Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 309 The Destruction of the Empire

What is the concept of more than 11.9 million transformed beasts? Not to mention their armored vehicles, they are just a fleet, and they are just delivering rations to them. What's more, the other party also has two star warriors on duty. According to this scale , without more than 11 fleets, there is no chance of defeating them;

You know, according to Dinsa's organization, the flagship of the ace fleet is a mythical-level starship carrier or fortress ship (body length of more than 90 kilometers). The flagship of the general first-line fleet is a legendary-level starship carrier (body length of 70 kilometers or more) or a fortress ship. Strategic attack ship, the flagship of the second-line fleet is the epic-level (29 kilometers) strategic attack ship. The number of the ace fleet is about 290,000 units. Generally, there are 1-2 myth-level armored vehicles, about 11 legendary-level armored vehicles, and epic-level armored vehicles. 190 units, 190 other elite armored vehicles, and the rest are ordinary armored vehicles. The number of the first-line fleet is 2/3 of the ace fleet, and the number of the second-line fleet is half of the first-line fleet;

With such a huge fleet, at least 11 ships are needed to fight against such a huge herd of biological beasts, not to mention they only have one ship.

"Hey, it's Abby and Sero!!" As if he was being happy with Lieutenant Colonel Sardin, Ma Huigui sitting next to him shouted: "These two guys are childish, I'm going to deal with them! "

All the people in the command tower looked at Ma Hui as if he were a monster, with two words clearly written in their eyes! ! idiot! ! ;

The Star Warriors were something he could handle. Not only that, but there were two of them. This was the first time I heard that someone dared to directly challenge the Star Warriors. It was a one-on-one battle. It's not an idiot. Unfortunately, what shocked Xu Shucheng was that Zhu Xiaoai, who was sitting next to Ye Duo, opened his mouth lightly at this moment: "Idiot, shut up, you will die if you keep a low profile!" "

If Ma Hui's words made people think they were bragging, Zhu Xiaoai's words made people feel surprised. No matter how she looked at this woman who was always in a daze, she didn't look like she could deceive the person she belonged to. Could it be that these people really have a way to deal with the Star Warriors? All the people who belonged to them couldn't help but have a wave of hope in their hearts. It was at this time that they discovered it. Ye, including Erza, and the three people he brought had a calm expression on their faces, with no fear at all on their faces. Especially their master, Erza, actually smiled coquettishly and lay on Ye's side. The words in their ears were whispered, which made their guesses more certain. Even if they didn't know how capable these people were, and whether there was any way to deal with the Star Warriors, they could only say. These people are indeed perverted. Not to mention their strength, their calmness alone is enough to make them admire;

Just at this time. The navigator screamed loudly: "Captain, we have entered the attack area of ​​the beast, do you want to attack!"

The captain looked confused. Up to now, those transformed beasts had not shown any attack behavior, and of course he did not dare to take the initiative. Otherwise, if he takes action, the ship will be destroyed in an instant. But then again, without taking action, he just watched helplessly as the spaceship pounced into the endless herd of living beasts. This invisible pressure made his whole body feel like it was about to collapse;

At this moment, a voice that seemed to be full of magic brought the captain's nerves that were on the verge of collapse back to reality: "Drive straight, don't go too fast, don't scare those beasts, they didn't attack us. The intention is probably to attack planet n773, so don’t be afraid, just go straight and pass through!"

The captain suddenly turned his head and found that Ye was looking at him with a smile. He didn't know why, but looking at Ye's smile, he took a breath in his heart, as if there was a big rock pressing down on him. The bottom of my heart immediately felt as if it had fallen off at this moment. At this moment, Erza, who was sitting next to Ye and holding his arm, also smiled softly at the captain and said: "You are right to listen to Ye, rush to Go over there, it’s okay, come on!!!”

The captain nodded vigorously. In short, it was a horizontal sword and a vertical sword. It would be a pity to hit him. With such a huge group of biological beasts, and there are also star warriors, if he wants to kill his ship, it is estimated that it will take one minute. No, it's better to take the risk. Thinking of this, the captain turned around, and the previous stoicism and calmness returned to him: "The spacecraft slowed down and entered a low star speed cruise state. The speed dropped to 29 knots, and the spacecraft headed towards Move downward by 17° and pass under the herd of living beasts!"

"Understood;" the three helmsmen of the spacecraft replied at the same time. Because the "Cosmic Star" is too big, a helmsman can't fully perform the fierce movements during fighting, so the spacecraft like this is It is equipped with three helmsmen, who work together to control the direction of the spacecraft at critical moments, but the main helmsman said loudly: "The spacecraft began to slow down and entered a low-star speed cruise state. The speed was approaching 29 knots, and the spacecraft shifted 17° downward. Open the deceleration valve. The current speed is 127 knots, 111, 97, 93!" The three helmsmen pushed the rudder forward with one hand to control the steering of the spacecraft, and at the same time they pulled the deceleration valve to brake. With difficulty, the general was still on the star. The spacecraft at a speed (190 times the speed of light, super star speed is 290 times the star speed, which is a speed at which a person can travel through time and space) quickly brakes while quickly pressing the bow of the ship towards the herd of biological beasts. below;

The spaceship can be said to have passed under the herd of biological beasts. Looking at the black and thick herd of biological beasts on the glass above her head, even though Erza knew that nothing would happen, she still felt a tingling sensation on her scalp. It felt like an explosion. After the spacecraft passed through the swarm of biological animals, it began to accelerate. In more than half an hour, the spacecraft accelerated to super star speed. The pilot said loudly: "Captain, the spacecraft has entered super star speed. Be prepared to travel through time and space at any time, how can we jump down there!"

"Coordinates waa97321,. pwp39773;" The captain was about to speak, but a voice behind him quickly reported such a series of coordinates, and he looked back. Only then did he realize that it was Erza with a smile on his face. The captain clicked on the star map in confusion, only to find that the coordinates were in a remote area that he had never been to before and was in a remote area! ! p999s7 Nebula, this is a wild star field with a lack of minerals. There are several native planets in it, and I heard that they have some abilities. Once a fleet from a second-tier power went in to establish a liaison station, but was defeated. Until then, nothing happened. Even though he didn't know why Erza would report such a coordinate at this time, the captain hesitated for a moment and continued: "Coordinate waa97321., pwp39773, let's start. jump!"

"Yes, coordinates waa97321, pwp39773, jump, the one-minute countdown begins!!;" the helmsman replied loudly, and continued. They felt their bodies sink suddenly, and the stars in the universe outside the floor-to-ceiling windows on the side of the spacecraft slowly began to become abstract, and until then it was still completely dark. Only some distorted light kept flashing around, the light was strange and dazzling;

The meaning of time travel is to use the speed of the spacecraft to exceed the limit of one person to forcibly change time and space according to the coordinate position. It is completely possible to accurately move from one point in the universe to another point at this moment, but it is a pity. Only spaceships above the Excellent level (12-13 kilometers in length) have the space-time shuttle function. Not only the distance of the jump is also determined by the performance of the spacecraft;

Those spaceships below the Excellent level that want to jump can only perform fixed-point jumps through space-time shuttle stations specially set up by some forces. The space-time shuttle station can artificially open a space-time disorder channel, allowing medium-sized spacecraft to perform operations similar to time-space shuttle. However, fixed-point jumping has a big disadvantage, which is that the fee is extremely expensive. Not only does such fixed-point jumping also require a spacecraft above the planet level, otherwise it will not be able to withstand the tearing force of time and space travel. , of course, jumping a large spacecraft is also dangerous, especially jumping to an unfamiliar coordinate. If there happens to be an asteroid at that point, the result will be a head-on collision with the aircraft and death.

After watching the "Cosmic Star" disappear in front of him in an instant, Abiwen turned his head to look at Zero next to him, and whispered: "They left, it's time for us to take action!"

Zero smiled softly, stretched out his hand to touch the nose area on his visor as usual, smiled and said: "Oh!!, in order to help the captain wipe his butt, two of us are required to come. It's a pity, it just so happens that the captain's The little lover is holding a concert. It can be said that most of the high-ranking officials of the Lankao Empire have been on this planet. If this planet is destroyed, other planets will not be so troublesome. Pull it down, start it, let’s do it!"

Before he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed forward. Following his movements, countless transformed beasts fluttered their flesh wings and rushed towards the n773 planet. Land-based transformed beasts cannot fly, and they cannot fly. It means that there are more than 11.9 million living beasts calculated on the "Cosmic Star", which refers to the number of flying beasts, while the land-based beasts carried by the flying beasts are flying beasts. Three times that of beasts, which is a terrifying number of nearly 29 million. Such a terrifying number of beasts is more than enough to attack a galaxy, let alone a planet. Now it is used to attack a planet. , it is estimated that no one will believe it; ww.vp)

The flying transformed beasts circled the orbit of planet n773 and began to swoop, and then used inertia to throw the land-based transformed beasts they were holding into the atmosphere. The land-based transformed beasts curled up, as if they were big round meats. The ball, the surface of its body ignited blazing fire under the friction of the atmosphere. From the ground, countless living beasts fell from the sky, as if it was the end of the world. The sky was full of glowing fireballs, just like that. It was thrown to the ground, as if the sky was raining fire at this moment;

It was only then that we discovered that in the space station of planet n773 where the living beasts had invaded on a large scale, the small-caliber space cannon was firing weakly. Forces like Lankao even had bone-spurred humanoid armor specially designed to deal with ordinary living beasts. There is no way to fully equip them, let alone the Harpoon missiles specially designed to deal with the flying beasts. The dense artillery fire of the space station has no way to stop the attack of the beasts. Instead, there is a large group of beasts. I really enjoyed the pleasure when those energy weapons bombarded my body, and my body absorbed the energy for a moment. After a short time, the periphery of the space station was surrounded by flying beasts. In return, Groups of red light pillars were ejected from their mouths, and then the seemingly huge space station was turned into a pile of cosmic garbage in the huge firelight;

Now Abby and Sero have arrived in the sky above Qatar. Looking at them in a panic below, Sero sneered. In the Qatar International Airport, the swarming spaceship tried to take off forcibly, but he could not say anything. Speaking of which, their only fate was to be bombarded by the flying transformed beasts hovering over the airport, and then exploded into pieces in mid-air. The streets were full of land-based transformed beasts. It can be said that every In front of a land-based beast, countless figures were screaming and running. They walked slowly on the road as if walking forward, and from time to time stuck out their tongues to drag the figures in front of them into their mouths. Here, their terrifying digestive systems can convert dead human corpses into energy in the shortest time, and the discarded parts are converted into acid, which is then sprayed out through the nozzles on their tails, traveling all the way, eating all the way, and all the way. destroy;

Abby looked at the street below, turned to Sero and said: "I'll go to Brother Ye's house and look for Shuyuan You go to the SK headquarters. When we're done, let's withdraw. Then we will divide the troops into two." Lu, you go to the Stusoya Galaxy, while I stay in the Solan Nebula. Whoever finishes the work first will go to the Emma Galaxy first!"

"Okay;" Zero nodded slightly. His whole body was orange, with a round head and two huge ivory-like tusks on his temples. Two orange rays of light erupted from the back of his body, and the entire body disappeared in an instant. place, and Aibiwen's figure flashed, and in a short time he came to the building next to Aisha's house where he lived before the night. Looking at the towering building in front of him, Aibiwen suddenly looked back. A dazzling light burst out from the two square holes similar to air inlets on both sides of the back part. After a short time, two dazzling pink light pillars shot out from there, in front of her, including behind her. All the buildings within 3 kilometers collapsed under the bombardment of these two light beams. The dust and gravel thrown up when the buildings collapsed immediately flooded dozens of streets and slowly spread to adjacent streets. Now The survivors who were still running for their lives on the streets suffered this fate. For a while, their cries could be clearly heard throughout Qatar;

At this time, there was an explosion in the distance. Ai Biwen looked back and saw a huge mushroom cloud rising in the direction of SK headquarters. A hemispherical halo slowly rose from the ground. Then the area became larger and larger, until it was still gone in a flash. Ai Biwen shook his head with a wry smile. This Zero's tendency to be in the limelight is as bad as that of the fifth-level star warrior Po Xiyuan. Isn't he just a young man? SK headquarters, is it necessary to use a forceful attack? (To be continued)

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