Looking at the scene in front of her, Xu Shuyu whispered: "What a spectacular scene. So beautiful. I really can't believe it. We think it is in the innermost part of the underground rice. Human beings are really amazing. Such a huge project It was completed in just 17 years. Until now, I can’t believe my eyes. Is this place going to be our settlement in the future?”

Zheng Yuanqing gently shook her shoulders and whispered in a low voice: "Shuyu, you have already thought about it. Are you really unwilling to leave with me? You know, when we leave, we don't know what year it will be." In which month will I be able to come back? It is very likely that I will not be able to find my way home after I leave. Even in the past few years, I have not touched you much. But you have to know that among these women of mine, I have no feelings for you. Feelings are the deepest. Not touching you doesn't mean I don't love you anymore. It's just that your body really can't stand my tossing at the moment."

Xu Shuyu turned around, shook her head softly, and smiled sweetly at Zheng Yuanqing. Even though she was nearly 20 years old, the naughty and miserable little silly girl back then has already become a charming person now* *. But from her smile, you can still see her shadow when she will meet Zheng Yuanqing.

After a long while, Xu Shuyu whispered: "Dear"


"How long have we known each other?"

"My baby is 19 this year. We have known each other for many years. It has been a long time. I almost forgot about it."

"Well, to be precise, it's the year, 7 months and 9 days. I remember. At that time, you rescued Yutian and I from the hands of zombies. You were still so young at that time. I was also very young. .I really didn’t expect that after following you, I would end up in such a happy life today.”

"What's wrong with you? Why are you so sentimental?"

"The earth can't hold on anymore. You have to leave. You want to find a way out for us humans. It's not that I don't want to leave with you. I also want to be with you, Feifei, and Xiaoye in peace. But then again You leave. What will happen to the people who own this place? Someone must stay to help you keep this family property. Therefore, I, Ling Qing, Zhang Wen, and Yulia have decided. None of us will Go. You will also stay. If you can't come back, someone will succeed you as emperor. If you can come back, this place will still be yours."

Zheng Yuanqing took a deep look at her. In addition to being very nostalgic, there was a sense of seriousness and sadness on this still beautiful face. At this moment, a guard hurriedly ran behind Zheng Yuanqing. After saluting, he said loudly: "Your Majesty, it's time to go."

Zheng Yuanqing said nothing or moved. He still looked at Xu Shuyu's face. Xu Shuyu smiled slightly, hugged Zheng Yuanqing's neck, stood up on tiptoes and kissed him softly on the lips. He whispered: "Let's go quickly. It happened to be that An alien fleet and the transformed beasts are in the middle of the battle. Otherwise, with the speed of those transformed beasts or the speed of the alien fleet, no matter who loses or wins, you will not be able to leave. If you really can’t let me go. .Then please come back early."

Before she finished speaking, she pushed Zheng Yuanqing hard. She turned her head and held the railing with both hands. Her body was trembling slightly. She tried hard not to cry. Zheng Yuanqing sighed softly and turned around. Following the guard, he came to an elevator. After getting into the elevator, the elevator began to descend quickly. After the elevator reached the bottom floor, he opened the elevator door. There was a rail car parked outside. Zheng Yuanqing got into the car. The rail car immediately started moving quickly. Three minutes later, Zheng Yuanqing came to a huge airport. In front of him, a giant ship that was one kilometer long, three kilometers wide, and three kilometers high was quietly parked. On the pingshang, and around it, there are countless workers who are still doing the evacuation work that has been going on since then. This giant ship is the same Taiwan-class giant ship that Zheng Yuanqing ordered Professor Li to supervise the construction of two years ago.

Of course, even though this giant ship is huge in size, its regional combat effectiveness is far from the level of other armored vehicles of the same level in the alien fleet. To put it bluntly, the weapons and equipment of this armored vehicle are similar to those of the alien fleet. The weapons of the fleet are not bad, but their firepower is not as good as their armed transport ships. Unfortunately, for the people on earth, it is naturally a miracle to build such a giant ship.

Following the elevators and conveyor belts in the ship, Zheng Yuanqing arrived at the armored vehicle command tower in a short time. The huge command tower covered thousands of square meters of space. Hundreds of staff were still working nervously. It was still a debugging job until then. Look at them sweating profusely. Of course they were very nervous about their flight. Even their usual training results on the simulator were good. But it was really about driving. Such a kilometer-long armored vehicle soared across the universe. For a force like China that had never used a meter-long armored vehicle before, it was a first for everyone from management to grassroots personnel.

Zheng Yuanqing slowly walked up to the floor-to-ceiling window on the side of the armored vehicle. Shen Qingfei was holding a baby in her arms at the moment. She was standing quietly by the floor-to-ceiling window looking out at the outside. Zheng Yuanqing walked up to her side and lowered her head. He said: "I'm leaving. I didn't even go to say goodbye to your mother. Now that we're leaving, I don't know when we can come back."

Shen Qingfei didn't turn her head. She actually choked and said: "I'm afraid. I'm afraid that I won't be willing to leave. I want to be by your side. I want to be by her side. I'm afraid that if I go to meet her, I won't be able to leave. There is no way to make a choice at all. It’s really painful to feel like this.”

Zheng Yuanqing sighed softly and looked around at the expressions of the people around him. Everyone was excited and sad. Regarding this expedition, they all had a feeling that they would die and there was no way to come back. This giant machine The ship uses 7 large photon furnace reactors, which can bring the ship to a sub-light state. Of course, this sub-light is still far from light. But this is the fastest speed that earth's technology can achieve. The giant ship is in the drawing It is completely possible to sail continuously for years without replenishing energy. But then again, for the vast universe, the year is really too short. They don’t know how those alien fleets came to the earth. But there is a little bit of completeness. What is certain is that they must have an unknown way of sailing. It is definitely not like them, relying on ordinary flight speed to soar through the universe.

After being silent for a long time, a pleasant female voice came from the radio: "Attention all units. Attention all units. All staff enter the designated area. Ground maintenance personnel please evacuate within 1 minute. Armored vehicles will be launched soon. .”

"The photon furnace is ready to ignite. All programs respond normally. The armored vehicle enters the ignition program."

"The ignition of the photon furnace is completed. Furnace No. 1 is operating normally. Furnace x-3 is operating normally. Furnace No. 7 is operating normally. Ignition is successful."

Following a series of commands from the command tower, rows of huge nozzles behind and below the armored vehicle sprayed out a ball of dazzling white light. The roar of the huge engine caused the ears of the personnel below to buzz. It's ringing. No sound can be heard.

After looking at the situation, Zheng Yuanqing gently hugged Shen Qingfei's shoulders and came to the command chair in the center of the control tower. After sitting down, he ordered loudly: "Okay. I order the Hong Ling to be launched."

"The Hongling is launched. The safe bolt is pulled out. The ground camouflage cover is opened. The ground-to-air defense deck is opened. The track is clear. It is completely ready to take off."

At the same time, somewhere in central China, the earth opened up. Then a huge armored vehicle flew out from inside. Then several dazzling rays of light erupted from the rear of the armored vehicle. Then it tilted. It flew out in the direction of space.

The Associated Press reported: "According to satellite display, China launched a large-scale armored vehicle at this time. According to monitoring, the length of this giant ship is more than one kilometer. It is the largest armored vehicle built so far on the earth. .At present, this armored vehicle has entered the atmosphere and will soon rush to the battlefield of those monsters and alien fleets. Unfortunately, what is the regional combat effectiveness of this armored vehicle of China? Please let us wait and see."

Immediately following the appearance of this giant ship from China, it can be said that the eyes of the whole world were watching the movements of this giant ship through satellite live broadcast. The fleet of the American imperial army was defeated and lost its fighting spirit. In a short time It is impossible to reorganize regional combat effectiveness within the country. Therefore, it can be said that most people on earth have pinned their hopes on this armored vehicle until now. The reason is that in the short term, this is the only thing they can completely An armored vehicle in action.

Just like that, in the expectant eyes of all the survivors on the earth except for China, the Hong Ling flew higher and higher, and flew farther and farther. Until then, the spacecraft suddenly disappeared from their sight. It took a long time for someone to react and asked softly: "Why are they missing? Is there a problem with the navigation? The battlefield is on the other side of the earth. Why are they flying direct?"

Finally, one person said what they had been thinking but dared not say out loud: "They are abandoning us and running away." Immediately, the survivors were in an uproar. They did not expect that this would still be a critical moment until then. .They were actually suppressed by the Chinese people, especially the politicians of the American Empire. Originally, they were secretly excited when they saw the Chinese super giant ships going into battle. The armored vehicles in their territory were temporarily unavailable. The baby is useless. I happened to let the Chinese people stand up for a while. Unexpectedly, the Chinese people didn't say hello at all. They just wiped their mouths and ran away. Looking at their crippled fleet, all the politicians of the American imperialists. They just wanted to cry without tears. At this moment, they were hoping that the two forces in outer space could perish together. Otherwise, they wouldn't even be able to escape.

At this time, Huaxia Kingdom's Pingxi Mansion, Beiyu, Shanghang, Silver Moon, Sun City, and many places in the central wilderness. Huge explosions exploded at the same time. Look at the rapidly rising mushroom cloud, which is extremely dazzling. Light. Needless to say, it must have been the Chinese state that detonated all the atomic bombs in their inventory. It can be said that half of China was bombed by atomic bombs. These areas are mainly concentrated in the eastern and central regions of China. They were also the most important population centers of China in the past. The ground. In the continuous nuclear explosions, most of the things on the ground were reduced to ashes. Life-threatening nuclear radiation is everywhere. According to professional estimates, this place will not last for years. It is impossible to return to normal. Of course, the strong nuclear explosion not only destroyed all the buildings on the surface of Huaxia, but also destroyed all traces of the huge underground kingdom under Huaxia. The strong radiation and electromagnetic interference made people feel nothing. There is no way to detect all the conditions one meter below the surface of the earth. Life-threatening radiation makes it impossible for people to live in this place. Therefore, at least until the surface radiation basically dissipates, China's underground kingdom will be in an absolutely harmless situation.

After a short time, the battle between the aliens in outer space came to an end. Because another alien fleet came to the battlefield. Not only that, this fleet was equipped with more armored vehicles and armored vehicles specially designed to deal with the alien beasts. There were a lot of humanoid armors and even transformed beasts scattered all over the battlefield. But this time there were more alien fleets coming, overwhelmingly surrounding the entire battlefield. Finally, after 2 hours of After a hard battle, the army of transformed beasts finally retreated. And the alien fleet, of course, took a fancy to the earth, a natural space station. After the army of transformed beasts retreated, the huge fleet turned around and pounced in the direction of the earth.

7 years later

After wandering in the universe for 7 years, the Hong Ling flew out of the gravitational area of ​​the solar system last year. Now it is drifting towards the unknown realm without any purpose. The life of 7 years has been boring and boring. Every day. Living such a cookie-cutter life, with no passion and no change, made the people on the armored vehicle feel increasingly depressed. Shen Qingfei quietly leaned on Zheng Yuanqing's arms. Next to her, the 7-year-old Wen Ye and Wen Xi, Liang Jie's son Liang Hui, and Tianhuo's granddaughter Zhu Xiaoai, who were the same age as him, were squatting aside and playing. At this time, the piercing alarm sounded violently.

The sharp voice of the navigator, a sweet and sad girl, filled the entire control tower: "There is a wormhole kilometers ahead that was formed at this time. It is kilometers in diameter. It is still expanding further."

Zheng Yuanqing was stunned for a moment when he heard this. He quickly said: "What are you waiting for? Full right rudder. Avoid immediately."

Unexpectedly, the pilot turned his head and said in a voice that was about to cry: "Your Majesty, it can't be done. Our spacecraft has been affected by its gravity. It is being sucked in by it on its own. There is no way to escape."

Zheng Yuanqing's eyes turned cold and he said urgently: "Since you can't get rid of it, then rush over to me. I command. Turn on the power to the maximum. Rush over to me."

The pilot was stunned for a moment. But he knew that there was no way to refute Zheng Yuanqing's order. He had no choice but to push the throttle lever. The spacecraft accelerated violently and plunged into the wormhole. After entering the wormhole, there was no one there. It was as dark as I imagined. The surrounding space was colorful. It seemed like an extremely beautiful aurora. Unfortunately, extremely beautiful things often represent danger. Facts have proved that spacecraft manufactured by earth's technology are still far from qualified for the important task of interstellar navigation. Ever since entering the wormhole, the alarm in the spacecraft control tower has not stopped. Various parts have been torn off because they cannot withstand the irregular gravity in the wormhole. And then again At this time, the spacecraft shook violently. Immediately afterwards, the entire spacecraft felt a sudden pause. Then you could clearly feel that the speed of the spacecraft was rapidly decreasing.

At this moment, the monitor turned to look at Zheng Yuanqing. He cried and said: "Your Majesty, the spacecraft cannot withstand the pressure and broke. The air pressure is still dropping rapidly. The reserve energy can still last for 3 minutes. What should I do?"

Looking at the panic expressions of the people around him, Zheng Yuanqing frowned and said in a deep voice: "Don't panic. Close all the gates. Leave the rest to me."

Immediately after a series of instructions were issued, Zheng Yuanqing took a deep breath. He turned around and glanced at Shen Qingfei and Wen Ye, who looked worried. He nodded softly to express comfort. Then, his eyes turned cold. His eyes flashed in an instant. Transformed into blood red, he saw an eight-pointed star's red crystal slowly appear on his forehead. At this moment, Zheng Yuanqing shouted loudly: "The fifth level transformation of the residual wing tyrant. Star Warrior Hardy "

Immediately after Zheng Yuanqing's voice sounded, a ball of red light enveloped his entire body. Then he quickly crossed the deck and came to the space outside the spacecraft. When the red light dissipated, a man covered in black The armored man appeared outside the command tower. He was about 3 meters tall and had a slender figure. The layers of armor on his body seemed to be that of the mythical God of the Underworld or a miniature version of the humanoid armor. There was a shadow inside the black crown helmet. All he could see was a pair of blood-red eyes shining with red light. Behind his exaggerated shoulder armor, which was stacked in dozens of layers, trailed a strip more than 3 meters long. The long scarlet cloak seems strange and mysterious.

Looking at Zheng Yuanqing's appearance outside, Shan Yue murmured to himself: "Your Majesty is too perverted. It has only been a few years and he has evolved to the fifth level. It's a pity that his evolution is more handsome every time, but mine is It won’t work.”

No one answered his idiotic question. The attention of all the people he belonged to was nervously focused on Zheng Yuanqing. At this moment, 9 red energy streams spurted out from the back of Zheng Yuanqing's body. Then the whole body burst into flames. Then I saw the back of the spacecraft. I saw that the originally kilometer long spacecraft now only had a nose section less than 9 kilometers long. The rear section was floating to nowhere. .

Zheng Yuanqing took a deep breath. He held the fracture of the spacecraft with both hands. All the energy flow behind him spurted out. Immediately afterwards, the remaining spacecraft, which was 9 kilometers long, 3 kilometers wide and 3 kilometers high, unexpectedly fell under Zheng Yuanqing's thrust. It moved slowly. Not only did it get faster and faster, but I don’t know how long it took. The spacecraft finally got rid of the shackles of the wormhole and came outside. This time it was quite safe. But no one was excited. Get up and look at the unfamiliar stars around them. They are completely lost. They don't know where this place is. But one thing they are absolutely sure of is that this place is definitely not the solar system. It is definitely not the Milky Way. Even if it is a person, they have no idea. A strange galaxy. They don't know where they are. Of course, they don't know how to get back to their hometown.

Not to mention whether they can go back in the future. The spacecraft that was broken into two pieces has lost its power. They have no way to fly again. Not only that, even if there is a spare photon furnace reactor at the head of the spacecraft, let them There is no need to worry about suffocation in a short period of time. But just drifting in the universe and waiting to die. Of course, no one can completely take it.

Just at this moment, the spacecraft's alarm sounded again. They raised their heads and took a look. They were immediately frightened to death. However, they saw directly outside the floor-to-ceiling windows of the control tower. Everywhere visible to the naked eye was full of animated beasts. That's right. It's the living beasts. The living beasts that invaded the earth and drove them out. Unfortunately, compared with the army of living beasts that invaded the earth, this place is basically the nest of the living beasts. The entire space is filled with All are transformed beasts.

Zheng Yuanqing's voice suddenly reached the spacecraft: "We are surrounded. Get on the escape boat immediately and break out in all directions. Run away as much as you can. Hurry up. Otherwise, it will be too late."

Hearing Zheng Yuanqing's words, all his subordinates immediately panicked. They stood up and ran towards the escape platform. Shen Qingfei, Zheng Qiang, Shan Yue, Spider, Li Lali, Zhang Xian and other old subordinates of Zheng Yuanqing. They took their The two children got into the escape boat specially prepared for Zheng Yuanqing. It was driven by Ma Hui himself. The deck was about to open and the escape boat rushed out quickly.

At the moment when the escape boat rushed out, they only felt the hull of the boat sink suddenly. Through the glass above their heads, they looked at the transformed Zheng Yuanqing who was now standing steadily on the escape boat. Above him, he saw his hands clasped together, and then he pulled them to both sides. A red bident came out of his palm. From that moment on, Zheng Yuanqing stood here. After this incident on the Taiwan escape boat, Ma Hui didn't know why in his heart. At this moment, he became quiet. It was as if there was an energy supporting him. He was not afraid at all. He didn't care whether there was anything in front of him or not. Blocked by the transformed beast, he drove the escape boat in a straight line and flew towards the nearest planet quickly.

Zheng Yuanqing stood above the escape boat. He kept waving the bident in his palm. The bident was wrapped with a black force of destruction. Every time he danced, let alone let it touch. But if Within the area covered by the energy wave emitted by its black energy, most of the living beasts will be annihilated in an instant. It is true annihilation, leaving no trace.

Maybe he felt that the killing method was too slow. Of course, fortunately, Zheng Yuanqing's idea was not heard by the people in Shanyue. They worked hard but couldn't kill a single living beast. Zheng Yuanqing killed several living beasts in one move with this move. The killing method was still too slow. If they understood, they would be so angry that they would spit out a mouthful of old blood. Unfortunately, Zheng Yuanqing still felt that it was too slow. But he saw the dozens of layers of shoulder armor on his shoulders opening layer by layer. Until After that, two pot-shaped energy shields were formed. Then he looked up. Followed by a dazzling bright light. Two thick red beams entwined with countless black electric light radiation energy beams emerged from The energy shield on his shoulder spurted out vigorously.

After the light dissipated, they were extremely shocked to find that a hole with a diameter of about 2 kilometers appeared on the channel in front of them. It was surrounded by numerous living beasts. There was not a single living beast in this area alone. The hole extends all the way to the top of the distant planet. Even the surface of the planet can be seen with the naked eye. There is still a huge crater. This shows how destructive Zheng Yuanqing will be with that blow.

It's a pity that Ma Hui didn't care about the issue of developing and manufacturing Zheng Yuanqing's regional combat effectiveness. He only knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He quickly pulled the throttle lever and the escape boat jumped violently and flew towards the planet quickly.

But then again, today seems destined to be a hard and difficult day. The escape boat will be close to the ground. They have not had time to relax after the war. At this moment, the escape boat shook violently and tightened. Then they completely lost control. They were horrified to find that countless tentacles had stretched out from the ground at some point. The escape boat was officially caught by these tentacles. Zheng Yuanqing outside the escape boat was waving at him. The bident in the palm of his hand quickly harvested these tentacles. But then again, the number of these tentacles was indeed too many.

Zheng Yuanqing's heart sank and he thought to himself: Is it possible that we are so unlucky that we happened to escape to the home planet of these transformed beasts? This is the mother queen of all transformed beasts.

It's a pity that Zheng Yuanqing has no time to think about this anymore. The escape boat has been deformed by the tearing of these tentacles. If it continues like this, it will definitely not last long. Thinking of this, the red light in Zheng Yuanqing's eyes became brighter. The shoulder armor once again Opened. A mass of destructive energy began to brew on his shoulders.

At this moment, a slightly clear and sweet voice came from Zheng Yuanqing's mind: "Wait a minute. Maybe we can talk." This was not really someone talking. It was actually coming directly through Zheng Yuanqing through tyrannical mental power. The brain nerves conveyed her meaning to Zheng Yuanqing.

Zheng Yuanqing stopped moving. At this moment, the ground began to roll. A giant beast dozens of kilometers long slowly emerged from the ground. Her appearance was very strange. Or maybe Zheng Yuanqing guessed it right. This is indeed true. She is the mother queen of all the transformed beasts. Looking at her body that is only one kilometer long and her belly that is more than one kilometer long, you can understand why the transformed beasts are so arrogant and wreaking havoc in the universe.

"Actually, we can totally do it." The female voice came again in Zheng Yuanqing's mind. Unfortunately, before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Zheng Yuanqing: "Huh, I want to use a delaying strategy. You bastard, let's die together. " Before he finished speaking, Zheng Yuanqing turned into a wave of red light and plunged into the top of the head of the Beast Queen.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, and the Queen of Transformed Beasts stood there in a daze. She even forgot to eat the dry food that the transformed beasts brought to her mouth. It might have been a day. It might have been a day. Every month. In short, I don’t know how long it took. At this moment, a sigh came from the midair. It was Zheng Yuanqing’s voice. Then, countless tentacles rose from the ground and lifted the escape boat. Open it and then wrap all the people who had already passed out inside into a meat bag.

They curled up quietly inside, as if they were in their mother's womb. Only the foreheads of the younger generation of children in China's senior management, including Wen Ye, Wen Xi, and Ma Hui, were faintly visible. A five-pointed star-shaped crystal crystal appeared.

"Gestmia" is a galaxy-class cargo ship from the n-773 survivor star of the Solan Nebula. Elsa's grandfather was the captain of this ship. The year before last, Elsa's grandfather used most of his He bought the cargo ship "Gestmia" with his savings and loans from relatives and friends. He was once a planet-class destroyer captain of the Imperial Fleet, and he summoned all the family members and started running. Transport between the planet n-773 in the Lan Nebula and the planet z-21 in the Stuzoya system.

Even though the force they belong to, the Lankao Empire, is remote, and the king is much more interested in art than running the country. But such a man only has 127 stars in the five star systems of Solan, Stusoa and Emma. The small forces in the administrative star have a rare peace.

Being remote, they will not be affected by the childish war between the intermediate powers in the universe. If they are too far away, there will be no survivors who have fled due to the war. Even the pirates have abandoned this oil and water. Instead of taking enough territory, they went to the larger and more chaotic Chaos Star Territory.

Therefore, in general, Aisha's family is living a good life. The five star systems in the Lankao Empire are far apart. Relying on official transport ships for transportation is very inefficient. Therefore, people like Grandpa Aisha have a private life. The people who owned the transport ship were still living a prosperous life. It only took two years for Aisha's grandfather to pay off most of the deficit. The profit earned from this transportation will be It is their family's first truly personal wealth.

Therefore, everyone along the way is very excited, especially Aisha. Because grandpa will promise to buy himself a baby that he has always wanted after returning to the n-773 star, but because of its expensive price. A Buddy doll with good intentions and a little thought.

Aisha's father, the chief helmsman, was an excellent pilot in the Imperial Fleet. He was perfectly capable of driving a transport plane, which seemed to him to be as slow as a tortoise climbing. Control. Now he is sipping rum and humming a recently popular ditty with a proud look on his face.

Aisha's father can drink while driving. It was specifically allowed by Aisha's grandfather. After all, for a pilot who is used to driving a high-flying ship, being drunk is better than those who are professionally trained. It's a good thing for a student who graduated from the flight pilot academy. Except when he is about to dock, he usually drinks some wine to refresh himself while driving. It is basically within the allowed area. The reason is that this ship has him as a pilot. It is completely possible for him to be on duty without a co-pilot.

The navigator is Aisha's aunt. At this moment, she is still talking with her mother, who is a correspondent, about what kind of skin care products should be bought after docking. After all, they are both middle-aged and do not take good care of themselves. If they do, their youth will leave them and never come back.

The mechanic's uncle, the navigator's aunt, the power room's uncle, the security inspector's eldest cousin, and the kitchen manager's cousin who specializes in cooking are all gathered in the cab now. The family is enjoying themselves and chatting happily. No wonder they are so relaxed. In addition, they will be able to enter the Solan Nebula in two days. The transport ship entering the low star cruise can even look at the Solan Nebula in the distance full of mysterious red light bands with the naked eye.

This place already belongs to the danger-free zone of the Solan Nebula. It is also a place where the Imperial fleet regularly cruises. It is very safe. That’s why they are so relaxed. The Solan people have an old saying: When you look out of the floor-to-ceiling windows, When you see that extremely beautiful red light band, it means you have gone home.

At this moment, Aisha's mother's face changed. She stopped talking. She held the earphones in both hands and listened quietly for a while. Then she said seriously: "Dad, I A distress call was received. The coordinates are not far from our location. Do we want to go to the rescue?"

Grandpa Aisha clicked on the star map, scooped up a star ruler and measured the distance on the star map. Then she collected some data on the nearby area from the star brain of the transport ship and checked it before opening her mouth to speak. Said: "That distress signal is not far from our channel. We only need to shift it 7 degrees to the lower left now. We can approach the target in 9 hours. If we go back after the rescue, it will be a pity that we have wasted time. 3 hours. Go and save them. Floating outside, there will always be accidents. Let’s save them today. Maybe one day we will need someone else to save us.”

"Understood. Change the course. Move 7 degrees to the lower left. The spacecraft starts to accelerate." After hearing this, Elsa's father immediately adjusted the flight path of the spacecraft according to Grandpa Elsa's order.

Aisha's mother used Li's ray communication to send a memorandum of her rescue actions to the n-773 star. The transport ship's stern sprayed out three beams of light. It accelerated rapidly and swept into the vast starry sky. In a short time Then it disappeared to its original place.

9 hours later

Elsa's aunt looked at the scanner screen anxiously. There was nothing displayed on the top. She looked at Elsa's mother beside her in confusion: "Are you sure the signal comes from this place? There is nothing."

Aisha's mother scooped up the earphones with the same confusion. She murmured: "That's not right. There will be other signals. How come it disappeared right now. Keep looking. It should still be nearby now."

The transport plane slowly wandered around the star field, trying to find the spaceship that would send the distress signal. But then again, it had been delayed here for barely half an hour, and still found nothing.

Aisha stood by the huge floor-to-ceiling window next to the cab of the control tower. She looked at the vast universe and the bright starry sky outside. She gradually fell into obsession. This was her favorite scenery. Whenever she looked at this Elsa would always be fascinated by the breathtakingly beautiful sea of ​​​​stars for hours. For this reason, her grandfather often laughed at her as a child of the universe.

Now, Elsa is still slowly falling into trance. At this moment, a wave of red light flashes away in the starry sky in front of her. Elsa looks at the starry sky doubtfully. The light that is about to flicker is not starlight. It was more like a signal light above a spaceship. She took a closer look at the starry sky and found that the starry sky was covered in shadows without a trace of starlight.

An ominous feeling suddenly filled Aisha's heart. She quickly turned around and said loudly: "Auntie, turn on the headlight on the port side. There seems to be something on the port side."

Aisha's aunt didn't think there was anything on the port side that the scanner couldn't scan. But since her miserable niece ordered it, she still turned on the headlight on the port side. Still at this moment, the control tower Most of the people inside took a breath of air-conditioning.

But he saw that about a kilometer away to the left of the transport plane, a galaxy-class armored vehicle about 3 kilometers long was floating there quietly. The cannons on the outer armor plate of the armored vehicle were numerous. It seemed ferocious and majestic. It At this moment, it was moving evenly with the speed of the transport ship. If it hadn't been for turning on the headlights, its existence would definitely not have been discovered. You know, civilian scanners cannot scan the position of warships.

Aisha's father looked back. His pupils suddenly became bigger. He shouted in horror: "Sea Pirates"

This place is obviously a danger-free zone. How could there be pirates? All the people who belong to it are puzzled. But then again, they can no longer be tolerated at this time. The pirates' distress signal attracted them. Then they lurked quietly next to them. Even a five-year-old child wouldn't believe it if they were just playing a prank.

Grandpa Aisha shouted quickly: "Quick. Full right rudder. Down 37 degrees. Full forward."

Elsa's father immediately replied: "Full right rudder. Down 37 degrees. Full forward. Engine ignition. Engine No. 1 starts to warm up. Engine No. 2 starts to warm up. Engine No. 5 starts to warm up. Engine No. 5 starts to warm up. Heat. The hull enters the plus state. It will enter the star in seconds."

But then again, at this very moment, the muzzles of all the main guns on the pirate ship all lit up with bright lights. After a burst of shining light, the transport ship shook hard and the speed slowly dropped.

The red warning light "Didi Di Di" kept flashing in the control tower. The transport ship was shaking violently. Aisha knew that this was the transport ship's deck being penetrated by the opponent's main gun. The atmosphere in the cabin surged crazily. The vibration caused by the unstable pressure caused by outward movement. (To be continued. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. If you like this work, please support it.)

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