A small corpse hunting team is currently driving in the wilderness. The corpse hunting team consists of two off-road jeeps, a liaison vehicle, and a logistics vehicle.

Zheng Yuanqing looked at the zombies wandering around in the wasteland outside the car window, feeling as if he was in another world. After such a long period of annihilation within the Chinese people, there have been no traces of zombies for a long time. The survivors live and work in peace and contentment, and live happily. However, outside the allied forces, it is a different scene, like hell.

This corpse-hunting team was an advance team headed to the north led by Zheng Yuanqing. After being airlifted to Yoshiwara City by helicopter, they then took a car all the way north. Intelligence some time ago showed that the leader of the force in the northern wilderness was accidentally bitten by a zombie while teasing zombies for fun. The situation in the wasteland suddenly took a turn for the worse. Without a leader, they split into dozens of forces, which could be attacked by the Northeast at any time. The group is in danger of being annexed or attacked by zombies.

So Zheng Yuanqing planned to go to the wilderness to find out what was going on in person, and after some screening, the accompanying personnel finally selected Spider, Shanyue, He Yaohui, Ling Qing, Awu, Lao Wang, Spectacles, Tang Xin, Shi Jin, Han Yan, Si Juan and Lao Ma.

Ling Qing was originally not within the scope of this operation. She had strongly requested to follow her. Zheng Yuanqing was also surprised by the skills she revealed at this time. He did not expect that Ling Qing, who had always presented a sweet and delicate image, could actually No less powerful than He Yaohui, who has gone through all kinds of training. After he couldn't think of any reason to refuse, Zheng Yuanqing could only take her with him. Since he took her with him, her personal bodyguard Awu would naturally follow.

Ever since Ah Wu fell in love with Li Geng, Spider and others were obviously less hostile to him. At least they no longer thought about how to kill him all day long. This was the most important reason why Ling Qing dared to take Ah Wu with him.

The car drove along, just like before, He Yaohui was still driving. A Wu sat in the passenger seat, Zheng Yuanqing and Ling Qing sat in the back. Spiders, mountains behind. Yan Yan and Tang Xin were riding in an off-road jeep. Lao Ma, Si Juan. Han Yan drove the liaison vehicle, and Lao Wang and Shi Jin drove the logistics vehicle.

The corpse hunting team drove on the deserted wasteland for a long time and finally turned into a service area. Zheng Yuanqing and others got out of the car one after another and carefully approached the comprehensive building in the service area with weapons in hand.

Zheng Yuanqing looked at the nervous people around him, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly. This is the lifestyle he likes, free and easy, and always fighting to survive.

Zheng Yuanqing signaled A Wu and Shi Jin to stay outside to protect Han Yan, who had no fighting ability. Si Juan and Lao Ma. Of course, Ling Qing was left outside by him, no matter how she protested, it was ineffective.

Zheng Yuanqing carefully walked into the building with his old partners, Spider, Shan Yue, He Yaohui, Lao Wang, Glasses and Tang Xin. The building was empty, not even a zombie, but they did not relax their vigilance because of this, and carefully searched every corner. Sudden. A closed office appeared in front of Zheng Yuanqing's eyes. He stretched out his hand to signal. He Yaohui and Shan Yue, who were following closely behind him, quietly walked to the door and hid against the wall. He Yaohui probed his head slightly. I gently turned the door handle with my hand and found that the door lock could move.

After Shan Yue saw He Yaohui unlock the door, he walked to the door and kicked the door hard. There was a loud "bang" and the door was kicked open. Suddenly, a stench hit my nostrils, and the room was filled with the sound of "buzzing" flies.

Zheng Yuanqing took out a handkerchief and covered his nose, then took a look. I saw two rotten corpses sitting on the chairs in the office with only their skeletons left. Countless flies were biting on the dead bones and kept dancing up and down, making a somewhat harsh "buzzing" sound. Maggots were constantly crawling in and out of the eye sockets and incisors of the skull. From time to time, maggots that were not caught firmly were squeezed to the ground, and then their struggling bodies tried to crawl back to the corpse.

Zheng Yuanqing resisted the nauseating feeling and signaled He Yaohui to close the door quickly. It wasn't until the door was closed that the three of them breathed a sigh of relief. The smell in the room just now was really unbearable.

At this time, fierce gunfire suddenly came from not far away. Although a silencer was installed, the gunfire was so dense that they could still hear it clearly even though they were not too far away. "Something happened." The three of them looked at each other and rushed towards the scene of the incident.

When they arrived, they saw Spider and Lao Wang hiding behind a dining table and shooting at the kitchen door. Glasses and Tang Xin have also arrived and are shooting on the other side. No wonder there wasn't a single zombie in the whole building. It turned out that the zombies were all concentrated in the kitchen for some unknown reason.

Zheng Yuanqing and the other three people no longer hesitated and hurried over to join the battle. Shan Yue directly activated the grenade launcher installed on his gun. After firing a few grenades, with a huge explosion, the zombies crowded at the door were finally killed. It was wiped out. Then the nearest glasses immediately took off the two grenades hanging on his shoulders, pulled out the fuses and threw them into the house.

"Boom, boom" were two huge explosions. You could see from the doorway that blood and flesh were flying everywhere in the house, and severed limbs and remains were scattered everywhere.

No longer hearing the unique roar of the zombies inside, the seven people carefully walked into the kitchen with their guns in hand, and whenever they saw a complete head, they shot it again. The kitchen space is not large, but it is densely packed with nearly 50 zombies.

At this time, Zheng Yuanqing finally understood why the zombies in the entire building were concentrated in the kitchen, because the kitchen ceiling had a crack due to disrepair, and there should be a broken water pipe on it. Water is dripping from that hole now. The zombies cannot get wet, because too much water will cause their bodies to rot. Just like a zombie can't cross a river, once its stiff body is stuck in the mud, it can't get out on its own and can only slowly rot. Even if it doesn't sink in, once the river water covers the zombie's chest, its buoyancy will make it float. If you get up, zombies that can't swim can only float on the river and be eaten by fish or rot.

But zombies still need to drink water, so this little water source becomes the target of zombies grabbing food. This is why the zombies in the whole building are concentrated here.

Now that the kitchen is occupied by so many zombies, all the logistics there have been contaminated and can no longer be used. Zheng Yuanqing and others found some dry batteries and vacuum-packed food in the convenience store, and then hurriedly left the service area. Fortunately, this time they came out with a whole truckload of living logistics. Even if they couldn't replenish it in a short time, they didn't need to worry too much.

The corpse hunting team continued to set off, heading north, and the mountains and jungles gradually began to increase. Many times, the corpse hunting team had to pass through the woods. The roads in many places are no longer visible, and the original roads are covered with weeds, small trees and moss. Fortunately, all they drive are military off-road jeeps with excellent performance. Even civilian off-road jeeps may not be able to get through these places.

The sky was getting dark gradually, and everyone was eager to find a safe place to camp. But looking at the deep and dark jungle around them and the looming zombies deep in the jungle, everyone had no choice but to turn on the car lights and continue moving forward.

After the corpse hunting team continued to drive arduously through the increasingly dark jungle for more than an hour, two groups of fires suddenly came from the depths and attracted everyone's attention. Zheng Yuanqing picked up the infrared telescope and looked at it, and found that it was a fairly large wooden house, and the light was projected from the windows of the wooden house. Wooden houses are simply built from tree trunks. Such houses are very common in northern forests. They are temporary overnight residences for local hunters or mountain guards when they go into the mountains.

The house was built very crudely, so it was not beautiful or sturdy, but it was enough for keeping warm and protecting from rain. The roof is covered with thick thatch, and living in such an environment in a dense forest is quite a romantic feeling.

The corpse hunting team struggled through the rocky path on the ground and drove for about ten minutes before reaching the wooden house. You can smell the strong aroma of meat coming from far away in the house. It should be the aroma coming from the meat of some animal that the owner of the house is cooking.

Since there is fire and the smell of meat inside, there must be people living there. Everyone opened the door and got out of the car. Although their weapons were still hanging on their bodies, they did not put on too high a level of warning to prevent the owner of the house from misunderstanding.

He Yaohui walked straight to the door, knocked on the wooden door softly twice, and shouted loudly: "Excuse me, is there anyone in the house? We are passers-by from a distant place. Because it is dark, we want to stay here for the night."

There was no movement in the house. He Yaohui was unwilling to accept it and knocked on the door again. When he knocked for the third time, the wooden door suddenly opened with a "squeak". A man in his 50s stood at the door and looked at him coldly, which shocked He Yaohui.

The man was unkempt, his face was covered with black ash, and his messy hair lay casually on his face. It looked like he hadn't taken care of it for at least a few years. The clothes on his body were so tattered that they couldn't even be considered clothes. It would be more appropriate to describe them as strips of cloth. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com This man has not taken a shower for an unknown amount of time, and his body exudes a strong sour smell.

But everyone crawled out from the pile of dead people. Even Si Juan, Han Yan, Lao Ma and others, who had no fighting ability at all, had dealt with zombies countless times. So when everyone saw the old man's appearance, they didn't show the slightest expression of disgust or disgust.

The old man looked at everyone, and perhaps he found that everyone's eyes did not change at all when they saw him. This reaction made him feel unusually comfortable. He opened his mouth, and a sharp and hoarse voice came from his mouth. came out: "Oh, guests from far away? I haven't had a guest in this small house for several years. Since you don't mind, then you can come in and sit for a while. It's a bit small inside and may be a little crowded. I hope you don't Mind." (To be continued)

ps: The following plot is in the manuscript, and it happened after the Battle of Yoshiwara City. Xiaoyu wrote the manuscript of more than 500,000 words intermittently, but because the book was opened at the busiest time at the end of the year, so Many plots were changed in the middle, so that it could not be continued later;

As for the middle section, Xiao Yu really has no motivation to write it. If you still subscribe to Xiao Yu’s book and want to see the new plot, please continue reading. The story also took a long time to write. No water injection, just a brand new story; ()

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