He looked at the two of them, smiled, and said, "I heard that you have been busy testing new abilities at the moment. Tell me, what do you think?"

He Yaohui coughed twice, and first said: "My lord, the commander-in-chief, I went to the northeast with a pile of humanoid armor and took away one of their 1,900-man camp; I feel that humanoid armor will become the mainstream of future wars, and atomic bombs will It is no longer the deterrent force of a force, the real deterrent force is the humanoid armor reserve and performance of a force;"

"Even if other forces throw an atomic bomb over, I can throw it back while driving the humanoid armor. Therefore, in the future, the threat of atomic bombs will become weaker and weaker. I couldn't understand this before, but when I actually drove it After fighting in the humanoid armor, I realized how powerful a humanoid armor is, but the cost of the humanoid armor is too high, and there are also some technological problems that have not been solved at all, otherwise it would be more perfect;"

Seeing Zheng Yuanqing nodding slightly with satisfaction, Shanyue continued: "If the humanoid armor that He Yaohui belongs to is a strategic weapon, then the genetic combat soldiers are the strongest single soldier unit. Even if you want to become a genetic combat soldier, the conditions are very strict. , especially the mutants inside are more difficult to detect; but this does not affect the fact that we have become the strongest single soldier branch. Even if we cannot be uniformly deployed as an ordinary armed army, as a special operations army , I believe there is no army that can be stronger than ours;"

Hearing this, Zheng Yuanqing nodded slightly again, smiled and said: "Even though you two said completely different things, your meanings are actually the same. One is the strongest strategic weapon, the other is the strongest single soldier unit; the other is the strongest individual soldier unit; The name reason is that it is too expensive to be popularized, and the name reason is that it cannot be deployed in large quantities due to personal constitution and the rigor of selection. Is this what you mean?"

"Yes;" they both responded at the same time;

Zheng Yuanqing stood up. He walked up to a huge world map hanging on the wall next to him, pointed to the location of the Northeast, and said to He Yaohui: "The Northeast Army's area of ​​influence is small but there are many people. The distribution area is very large. Not only that, they are very concealed; this is not conducive to the attack of the ground troops of our allies. And because of their latent nature, it is difficult for the reconnaissance aircraft of the flying army to find them. Encircling and suppressing them has always made the gunpowder very dizzy; I have ordered the Finance Department , allocate a batch of funds to your national defense force, and also said hello to Professor Li; I will ask her to manufacture at least 7 UT concept humanoid armors in the shortest possible time to form a fighting team, commanded by you . From now on, I will leave the task of conquering the Northeast to you. Do you have any problems?"

"No problem;" The general was still worried that the cost was too high, and the Allies had no way of making too many humanoid armors of their own. He Yaohui, who would be a polished commander in the short term, after hearing Zheng Yuanqing's order I was immediately surprised, how could there be any problems;

At this time, Zheng Yuanqing pointed in the direction of Southern Xinjiang and said to Shanyue: "This area is a primitive wasteland, and heavy troops cannot enter. Not only that, the people of Southern Xinjiang are good at fighting in the wilderness. It is possible for us to rush into it rashly. There will be great losses; since you said that your genetic combat soldiers are the strongest, then the southern Xinjiang area will be left to you, are there any problems?"

"Yes." Seeing Zheng Yuanqing frowning slightly, Shan Yue touched his head in embarrassment and said with some embarrassment: "Well...that one...when the general was being trained, I accidentally overtrained him. , now the equipment of most of the people in my team has been destroyed, and it will take at least every month to get the new equipment;"

Hearing Shan Yue's words, Zheng Yuanqing couldn't laugh or cry. He could only curse hard: "Prodigal son;"

There was a "boom" and a wall collapsed as if it had been hit by a bulldozer. After the dust cleared, the shirtless figure of the mountain bloomed; a short time later. More than 29 genetic combatants wearing closed steel defense armors and holding portable nuclear magnetic cannons rushed out from the gap. And 11 mutants still dressed in black gowns;

Qin Yan, who is also the fire controller with the strongest power and electromagnetic control gene among mutants, Zhao Fei, fanned her face with her hands and said delicately: "Captain, we are Aren’t you lost?”

Before she finished speaking, she continued to fan the wind with her hand, and did not forget to wipe the non-existent sweat stains on her face with the other hand: "This weather is so hot;" Everyone looked at Qin Yan's artificial expression with disdain. Everyone knew that as a person with the burning gene, she could be thrown into the sea of ​​fire without being crushed to ashes for several hours. How could she be afraid of heat?

After hearing Qin Yan's words, Shan Yue coughed slightly in embarrassment. Fortunately, his skin was now steel-colored, and he couldn't blush at all. You know, following the end of the apocalypse, the satellites orbiting the earth can say everything. Contact was lost; the former Science and Technology Garden spent a lot of effort to capture a few satellites, so this satellite positioning system seems to be very precious;

Before departure, in order to allow them to better complete the tactical plan, Ling Qing specially gave Shan Yue a watch-like satellite tracking system; just when the Wuzhi fighter jets sent them to this small town in southern Xinjiang, Shan Yue just wanted to play. Handsome, he did not slip down from the rope ladder at all, but jumped directly from an altitude of more than 29 meters. As a result, when he landed, the muscles in his whole body tensed up, and the satellite tracking system was destroyed;

But can Shan Yue tell the truth to them? Of course not, it would also affect his prestige as the captain too much; so he immediately told the people in the team that this place was too remote, and the satellites did not pass here, so there was no signal, and it had never been useful at all. That’s all they believed in the satellite tracking system;

Shan Yue curled up his lips and said to Qin Yan: "Stop arguing, let's just walk in a straight line to the west and south. We will definitely be able to get there." After saying that, he blasted open another wave of walls;

Regarding this violent captain, she trembled her neck and did not dare to speak any more. In fact, Qin Yan just wanted to say that they did not need to pass through the wall like this. They could just go around the house when they encountered it. It was protected. Just jump over the wall; for genetic combatants and mutants like them, climbing over a 3.3-meter-high protective wall is as easy as crossing a threshold; but then again, looking at the mountains meeting the wall She was so frightened that she stuck out her tongue and didn't dare to speak any more when she encountered the violent move through walls and rooms;

At this moment, one of the mutants, whose perception was enhanced and who was born as a living scanner, opened his mouth and said: "Captain, a large number of zombies are coming;"

Shanyue's eyes turned cold when he heard this, and he said in a cold voice: "Get into a defensive formation;"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoosh," most of the genetic combatants moved in unison, forming a circle and surrounding the mutants. Then they took out a synthetic metal body plate from the back of their bodies. After pressing a button, the synthetic metal body plate extended on its own, turning into a defensive shield; with a bang, most of the defensive shields were erected to the ground, and the two spikes at the bottom of the defensive shield were Insert it deeply into the ground and secure the defensive shield tightly; after the defensive shield is placed, most of the genetic combatants pick up the nuclear cannon, set it up on the defensive shield, and wait for the arrival of the zombie swarm;

About 3 minutes later, followed by a unique smell of corpses wafting from a distance, zombies finally appeared in their sight; the number of this group of zombies exceeded the expectations of all the people they belonged to. At a rough glance, there are at least hundreds of thousands of them. It is estimated that the explosion caused by the demolition of the mountain wall has attracted most of the zombies nearby;

A cold light flashed in Shan Yue's eyes, and he said loudly: "Shoot;"

Immediately following his order, waves of nuclear magnets were blasted out. Everything in the path of the nuclear magnets was vaporized by the high temperature. Unfortunately, the nuclear magnetic cannon flashed for about ten times, and the surrounding zombies were wiped out. Net, leaving a large vacuum area;

At this time, a genetic combat soldier said to Shan Yue: "Captain, this won't work. The energy of the nuclear magnetic cannon is not enough. Let's save it and use it to deal with the southern Xinjiang army. There are so many zombies. We will wait until the zombies are wiped out." It’s over, we probably don’t have any energy anymore; can we just go back in despair?”

After hearing about it in the mountains, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com also thought it made sense, so he ordered: "Put away the nuclear cannon and use the nuclear knife for close combat;"

After hearing this, most of the soldiers immediately put away their defensive shields, took out the handle of the nuclear magnetic knife from the binding bag, and pressed the switch, and a wave of red nuclear magnetic blades flashed out; while they were still changing weapons, The zombies from behind have already rushed forward, filling the previous vacancy;

Most of the genetic combatants no longer allowed it, and rushed forward with knives in both hands. In short, they were wearing sealed full-body armor and were not afraid of zombie bites at all; the genetic combatants in that place were already fighting with the zombies. For one thing, mutants who have lost their protection can only do it themselves;

But I saw an earth-type mutant slapping the ground with both hands, and looking at the ground in front of him, there was a hole in it. Zombies with no wisdom at all fell in one after another as they passed by, waiting for the hole. After being filled with zombies, he stood up straight, and the original opening slowly closed, squeezing the zombies inside into a ball of flesh;

A water mutant's approach was a bit bloodthirsty, but she raised her hand in the air, and dozens of water balls the size of human heads appeared in the air. Then she waved to the zombies, Those water balloons spread out and happened to cover the zombie’s head; (To be continued)

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