Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 106 The call from the depths of the soul

"Let me tell you—"

"Ge Fei is right, Yue Hong is a bitter mother, but she is also very coquettish, and she is not a good guy. I never recognize him as a mother, have you seen it? Those eight bare-butt girls around dad , what do you think? Look at that height, the average height is 1.7 meters;"

"Look at those breasts again. They are full and seem to have milk as soon as they are squeezed out. How does it look like what a woman in the apocalypse should have? Look at those legs, look at that body again, look carefully at this moment. They are not wearing any clothes, so if you don’t look at them now, you won’t be able to see them!”

"This brother is right!"

As everyone watched, the shirtless man Ge Fei got excited, pinched his waist and began to point out the country:

"Did you see it? Look at how plump those eight girls are, they are just like before the end of the world! You can say that most people have never seen them, let alone where they come from; you don't know, I know ;"

"That's the bodyguard of our second brother from the Black Ling Gang, known as the Twelve Golden Flowers! Not only did Yue Hong raise a woman who makes people lose their souls at just one glance, but he also raised twelve tall and long-legged girls. Bodyguard, for these thirteen girls, do you think they cost us enough food? Have they done anything for the gang? How many customers have they received?"

"Let's not say that they didn't take over the guests. Yue Hong is the second in command after all. He has this power! But what about last night's fight? Have any of you seen them fight? Yue Hong himself was in it, but he still couldn't bear to let them suffer even a little bit. Injury! They are dedicated to serving Yue Hong. They don’t turn off the lights every night, and there are thirteen women in one room, coming one by one..."

"That's right!"

Listening to Ge Fei's words, another member of the gang also took a step forward and clasped his waist boldly to echo: "Ge Fei is right! A slap can't make a sound, and a fly can't bite a seamless egg!"

"Everyone has seen what Yue Hong did last night! Not only does he like women, he also likes men! What does this mean? Where can the fire come from without dry wood? Without his body, Zhang Zhiyong's How could someone who could be the captain of the search team easily launch such a large-scale war just because of sperm? Isn’t he afraid of the entire Yoshiwara City rioting? "

"That's right!"

"That's right!"

"Let me tell you, the search team is also fighting for power. Zeng Rui is still known as Little Zhuge. If Zhang Zhiyong is really a fool, how could he have been the captain for three years? Do you think so?"

As one after another Black Ling Gang members came forward with their "personal statements", issues regarding Yue Hong's personal life instantly became the focus of everyone's attention. But good things never go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles... A huge crowd gathered in just a few minutes. They all began to discuss this issue with great interest, and the more they talked, the more mysterious they became, and the more they cursed, the more energetic they became...

"Did you see it? Justice is in the heart!"

"I'm just telling you, one slap can't make a difference! Then Yue Hong is not a good guy either!" Seeing the huge crowd talking, Ge Fei also scolded even more vigorously——

"And if you think about it, if my father was such a bastard, how could he get divorced without saying a word? If Yue Hong was really that good, he should have cried and made a scene and even slapped that bastard father! But he Why did he agree to divorce without saying a word? I feel guilty! God knows how many things he has hidden from our baby!"

"So, our baby doesn't need to have any psychological burden. To say the least, even if dad is a bastard, he is a rich man. No matter how bastard he is, he is still dad, and dad has not disowned our baby, right? So, Everyone...hey? Why are you filming me?"

"That's right! Ge Fei is right, of course he left with his wealthy father! Hahaha... why didn't you say anything? What are you looking at?"

"That's right, what are you looking at..."

Dead silence...

A moment of deathly silence!

Just when the crowd was filled with smoke and smoke, the surroundings suddenly fell into a strange dead silence. The place fell into dead silence, and the surrounding gang members who were still talking about "father and mother" also turned their heads to look, and then He also fell into that weird silence, and so on, two in a row, three in a row, and four in a row...from the rear of the crowd to the middle of the crowd, then to the front of the crowd...and then to Zheng Yuanqing, who was leaning on the sofa and thinking——

Then he opened his suspicious eyes and looked from afar!

The hazy sky, the vast ruins, the dead Chengshan Port...

On that distant horizon, at the end of the road littered with corpses, a team of more than a hundred people in black came out of nowhere!

The neat black clothes, the neat faces, the neat steel knives, the neat steps, and the few remaining ones, which are only about a hundred, but are like countless red flags dancing in the wind——

Three thousand red silk!

Dead silence!

A moment of deathly silence!

The sudden silence was like the death taking away one's life!

All people, all comments, all ridicules, even those doubtful whispers, suddenly turned into something that could freeze time at this moment——

Dead silence!

Click, click, click...

The slender leather boots stepped on the icy road, making crisp sounds that echoed faintly in the dead Chengshan Port, but struck everyone's heartstrings like a heavy hammer. The sound became more and more obvious, and the neat team approached the end of the huge crowd slowly...


The moment the team just approached, the huge crowd seemed to have seen something terrifying. First, they were all stunned, and then, as if someone commanded them, a "hurrah" sounded like a tide, and a straight passage instantly opened to both sides. !

Click, click, click...

As the passage parted, amid the countless astonished eyes and pale faces, the crisp footsteps also walked unhurriedly into the silent crowd and stepped onto the straight passage. Quietly walking past the bunch of surprised eyes and pale faces, as if they were just a wisp of breeze blowing by, without fighting against the world or others;




Just when the crisp footsteps were quietly walking past the noisiest group of people just now, a trembling voice suddenly came from the crowd, and then I saw Ge Fei, who had been the noisiest just now, trembling. I squeezed out of the crowd, stared at the footsteps getting further and further away with my eyes wide open, and seemed to want to shout something, but couldn't...

And then——


There was a muffled sound, like thunder!

Just as the crisp footsteps were getting further and further away, Ge Fei, who was trembling all over, hesitated for a moment in his eyes, then suddenly gritted his teeth as if he had made some decision, and then suddenly - in the direction where the footsteps came from - —

Get down on your knees!

Then, with his trembling body covered in bruises and uncontrollable choking, he moved towards the crisp footsteps——

Kowtow hard! then--

Standing up suddenly, in the midst of countless dull eyes, he tremblingly took out a piece of bloody red silk from his trouser pocket, tied it solemnly on his left arm, then puffed up his chest and resolutely joined the silent team, and as Ge Fei After leaving, two more members of the gang who had also cursed the most fiercely just now stared at their red eyes like lunatics and squeezed out of the crowd...


The shrill cold wind blew slowly, blowing up the red damask that was fluttering again, and blowing past the figures that were gradually retreating...

Click, click, click...

The crisp footsteps are getting lighter and lighter, still blowing through the dead Chengshan Port like a wisp of wind that is independent of the world. Then in the eyes of countless people, it becomes farther and farther, weaker and weaker, and more and more...


Just when the crisp footsteps were about to leave, there was another muffled sound, and the two gang members seemed to have finally decided on something, and then with the same trembling and bruised bodies, they knelt down heavily toward the end of the passage and kowtowed in the same way. There was a loud bang on the head, and then he bit his lip and stood up suddenly. He also took out a red ribbon from his pocket and wiped his red eyes while catching up with the team. Then, more people trembled and squeezed out of the crowd. …


With the third muffled sound, with the third pair of knees kneeling, with the third person choking and chasing after him, and then——




The fourth sound, the fifth sound, the sixth sound, the seventh sound, the eighth sound... one after another, the muffled sounds suddenly merged together like raindrops, and then one after another the helpers straightened their backs, I tied on the red silk ribbon, gripped the steel knife tightly, trembled my legs and bit my lips and chased after him!

What is surprising is that these gangsters, who had completely opposite attitudes before and after, were all the ones who scolded the most fiercely just now!

Deep love and deep responsibility;

The reason why I curse so fiercely is precisely because I am escaping from the reluctance deep in my heart!

The more fierce the scolding, the more reluctant I am to give up...

And precisely because the more reluctant you are to give up, the more you have to follow it through life and death!

Following the sound of kneeling down like raindrops, as figures followed each other crying, and as more and more red damasks fluttered in the wind, a gang member with a wolf head tattooed on his arm looked up to the sky and took a deep breath, and then Stepping out of the crowd, he knelt down on one knee in that direction, bowed his head heavily in salute, then tore off a blood-soaked cloth strip from his clothes and tied it tightly to his left arm, and followed closely, one after another. The gang member with the wolf head tattoo on his arm then knelt down on one knee, then stretched out his hand to tear off the blood-stained cloth...

As the gang members with wolf-head tattoos on their arms tied up in red ribbons, and as more and more red ribbons were flying, one after another the gang members from other places looked at each other, and then stood together in silence. They took a step forward, bowed ninety degrees, and then also tore off their blood-stained clothes!

Just like that, in the shrill cold wind, the dead crowd first gave way to a straight passage like a tide, and then followed behind amid dense muffled sounds and suppressed sobs, the bloody There are more and more Hong Ling, more and more, more and more, until——

It gathered into a black tide, with the sky full of sorrowful clouds above its head, and the vast ruins under its feet, with overwhelming determination and a belief in death, slowly rushing toward Zheng Yuanqing like a rolling river wave on the distant horizon!

In the black tide, there is the real one dancing wildly in the wind——

Three thousand red silk!

Just in front of the three thousand red silk ribbons, looking for Shuyuan, there was a surprise——

Slender figure!

murderous look!

Strong murderous intent!

Uniform and murderous like an army!

Looking at the slowly pressing black tide, looking at the three thousand red damasks dancing wildly in the wind, Zheng Yuanqing clearly felt a murderous aura as if it were the weight of Mount Tai. He had no doubt that as long as that figure waved his hand gently, that figure would be The slow black tide can turn into a raging sea in an instant, rushing towards him. Even if he knows that he will die, he will die without any regrets!

This is the choice of thousands of people in Chengshan Port!

No matter how wealthy my father is, he is still a bastard who abandons his wife and children!

No matter how ostentatious my mother is, she is still a bitter mother who has worked hard with her children for three years! Even the stepmother is much better than the father I have never met before!

This is the team!

This is core cohesion!

This is the uniqueness of the person who is the core - personality charm!

Even when he is not around, everyone will scold him as useless, criticize him to the extreme, and even belittle him so much that they want to trample him again!

However, when he reappears in front of everyone, everyone will instantly abandon all concepts, all personality, all reason, and even grudges, honor, disgrace, wealth and life——

To listen to what comes from the depths of your soul—

Call! Call!

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