, there was no problem in building a team. The problem was that the first piece of debris could only last for half a year. He did not have time to take care of a team in detail. However, he But there must be a team;

Why, there has to be a team!

Why can't I look for that wreckage alone!

This is a question that Zheng Yuanqing has been thinking about now. The guide never told him before, and he never paid attention to it. That was because at that time, he did not have the energy or qualification to think about this issue in depth. The guide just said that he There has to be a team...

"Put it here, put it here! Yes, put it on the side of the sofa!"

However, at this moment, Xu Shucheng's harsh shout interrupted Zheng Yuanqing's thoughts again, and then Zheng Yuanqing saw Guaizi and others carrying a huge floor-length mirror and placing it on the side of the sofa;

"Brother! This is the military appearance mirror! When I was a soldier, this military appearance mirror was my favorite!"

"Hey, brother, please take a look! This military mirror allows everyone who comes to seek refuge to take care of their appearance beforehand. Otherwise, it would be disrespectful to brother to be unkempt and slovenly. Don't you think so, brother?" It seems that Seeing Zheng Yuanqing's doubts, Xu Shucheng hurriedly ran to Zheng Yuanqing's side and smiled flatteringly;

Military mirror?

What qualifications does a person like you have to take a military mirror?

Zheng Yuanqing didn't react at all when he heard this. He didn't even bother to look at Xu Shucheng. Instead, he suppressed the fire in his heart and fell into painful contemplation again...


The shrill cold wind blew again, mixed with the thick putrid smell of the Yellow River water, passing through the dead ruins, and once again blew towards the Black Ling Gang's main hall in the distance——

A full ten minutes...

In the harsh cold wind, in the main hall, which was as dark as a mourning hall, people who had already changed into various black clothes waited for more than ten minutes before they heard the small door. Make a "squeak" sound like a death knell;

With the harsh friction sound of the door shaft, in the dim eyes of everyone, the small door finally slowly opened, and the figure that made them see through the autumn water finally slowly walked out of the small door!


The person who walked out of the small door, although it was still the familiar figure at first glance, but upon closer inspection, it was extremely strange. It seemed that he was no longer the same figure with a crew-cut hair, jeans, black vest, and travel shoes that he had worn for several years. Yue Hong, but a Yue Hong who looks very familiar yet very strange!

At this time, Yue Hong, as never before, put on a long, high-collared black windbreaker, a pair of slender black leggings that seemed to have wedge heels, and his usual straight-cut hair. Covered tightly by a thick black cotton hat, the hands that were always rough and cracked also wore a pair of thin black gloves...

But these are not the point...

What really made everyone feel strange was the aura of that figure——

Although he is still so fierce, so strong, and so strong...but there is an indescribable flavor!

"I have kept you waiting for a long time;"

Just when everyone was full of suspicion but unable to guess, Yue Hong looked around at everyone, and then said in a slightly hoarse voice:

"Since you all think highly of Yue and are willing to continue to follow Yue, then——"

"Yue will lead everyone to find a real--"

"Brother Longtou;"

As the rich and hoarse voice ended, Yue Hong slowly straightened his waist, and then walked slowly with his head held high as usual, amidst the complicated looks of everyone including doubts, concerns, uneasiness, worry... Go down the steps, walk into the passage that everyone voluntarily gave up, walk out of the dim main hall without saying a word, and walk towards the gloomy and lightless ruins...

call--! !

The howling north wind blew through the collapsed main hall with biting ice coldness, carrying the miserable cries of countless souls who died tragically that night, blowing through the vast ruins, blowing past the mummified survivors, It passed over the frozen bones on the ground, and then blew again to the enthusiastic crowd, and the commenting gang members in the crowd...

"Yuanqing Divine Sect! For thousands of years! Unify the world!"

"Line in line! Pay attention to order! Did you see that military-looking mirror? The new boss pays great attention to personal qualities!"

"Bah! That's bullshit! You're an expert at internal fighting and an outsider at external fighting. I've never seen you before. You've made the second brother work so hard for me alone. Now you're awesome..."

"Say less, brother, a slap can't make a difference. He is the leader of the gang, and the Black Ling Gang belongs to him. If your second brother didn't have any thoughts, how could the two of them get to this point? So we all have to look at it. Open up, we are just soldiers, whoever is more powerful will mess with whoever is better, and your Black Ling Gang won't be disbanded? It is also in line with the rules to find a new leader;"

"Yeah, yeah, so, you have to be a person with a sense of responsibility and don't have any psychological burden..."


A real rabble!

Looking at the crowd of people from a distance, looking at the faces with beaming eyebrows, joy and dancing...with all kinds of expressions but no trace of guilt or depression, Zheng Yuanqing remained indifferent on the surface, but felt in his heart Getting more and more helpless...

“Why do I have to have a team?”

"Why can't I rely on my own strength to find the wreckage!" As the noise became louder and louder, Zheng Yuanqing finally couldn't help it, and finally gave up his hard thinking and asked;

"Have you read too many novels? My dear classmate Zheng Yuanqing?" After hearing Zheng Yuanqing's question, the guide replied coldly;

"Do you really think that traveling thousands of miles alone and traveling alone in the world is reality and not literary fiction? Let me ask you a few simple questions. Think about it for yourself first;"

"The first question is, when a hero walks alone in the world, where do the expenses required for eating, drinking, sleeping, and expensive equipment, as well as so many connections and the pomp that a hero must have come from? ?”

"The hero's job is not to do business and farm; then, where does his money come from? Don't tell me that he robbed the rich and gave to the poor. Landlords like Huang Shiren don't have much money and cannot afford the hero to rob the rich and give to the poor. , A powerful hero like He Shen can’t move, so where does the hero’s money come from?”

"The second question is about people's names and the shadows of trees. In ancient times, communication was so crude and transportation was so backward. Even the government's decrees were only issued to the county level at most. So how did the name of the hero spread all over the country? Is it possible that the hero was the hero? Is your main job traveling around the world promoting yourself?”

"The third question is that heroes have martial arts skills and naturally have a much larger appetite than ordinary people. In ancient times when there were no nutritional supplements, only a large amount of chicken, duck, and fish could ensure nutritional intake. Moreover, heroes traveled around for a long time and inevitably suffered serious injuries. No matter how good your health is, you will still have minor illnesses and disasters even if you are sleeping in the open air. So, who prepared these things for the hero?"

"The fourth question is about you. Now you have found that your appetite is getting bigger and bigger. If you go to Shuyuan, you can get a table of hot pot, including vegetables and noodles, totaling 22 kilograms. Xu Shucheng and the three of them can How much did you eat? You ate the rest;"

"At that time, you were still a third-level awakener. If you continue at this growth rate, by the time you reach the rank of lieutenant, food will no longer be able to meet your body's needs. By then, you will need crystal nuclei to replenish energy. By then, you will what to do?"

"Is it possible that your daily job from now on is to exchange food for crystal cores everywhere? Or can you absorb the vitality, spiritual energy, fighting spirit, and fighting spirit from the world? Is it possible that you can easily get one just by falling down? Is the sack a treasure of heaven and earth?"

"Think about these questions for yourself. I have said that in the last days, you should never have undue fantasies;"

Following another tirade from the guide, Zheng Yuanqing once again had nothing to say. He could only lean heavily on the sofa, look aimlessly at the gloomy sky, and murmured in his heart:

"Yue Hong, Yue Hong, how much better would it be if you didn't have that tendency?"

"You need me, and I need you. You know who I am, and I know who you are. The two of us... can actually be partners and brothers of life and death, but why do we just--"

"We've come this far!"


(PS: In response to the advice and reminders of several readers, Xiaoyu carefully thought about the issues in the previous chapters and has now made changes to make them more reasonable as much as possible. However, the specific plot has not changed, it has just been modified. Logical relationship; if you have time, you can read it again from Chapter 92; thank you ;)

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