At this time, the master of ceremonies said excitedly: "We welcome our greatest commander-in-chief, Zheng Yuanqing, the only level 9 zombie hunter in the entire Allied Powers, to bring them an exhibition match;"

When they looked at Zheng Yuanqing, who was shirtless and carrying a V-shaped crossbow, walking up to the field, all the people he belonged to were excited; all the people belonging to the allied forces knew that Zheng Yuanqing was very skilled, and of course he was Relying on his own strong skills, he just gathered a group of followers around him, and then conquered the current Chinese allies; but how good is Zheng Yuanqing's skills? Apart from his earliest followers, Except for this, no one has seen it at all;

Then the surrounding iron doors slowly opened, and zombies rushed out from inside. Maybe they smelled the scent of strangers, maybe it was the smell of blood that remained here that made them happy, but they seemed to be mad. They all roared like crazy and rushed towards Zheng Yuanqing; Zheng Yuanqing smiled slightly, this feeling was so exciting to him that he felt like every blood vessel in his body was about to burst; but he saw him hold up The V-shaped crossbow, cocked, released the arrow, cocked, released the arrow, and when the zombies rushed in front of him, all ten arrows happened to be released, killing 11 zombies;

Looking at the group of corpses that were already in front of him, Zheng Yuanqing's two trotting men flew up at this moment and stepped on the face of a zombie. It was obvious that the whole face of the zombie collapsed. Go down; then Zheng Yuanqing somersaulted in mid-air and fell into the zombies. This action caused a burst of exclamations from the audience above;

As soon as Zheng Yuanqing landed on the ground, he immediately stood up straight, and then inserted the steel bar along the chin of a zombie. Then he pushed the zombie away violently, bringing up a ball of plasma; then he kicked the zombie hard. On the zombie's belly, he then used the steel bar that was about to be pulled out to stab the other zombie's eye socket; blood and brains immediately flowed out from the edge. But Zheng Yuanqing didn't feel anything at all, pulled out the steel bar without any strange color, and inserted it into the mouth of the zombie approaching from the other end;

There was a crisp "pop" sound. Sharp steel bars penetrated the zombie's skull and bloomed from the back of the head. Zheng Yuanqing immediately pulled out the steel bar, ducked, dodged a zombie's grasp, and nailed the steel bar into the back of its head. The scene was bloody and cruel. After a short time, Zheng Yuanqing's entire naked upper body was stained with green and red. Corpse blood, black brains, bone fragments and internal organs; if the game of the player with a double shovel makes people excited. Zheng Yuanqing's bloodthirsty methods were shocking, and all the people he belonged to were deeply shocked by this simple and inhuman killing method;

When still a zombie fell down after this, the referee stammered: "The game... ended in... 7 minutes and 31 seconds;"

All the people belonging to him were silent. They originally thought that Zheng Yuanqing was a level 9 corpse hunter because he was the leader of the force. It was only now that they understood what a true level 9 corpse hunter was. At this moment, huge cheers resounded through the entire complex, and the sound wave seemed to overthrow the roof of the complex;

A group of genetic combatants are marching on the edge of the base with breathless concentration. Having learned the lesson from the last time, they were very careful this time and did not make a sound at all; "Captain. Captain;" Qin Yan shouted in a low voice while walking on the first mountain;

"Shut up, don't make a sound during the march;" Shanyue turned back and growled at her;

Qin Yan curled her lips and said aggrievedly: "I just want to say that you are going in the wrong direction;"

"Um..." Shan Yue stopped with a black line; in order to prevent the last embarrassment from happening again, Shan Yue's muscles would explode when encountering a situation. This time, Shan Yue put a wrist-watch satellite tracking system on Qin Yan's wrist. In Qin Yan's hands, the direction of the team's advance was directed by her; it was only at this time that Shan Yue discovered what his biggest shortcoming was. After Qin Yan corrected the route for the third time, he could only admit that he was a road crazy; crazy

Finally, after killing a small wave of zombies, they walked out of the base. After traveling for more than 19 kilometers, they will enter the primitive deep mountains and old forests in southern Xinjiang; the mountains will take a breather. Finally started to move towards the goal, if this time they still come back empty-handed like last time. If Zheng Yuanqing didn't blame him, he would be ashamed and commit suicide;

The title "Brother Satellite" has been spread throughout the allied forces, and it doesn't take much thinking to know who has spread this title; every time he hears this title, the veins all over his body will jump, and he can't wait to immediately He rushed into the flying army commander's office and punched the guy with a mean smile on his face; he could not count how many times he imagined that when he conquered the southern border for the Allied forces and became famous throughout the Allied forces, they were doing the same for the Allied forces. When he cheers, he shouts a famous name;

He even went to Zheng Yuanqing for this matter, hoping that he would give him a louder nickname. Zheng Yuanqing thought for a long time and said, "You are so tall and powerful, so your nickname is 'Xiongba'" Giant' bar;"

"Domineering Giant" Wang Lijun, what a domineering name, he could not even count how many times he dreamed of the scene when the survivors of the allied forces excitedly shouted that they were dominating the giant on the occasion of their triumph; but then again, that one Bastard Spider, he ruined most things;

"Satellite Brother"?

Thinking of the scene when they shouted "Satellite Brother", Shan Yue's muscles were beating for a while, showing signs of going crazy;

"Old...Captain? Are you okay?" The team members behind looked at the mountains that were on the verge of erupting for no reason, and asked breathlessly one by one;

Since Shanyue was discharged from the hospital, he had a bad temper, but now he has become even worse. He gets angry at every turn, but they really don't know why. Maybe they should ask Spider what good things he has done;

The mountains began to advance towards the primitive deep mountains and old forests of southern Xinjiang, but Zheng Yuanqing fell into trouble;

"Pfft...what did you say?" Zheng Yuanqing looked at Ling Qing in front of him and immediately spit out a mouthful of tea;

Ling Qing sat dignifiedly on the chair in front of Zheng Yuanqing's desk and said with a smile on his face: "I said, I want you to marry me, what do you think? Are you unwilling?"

Zheng Yuanqing quickly shook his hand and said hurriedly: "Of course not, I am willing, but look at this moment, there are also separatist forces in the territory, and the Asan Kingdom abroad is eyeing it. The world is uncertain, what do you want me to do? Getting married?"

Ling Qing curled up her lips and said disdainfully: "Hey, my Chief Zheng, how come you don't say that when you sneak into my bed every night and climb on my body, you can't do anything between men and women in an uncertain world? Huh? Don’t tell me whether you have these things or not. I mean, do you agree or not?"

Zheng Yuanqing sheepishly wiped the coldness on his head. When Ling Qing got angry, he was really a little frightened. The mountains were so tough and He Yaohui was so unruly, but she still pointed her nose at him and scolded him like a grandson;

Needless to say, gunpowder. Ever since she got along with her maid Hong Jian, she almost called her grandma when she saw Ling Qing's groveling look. It was the spider who was always fearless and had to go around every time he looked at Ling Qing. He walked away; all the fierce generals under him were so afraid of her, not to mention that he was still her man. Pull her down, he admitted, he was a little bit henpecked;

Zheng Yuan gently grabbed Ling Qing's hand, smiled mischievously and said, "Okay, wife, we are an old married couple. We eat from one pot every day and sleep on a big couch at night, isn't that right? Why is there such a rush? If you don't wait any longer and wait until the things at hand become easier, I will organize the most grand wedding in the country for you. What do you think?"

Ling Qing withdrew his hand, crossed his arms across his chest, and said coldly: "My dear, procrastination is useless. I am here today to ask for your consent, not to ask for your permission." You have to agree whether you agree or not. Believe it or not, I will set fire to your office?"

"Ahem;" Zheng Yuanqing coughed embarrassedly, picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea, and said softly: "Pull it down, I mean, wife, since you are so insistent, then you must give me a clear match at this time. Just take your reasons;”

"I'm pregnant, Zhang Xian said it's been at least two months;" Ling Qing looked at Zheng Yuanqing and said lightly;

"Pfft..." Zheng Yuanqing squirted water onto the table again, and asked in disbelief: "What did you say? Are you pregnant?"

Seeing Ling Qing nod slightly, Zheng Yuanqing immediately jumped up, jumped over his desk, then hugged Ling Qing in his arms, and asked in surprise: "So I'm going to be a father again?"

Seeing that Zheng Yuanqing, who had always been steady, would unexpectedly lose his temper because he was happy, looking for Shuyuan The dissatisfaction in Lingqing's heart finally dissipated. She leaned into Zheng Yuanqing's arms and whispered peacefully. Said: "Well, that's why I want you to marry me quickly. You can't let me marry you with a big belly, right?"

Zheng Yuanqing kissed Ling Qing's delicate lips vigorously. Unfortunately, he calmed down after a short time and said in a deep voice: "I also want to hurry up and let the media pick you up, but then again, this southern Xinjiang No, the Northeast has not been harvested. If I were to capture you, the whole country would be celebrating. In case they send someone over to cause trouble or something, the most beautiful day of your life has been ruined. I won’t let you. Disgusted for the rest of your life?"

After hearing Zheng Yuanqing's words, Ling Qing also felt that what he said was very reasonable. A girl only plans to get married once in her life. If someone really comes to make trouble, she won't die. Just like that, she raised her head and hugged her. She held Zheng Yuanqing's neck and said coquettishly: "I don't care, my dear, can you think of a way quickly? I want to marry you quickly, so I don't want to be a pregnant bride;"

Zheng Yuanqing pinched her nose softly, smiled and said: "It was Shan Yue who conquered the southern border, and He Yaohui was the one who conquered the northeast. They are both your people. What do you think of me now?" ?” (To be continued)

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