Erza rubbed her face against Ye's mouth, adjusted to a comfortable position, and then whispered: "The news that the Lankao Empire was captured by the beasts has spread throughout the universe, especially It is planet n773. It can be said that there is not a complete piece of frozen soil. Many media have been questioning where you were at that time. Unfortunately, I have passed the live broadcast system on the "Universe Star" to help you refute the rumors. You said that you and I are here at this moment. Together, we are still implementing the tactical plan of escorting me that was given to you by the 37th Welan. Then he said that you were in a bad mood after learning the news and were temporarily unwilling to accept interviews from the media. Not only that, but also the reporters who had been accompanying me. It has confirmed the authenticity of your ship, so you don’t need to worry about anyone doubting you. Whatever you do next will be justified, can I just say this!”

Ye slightly looked at the overly beautiful girl in his arms in shock. He was really shocked by her performance. He got her at that time, but he only succeeded by threatening her with death. He still remembered that he had taken advantage of her before and almost let her die together. He didn't expect that she would do so much for him now. Just like this, he stroked her smooth jade back and He opened his mouth calmly and asked: "Do you know what it means if you do this now? I am making an enemy of the whole world. Once my identity is exposed, your career and reputation will be completely ruined." , even your life will be threatened, you know!"

"I know;" Erza replied without hesitation. "Don't worry, I must always understand what I am doing at the moment. Don't look at me being so passionate on stage. In fact, I am a very traditional woman. As the saying goes, marry a chicken, follow a chicken, marry a dog, follow a dog. , now that I have become your woman, I will only be your woman in this life. I will be yours in life, and your dead person in death. Regarding my career, reputation. I don’t care about these, you want to do it completely My wish to come true is exactly what I want to achieve completely without worrying about my safety. Not many people in the country know who my parents are. Not only that, the Amor family also wants to prevent my parents from being harassed. My father and mother have been hidden on a planet that no one knows a long time ago. Only the leader of the Amor clan knows their location. Not only are they protected by the laws of Meng country, the Amor family who are in politics will not touch them. My parents have not violated the law, otherwise if they are found out, it will become a political stain on them. As for me, I believe you have the ability to protect me, right?"

Ye softly stroked her back. There was a tangle in my heart. This woman didn't say whether what she said was true, but even if it was false, most of the things she had done for him at the moment would trap her in more than 10,000 yuan if she was exposed. The point of no return, what made her do this without hesitation. Love is not a word in Ye's dictionary. Therefore, it is impossible for him to think in that direction!

Most things seemed to be on track, but there was one thing that forced Ye to put it on the agenda. That was Erza being paired with him every day, even several times in the middle of the night. Erza would sneak into Ye's room to sleep. After all, the fire could not be contained in the paper. Even if it was impossible for the reporters to discover the ambiguous relationship between Erza and him, at least it was already known among Erza's guards. It is no longer a secret. Every day, Ye can feel a look full of hatred and jealousy staring at him from the back of his body. He doesn't need to look back to know that there is one person in the whole ship who owns these eyes, and that person is... It’s Erza’s guard captain, Lieutenant Colonel Sardin;

"Humph, since you are looking for death, then don't blame me!!" Ye whispered while eating in the restaurant. Erza, who was sitting opposite him, heard Ye's words and looked thoughtfully. He glanced at Lieutenant Colonel Sardin, who was not far behind him. After being stunned for a moment, he burst into a knowing smile.

Alpha United Group, as the largest force in the nearby star field, is also the only one in the nearby star field who can be regarded as a second-rate force. It is the largest transfer station and supply depot in the nearby star field. It is also the only one in the nearby star field and Dinsa Meng. It is a force with direct diplomatic relations with China. After two time travels and three consecutive days of sailing, the "Cosmic Star" spacecraft finally sailed into the capital star of the Alpha United Group, the planet Agenrovick;

Planet Agenrovik is a famous tourist planet in the entire universe. When viewed from the universe, the entire planet is red and green. 70% of the surface is water and 29% is land, making this extremely beautiful planet. It seems to be dazzlingly colorful. Except for the continent of Omega, which is located in the middle of the ocean, and the city of Agenlovik, which dominates the entire continent, 19% of the other landmasses maintain the most primitive ecological environment. The advanced Agenrovik Kecheng, together with the unique primitive ecology of several other continents, as well as some rare species unique to the planet Agenrovik, have attracted people from some first-class powers and even superpowers to travel to this planet. ;

The economic benefits brought by tourism and related industries account for 3.7% of the planet's total economic income. The total number of tourists from various countries received by the Agenlovik planet alone every year exceeds 119 billion. Therefore, it can be said that Agenlovik can What’s more, it owns the Omega International Airport, which is known as the 9th largest international airport in the universe. This is the pride of the entire Alpha United Group and the iconic building complex of the Alpha United Group;

Airports are divided into 7 levels based on the length of ships that can fully dock. Any airport that can fully dock strategic-level armored vehicles or transport ships is called a super airport. General strategic-level equipment and infantry coordination will not enter the atmosphere. , most of them are parked in the space station. The main reason is that such a large special dock is generally not built on the surface of the earth. Like the n773 planet, the reason why the "Universe Star" can land is because they cleared a large part of it. Runway, let it park on the runway instead of the pier. In this way, 1/3 of the runway in the airport will lose its function, seriously affecting the normal operation of the airport. The super airport is different. Not only does it have a special equipment for strategic level Collaboratively designed boat dock. In addition, there are a series of supporting infrastructure such as storage docks, maintenance workshops, supply stations, etc. Not only is the amount of infrastructure in a super airport definitely not a small amount, but the area of ​​supporting infrastructure used by a strategic ship already exceeds the entire area of ​​the Cartel International Airport;

The "Cosmic Star" slowly landed on the designated apron. Through the large floor-to-ceiling windows of the control tower, you could see that you couldn't see the horizon in front of you. It could take off and land more than ten thousand spacecrafts of various types at the same time. Everyone who belongs to the airport couldn't help but exclaim in amazement. If an airport of this size were located in Austin. Dinsa, Byzantine is such a superpower. Maybe they don't have such emotion, but then again, a second-rate force like Alpha can actually build such a large airport. It is indeed amazing that people can't help but marvel;

While they were busy admiring the surrounding scenery, Erza quietly pulled Ye's sleeves. He whispered in a low voice: "Slodov, the Chairman of the United Group Council of the Alpha United Group, is a distant relative of the Sardin family. Be careful when you go down. I'm afraid that Sardin guy will join forces with the Alpha United Group to do something against you." Damn it, even if Asemia is very tyrannical, but then again if you don’t have time to transform, it’s useless no matter how tyrannical you are!”

Ye turned his head and looked at Elsa's obviously very worried expression, smiled at her, and said lightly: "Don't worry about me, just worry about them. Well, after getting off the boat, let's enjoy the beautiful scenery of this place. .Soon, this planet will cease to exist!”

"What!" Erza was startled, looked around, and then realized that no one was paying attention to them, and shouted at Ye Xiao: "Are you crazy? Even if Alpha United Group is not a big country. But Agenro Planet Vic is one of the most famous tourist destinations in the universe. Every year, at least hundreds of billions of people from all over the universe visit this place. Many powerful politicians come here for vacation and leisure, and there are also some famous plutocrats. The main member has always had a fixed property in this place. If you want to destroy this place, do you know how much diplomatic disputes it will cause if you destroy this place? Aren't you afraid that the survivors will eat you alive?"

Ye Rou pinched Ersana's face which was slightly red due to anger, smiled softly and said: "The Austin Empire, Din Sam Meng Kingdom, Byzantine Court, these super powers are different. Talking about a planet, it’s a galaxy that we have slaughtered no matter how many times. I would still care if they hate me a little more or less. Apart from these three superpowers, I really don’t care about other forces. I have no scruples about them, and will destroy as many as they come. As for diplomatic disputes, silly girl, I have no power, so I am afraid of any diplomatic disputes. If it really counts, I should be regarded as someone who belongs to the Zerg tribe, so that they and ours can Let Sheng transform into the Beast Mother Queen and file a lawsuit, just to challenge them!"

Erza rolled her eyes at Ye silently. Of course, she forgot that this guy was not a normal person at all. Unfortunately, immediately, Erza frowned again and said with some worry: "Even if the planet Agenlovik is It is the capital star of a second-rate force, but the defense of this place is no worse than those of our star capital planets in Dinsa. Let me tell you a secret, the place where consortiums and dignitaries want to have their vacations. It's even less dangerous. Donate money to build defense fortifications on the planet Agenrovik. On the surface, the planet Agenlovik only has one space station. In fact, they have 17. They just declare one to the outside world. Not only that, but these 17 space stations are not. Ordinary defensive space stations are actually all offensive space stations equipped with fortress cannons. Not only that, but according to reliable rumors, the planet Agenlovik even has an armed fortress. Then again, one cannon can destroy it. It is an armed fortress that has lost a planet. According to the assessment of professionals, with the defensive power of Agenrovik, even most of the fleets of a first-class power cannot attack it. As for the living beasts, low With a scale of more than 1.9 million, there is no way it can break through his defense!"

Ye finally saw it this time. It can be said that this silly girl has completely put her heart on herself. These data are not something that ordinary singers can know. They must be She spent a lot of money to get it through some shady channels. It seems that she wanted to do something to Sadin. This silly girl had noticed it a long time ago because she had passed the Alpha Alliance. After the group is formed, the spaceship will get closer and closer to the center of the universe. The closer it is to the center of the universe, the more powerful the forces passing through will be, and the number of transformed beasts that Ye can dispatch will be smaller. Therefore, the Alpha United Group is the best for itself. timing of action;

Ye Rou touched her head, smiled and said: "You humans have secret weapons, and we transformed beasts also have them. Look, this time I will let you see the power of our transformed beasts' war fortress. , in front of our war fortress, armed fortresses are nothing but a joke!"

Before he finished speaking, he left the surprised Erza behind and left the command tower. The news Erza gave him was indeed somewhat beyond his expectation. He could only redeploy his own operations. plan.

"Beep!! Blow!! Blow!!" On a big couch, a man was lying there quietly at the moment. Inside the life support system next to the big bed, looking for the bookstore www.zhaoshuyuan. com is sending out signals that his life is stable from time to time, but then again, this man has been sent here for almost a month, but there is no sign of waking up. This can be said to be unimaginable in today's medical community. thing, in order not to destroy their own brand, the current hospital can be said to be subsidizing the money and using the best drugs and equipment to treat him with all their strength, but then again, so far, there does not seem to be any obvious effect;

"Scoff!!" With a soft sound, the door to the intensive care unit at the General Hospital of the Joint Defense Forces of the Alpha United Group's Agenlovik planet was opened from the outside, and a young and beautiful girl wearing a joint defense force uniform walked out. After coming in, through the huge glass floor-to-ceiling windows on the wall of the intensive care unit, she looked at the man lying on the big bed inside who hadn't woken up until now. The woman's brows couldn't help but frown softly, and she turned her head towards The medical soldier on duty in the intensive care unit asked softly: "He hasn't woken up yet!"

"No, Captain Li Wen;" the two young medical soldiers replied in unison. One of the medical soldiers looked at the duty experience in his hand, and then whispered: "Most of the patient's indicators are normal. It's normal, but then again I don't know why, he just didn't wake up. According to the normal situation, he should be awake at this moment, but then again the brain wave test shows that he is still in deep sleep. , but then again, we have tried many methods, but there is no way to wake it up, and even the professionals at the hospital have no way to explain this situation!" (To be continued)

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