Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 282: The ace takes action, but still gets beaten

Reem stared at the captain at this moment, and his voice was hoarse. But then again, he did not dare to pause for a moment, because his soldiers would be killed every minute; at that time, he After discussing with Si Geer and Hange, they decided to hide in Chicago to evade the search of the American imperial army. Unexpectedly, after entering Chicago, the natural disasters would begin; groups of mutated creatures attacked They launched an attack. Not only was this kind of mutated creature difficult to kill, it often took dozens of shots before being killed. Unfortunately, fortunately, they had a large number of people and sufficient ammunition. Even if some damage occurred, they were still alive. Persevered tenaciously;

But then again, the attacks of mutated creatures seem to be endless, one after another without stopping at all. Even if the soldiers have a lot of ammunition, they can persist every month without any problem; but they are human beings, People always get tired, and now when they are exhausted, the attack of mutant creatures has finally faded away; people like Reem were still rejoicing last night, and they could finally sleep well, but Then again, what I didn't expect was that the mutated creatures came again today, and there were also three terrifying beasts mixed in. Every time when the soldiers tenaciously withstood the attack of the mutated creatures, The three transformed beasts will spray out balls of green mucus from their tails, and then you can only watch as your warriors are melted away with a burst of screams;

The fight only lasted less than 13 minutes, and someone on his side had already died. In addition to the injuries sustained in previous battles, almost a dozen soldiers died after entering Chicago; the morale of the soldiers who will be withdrawn from the battle has not yet been fundamentally restored. Encountering such a blow, the entire army was about to collapse; now they had a common strong enemy and knew that they could not run away. Otherwise, they would have been defeated a long time ago. However, this time After the fight is over, even if you are lucky enough to win. But can the military morale be restored?

The situation of Si Geer and Khan Ge was not much better, in order to stabilize the morale of the army. The two of them even picked up their weapons and ran to the front line to fight the mutant creatures; at this moment, three balls of green slime shot out from behind the mutant creatures, followed closely by the creepy "Chi chi: sound. The security defense line in front of Khange and Si Geer was completely eroded; Si Geer threw the grenade in his palm towards the transformed beast with all his strength, and then said loudly: "This The defense line can no longer be defended and retreat; "

The soldiers had wanted to hear this sentence for a long time. It can be said that as soon as Si Geer's words were spoken, most of the soldiers immediately turned around and ran away. At this time, a group of soldiers wearing mechanical armor missed them. They passed by and reached the front line; most of the foreign legionnaires looked at this situation and were all stunned. Looking at the familiar red-on-black flame marks printed on the mechanical armor's mouths, the soldiers of the Foreign Legion immediately burst into cheers, and many soldiers even shed tears: "We are saved. The reinforcements have finally arrived; "

Also caught in the surprise like the soldiers were Rem, Sigur and Khange. Even though these reinforcements were small in number, it was clear at a glance that they were the most elite of the Chinese nation. It is an ace armed army that can be mobilized at will. There is only one person in the country who can mobilize such an armed army. That was Zheng Yuanqing; that is to say, the appearance of this supporting army. The meaning is not only reinforcements, it can also be said that it means that they have not been abandoned by Zheng Yuanqing at all, and their loyalty has not been betrayed at all;

At this time, Shen Qingfei, dressed in military uniform, quickly ran to the five people Reem was waiting for and said loudly: "Brigadier General Reem, Brigadier General Sigel, and Brigadier General Khange, I am very happy to see you. In honor of my father, Order, let me personally bring the troops here, and I must bring you back alive. I have been looking for you for a long time. I don’t have time to tell you this now. I have to deal with those creatures first. Beast, Shanyue, leads a detachment to attack from the left, Hazy Moon, leads a detachment to attack from the right, Li Lali, lead a frontal assault; "

Following Shen Qingfei's instructions, Shan Yue, Long Yue and Li Lali each led a small detachment and charged in five directions; the genetic combatants stationed in Sun City were equipped with individual soldier mechanical armors in addition to their own weapon systems. , and also equipped with an external anti-aircraft machine gun, or a machine gun; looking at the heavy ammunition boxes carried behind them, most of the soldiers of the Foreign Legion swallowed hard, 1.3hyp Thick bullet chains were pulled out of the ammunition boxes and attached to the machine guns in their palms. They formed a uniform formation and slowly moved towards the mutated creatures;

When the two sides were barely able to get enough rice, the three small detachments shot at the same time, followed by a burst of "dong dong dong dong..." crisp gunshots sounded, and countless tongues of fire intertwined into a wave in the air. Dazzling fireworks of death; even though the mutated creatures are rough-skinned and fleshy, they are not transformed beasts after all. Under such strong and dense firepower, the mutated creatures were hit in the air by the force of the bullets, followed closely by them. In an instant, large holes with a diameter of at least 3 centimeters exploded, and green blood splashed everywhere; a short time later, the mutated creatures rushing at the front were beaten into a ball of rags, followed by the second row, The fifth row...

At this moment, Shen Qingfei's loud shout came from the communicator: "Attention, enemy acid;" As soon as Shen Qingfei said this, three green balls of acid sprayed out from behind the mutated creature, and it is still there At this time, all the nuclear magnetic cannons on the armored vehicles lined up behind fired at the same time. Dozens of nuclear magnetic light beams locked on the acid liquid on their own. The acid liquid had not yet reached the front, but it was still being roasted by the hot nuclear magnetic light in mid-air. Vaporized, I am the leader of the clan;

This is a way to deal with the transformed beasts that Shen Qingfei and others came up with last night based on the characteristics of the transformed beasts. No matter how strong the acid is, it is still a kind of secretion, or liquid. The on-board nuclear magnetic cannons on the armored vehicles are completely self-locking and can hit them before the acid is sprayed in front of them. Then they vaporized; the fight lasted for less than 3 minutes, and most of the mutated creatures were still beaten into pieces under the violent attack of the mechanical armor, and green blood flowed all over the ground;

Looking at this situation, the three transformed beasts were of course very angry. After roaring, they rushed towards these soldiers with heavy steps. The soldiers, under the orders of the commanders of each team, Slowly began to retreat about a meter. Immediately afterwards, the three teams merged into one, forming an increasingly tight security defense line;

Now when the living beast rushes to a position less than meters away from the mechanical armor. Under Shen Qingfei's order, most of the machine guns roared again, and dozens of tongues of flames burst out with dazzling light, hitting the living beasts hard with the flames representing death; it was a pity. Different from the general mutated creatures, these bullets had no way of penetrating the tough skin of the transformed beasts. After hitting their bodies, they bounced to the side one after another. Unfortunately, the trajectory woven by dozens of tongues of fire was so... The huge attack force caused the transformed beasts to stop. It could be said that every time they took a step forward, they would be pushed back one step by the attack force of the bullet;

Just like that, a very funny scene took place. On one side was the Chinese mechanical armor forming a tight phalanx. On one side were three transformed beasts that kept roaring in pain. The distance between them was always meters, and countless rays of fire intertwined between them; the transformed beasts attacked again and again. Being pushed back again and again, it felt like I was playing a game instead of fighting;

It's a pity that many people involved in this game can't laugh, including Shen Qingfei and Shan Yue who are watching the fight from behind. People like Li Lali looked at the fierce fighting ahead, Shan Yue frowned. He said with some worry: "Princess, the situation is not good. The soldiers' ammunition is expected to last for another 3 minutes. Once the ammunition is used up, they will be in danger. We must find them as soon as possible." Only by exploiting the weaknesses of these transformed beasts;"

Shen Qingfei frowned and waved to the armored troops beside him, but saw that the nuclear cannons mounted on most of the armored vehicles adjusted their positions on their own. After they locked on the living beast, it could be said that there was no sound at all. , most of the nuclear magnetic cannon muzzles flashed with red light, and dozens of thick nuclear magnetic light beams strafed the body of the living beast;

But then again, after the light dissipated, those transformed beasts were not damaged at all. Shen Qingfei frowned again. Just when he was planning to let the armored vehicles launch a second wave of attack, Hazy Moon said at this time : "Princess, don't attack. Look, after the MRI attack, the wounds on these transformed beasts are still recovering;"

Shen Qingfei was shocked when she heard that. She quickly picked up the lookout and looked. Sure enough, the large and small holes on the skin of the G beast that were originally hit by anti-aircraft machine guns turned out to be visible to the naked eye after a round of nuclear cannon. Still recovering quickly; Shen Qingfei threw the observation glass aside with all her strength, and cursed angrily: "Assholes, damn perverts, super perverts, what on earth are these guys trying to do? They can absorb energy completely. Use the energy in the weapon to replenish yourself, and your emotions will give them a big boost from that round of nuclear magnetism;"

A trace of solemnity bloomed on the faces of most of the people who belonged to them. Is it possible that these transformed beasts are really invincible? If there is only one living beast, Shan Yue, Li Lali and Long Yue can still kill it together. But then again, there are three of them now, let alone Shan Yue's power at this moment. It has not fully recovered, even if it has basically recovered, there is no way to kill 3 transformed beasts at the same time;

Now when they were at a loss what to do, a weak voice beside them rang out: "Princess... Your Highness, these transformed beasts... These transformed beasts seem to be afraid of physical attacks, but they can absorb energy to attack. Just It’s because our physical attack area is too wide and can’t cause effective damage to them. What do you think about using a sniper?”

Shen Qingfei looked back and saw that it was Si Geer. Whether it was Shan Yue, Long Yue or Li Lali, it could only be said that they were super masters, but not leading figures; and after Shen Qingfei had been training for such a long time, she could see the overall situation harmoniously. The strategic deployment has made great progress, but she is more good at commanding the overall situation from the rear, rather than personally leading people into the battle; therefore, when the fight reaches this deadlock, an experienced general and a The difference between a real marshal is easy to see; a real marshal can completely strategize and control the overall situation, but if he is really asked to lead the charge, he may not be able to; and a general with rich fighting experience, Even if you don't have the ability to see the overall situation and overlook the entire battlefield layout, you can flexibly use the cooperation between the various arms according to the different fighting environments, and quickly find the opponent's weaknesses to achieve maximum results. attack effect;

Shen Qingfei gave Si Geer a thumbs up, then picked up the communicator and said loudly: "Most of the snipers, gather immediately, Brigadier General Si Geer, go and kill all the existing snipers of your Foreign Legion. Gather them all to me;”

In just one minute, there were snipers standing in front of Shen Qingfei, who were barely holding their sniper rifles. Among them were 7 snipers from the Gene Combat Corps, and the remaining 13 were simply snipers from the Foreign Legion; unfortunately, Gene Combat The sniper rifles used by the snipers in the army are basically those anti-gravity high-energy heavy-duty sniper rifles. With a 2.1-meter-long gun body, a weight of kilograms, a caliber and a shooting range of meters, it is not so much a sniper rifle as it is a sniper rifle. The gun was fired, which made the sniper rifles held by the snipers of the Foreign Legion look like a showpiece;

Shen Qingfei glanced lightly and looked for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com casually clicked among them a few times and divided them into three teams, with two biological snipers in each team. After the instructions were completed, Shen Qingfei ordered in a hurry: "At this moment, you are being ordered. Divided into 3 teams, the first team dealt with the transformed beast on the left, the second team dealt with the transformed beast in the middle, and the fifth team dealt with the transformed beast on the right; the first shot was fired by each team. The biological snipers shoot. They have special paintballs. After hitting the head of the biological beast with the paintball, they will use armor-piercing bullets and fire freely according to the position of the paintball. Remember, you will arrive on the street later. In the back, look for a suitable sniper point at least meters away. The g-monster will self-destruct after being killed, and the explosion radius is barely around meters. If your sniper point is too close, I'm afraid you won't have time to retreat; now my order Did you hear everything clearly? If you heard everything clearly, please act quickly now..."

As soon as Shen Qingfei finished speaking, most of the snipers did not give any permission at all, and immediately turned around and headed towards the back of the street to find a suitable sniper spot to kill with one blow... while Shen Qingfei turned back and faced Si Geeryan beside her said: "Go and notify Reim, take your people who belong to the Foreign Legion and retreat to the streets meters away. If the beasts explode in a while, the mechanical armor will have a jet device to make them faster." Evacuate the scene, but you will definitely not have time to run at that time, and not only will you block the retreat of the genetic combatants from behind;" (To be continued)

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