Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Two hundred and ninety-eight

Zheng Yuanqing and the mysterious beautiful girl started living together. (800)\u003e. For more latest chapters visit:щw. .

The first person to discover this secret was Zheng Yuanqing's bad friend since childhood - Wang Gang.

Said to be a bad friend, Wang Gang really deserves this title.

Kindergarten, "Zheng Yuanqing, look, your favorite vanilla ice cream! Here, I'll give it to you." "Hehe, Tsuna, you are so kind." Our classmate Xiao Xu took a sip, and tragedy happened, and the remaining half was topped with What a fat, big, cute caterpillar~ So, from then on, Zheng Yuanqing never ate vanilla ice cream again.

When I was in elementary school, "Hey, look at that kid, he's so cute." "Yeah, yeah!" "Hey, that pink little face really wants to be kissed!" "Yeah, yeah!" "Then go and give it a kiss. "I'm afraid." "Don't worry, she won't do anything to you. Trust me!" He looked at Wang Gang smiling with a righteous look on his face. The next day, Zheng Yuanqing was called a parent for molesting a little girl.


There are countless such stories.

Although Wang Gang is a bit bad, he still has the loyalty of a dog brother, which is why Zheng Yuanqing has always regarded him as a brother.

"Hey, kid!" Wang Gang stopped him happily when he saw his friend.

"Well, morning. Hey, what are you doing this weekend? Why haven't you seen your game online?" Zheng Yuanqing was curious, this kid also loves games. If he hadn't insisted on recruiting her to play with him, he wouldn't be so obsessed with the game now. Of course, being unable to resist being 'tempted' or 'tempted' can be considered part of the equation.

"Hey, I went to a good place this week." Wang Gang said with a mysterious look.

"Tch, what good place can there be?" Zheng Yuanqing said, "The good place you mentioned is a bar or something. Every time I go there, I tease a few girls."

"Hey, brother, you know me. There's a new bar on Harbor Street. I originally wanted to ask you to go with me, but you didn't answer the phone. Then I went there to have a look. Hehe, the girls there are really on point. Ah. I'll treat you to a drink another day." Wang Gang said cheerfully.

Zheng Yuanqing thought about it, right? That day happened to be the day when the girl went to the hospital. I had been busy all day and didn't go home at all. How could I receive a call from him.

Zheng Yuanqing recalled the scene when the girl moved from the hospital to his home that day.

That day, I asked her for a long time but couldn't come up with anything. It seemed that this girl must have something to hide.

"Hey, hey! You came to your senses! What's wrong! I'm talking to you, why are you still distracted!" Wang Gang said in a loud voice.

"Something must have happened to this kid. You can tell by looking at him like this." Wang Gang thought to himself, but didn't ask. Brother, he doesn’t want to say it and doesn’t ‘force’ him.

This Wang Gang, even though he looks rough, he has a very delicate mind.

"Um, I didn't hear what you just said." Zheng Yuanqing pretended not to hear clearly.

"It's okay. I'll go to your house someday. We've been playing CF together for a long time." Wang Gang also pretended not to know that he was worried.

"Hehe, how about today. My parents are working overtime today and won't go home. After school, I will go to your house to play."

"Yeah. Okay." Thinking about how enthusiastic I was when I played CF with him, now thinking about Zheng Yuanqing, I'm still boiling, and I wish I could fly home right away!

"Ring, ring, ring..." The bell rang for the end of get out of class. Wang Gang and Zheng Yuanqing walked out with the big wave of people.

"It's all my fault, the math teacher, for finishing get out of class late. In the past, I was already at your house by this time." Wang Gang complained.

"Hehe, it's okay. We'll be here soon. Anyway, my home is very close to here." Zheng Yuanqing said absentmindedly.

Along the way, the two brothers talked and laughed. [Reading the latest chapter of the book, the two of them laughed when they talked about something happy. To read the latest chapter of this book, please go to 800 Novel Network (, causing passersby to look back frequently. At first glance, it was two young guys. They all sighed. It’s good to be young.

Entering his community, Zheng Yuanqing suddenly thought that Lan'er was still at home.

"Should I tell him now or let him go back?" Seeing Wang Gang's excited expression, Zheng Yuanqing couldn't bear to tell him to go back.

Wang Gang was talking in high spirits when he felt that his friend was silent. Looking up, I saw that my friend seemed to have something to hide. He asked, "Brother, what's wrong? Is there any inconvenience at home?"

"It's's..." Zheng Yuanqing hesitated.

While talking, he arrived in front of his house.

"Hey, look at your look, you don't know how to hide your beauty in a golden house, right?" Wang Gang teased.

"When did this kid become smart?" Zheng Yuanqing thought to himself. But he said, "No..."

I wanted to say something else, but the 'door' of my house opened without warning. A beautiful woman walked out of it. When she saw Zheng Yuanqing, she smiled tenderly and said, "You're back!"

When Wang Gang saw this scene, his eyes almost popped out. He blurted out, "Damn! You really are hiding your beauty!"

Zheng Yuanqing suddenly felt extremely embarrassed...

But Lan'er didn't notice anything, as if she were the hostess. When she saw the stranger next to Zheng Yuanqing, she knew she must be his friend, and quickly greeted him into the house, "Haha, you're here, come in quickly! "He turned to Zheng Yuanqing and said, "Don't be stupid, let your friend come in quickly!" After saying that, he smiled apologetically at Wang Gang.

Wang Gang was a "sexy" person himself, but seeing Lan'er's agility and aura, he couldn't help but lose his mind. But looking at this situation, he also knew that there was no chance for him, not to mention whether the beautiful woman could fall in love with him or not. Just based on the rule that brothers and wives should not be bullied, he would never touch her.

At the greeting of this beautiful woman, Wang Gang entered the room.

As soon as I walked in, a fresh lemon scent hit my face. Suddenly I felt comfortable all over my body.

Looking at the living room again, Wang Gang doubted whether he had gone to the wrong place. In the past, when Zheng Yuanqing lived alone, even the living room was messy. How could it be as tidy as it is now? He couldn't help but sigh, it would be nice to have a woman.

"Bang", Wang Gang punched Zheng Yuanqing, "Hey, you are so unkind. You didn't introduce me to your sister-in-law when you arrived. They already live together, and you didn't say anything to me!" After that, he lay on Zheng Yuanqing's shoulder again, biting his ear, "Hey, are you with her?"

"Don't talk nonsense, am I that kind of person?" Zheng Yuanqing felt happy when he saw that his friend was not angry with him for hiding this matter, and he spoke more relaxedly.

"Hehe, to be honest. This is really good. He has a first-class appearance and figure. He also looks very virtuous. Don't give it to me, hehe."

"Then I'll give it to you. It's not like you don't know what I'm thinking." After saying that, Zheng Yuanqing felt a little sad.

"Hey, I don't know what's wrong with you. You won't marry anyone other than Qin Xiaojiao. Then who is this now and what's going on?" Wang Gang asked with concern.

"This is a long story. In short, she is not my 'girlfriend'. For some reason, she insists on living in my house." Zheng Yuanqing explained.

"Hehe, you kid has a lot of 'beautiful' encounters. Why don't I encounter such a good thing?" Wang Gang said teasingly but with an envious tone.

"Haha, what a 'lovely' encounter. I just hope Qin Xiaojiao can look at me." Zheng Yuanqing sighed.

Qin Xiaojiao, the girl who tortured him for 15 years. She is so pure. cute. He watched her transform from childish to mature step by step, and watched her change day by day. Seeing her becoming more and more attractive, seeing more and more admirers around her.

Qin Xiaojiao, the goddess in his life, is his unattainable dream.

Seeing his friend in a daze, Wang Gang naturally knew what he was thinking. However, from his perspective, Qin Xiaojiao was not suitable for Zheng Yuanqing. Sometimes I met Qin Xiaojiao by chance and watched her talking and laughing with others, her words showing arrogance. It made him feel that she was a bit fake or even hypocritical girl.

But since his friend liked it, he didn't say anything anymore. I just hope that one day, if Zheng Yuanqing and Qin Xiaojiao are really well, my good friends will not be hurt.

"Hey, what are you doing? Go wash your hands and eat." Lan'er's crisp voice came from outside the door.

Wang Gang came back from his thoughts first. Dragging Zheng Yuanqing out, he said, "Hey, let's go, let's try my sister-in-law's cooking first." As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt that he was calling the girl wrong.

Wang Gang saw that Zheng Yuanqing did not correct his slip of the tongue, and saw that the girl was still smiling and saying nothing. I can’t help but feel embarrassed: I am alone in my emotional state!

Then he didn't think about correcting anything anymore, and sat down at the dining table carelessly, "Hiss..." Wang Gang took a breath in surprise, "Sister-in-law, your craftsmanship is not bad! Just looking at this look makes people... I feel my appetite has greatly increased!"

Lan'er was not modest either, "Then try it quickly!" After she finished speaking. He gave Zheng Yuanqing a chopstick.

Zheng Yuan came out of his daze early in the morning and was deeply touched when he saw Wang Gang's surprised look. When I came home from school that day, I smelled the aroma of vegetables when I entered the door.

He thought his parents were back, because every time his mother was at home. She always prepares many dishes for herself. He quickly went to the kitchen and saw a familiar figure wandering inside. Of course it was not his mother.

I saw Lan'er cutting vegetables in an orderly manner, looking like a housewife.

Lan'er heard the door ring, looked back, and found Zheng Yuanqing staring at her blankly at the kitchen door, and couldn't help but smile, "Come back, we'll be ready for dinner later!"

After saying that, he lowered his head and continued busy.

Zheng Yuan washed his hands, sat at the dining table, looked at the busy figure in the kitchen, and thought to himself, "This family really cannot lack women."

Lan'er brought the dishes over.

When Zheng Yuanqing saw the color, fragrance and taste, his appetite was greatly increased and he ate several bowls in a row.

Look, Wang Gang's expression in front of him is exactly the same as when he saw her cooking on the first day, surprised and appreciative. After all, there are not many girls who can cook these days, let alone such a beautiful girl.

Zheng Yuanqing couldn't help but feel happy, "Fortunately, she showed up at his home."

Of course Lan'er knew about his little thoughts, but she didn't point them out and still asked Wang Gang to eat.

After drinking and eating, Wang Gang patted his belly with satisfaction, "Ah~ my sister-in-law's cooking is really impressive, it's even more delicious than my mother's cooking. I'll come to your house often to eat in the future!" "After that, he winked at Lan'er.

Seeing this, Lan'er couldn't help but smile, "Okay, if you like it, come here more often. Anyway, I usually have nothing to do."

"Hey, that's exactly what I want, sister-in-law, you are so considerate."

"Okay, stop flattering and go play with the dragon. I'm going back to the house."

After saying that, Lan'er stood up and cleared the table.

After entering Zheng Yuanqing's room, Wang Gang closed the door and said, "Brother, this girl is really good. Not only is she beautiful, generous and dignified, but she also has good cooking skills. Why don't you forget that Qin Xiaojiao is considering this." It’s really good!”

Zheng Yuanqing was helpless, "I know girls like her are rare, but that is the person I have liked for 15 years. How can I just give up? Maybe one day she will like me!"

Seeing Zheng Yuanqing's posture, Wang Gang had a headache, "Yeah, I didn't say anything about being brothers. You like yours, let's play with ours."

After that, I looked around for the keyboard.

Another fierce and exciting gun battle...

The two of them worked hard all night, and when it was dark and dark, they couldn't hold on any longer, so they fell into a deep sleep...

There is a lot of sunshine in summer, and it is already bright at six o'clock. Sunlight shone through the curtains into the house of the two young men.

Looking at the indecent sleeping posture of the two of them, Father-in-law Sun quietly faded away his light.

"Dingling bell..." The alarm clock rang, and Zheng Yuanqing reluctantly got up. He looked for the alarm clock with half-squinted eyes.

While I was looking for it, I suddenly saw a foot hanging on the edge of the bed. I tried hard to take it back, but I couldn't.

Zheng Yuanqing was puzzled, but unfortunately the foot suddenly moved, and then a voice came from the floor, "Xiaolong, turn off the alarm clock, my brother hasn't woken up yet." After saying that, another snoring sound sounded.

Ha, feelings are Wang Gang, look at his "sex", Zheng Yuanqing patted his forehead. I obviously had a big battle with him yesterday, but I forgot about it today. I am really forgetful.

"Bang, bang, bang..." After a while of yelling, Zheng Yuanqing finally dug out the unfortunate alarm clock from the trash can in the room, and then threw it to the ground with a bang. The alarm clock has come to an end.

Forgive people who can't wake up because they all have such a temper.

"Ah~~" Zheng Yuanqing finally woke up, stretched and got up from the bed.

Seeing Wang Gang's living treasure still sleeping on the floor, he kicked him up.

"Oh, oh, who dares to disturb my sweet dream!" Wang Gang was furious and sat up with a fierce expression on his face. Zheng Yuanqing saw that his hair was messy and his eyes were fierce, and he couldn't help but laugh, "Haha, get up, look at you like this, you look like a bear! You're still a bear that hasn't woken up from hibernation."

"Huh, you're the only one who wakes up and is energetic!" Wang Gang is a very angry person in bed, and with Zheng Yuanqing making such a fuss, you can imagine his anger.

"Hey, I was wrong. I won't disturb your sleep next time!" Zheng Yuanqing pretended to be taught, but in fact he laughed many times in his heart.

Of course Wang Gang knew what his kid was thinking, but "Hey," Yile said, "What time is it? I'm so hungry. Has my sister-in-law prepared breakfast?"

"Pah!" "Why did you hit me with a pillow?" Wang Gang's anger started to rise again.

"You pig, you don't even look at it, you still have breakfast! It's already 12 o'clock at noon!" Zheng Yuanqing yelled.

"Allah, what are you yelling at? I'm not deaf. I slept so well!" Wang Gang said with satisfaction.

"Dang, dang, dang," someone knocked on the door, "Are you awake? It's already noon. I've made dinner. Come out and eat quickly."

When Wang Gang heard this, he was happy, "Hey, good morning, sister-in-law, Xiaolong and I will be out soon!" After saying that, he smiled at Zheng Yuanqing, "Look, sister-in-law is such a nice person."

"Fuck you, don't scream." Even though he said so, Zheng Yuanqing still smiled like a spring breeze on his face.

"Tsk, tsk, look at how cool you are." Wang Gang shook his head, looking like a child who cannot be taught.

"Okay, let's go, it's time to eat. Aren't you hungry already?" Zheng Yuanqing shook his head and smiled.

"Yeah, my stomach has been growling for a long time!" Wang Gang quickly rushed out of the bedroom and went straight to the dining table.

When he arrived at the dining table, he was stunned again and thought to himself, "Zheng Yuanqing, this boy is really lucky. Look at this big table of dishes, which are completely different from yesterday's. Although they are all light, they are full of color, flavor and flavor. This boy How lucky you are!" After muttering, he glanced at Zheng Yuanqing with a look of jealousy.

Zheng Yuanqing didn't have his small thoughts. He only knew that Wang Gang's face was full of depression, which made him confused.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? What's your expression?" Zheng Yuanqing was curious.

"It's okay, just eat yours!" After saying that, Wang Gang chewed the food in his mouth vigorously.

For a moment, the living room was filled with the sound of chewing vegetables.

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