Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 177: 1 Mobilization Order

But then again, the leak in the house coincided with the rain in the middle of the night. When he was worried about this, the thing he least wanted to happen happened;

A mobilization order signed by Zheng Yuanqing personally ordered the allied forces' ground forces to mobilize 19,000 people, including all armored vehicle units and tank infantry divisions. Moreover, the allied forces' flying forces mobilized 1,600 flying troops and 19 fighter jets. They were officially launched a month later. Winning the Battle of the Wilderness;

Looking at the mobilization order in his hand, Gunpowder immediately felt that the sky was dark and the earth was dark. The recruits he had just recruited would not be wasted like this again, right?

In this way, he hurriedly summoned all the division commanders of all the divisions, slapped the table and shouted loudly: "When you go back, bring all the new recruits out to me for training, and train them hard;"

"There will be another big battle in a month. If you don't want your soldiers to be beaten and deorganized, then train me to death; I tell you, after the battle, I will count your remaining soldiers. The number of people, if there is only one regiment left, let me be the regiment leader; if there is only one platoon left, let me be the platoon leader;"

"Now, everyone, get out of here and go train those new recruits hard;"

The division commanders, after being scolded by Gunpowder, knew that he was going to take action, and immediately hurried back. At almost the same moment, all the soldiers of the allied ground forces were pulled out, and then informed that from here From now on, the training volume is increased by 3 times;

Because the number of the armed forces of the allied forces is increasing, the training uniforms and military systems have also been greatly reformed; first of all, the training uniforms, the formal uniforms of the ground troops still inherit the traditional green color. .However, combat training uniforms vary according to the types of arms. Various;

The ones for ground troops are desert yellow. The field army wears green combat training uniforms, the armored troops wear dark gray, the missile troops wear four-color combat training uniforms of white, gray and black. The logistics troops do not have combat training uniforms and wear khaki combat uniforms. The special operations troops choose appropriate colors according to combat needs;

The formal uniforms of the flying troops are black and the helmets are white. The training uniforms of the ground staff are silver gray. The training uniforms of the airborne troops are sky blue. The pilot wears an orange flight suit, which is to facilitate the search in the field in the event of a plane crash;

The formal uniforms of the assault troops are dark blue and the helmets are white. The formal uniforms of the sailors are still traditional white. The combat training uniforms of the assault troops and the marines are the same desert yellow as the ground troops. The shore-based personnel wear dark blue combat training uniforms. The sailors' training uniforms are light blue;

As for the uniforms of the guards and inspectors, they are all black. Except for the silver badges, the rest are basically black;

The military ranks and military structures are also very different. Now the new military rank is private. Soldier, Corporal. Sergeant, sergeant major, second lieutenant, lieutenant, captain, major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, brigadier general, major general, lieutenant general, admiral, general; military system is squad, platoon, company, regiment, division, regiment, group army; New recruits are privates when they first join the army, and become soldiers after one year. Corporals and sergeants must perform meritorious service to get them. The squad leader must be a sergeant major. There are 11 people in a squad. If the squad leader dies in battle, the sergeant will be in command, so this continues;

The platoon leader is a lieutenant, the deputy platoon leader is a second lieutenant, a platoon has 3-3 squads, 29-29 people; the company commander is a captain, the deputy company commander is a lieutenant, a company has 3-3 platoons, 90-229 people ;The regiment commander is a major, the deputy commander is a captain, one regiment has 3 companies, 329-1229 people; the division commander is a colonel or brigadier general, the deputy division commander is a lieutenant colonel or colonel, one division has 3 regiments, 1329 -3729 people; the corps commander is a major general, the deputy corps commander is a brigadier general, one corps has 3 divisions, 2929-11229 people;

There is no limit on the number of corps under the group army based on their functions. The commander is a lieutenant general, the deputy commander is a major general (temporarily vacant), and the number is more than 29,000;

Further up are the commanders of each service, up to the general level. Today, the ground force commander is Gunpowder, the flying force commander is Spider, and the assault force commander is Lynx;

The Imperial Guard is composed of legions, so Shi Yan is only at the rank of major general; moreover, there is only one military rank with a general, and that is Zheng Yuanqing, the commander-in-chief of the Fourth Army;

The new recruits have suffered enough now, and they are all screaming in training. Unfortunately, they have just gone through a fierce fight, and the huge casualties are a constant reminder of the consequences of insufficient training;

However, this also avoids the emergence of some arrogant people. Every soldier is training hard to improve his military quality as much as possible; you know, if you are lazy at this time, everyone's little Life may only be 1 month left;

The commanders of each division often pulled their troops out to carry out tactical plans to eliminate zombies. Every month, the original greenness on the faces of the new recruits gradually faded away, replaced by maturity and murderousness; although There is no way to compare with those veterans who survived the war and smoke, but at least this can be regarded as an armed force, an armed force that can be taken to the battlefield to fight, and it is not a bunch of rash;

The gunpowder side is dizzy, the spider side is even dizzy, and the fighter planes are okay. Today's pilots are all elites who have survived the war and smoke; but then again, the flying unit is wrong, and they are all rookies. Moreover, the flying troops are not ground troops. They can accumulate some murderous aura by being dragged out to fight zombies for a few times; the flying troops parachute from high altitudes to overcome the fear. This is a flaw, and it will not be possible in the short term. can be overcome;

In this way, in the past few days, I can watch the YZ-33 helicopters in the Kitasumi City Flying Force Base taking off continuously, and then one by one the recruits are kicked down from above; since there is no time for these people, The spider wins by the number of times. In normal training, he jumps once a day, so he will let everyone jump 11 times a day;

The time is getting longer and longer, and all the maintenance workers responsible for road construction in the front have returned, which means that the railway is open and the armed forces can go up at any time;

The sun in September was shining brightly on everyone. In the Pingxifu City Railway Station, 12 trains driven by old-fashioned internal combustion engines were parked at the Pingxifu Railway Station; a group of soldiers were lined up in unison under the scorching sun. In the square in front of the train station. Get in the car when you are ready; next to the soldiers. They are ferocious main battle armored vehicles. Armored vehicles and various motor vehicles;

All the soldiers were wearing full training uniforms, and some soldiers in the field army even wore thick camouflage nets. Under the scorching sun, sweat flowed down like waterfalls, but all the soldiers remained motionless. The actions of any spare person; the strictness of military management with gunpowder are all famous in the territory, an old saying left by the older generation of revolutionaries. Without iron discipline, there would be no iron soldiers; as a former special operations force before the end of the world, Gunpowder brings the spirit of this sentence to the extreme;

Zheng Yuanqing glanced at the soldiers here with satisfaction, turned back to Gunpowder and said with a smile: "Is the military appearance good? This is what the ground troops of our allies look like;"

Hearing Zheng Yuanqing's words, Hupowder shook his head with a wry smile. To achieve such a result, he knew how much the recruits had suffered in the past month. 36 recruits lost their lives during the training process or during the actual training with zombies with real swords and guns. This can really be said to be training at the risk of their lives;

Tansilhua is a very small town. Although the railway lines pass through the town, and there is also a very small train station in the town, but then again, before the end of the world, this train only stopped twice a week and only stopped for 3 minutes each time. The small station seems to be particularly lively today;

After intense construction by the workers and survivors, more than a dozen railway tracks were added to Tansirhua Station, which were used for reversing trains; the original desolate station now has 12 trains parked there, one after another. The soldiers stepped out of the car in unison, and intermittent gunshots were heard from outside the station. This was the sound of killing zombies attracted by the roar of the train;

More than 19 kilometers further from here, they reached the area controlled by the enemy forces. Therefore, the armed forces led by Gunpowder had to stop here. After taking a rest, they took a car to wait for transportation equipment to go to the front line; in order to prevent the railway from being too far forward, The enemy discovered it and destroyed it, cutting off its own supply line;

The logistics force has begun to build fortifications around the town, firstly to resist zombies, and secondly to prevent possible sneak attacks by the enemy, although this possibility is slim; for a long time to come, this small station will become the rear A transit point for supplies and a starting point for the migration of frontline survivors;

Armored vehicles, armored vehicles, personnel carriers and trucks towing field artillery were all lined up on the almost deserted wasteland in front of the train station; the soldiers were looking for the trains that their squads were going to take based on their numbers. Vehicles, the ground troops of the tank infantry division all sit on the shell of the armored vehicle, and the armored vehicle unit is equipped with specialized armored vehicles and personnel carriers;

The motorized infantry division rides on trucks, off-road jeeps, and all terrain vehicles. As for the artillery, they sit on the casings of self-propelled artillery, or sit on heavy artillery, and are pulled forward by the trucks of the motorized infantry division. Anyway, when the mechanized ground troops are marching, No one walks on two feet unless they enter the fighting area;

After seeing that everything was ready, look for Shuyuan Gunpowder stood on the roof of a command vehicle. With a wave of his hand, the military vehicles moved forward slowly. There were more than 19 kilometers ahead, and it took 3 In more than an hour, it will be the place where everyone will fire the first shot;

Today is another day to hand over military supplies. All the survivors in the Dagong Village looked at a group of soldiers who walked into the village with weapons in their hands. Everyone really had no food, and all the edible things were eaten. Some even They ate their own children, the elderly at home, and even went to the extreme to open graves and eat the real corpses that had been buried before and had not completely rotted. What else could these soldiers use as military supplies now?

These soldiers cursed and searched around the village. After finding nothing, they began to focus on the girls in the village. Of course, no one would take these girls away. They need food to feed them, so everyone just wanted to be in vain. Just take a nap;

It was not the first time these girls had been raped by these warriors a long time ago. They might have resisted the first time or the second time, but after the fourth time, the fourth time, countless times, they couldn’t even resist. The thought was gone; because the Mo tribe, the Yin tribe, and the Hongqi tribe, except for the Jin tribe, which had already left, no one had a clear division of territory, so many villages were faced with the situation of more than one warlord's soldiers coming to expropriate the territory. ;(To be continued...) ()

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