At this moment, a soldier quickly ran to the gunpowder and said loudly: "Report to the commander-in-chief, all the prisoners have been counted. There are a total of 32,733 survivors and 31,377 surrendered soldiers. There are 133 surrendered soldiers." He was killed by our army while pretending to be a survivor;”

This is exactly what war is, a cruel war. The bombing will last for less than 3 minutes. There are more than 10,000 survivors, and nearly 20,000 soldiers were unfortunately killed in the bombing. No wonder these surrendered soldiers were frightened. I am so scared, this is simply a natural disaster*, Gunpowder believes that even the allied forces will collapse when 1/3 of them are killed within 3 minutes;

Gunpowder held his hands behind his back and walked up to the group of surrendering soldiers. Looking at the five dejected-looking men standing at the front, Gunpowder opened his mouth and asked: "Are you the leader of the fifth division? "

"Yes;" the five people replied in unison;

Gunpowder squinted his eyes and looked at them for a while, and said in a deep voice: "These surrendered troops are all your men. There are more than 30,000 people, which is an unstable factor; not only that, I want to be among these 30,000 people, At least 9,000 people are selected to join our allied forces, and your life is like a time bomb. You think, can I keep you?"

Looking at the bodies of the five of them, Hupowder couldn't help but feel excited, and Hupowder continued: "However, you still chose to surrender until then, instead of stubbornly resisting to the end. Those who understand the current affairs are heroes. From this point of view, I must always be happy. ;Welcome to join the Allied Forces Ground Army. In this place, there will be a bigger stage for you to display your talents. Unfortunately, our Allied Powers Ground Army only has soldiers who died in battle, and there are no surrendered prisoners at all. Therefore, enter After the Allied Powers join forces, I don’t want to see you surrender to others again;”

Five people heard what Gunpowder said. The original uneasy expression was immediately replaced by surprise. The first half of Gunpowder's sentence was absolutely right. If they had stood in Gunpowder's position, they would have been executed to avoid future troubles. However, they never expected that Gunpowder would be like this. Big heart. They knew that they were going to die, but they were able to survive, which made them full of respect and gratitude for gunpowder. From then on, Gunpowder had three more invincible generals under his command;

With the assistance of these five people, the clean-up work was carried out much more smoothly. After a short time, most of the work had been handed over and completed. Gunpowder was also satisfied with the selection of more than 7,000 of the 29,000 surrendered troops. A relatively solid warrior joins the allied forces;

Now while they were packing up and planning to withdraw to Tansilhua, two Wuzhi fighter planes flew over quickly from the distant wasteland. Slowly landing outside them; a group of 29 soldiers wearing sky red training uniforms jumped out of the Wuzhi fighter plane; only to see them running quickly in front of the gunpowder, and after giving a military salute, a captain The rank-and-file soldier stepped forward and spoke loudly: "Commander Zhu, we are here to ask the leader of the fifth division about a matter under the order of our commander;"

Looking at them, Gunpowder couldn't help but chuckle, and said with a smile on his face: "You commanders really can't wait? According to the speed of your Wuzhi fighter planes, they should have set off together with the previous bombers, right? Do you want to ask that? Where have the remaining members of the Jin Ministry gone?”

The captain leading the team turned slightly red, and said with a little embarrassment: "Our commander said that Commander Zhu is like a god with his troops. By the time we catch up, we will definitely be able to end the fight, so we set off." A little early; our tactical plan this time is to find the whereabouts of Jinbu and conduct reconnaissance. It will provide guidance for the subsequent army;"

Gunpowder looked like he was indeed like this. He stretched out his hand and pointed towards the wasteland in the northwest. He smiled and said, "I know your commander's temper. He will definitely not wait for me to come back. Are you afraid that I will steal his job?" I have already asked you that the people belonging to the Jin Department went to the northwest. As for how exactly, I don’t understand; the equipment of the Northern Wasteland Army is a mess, and there are not a few vehicles at all. Not only that, the Jin Department As soon as they left, they fell into civil strife, so they didn't have time to find the specific location of the Jinbu;"

The commander heard what Gunpowder said. He saluted again and said loudly: "Yes. I understand, thank you Commander Zhu; then I won't disturb Commander Zhu's work, let's go first;"

After saying that, he led his men onto the Wuzhi fighter plane and roared towards the northwest wasteland;

Hong Jian walked up to Gunpowder and watched the Wuzhi fighter plane disappear into the sky in the distant wasteland. Then she curled her lips and said scornfully: "This spider is so stingy. He was afraid that you would steal his job. Why did we send troops out so quickly?"

Gunpowder followed and smiled, "In fact, he doesn't need to be so nervous. The wilderness is so big. If you want to find the location of the Jinbu in it, if you rely only on our ground army, it will undoubtedly be like finding a needle in a haystack; their flying army can definitely find it." It's a pity that our ground troops have been in too much limelight recently, he must be nervous;"

Before he finished speaking, he ignored the situation in the northwest and rushed to the town of Tansilhua with his troops and survivors;

Wuzhi fighter jets fly at an altitude of 7,000 meters. If you don't look carefully on the ground, you won't notice the two small black spots on the top of your head.

The Flying Army Air Service Group dispatched by Spider, which is also the more than 29 soldiers of the Special Operations Army who obey the orders of the Flying Army, is now carefully observing the situation below with wide eyes, fleeing at the slightest sign of trouble. It's a pity that their eyes are like eagles; now they have said goodbye to gunpowder for more than an hour. According to the speed of Wuzhi fighter planes, they are already in the innermost part of the wasteland more than 290 kilometers away, and the apocalypse has already come out long ago. The previously demarcated Chinese national boundaries;

At this moment, a soldier exclaimed, Captain, look at the 3 o'clock direction. The captain immediately raised the lookout and observed carefully; only to see a row of yurts on the wasteland at the 3 o'clock direction. It seems to be particularly conspicuous. According to the number of yurts, there is a population of at least 29,000-29,000;

"Found it, find a place to land. The crew will take advantage of this moment to refuel the air-to-space fighter. The others will come with me to take a closer look." As soon as the captain finished speaking, the Wuzhi fighter began to fly slowly. It descended and stopped in a small mountain col; the lower part of the tail slowly opened, and five small all-region tanks retreated from the WZF fighter;

More than 29 soldiers all put on green camouflage nets to cover up the sky-red training uniforms inside, and then took five all-region tanks to quickly approach the settlement; while they were still far away, most of them All the soldiers jumped out of the carriage. Except for three people who were left to watch the carriage, the others all got into the dense grass and approached while crawling and holding their breath;

The survivors in the settlement are living a peaceful and peaceful life. Why can't they expect that there are dozens of pairs of eyes staring at them with evil intentions in the grass a few hundred meters away from them; deep into the wilderness In the inner area, there was not a single zombie at all, because they came out early, and there was no melee among the warlords at that time, so everyone came out with a lot of food;

In addition to reclaiming the wasteland and sowing a batch of grain seeds, the remaining grain was enough to support them until the crops in the field matured; even though the frozen soil in the wilderness was not suitable for growing grain, the leader of the Jin tribe, that one The female leader who is respected by all the people they belong to collects very little taxes from the survivors in this place, which also allows them to have a lot of food left after paying the taxes, which is enough for them not to have to endure it. hunger and cold;

Every time they heard how difficult the lives of the survivors in the original three-flag territory were after the civil strife broke out, and even when people were cannibalizing, they were glad that they had a good leader who could lead them away from that one in time. Whirlpool, this place is nearly 290 kilometers away from their original main base. It was the original 3 flags that ended the civil strife, and it is impossible to find this place, so they are safe now;

The captain was observing the situation in the settlement while holding a pen and quickly writing in a small notebook;

At this moment, a lost little lamb stumbled towards the direction where they were lurking; behind the little lamb, a child of about 9 years old was running this way. It seemed that the lost lamb belonged to his family;

"It's going to happen." The captain's heart trembled, and he quickly whispered: "Be careful to stay hidden and retreat quickly."

Most of the soldiers were not allowed to eat at all, so they quickly and quietly crawled back. But then again, the child had already come closer, and he looked at the figure in the grass with confusion. , stood there calmly and thoughtfully;

The captain quickly picked up the assault rifle, pressed the silencer and pointed it at the child. But then again, when he was about to press the trigger, looking at the child's innocent face, he couldn't do it. hand;

At this time, the child turned to the yurt in the distance and said loudly: "Uncle Yang, there is someone in the grass;"

There was a "pop", and another soldier looked at the situation and fired decisively, only to see the child bounced high by the huge impact of the bullet, leaving a small bowl-sized hole on his chest. A huge hole; blood gushed out from the wound like a waterfall. The child lay on the ground, convulsed twice, and then became silent;

"Xiaobao..." A loud roar came from the direction of the yurt, followed immediately by the sound of a gunshot;

The loud sound of gunfire woke up other people in the yurt, and they rushed over with guns in hand. However, they heard the big man pointing to the hiding place of the soldiers of the special service group of the flying army of the allied forces and saying loudly: "There is someone in the grass in that place." , they killed Xiaobao, they killed Xiaobao;" (To be continued)

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