Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 278 Biochemical Beast

After adjusting the direction again, Shan Yue's face was as red as a red-hot iron. No matter how strong his self-confidence was, he couldn't resist Shen Qingfei's rolling eyes one after another, just like a machine gun; At this time, Shen Qingfei's eyes lit up and she pointed to a shack not far away and asked loudly: "Isn't that the church that Yulisa mentioned?"

Shan Yue raised his head and took a look, only to realize that it was a 3-story retro-style building. The most obvious symbol was the huge V-shaped frame on the roof. Shan Yue finally took a soft breath and whispered: "Well, that should be it, but it's a pity that this place is really in the south? That bitch Yulisa, huh, let's see how I clean her up when I get back..."

Shen Qingfei was unable to argue at this moment, or was too lazy to argue. When she changed direction for the fifth time, she had already identified the identity of the road idiot on the mountain. Unfortunately, after going through so many twists and turns, she finally found it. After finding the place, the two of them were quite excited. After identifying the location, the two of them ran all the way and finally arrived at the door of the church;

Different from other places where there are "buzzing" sounds everywhere, the inside of this church is very quiet, even quiet, a little weird, a little scary; Shen Qingfei looked at the half-open church door and the gloomy look inside, and couldn't help but He trembled behind Shan Yue and whispered: "Uncle Shan Yue, do you think those two fools from Reem would choose this place as their hiding place? Looking at the eerie appearance of this place, it doesn't look like anyone lives in it. A place?"

Shan Yue also frowned. Because he was still a general, he tried to use his own powers to sense the situation inside, but then he discovered that the outside of the church seemed to be wrapped in a magical force. His own powers were unable to detect most of the things inside. Shan Yue secretly began to be vigilant in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "Well, this church is very weird. You don't know this place." Isn’t it too quiet on the other side? Unfortunately, it’s possible that Rem and the others are inside. If there are people, it’s understandable that it’s so quiet;”

At this moment, Shen Qingfei pulled Shan Yue. He whispered to him: "Uncle Shanyue, don't you think it's strange for us to walk along this way? There is that 'buzzing' sound everywhere. It means that there are not many mutant creatures inside. Not only that, judging from the situation of the last battle, they are not smart at all, nor are they kind. But then again. Why did we barely get through half of the Western District, but we didn't receive a single attack? This place is so weird;"

When Shen Qingfei said this, Shan Yue also reacted. That's right. Those monsters were very ferocious at first sight. Why was he not attacked at all? Thinking of this, bursts of steel light began to flow on the surface of Shan Yue's body, which was a sign that he had entered a defensive posture; he turned his head and whispered to Shen Qingfei: "No matter what, we still have to go in and check. You stay with me and can't leave my side. Do you understand?"

Shen Qingfei nodded softly, the surrounding was indeed too weird. Shen Qingfei also knew that this was not the time to be willful. If there was no protection from the mountains, and those mutated creatures surrounded her, she would definitely be in trouble; just following her like this Hold the mountain's clothes. The two people just walked into the door with breathless concentration;

It was so dark inside the church that it was almost impossible to see anything. The surrounding floor-to-ceiling windows were all blocked by the green crystal. With a "pop", Shan Yue and Shen Qingfei turned on their strong flashlights at the same time; the dazzling light shone inside the church. Inside the hall was a man. The worship room was used by the survivors to worship or hold some ceremonies. Broken tables and chairs were scattered everywhere, but other than that, there was nothing else at all;

The two people looked at each other, then walked around the church hall and walked to the back room. They turned a corner. In the corridor leading to the back room, the situation took a turn for the worse. However, they saw that on the surrounding walls, in addition, There is also a thick green paste covered on the floor. Not only that, there are dark brown pipes in the paste that look like meridians; people are always full of fear for unknown things. , it seems that Shen Qingfei today, even though she often acts like she is not afraid of the sky or the earth, but then again, looking at the situation like this still makes her feel a little uneasy in her heart;

She glanced at the mountains around her with some worry, and then found that the mountains still looked calm. She took a soft breath, and then the two of them continued to move forward; the further they moved forward, the green paste The distribution density of the paste became greater, and the thickness became deeper. By the time they walked into the back room of the church, the paste had even reached Shen Qingfei's knees;

At this moment, something even more incredible happened, and they saw that everything in the back room of the church was covered with this paste, on the floor, on the walls, and on the ceiling. ; Not only that, the tubes inside the paste are covered with black eggs, like bunches of grapes; these eggs are very large, oval-shaped, with round tops. The lower tip is almost half a meter long and 29 centimeters in diameter at its thickest point;

Looking at these magical things around her, Shen Qingfei couldn't help but opened her mouth and asked in a low voice: "What are these for? How come they are the same as eggs? It's so magical;"

Before she finished speaking, she took a step forward, wanting to pick up an egg and take a look. At this moment, Shanyue opened his mouth: "Don't move;"

Shen Qingfei immediately stopped moving and turned around to look at the mountain in confusion, only to see that the mountain looked extremely ugly now. He actually began to slowly back away. As he backed away, he whispered: "Let's leave this place quickly." Reem and the others should stop looking for the place and leave quickly;"

Shen Qingfei looked at Shan Yue in confusion. Even if she didn't know what Shan Yue meant, she was definitely not as good as Shan Yue in terms of fighting experience and intuition of danger. Therefore, even if she didn't understand what Shan Yue meant. But he still listened obediently to Shan Yue's words, and retreated outside with breathless concentration;

At this time, something strange happened. But there was a soft "click" sound. Even though the sound was very slight, it seemed very clear in this quiet church where you could hear a pin drop. Then, more and more " The sound of "click" kept ringing from all around, and Shen Qingfei was horrified to find that the original egg-shaped objects had broken apart one by one, and then one after another strange-looking monsters bloomed from the broken eggshells. Their hideous and ferocious heads;

Look at such a weird situation. The two of them were not allowed to eat anymore and ran away. While running, Shen Qingfei asked loudly: "Uncle Shanyue, what are these monsters? Why have I never seen them before?"

Shan Yue looked back to see if there was anything catching up with him, and replied loudly: "I don't know, judging from their appearance, there is also a way of gestation. They are fundamentally different from the creatures on earth that we know; even the mutated creatures , the inheritance method of life will not mutate like this. Most mutated creatures are either viviparous or oviparous, or they rely on their own division; but then again, they use external objects to give birth to cubs like this. Not only have I seen this method before, but I have never heard of it, so I don’t know what these tricks are;”

Shen Qingfei was confused for a moment and asked curiously: "Uncle Shan Yue, what do you mean to say that these monsters are not creatures on earth? You said they are from aliens? Why don't we stay and take a closer look? Maybe What gains will there be? Judging from the appearance of those cubs, even if they are a bit fierce, they are not difficult to deal with;"

Shan Yue's face darkened. He said coldly: "What I'm afraid of is not these cubs. No matter whether they are earth creatures or not, even if they are alien creatures. In short, no matter what kind they are, there is no way that there will be no adult life in the place where the cubs are conceived." The general's movement from the beast guard is so loud. It is very likely that the adult beast has been alerted. If we don't run away quickly. Once we are targeted by the adult beast, I don't know if I will be able to do it at that time. is its opponent;”

Speaking of this place, the two people had already ran out of the church. Just when Shen Qingfei wanted to ask again, a terrifying scream came from the roof of the church. Shen Qingfei raised his head and looked, and was immediately frightened to death. They saw two huge transformed beasts lying on the roof of the church. They were different from the mutated creatures they encountered yesterday. The appearance of these transformed beasts was very strange, as if they looked like what the mountains described. This kind of transformed beasts There is absolutely no way that the beast is an earth creature;

At first glance, they look like a huge spider, but of course, they are not real spiders; like many insects, their bodies are divided into five sections, and their heads are about 1 meter in diameter. They are round and look like a spider. The famous ball; it is connected to the body by a neck that is one meter long and about half a meter in diameter; there are 9 blood-red eyes arranged in a "V" shape that gradually become smaller from top to bottom on both sides of its head; Below its eyes is its mouth. Two pairs of sickle-shaped jaws, one meter long and half a meter long, one large and one small, grow on both sides of the mouth. When it roars, when the mouth opens, two rows of jaws appear inside. Wuyangyang’s sharp teeth can be said to be even more terrifying to look at;

Its body is much smaller compared to its body shape, only five times the size of its head at most. Its small body has three huge limbs; its three limbs are as long as those of ordinary creatures. It's also different. It turns out to be the same as a spider, growing in a "^" shape. The upper part of its limbs towers very high. The toes don't have any toes like those of earth creatures. They actually have only one sharp cone-shaped claw that goes straight downwards. ;

Compared with its body shape, its lower abdomen is a bit too big, like a spider's tail, standing up high; its lower abdomen is round, and its length is longer than its head and body plus one piece. The length is even longer; from its high-erected tail end to the ground, it is at least more than 7 meters high; not only that, the top of its lower abdomen, also its tail, has a very tall figure. There is clearly a round hole facing forward. According to the laws of evolution, Shen Qingfei can say that it is 100% sure that if venom or other things cannot be sprayed out of that round hole, it will really be a ghost;

When two such terrifying and unfamiliar beasts appeared at this moment, not to mention Shen Qingfei, Shanyue felt a panic; a strong sense of crisis quickly enveloped the two people, as if they were Following Shen Qingfei's guess, she saw the bellies of the two transformed beasts contracting, and then two masses of green mucus spurted out from the round hole at the end of their bellies, directly towards Shen Qingfei and Shan Yue. came over;

After a short time, these two balls of mucus were sprayed out at a speed that could catch up with the speed of a bullet. Shen Qingfei was stunned there, unable to react at all; fortunately, there were mountains around her, facing this The two unknown creatures, Shanyue did not dare to resist their attack, but he quickly picked up Shen Qingfei who was standing next to him, and jumped to the side with a sonic boom of "pop";

It can be said that the moment after Shanyue jumped out, two balls of mucus shot hard at the position where the general and the two of them were standing. Shanyue, who had narrowly escaped death, looked back and was immediately startled. The green mucus spewed out by the two transformed beasts was not poisonous at all, but a highly corrosive acid. However, the place where they were standing was corroded. There are two deep pits with a diameter of 1 meter and a depth of at least half a meter. Not only that, the area of ​​​​the pits is still expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye;

Seeing that the blow missed, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com The two transformed beasts roared at the same time, and then jumped down from the roof of the church. There was a "boom". After their huge size hit the ground, they immediately splashed into the sky with two waves. The smoke and dust; followed by the "rumbling" footsteps, two transformed beasts rushed out of the smoke and dust, and quickly rushed towards the mountain;

Watching the attack of these two transformed beasts, Shan Yue secretly planned to slow down each other's speed. Sadly, he realized that his own speed was not as fast as theirs; even when he exploded with all his strength, he realized that his own speed was not as fast as theirs. , the speed can easily exceed the speed of sound, but then again, it is only a matter of an instant. If you run for a long time, the speed cannot reach that fast, which means that if you want to take Shen Qingfei with you, If you run away, you will not be able to escape their pursuit;

Thinking of this, Shan Yuerou put Shen Qingfei behind a ruins and asked her to hide here. Then he turned around and pounced hard on the two transformed beasts; "Papa", there was another burst of With the explosion, the ground at the foot of the mountain was exploded by his huge power, creating a huge crater with a diameter of more than two meters. Then his whole body seemed to be like a cannonball, and he rushed towards the two living beasts; not only In this way, the mountain immediately activated its own special power as it advanced, and most of the steel objects in the surrounding ruins floated up. Then they decomposed into molecules and then regrouped, turning into two huge iron spears. , shooting towards the two living beasts like electric radiation; (To be continued)

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