Po Xiyuan secretly thought that something was wrong, and the cyan energy on the back of his body spurted out, trying to get out of this predicament, but then again, how could Xi Saidong let him go when it was so difficult to seize the opportunity? Po Xiyuan's body just When he moved, he felt a strong force coming from the front. He was immediately frightened and quickly put the V-shaped crossbow in front of him. With a "bang", a two-edged gun came out of his hand in an instant. In front of him, he collided hard with his V-shaped crossbow, and then Xisedong's white and red head emerged from the shadows, and the "V"-shaped eye sockets were filled with red light, but Seeing that the energy on the back of Xi Saidong's body was fully activated at this moment, he then pointed the two-edged spear at Po Xiyuan and slammed it into the distance;

Behind Po Xiyuan was the abandoned space station. Xi Saidong just pushed against Po Xiyuan and bumped into it. The outer wall of the space station was made of a special synthetic metal body, which could completely resist the star field level (body 11 kilometers long) three shots from the main gun of the battleship, but then again, such a solid space station was pierced by Po Xiyuan's body in an instant. It can be seen that once the Star Warrior is fully activated, it will be destroyed How strong is the force? This is just a level five dead soldier. Unfortunately, it is not over yet. However, after two people crashed into it, the entire space station trembled slightly. Without much effort, Following a huge explosion, two people emerged from the other side of the space station;

Even for the Star Warrior, such a collision could not cause him too much damage, but then again, it was true that the continuous violent collisions made him dizzy. For example, like today's Po Xiyuan, his whole body and head are shaking, as if he is drunk;

Look at Po Xiyuan's dizzy look. Xi Saidong sighed softly: "I'm sorry, Shi Bufan, I don't want to hurt you, but then again, if I don't defeat you, I can't run away. In order to be free, I can only wrong you;" He hasn't said anything yet. stop. His gentle kick kicked Po Xiyuan's body towards the distant wilderness. Then he raised the double-edged gun high and roared wildly. The energy on the back of his body was activated to the maximum, and his whole body jumped high like an arrow. Then he grabbed the gun with both hands and stabbed Po Xiyuan's mouth hard;

At this critical moment, at this moment, a hook claw appeared suddenly as if it had cut through the space, and then hooked it on Xi Saidong's shoulder and locked him tightly. Xi Saidong also Before he could react, he only felt a strong force coming from the back of his body, pulling him out hard. When Xi Saidong cut off the hook and stabilized his body, the scene in front of him instantly made his heart feel as cold as falling into an ice cellar;

But he saw it directly in front of him. Two starry sky warriors stood coldly. One of them was all red. Looking at her petite and slender figure, you could tell that she was a female starry sky warrior. Her face seemed to be wearing a mask, only blooming Two eyes appear. The head is smooth and does not have as many edges and corners as other star warriors. A five-pointed yellow crystal on her forehead is particularly conspicuous. In one of her hands, she holds a hook. The hook is connected to a long chain, allowing her to attack from a distance as well as in close combat. She should be the one who pulled him back;

It's a pity that Xisedong would not be so shocked just by her words. After all, female star warriors are just as terrifying to outsiders, but within the star warriors, the regional combat effectiveness of female star warriors is compared to men. Star Warrior is only 70% good at most. Of course, Zhu Xiaoai, the incarnation of Star Warrior Firebird, is a different matter. That woman nicknamed the Witch Star Warrior Firebird is a being that most Star Warriors dare not provoke, even Juventus. Si, looking at her, she had to walk around. What made Sisedong feel helpless was another star warrior standing next to the female star warrior. He had a red and red appearance and a high horn on his forehead. In addition, And the weapon representing power held in his palm! ! Five Elements Mountain, he is the most terrifying existence among the fifth-level dead soldiers, Jace Holger with vampire blood, the incarnation of the star warrior Alsayev;

The appearance of the two of them made Sisedong smile bitterly. He sighed softly and said helplessly: "Odessia, Arsayev, are you also here to hunt me down?"

"Of course not;" Arsayev said lightly, "We were just passing by and received a call from Posiyuan, so we rushed over to see what was going on. How could Posiyuan be beaten so badly by you? This idiot must be in trouble again!"

Arsayev was acting like this, as if he didn't care about anything, but Sisedong knew that he had been targeted by him, and the tone of his conversation at the moment seemed to be that he was talking to an old comrade. , but he just wants to seize the opportunity and will pounce on him in an instant. Not only will he have no scruples in attacking like this, but compared to him, Bo Xiyuan is far away from him in terms of ruthlessness. Cisse While Dong was still thinking wildly, he felt a burst of force coming from his mouth, and then his whole body was flung out. Before he could react, he only watched one foot flying across his field of vision. As he grew bigger, before his foot stepped on him, a burst of red energy began to burst out from above and completely wrapped the foot. There was a "boom" sound, and the foot stepped hard on Xi Saidong's face;

The armor on the entire left side of Xi Saidong's face immediately shattered into a large piece. It could be said that the entire body flew backwards with all his strength. But then again, the other party had no intention of abandoning it. There was a red mark on the back of the body. As soon as the energy spurted, the whole body caught up in an instant. The Five Elements Mountain in the palm of his hand was forcefully forked into Xi Saidong's mouth. The sharp fork tip pierced the surface of the armor and penetrated into the innermost part. At the wound, there was no Bleeding, but white light with electric light flashes from time to time. The dazzling red light in Xisedong's eyes can be said to be so dim that it will go out at any time. This is Alsayev's power. , usually laughing and joking, but it is just to show him the flaw, and he will fall out when he says he will, not only that once he attacks. It won’t give the opponent any breathing space at all;

Now, when Arsayev pulled out the Five Elements Mountain and raised it high, he wanted to give Xisedong a blow until then. This is the moment. An angry roar came from the back of the body: "Alsayev, get out of my way!!!"

"Damn it, you're more ruthless than me, I'll dodge!!;" Arsayev looked back and hurriedly spurted energy from the back of his body, leaping high into the air, only to see Percy who was about to wake up. Yuan held a V-shaped crossbow in his palm. The head of the crossbow was shining with a dazzling light, and one could tell at a glance that he was about to use his trump card. But he saw that the V-shaped crossbow in his hand began to be disassembled and reassembled on its own. After this process was completely completed, the original regular V-shaped crossbow disappeared, replaced by a larger one than others. A super large crossbow. Or ballistae is totally fine;

It seemed that General Po Xiyuan was angered by the beating he received from Xi Saidong, and he actually used his trump card. No wonder the belligerent Arsayev ran away so simply, but after seeing him roaring, , pressed the trigger hard, and in an instant, a wave of skull-shaped light and shadow roared out from the muzzle of his crossbow. The speed even exceeded the speed of light, giving Xi Saidong no time to react. In an instant, it penetrated his left shoulder and took his body flying to the distant wilderness;

Looking at Sisedong's fleeting figure, Alsayev flew to Posiyuan's side. He asked in a low voice: "Can your blow work? Do you think he is dead?"

Po Xiyuan raised the crossbow that had been restored to its original shape, blew out the non-existent gunpowder smoke from the crossbow head, and said: "I'm just kidding, but then again, it's my trick, I can hit it wherever I want. If you If you don’t believe it, come and try it!”

Arsayev gave him a hard look. He said helplessly: "When will you get rid of this bad habit of yours? Pull it down. In short, this is your tactical plan. I don't care. Aman and I have other things to do. Get out of the way first. If If you're not dead, you can handle it yourself." Before he finished speaking, he turned around and said to Odessia, who had been standing there without taking any action: "Aman, let's go!"

After saying that, the two people jumped up at the same time, stepped on the backs of the two flying beasts, and disappeared into the innermost part of the universe with a group of beasts;

Looking at the universe after the two people disappeared, Bo Xiyuan looked back in the direction of Xi Saidong, hesitated, sighed softly, and whispered in a low voice: "Don't blame me for being so ruthless. I can save your life. If Alsayev takes action, you will die. Naturally, I hope you can start a new life again and don't appear in front of us again. Otherwise, I will definitely kill you next time. Yours;" Before he finished speaking, he sighed again, turned around and called a flying beast, and disappeared in the same place in an instant;

On the other side, Xi Saidong, under Bo Xiyuan's powerful attack, his whole body seemed to be like a wave of meteors, flying rapidly in the universe. Because there was no air in the universe, there was no resistance. He was like this. As soon as he flew, he flew far, far away. He didn't know how far he was, until he was captured by the gravity of a planet, and then pulled his body towards the planet. The location flies away;

Half of Xi Saidong's face was basically shattered. He opened the other intact eyes and could vaguely look at the weak red light. This was an extremely beautiful red planet with a large area above it. Needless to say, just by looking at the appearance of the land, you can tell that this is a planet with high expectations. The only difference is that this planet is completely different from those developed planets in the universe. There are no noisy space stations on the periphery of this planet. , it is completely conceivable that this planet may be an ecologically intact tourist star, or it may be a primitive planet with not very developed technology;

It's a pity that Shi Xi'er can no longer help Xi Saidong to consider more issues. Now he has entered the atmosphere of the planet. The high temperature and violent shaking caused by strong friction once again made him faint. Now he It seemed like a burning fireball or a shooting star, quickly passing through the atmosphere and then being thrown to the ground;

At this moment, a green truck was still driving slowly somewhere, with a man and a woman sitting in the cab. At this moment, the man looked at the densely packed beasts on both sides of the road. The piranha flower smiled bitterly and said: "The area of ​​these alien flowers has expanded again. When will this invasion of transformed beasts end? It's a pity that we are both really unlucky. We were called out for investigation in the middle of the night." I hope you don’t encounter any living beasts in this area!”

The woman glanced at him coldly without replying. At this moment, a bright light flashed in the air, and a fireball descended from the head. There was a "boom" and it hit the ground with all its strength. In the open space about 1 kilometer away from them, the two people in the car looked at each other, but the woman said: "I'll go over to see what the situation is. You can stay with me in the car." Without saying anything, she put on a fully sealed helmet and got out of the car. If the spores sprayed by these exotic flowers were inhaled into the body, they would be extremely harmful to the human body. Therefore, in these exotic flower forests, you must wear a helmet. A fully sealed helmet that filters out those spores;

The distance of 1 kilometer is not very far. After running fast for about 7 or 9 minutes, the woman finally came to the crater that was still burning. She was still there. When he wanted to step forward to take a look, at this moment, a hand was placed on the edge of the crater, and then in the look of the woman's extremely shocked eyes, a man with all his body parts slowly climbed up from inside, and put his hand on the edge of the crater. Jiang climbed up to the crater, then his head tilted and he fainted.

On the "Cosmic Star", I was lying boredly on the sofa in a luxurious and comfortable living room at night, surrounded by people like Johnson, Annason, and Anna, who had been with Elsa since then. After that accident, Erza had not been able to talk to him for two days. Fortunately, Lieutenant Colonel Sardin seemed to have disappeared from that day on. There is no trouble coming for him. Otherwise, this ship would be full of people belonging to the Ding Sam Meng Kingdom. If that Sardin really wants to cause trouble of his own, it would be quite dizzying for Ye. Brain-blowing things;

At this time, the door of the reception room opened from the outside. Elsa, dressed in casual clothes, smiled and walked in from the outside. Annason and Anna, who had not seen Elsa since they boarded the ship. The two of them, looking at their idol at this moment, immediately looked excited, especially Anna. If it weren't for the guards following Erza looking at her with eager eyes, she might have been already at this moment. She rushed forward to ask for an autograph, but even so, she still stood up excitedly, and said nervously and tremblingly: "Oh!!, Miss Erza, you...can you sign it for me?" Name!" (To be continued)

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