damn it!

It’s so haunting!

Listening to the roar that was getting closer and closer, Zheng Yuanqing gritted his teeth, but he could only turn around and rush towards the motorcycle; he knew very well that there was no road near the small settlement, and he could come at this time and place. Coming here——

Only the search team!

Although he is now an awakened person, even though he has a body armor that is almost invulnerable...

However, facing a spear formation composed of more than a dozen guns, he was no match at all!


Who knows if there are military-style guns or even snipers in the search team!

"Wait a moment! The other party is not a search team!"

Just when Zheng Yuanqing got on the motorcycle and was about to start, the guide called him and entered the sharing mode;

Immediately afterwards, Zheng Yuanqing clearly "saw" the car running in the distance. It was not the Great Wall pickup truck the guide mentioned, but an old Santana with the roof removed!

What surprised Zheng Yuanqing was that the Santana was not only in tatters, but also full of bullet holes. There was even billowing black smoke under the hood that was shaking up and down as the vehicle bumped!

And in that car that was about to explode, there were actually three people -

Three people covered in blood!

The driver of the car was holding the steering wheel with one hand and covering his abdomen with the other. There was a muscular man standing in the back seat. The man didn't seem to be seriously injured. He was still standing in the car with his feet on the seat and his hands. He held up a hunting bow and stared at the darkness behind the car; the third man, also covered in blood, was working hard to sharpen a few broomsticks, and seemed to be making simple arrows...

Zheng Yuanqing did not find any guns in the car, but he could tell from the numerous bullet holes in the car body——

These three people have encountered the search team!

At the same time, the car seemed to have seen the fire here and was already speeding towards here;

Since it's not a search team...

Zheng Yuanqing took out a five-shooter from the trunk, then cocked the hammer, retreated all the way to a place where the firelight could not reach, and then quietly waited for the arrival of the car;


With a sudden screech of brakes, the bullet-riddled Santana suddenly stopped at the foot of the hillside with a burst of dust. It seemed that he had exhausted his last strength. After pressing the brakes, the driver dropped his head on the steering wheel, and then His whole body was twitching, his head was covered in cold sweat, and blood was flowing down like a waterfall...

"Second brother! Second brother, are you okay?"

Seeing that the driver was in bad condition, the man with a bow and arrow suddenly turned around and shouted loudly;

"I... can still hold on..."

"Lao Jin... leave me alone... go and ask for help..." The driver turned his face almost stiffly and said angrily;

"Second brother! Hold on!"

"Yanzi, take good care of your second brother!"

Lao Jin could not help but tremble when he saw this, then he threw away the bow and arrow in his hand and the long knife at his waist, shouted to the companion who was making arrows next to him, then turned over and jumped out of the car, heading towards the bonfire on the hillside. rush away;

"Yutang! You..." Seeing that Lao Jin had thrown away all his weapons, Yan Zi was frightened. He instinctively jumped out of the car and reached out to pull him, but Lao Jin had already rushed dozens of meters away!


And a young woman?

Zheng Yuanqing couldn't help but twitch his eyebrows when he saw the "man" who was not tall, wearing jeans and an engineering hat, and let out a crisp shout;

There is a young woman, and it seems that the relationship between the companions is not bad, so...

I'm afraid these three people are bad, but they can't be bad at all!

While Zheng Yuanqing was observing coldly, the man named Jin Yutang had rushed up the hillside, and then suddenly stopped ten meters away from the bonfire. A pair of goshawk-like eyes slowly showed a sharp edge——

Ordinary height and build, bare upper body, regular trousers, armed belt and military boots...

Jin Yutang has already seen the figure standing quietly on the other side of the bonfire, at the junction of light and darkness. Although the man has no momentum at all, Jin Yutang believes that the only person who dares to stand here and face the stranger directly is the leader of the entire team;

However, what shocked Jin Yutang was——

With the sharpness of his eyes, he didn't even notice any of the team members on the other side lurking in ambush!

Have you met a master? Why didn't you find any?

Jin Yutang quickly glanced around again, but there was still no result. Although the scene in front of him was extremely strange, time was running out and he was asking for help. Jin Yutang could only be vigilant secretly, and at the same time slowly spread his hands and shouted :

"Brother! Don't get me wrong! I didn't bring any weapons!"

"We are the Corpse Hunting Team and Black Bat Team of Huangshui Port, and we have always had trade relations with Chengshan Port;"

"We are all exchanging our heads for food. I hope all brothers can give us a hand for the sake of the rules of the world. When we return to Chengshan Port tomorrow, we will definitely be rewarded generously!"


Still silence;

It’s still the kind of silence that makes people feel chills behind their backs;

Jin Yutang shouted three times in a row, but the other party still didn't respond at all. He still stood quietly and motionless like a ghost. Jin Yutang's brows also wrinkled more and more tightly;

What's the matter?

Could it be that I met someone who didn't understand the rules?


While Jin Yutang was secretly thinking about countermeasures, he moved his eyes slightly and was always vigilant about the plants and trees around him. He knew very well that those who ignored the rules of the world were either from other places or were planning to commit crimes...


Brand new motorcycle!

At this moment, Jin Yutang's eyes suddenly fell on the motorcycle parked at the junction of firelight and darkness. Looking at the almost brand-new spray paint, he was suddenly startled, and his right hand instinctively reached for...

"You'd better put your hands down;"

“You hide a knife and say you don’t have any weapons, who do you think you are?”

At the same time, a cold voice slowly floated out from the darkness opposite. Jin Yutang could not help but feel his breath stagnant, but he saw the figure who had been standing still slowly raised his right arm, and then step by step, step by step The ground came slowly;

Immediately afterwards, Jin Yutang watched helplessly as a black tube with a metallic luster in the firelight slowly stretched out of the darkness like the scythe of death and silently pointed at him!

Five consecutive shots!

Looking at the murderous gun barrel, Jin Yutang's whole body tensed up immediately, and his sharp and tired eyes suddenly turned blood red——

But he could only stand there, not daring to move!

"This person's biomagnetic field is between 71 and 83, so he is not an awakened person; but his body's major tissue systems and organs operate in a highly coordinated manner. It is obvious that he has received strict formal training and should be a special soldier before the end of the world;"

"But his muscle power is not strong, and his bone tissue density is not high. He should be a sniper or a blaster." The leader quickly reported Jin Yutang's physical data;

damn it!

We must find a way to get some guns!

Looking at Jin Yutang's ferocious look, but he could only be obedient like a dog, Zheng Yuanqing's cheeks couldn't help but twitch. He knew that the man in front of him, who was muscular, covered in blood, and exuding the unique aura of an iron-blooded soldier, was very attractive. Strong, definitely the best among ordinary people;


So what if you are stronger? Even if you are an awakened person, you have to stand still like a dog when a gun is pointed at you!

Looking at the man in front of him, Zheng Yuanqing couldn't help but think that he was like a dog that didn't dare to say a word or move -

He definitely doesn't want this to happen to him!


However, at this moment, a cold snort interrupted Zheng Yuanqing's thoughts, and then Jin Yutang's ferocious and twisted face slowly revealed a hint of——

A murderous grin!

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