When the two of them stood still, Elsa hugged Ye's arm naturally and said coquettishly: "You said you were going to show people the transformed beasts, how could those transformed beasts be there!"

Ye didn't look back at her, and actually whispered to himself: "This place is a signal vacuum zone. The remaining heat-concentrating stone mines can effectively isolate the satellites and scanners from scanning, so it doesn't matter what happened in this place." Nothing will be discovered until now, including the invasion of the transformed beasts." Before he finished speaking, his eyes flashed red, and following his eyes, a vibration gradually came from the ground, and a tremor was felt. It was getting stronger and stronger, and the originally silent desert with only the sound of wind suddenly became like a hell. Countless terrifying and muffled roars sounded from the surroundings, followed by a rolling movement of yellow sand on the ground. At this moment, a huge nail claw protruded from Erza's side. The nail claw hit the ground hard, and then supported a huge dark green figure of the living beast;

Even though Erza had been mentally prepared a long time ago, but then again, she was a little frightened by the situation at first sight, and couldn't help but plunge into Ye's arms in fear, but Then again, when she plunged into Ye's arms, she felt a violent shaking under her feet, and then she felt that her body was rising. When she had the courage to secretly bloom from Ye's arms and look at the situation around her with both eyes, she was horrified to realize that she was actually in mid-air at this moment. Under her feet, a huge flying creature with a wingspan of more than 70 meters was hovering in mid-air with its thick pentagonal wings fluttering on the ground. Everywhere she could see with her naked eyes were full of black, terrestrial animals;

"So many." Looking at the group of transformed beasts on the ground, Erza couldn't help but exclaimed: "You actually stored so many transformed beasts on one planet. There must be more than a million of them." , what do you want to do, destroy this planet!"

Ye slowly turned her head, looked at her face that was slightly pale due to excessive fright, and whispered expressionlessly: "We Star Warriors seem to be herdsmen. We are just herding these miserable little guys. It’s a pity that these little guys also need dry food. This planet is just a snack for them. Only when they are full can they have the strength to let me do some of the things I want to do!”

"Will all human beings on the entire planet become their food?" Erza's voice seemed to be trembling because of excessive fear. In her entire life, she had never thought that she could connect all the living humans and food around her, especially the tone of her talk at night, in an understatement, as if this matter was something very serious. Normal and taken for granted, the calm tone of his voice made Erza feel as cold as a cold night in winter;

Ye Mo responded to Erza's shock and uneasiness in a reasonable manner, and then said calmly: "That's right, dry food. Fresh and delicious dry food is also the favorite kind of dry food for these little guys!"

Erza hugged Yana's back tightly, which was not particularly burly, and only in this way could she feel no sense of danger. Indeed, surrounded by so many living beasts, let alone her, even if it were any other person, it would be a miracle to persist until now without collapsing. She felt a little regretful at this moment. . The reason for regret is that out of curiosity and impulse, I wanted to follow Ye to see some living beast. The two of them are not people who belong to the world at all. Even though one of them is covered with more than ten thousand feet of light that attracts the attention of the whole universe, she is actually just an ordinary girl who is ignorant. The other one is unknown, but she can dominate a galaxy and a star field. Even the terrifying existence of the destiny of a huge cosmic force. After a long time, Erza, who felt that his mood had calmed down a little, raised his head and asked softly: "Why are you doing this? It depends on your usual behavior." You should also be human, with human emotions and desires, and human senses. Not only that, I can also see from your eyes that you have feelings. It’s just that I don’t know who is qualified to have you. feelings, and more besides!!!”

Speaking of this, Erza's beautiful face couldn't help but blush slightly: "In addition!!, you also have the urge of a man. I have experienced this myself, and it made me unable to sleep for two days. Get off the big couch and walk, then what is the reason for you to be so cynical and try to destroy the world? If it were someone else who said it, I would definitely take it as a joke, but then again If you say it’s you who wants to come back, then I believe you have the power!”

Ye softly hugged Erza's soft body, feeling her slightly trembling touch due to fear, raised her head and looked at the distant wilderness, and whispered in a low voice: "What is the reason? The reason is anger. , Or maybe it’s hatred!! When my wish is about to be completely fulfilled, if you are still alive at that time, you will understand!”

At this moment, Erza raised his head and asked Ye a question that was somewhat unexpected for him: "Ye, will you kill me!"

This question made Ye stunned for a moment, and then a cheerful smile broke out on his face: "No, the premise is that you don't violate the five chapters of the agreement you made with me before. If you can do it, If so, I won’t kill you, don’t worry!”

"Yeah, then I'm relieved. Come on, take me to see the transformed beasts. I want to get closer and have a look!!" Ye's words made Ersa's face suddenly turn cloudy. The original fear and Worry disappeared without a trace in an instant, as if it were a happy child lingering around and acting coquettishly at night;

It's just that Ye may not have noticed, or may not even want to pay attention to, the flash of sadness in the innermost part of Elsa's eyes, which were full of smiles and tranquility. Her current heart is not at all the same as her surface. Such joy as shown above. On the contrary, her heart was crying now: You still want to kill me after all, right? We haven't been in contact for a long time. Therefore, I have no chance to tell you that even though I am a star, I am still studying, and what I am studying is psychology. You may not know it at all, but the happier you smile, the more false your words are. And the smile you made when you said you wouldn't kill me was the happiest I've ever seen you smile since I've known you. Forget it, if you can kill me with your own hands, I will admit it, who will let me fail. I'm actually really happy with you,

Ye controlled the transformed beasts to slowly land on the ground. Even though the legs of the flying transformed beasts had degenerated into three small claws, the backs of the flying transformed beasts after landing were still more than 7 meters high from the ground. Height, Ye looked at Erza's embarrassed look on her face, and without saying a word, he directly hugged her up, and then jumped off the back of the flying creature;

Elsa held Ye's hand and walked up to a living beast with concentration and breathlessness, strangely. The beast that seemed to be very manic approached at night, but it suddenly became calm after that. Looking at its pleasing appearance, if it weren't for its terrifying appearance. The huge body shape always reminds Erza that this is a very ferocious beast. She will definitely think that this is a large pet raised by someone;

Erza may be the first person besides the Star Warriors to be able to come into contact with the creature at such a close distance. Due to height restrictions, the 7-meter-high creature makes Erza unable to observe its body at all. In the structure above, the only thing that attracted all her vision was the head of the transformed beast. The transformed beast was covered in dark green, and its body was supported by five sharp nail-like claws on its fingertips. It seems to be crawling on the ground like a spider. Its head is small and oval-shaped. Both sides of its head are dark green skin. The middle piece is an inverted trapezoidal gray from the top of its head to its mouth. It The five pairs of red eyes happen to grow on the edge of this gray zone. The eyes get smaller and smaller from top to bottom. The top pair happens to be twice as big as the bottom pair. There is a faint red light in the middle, like a bright red jade crystal. Unfortunately, this is not the scariest thing;

The most terrifying thing is its mouth, which is dripping saliva all the time. It looks like a snake, with a mouth that is even bigger than its head. There are two thick sickle-shaped giants on both sides of the mouth. Jaws, when those animated beasts broadcast on the news eat people, they will first use their tongues to roll the people into their mouths, and then use these giant jaws to cut off the human body, and then swallow them into themselves. In his mouth, Erza felt a chill when looking at the pair of huge black jaws covered with sharp serrations;

At this moment, something caught Erza's attention in the mouth of this transformed beast that had been opening and closing. However, he saw that the mouth was filled with 3 rows of fine, serrated, barb-shaped teeth. The three thick tusks seem so dazzling. These 3 tusks grow on both sides of the creature's mouth. There are two tusks on each side. The tusks are about half a meter long and are not very sharp because they are the tops of the tusks. There is a small hollow round hole, and you can tell at a glance that these are fangs that can inject venom;

Erza looked back at the night in confusion, not knowing what was going on. Because the beast was rated as the top ten natural and man-made disasters in the universe in the past 290 years, various programs about the beast have been popular. Favored by the survivors, there is a program that specifically introduces how to autopsy the corpses of the beasts and dead people, showing the survivors some of the internal situations of the beasts. The stored acid is unstable in an instant and causes an explosion. However, if you kill the transformed beast quickly enough without damaging its lower abdomen, and then cut off its lower abdomen within 29 seconds after it dies, it will It can completely take away the head and five limbs of a living beast. Of course, this method is extremely dangerous. In order to obtain a real dead body of a living beast, thousands or even tens of thousands of outstanding people will often be sacrificed. Of course, for the TV station, if the lives of these pilots can be exchanged for very high ratings, then from this point of view, the casualties are simply insignificant, but that is why In this way, Erza, who has watched this show, knows that there are no fangs in the mouth of the G-Beast. In other words, the entire universe, at least those in developed areas, have a basic understanding of the structure of the G-Beast. Judging from their understanding, whether it is through TV programs or battlefield videos, these film and television materials show that the transformed beast has no fangs, so how can this transformed beast have fangs?

"Haha, this is evolution;" Seeming to see Erza's doubts, Ye Qing smiled and explained: "I can only admit that human intelligence and potential are very powerful. Maybe this is why the universe today is dominated by human beings. Perhaps the reason why one family dominates while other non-human races gradually disappear from this universe is that over the past few decades, after countless wars, human beings' methods of dealing with transformed beasts have improved with each passing day, and their tactics have become more and more effective. In the earliest times, killing a transformed beast required the sacrifice of thousands of people, later thousands, and now more than a hundred people. The disadvantage of transformed beasts is getting bigger and bigger, so they need to evolve to expand their ability to fight against humans. That overwhelming advantage!”

"Uh!" Erza was speechless for a while. What did he mean by expanding the overwhelming advantage of the transformed beasts against humans? He said it easily. Could it be that he didn't know how difficult it was for humans to deal with the transformed beasts? Maybe it happened last time. The tiny casualty rate of the guards against the transformed beasts aroused his alarm, but then again, he didn't know that those guards were all selected from the tens of millions of pilots in the entire Dinsa Meng Kingdom. Elites? There are less than 190,000 pilots in the entire Dingsameng Kingdom. What kind of concept is this? Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com Of course, Erza will not follow Ye The reason for explaining these things was based on her feelings. She just said that he wouldn't care. Not only that, the evolution of the beasts had already begun. Not only that, she also knew that most species would evolve at this time. , will require a lot of energy, which means that the countdown to the demise of planet n773 has been put on;

At this moment, Ye picked her up at this moment, and then jumped on the back of the flying transformed beast that had been parked behind him. The flying transformed beast followed and quickly climbed up, looking at Ai Ersa's eyes were puzzled, and Ye smiled softly at her and said, "I'll take you to see something good." The speed of the flying beast was so fast that it passed through the beast on the ground in the blink of an eye. The sight in front of her made Elsa hold her breath. However, in the desert in front of her, she saw a forest of dark red exotic flowers. The exotic flowers blooming below, It seems like a ghost, it seems strange and life-threatening, extremely beautiful;

The g-shaped beast slowly landed. Looking at Erza's little red face due to holding his breath, Ye Shi smiled and said, "Don't hold your breath. It's not the time for Pandora to bloom yet. There's nothing in the air." It's spores, so there's no need to be afraid." After hearing this, Erza breathed a heavy sigh of relief with an embarrassed look on her face. In order to divert this embarrassed mood, Erza cast her eyes towards the somewhat coquettish-looking figure in the distance. Yihua, in an instant, her pupils stared at the captain, and her body trembled violently due to fear. (To be continued)

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