The young man struggled in agony, with tears constantly falling from his eyes. Uncle Lei was right. They came out to make an exploratory tactical plan this time, but they accidentally discovered it. They discovered a shocking secret; now they have been hunted for 3 days and were overtaken several times, but they relied on their own skills to repel the enemy. Now when they were overtaken last time, Lei My uncle was injured trying to save himself;

Suddenly, the face of Uncle Lei, who was lying dying on the ground, suddenly changed. He put his ears to the ground like a trapped animal, listened carefully for a while, then raised his head and said anxiously to Xiao Yu: "Quickly. , kill me quickly, then run, the pursuers are coming;"

Xiaoyu plopped down and knelt down beside Uncle Lei, shaking her head desperately: "No, Uncle Lei, I can't do it, and I don't want you to die either;"

After hearing Xiaoyu's words, Uncle Lei raised his hand angrily and wanted to slap him, but he was too weak. The movement of turning over and putting his head to the ground could be said to have used up all his accumulated strength; His hand was about to be raised, then fell down, and he could only shout angrily: "Have you forgotten your job? You are a zombie hunter, how can you be so weak? You disappoint me so much, Is it possible that you want to be excited to watch your most respected Uncle Lei turn into a zombie and then let other corpse hunters kill you?"

Hearing Uncle Lei's words, Xiaoyu's eyes turned blood red, "Ah..." I roared with grief and anger, took out a dagger and thrust it into Uncle Lei's eye socket; after Uncle Lei's body convulsed twice, he died. When there was no movement, Xiaoyu kowtowed five times next to Uncle Lei's dead body. It was as if he didn't feel anything even though his forehead was bloody when he was tapped.

He looked at Uncle Lei's dead body and whispered: "Uncle Lei, I'm leaving first. I have to rush back to the allied forces and tell the president about this matter; you should just stay here for a while and wait. After I return from the allied forces, I will come back to collect your body;"

The words haven't been spoken yet. He stood up and quickly disappeared into the ruins;

It wasn't long after he left. Several figures covered in black shirts came out of their original place; they looked around and found that the target they were looking for had already disappeared long ago; one person inside opened his mouth and said He said: "He escaped. This place is too dangerous. We must leave quickly." His voice did not sound like a normal human voice. It seemed hoarse and dry, as if he was speaking hoarsely on purpose, making people hear that he was harsh. accurate;

At this moment, another equally hoarse voice rang out: "Agree. I can already feel the danger approaching;"

After reaching a consensus, several figures quickly turned around and jumped out in the direction they came from, disappearing into the ruins in a short time. As for Uncle Lei's dead body lying on the ground, they never took a look at it from beginning to end;

Zheng Yuanqing is sitting in the office now, his head is spinning with work. Of course, he is not busy with power matters at the moment; he does not need to worry too much about the two wars at the moment, even if the Northeast only sends 3 Taiwan humanoid armor, but energy weapons versus thermal weapons. The gap between an era cannot be completely bridged by numbers;

And the massacre began in the mountains on the southern frontier. The tenacity and intensity of resistance of the people in southern Xinjiang far exceeded Zheng Yuanqing's expectations, so he rarely remained silent regarding the massacre in Shanyue, and silence often represents acquiescence;

What he had to worry about and feel dizzy at the moment was one of the most important things in his life - getting married. Lingqing was so picky about her wedding that it was unbelievable, so Zheng Yuanqing had no choice but to do it herself. , throwing away some irrelevant things to busy themselves with trivial matters;

Fortunately, he has Zhang Wen by his side, and Zhang Wen will help him with many small things. Even Zhang Wen felt disappointed for a while when he learned that Zheng Yuanqing was getting married. Unfortunately, I don’t know how she thought about it;

In short, she became normal after two days, and not only her mood became extremely happy. He also enthusiastically helped Zheng Yuanqing prepare for the wedding;

Ling Qing is also quite happy with Zhang Wen, a silly little girl. Unlike Shi Yan and Yao Ye, Ling Qing has a rare fondness for Zhang Wen, a silly little girl. Therefore, with her help, Ling Qing is also very fond of Zhang Wen. excited;

At this moment, the Imperial Guard at the door called Zhang Wen through the communicator, saying that there was a young man outside who claimed to be a zombie hunter. He said that he had discovered a huge secret during his exploration. It needs to be reported to Zheng Yuanqing immediately;

After Zheng Yuanqing learned about this situation, he was immediately overjoyed. He could finally be freed from the bastard's wedding preparations for a while. In this way, without any permission, he immediately asked the guards at the door to bring the young man over. meet him;

A short time later, Xiaoyu arrived at Zheng Yuanqing's office under the leadership of 11 Imperial Guard soldiers;

This is the first time he has seen Zheng Yuanqing. Even though Zheng Yuanqing has appeared on TV a lot, this is the first time he has met in real life. The courage he used to deal with zombies seems to have disappeared at this time, and he is a little uneasy. He saluted and stammered: "Mr. Yuan... Mr. General, you... hello; my... my name is Xiao Yu;"

Zheng Yuanqing smiled slightly and whispered: "Don't be polite, young man, tell me why you came. Is there anything so serious that you have to see me before you talk?"

Xiaoyu glanced at each other at the dozens of guardsmen standing in the dilapidated house, with a look of embarrassment on his face; Zheng Yuanqing looked at it, and said with a slight smile: "Okay, Lao Wang stays, everyone else can go out; "

After that, except for Lao Wang, who had been the captain of Zheng Yuanqing's Guards since the establishment of the Allied Powers, all the other guards retreated outside the door. Only Zheng Yuanqing, Lao Wang and Xiao Yu were left in the huge office; looking at all the people they belonged to. Everyone left, Zheng Yuanqing smiled at Xiaoyu again and said: "Okay, now you can say it, Lao Wang is my old buddy, he is absolutely loyal to me, and he will not spread what he said to others. of;"

The story of Zheng Yuanqing and his first batch of followers is known to everyone who belongs to them, and their story has even been made into a movie. Therefore, Xiao Yu has heard of Lao Wang's name, and of course he will not tell Lao Wang. There was no dissatisfaction with Wang's existence; but his eyes suddenly turned red, and he slowly recounted his adventure to Zheng Yuanqing...

Xiaoyu and Uncle Lei received a tactical plan from a member of the Adventurers Association. The tactical plan was to explore a small city about 190 kilometers away from the wasteland northwest of the allied forces; there were at least three waves of zombie hunters at that location. Then mysteriously disappeared at this time, and the order of the tactical plan was to find the reason why those zombie hunters disappeared;

With high profits and of course high risks, the death rate of the zombie hunter job is still quite high, so exploratory tactical plans like this are very common in the federation;

It took them half a day to drive the vehicle and quickly arrived at the location of their tactical plan. Then they began to search according to the exploration process. When they entered this small town, their first impression was that there were zombies in this small town. So few; unlike other bases where groups of zombies roam the streets, this small town is empty and dead;

Just then, they noticed a distant figure flashing at the entrance of the underground parking lot of a large supermarket, as if someone had gotten in; "Is there someone, a survivor? Or a missing zombie hunter?" The two said to each other. After taking a look, I decided to go and have a look;

When the two of them quietly reached the entrance of the parking lot, they discovered that there were many shoe prints at the entrance, as well as some dried blood. It seemed that people came and went from this place frequently;

Judging from this situation, the people living inside do not look like zombie hunters, but actually local survivors. Generally, survivors are very hostile to outsiders. In order to prevent unnecessary misunderstandings, the two of them decided to quietly Climb in along the pipe arranged in the underground parking area;

Fortunately, those pipes were very thick, and there were quite a few of them. It was not a problem at all to support the weight of two people. In this way, the two people quietly followed the pipes into the underground parking lot, because there was nothing wooden inside. There were lights, and the environment was dim. They could barely see some things around them, and they couldn't see anything further away;

It wasn't until they climbed to the center of the parking lot that they found nothing. At this moment, they heard faint voices coming from the right side of them; the voice was dry and hoarse. , people couldn't help but get goosebumps all over their body when they heard it; after the two looked at each other, they decided to go over and see what the situation was, so they quietly crawled over in the direction of the sound;

The two people talking were standing at the door of a dilapidated house, looking for the bookstore www.zhaoshuyuan. com seems to be discussing something, but because the voice is too hoarse, I can only vaguely hear the words "awakening", "compatriots" and "human beings";

Their entire bodies were wrapped in a large black shirt, and they could not see anything. However, Xiao Yu, with a sensitive nose, smelled a smell of rotting corpses from the two people; this is the unique smell of zombies, how can humans smell it? Maybe it smells like zombies? These two people must have soaked that shirt with zombie blood. Putting it on them like this can make the zombies mistake them for the same kind. This trick was invented by Zheng Yuanqing and is often used by most zombie hunters nowadays. , Xiaoyu thought;

At this moment, a man walked out of the dilapidated house. Even though this man was wearing a black shirt, he did not wear a big hood at all, so his entire face was exposed;

But then again, when Xiaoyu turned her sight to his face, her face was immediately pale with shock, but she saw that the man's skin was starch-colored, and the hair on his head could be said to have fallen out, and there were still some spots in some places. Broken scalp appeared; many parts of his face had been severely rotted, and his eyes had no eyeballs at all, leaving only a white eyeball protruding high out of the eye socket; his nose was rotten. It fell off, and now there are only two holes left where the nose used to be. He has no lips at all, and his starchy teeth mixed with green and red corpse blood are exposed to the air; (To be continued)

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