After sending the message, he shut down his consciousness and never received any more messages from Jace. That guy was just a violent maniac, and he didn't want to be harassed by him too. With vampire blood, he could be said to be born with the same instinct. He is a warrior, but when he encounters a powerful person, he will challenge him. For example, Ye himself is an out-and-out lunatic. Even if it is due to blood, he inherited it from Zheng Yuanqing. He does not have much energy, so he can only become a level 3 death warrior, but his talent advantage makes up for this slight deficiency. Coupled with his fighting technology and experience, his regional combat effectiveness is close to that of a level 2 death warrior. At the level of a warrior, Zhou Leilei, who is at least a level 2 dead warrior, is definitely no match for him.

After finishing most of the things, Ye turned to look at Erza and asked in a low voice: "I'm going to the P79 Nebula. Can you find a ship for me?"

After hearing this, Erza took out his portable smart phone, clicked on it a few times, and then whispered to Ye in a low voice: "P79 Nebula, no man's land, belongs to the camp of chaos, and it is precisely the powerful people who want to go there. It was developed, but it was beaten out by the aboriginal people inside. In addition, the area itself did not have any special development value, so no one went in again. It was the same as the place you went to last time. No matter the area, such areas are all called chaotic camps; why do you always like to go to these remote places?"

Ye Rou frowned and said in a tactful and impatient tone, "Don't worry about where I'm going. I'm just asking you if I can find the spaceship to go there."

Erza pouted. He said dissatisfiedly: "What's so bad? It's disgusting. I haven't said it yet. In short, it's impossible for the 'Universe Star' to go there again. It's not going smoothly at all. I have so much to say on the ship." The reporter is here. If I go there, I will tell everyone in the universe. Unfortunately, the place is really too remote, and there are no flights to it. Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter. I have money, but you woman, I’m a big deal. Here's the rich woman. I'll find someone to contact the local black market later and buy you a spaceship that can travel through time and space. It's far away from here. You have to travel through time and space. Jump to the nearest one. Force, then fly over by yourself; it’s a pity, my dear. Didn’t you all take flights to various planets in the past and never fly by yourself anymore?”

Hearing that Ersa had a solution, Ye's complexion finally looked better. He gently pinched Ersa's nose that was wrinkled due to anger, and smiled and said: "Of course not, there is a complete inner world inside our transformed beasts." Mobile fortresses, space fortresses, war fortresses, etc. that can be used for time and space travel; otherwise, how do you think we can transport so many living beasts? Unfortunately, my actions this time are very secretive and cannot be known to my enemies. This When I attacked the Alpha United Group and mobilized the War Fortress, it must have attracted his attention. If I left on the War Fortress, he would definitely monitor my movements, and it would be troublesome for him to find out at that time; "

"Pull him down," Erza agreed with a low voice, and said, "I must always know that you will definitely not take me there... But then again, if the planet Agenlovik is destroyed soon, we will We're on the road again, so when should we meet next time? You can definitely find me. But then again, I can't find you, and I'm afraid I'll never see you again;" He hasn't finished speaking yet. . Erza hugged Ye's lower back and sobbed uncontrollably;

Ye Rou pushed it away and said in a deep voice: "Being happy with me is a taboo in itself. If you are happy with me, I feel it. But then again, I can tell you with absolute certainty that I have no feelings at all. ...Like my grandfather, while inheriting his ability, I also inherited the side effect of his ability, which is ruthlessness; therefore, no matter how deeply you love me, I will not fall in love with you. Of course, I can't make any promises to you, but unfortunately I can tell you a little bit. At least for now, even if you reveal my affair, I won't be willing to kill you; it's not because I have feelings for you, but it's because I have feelings for you. What you have done for me is enough to cost you your life;"

After so many days of contact, Erza has already known what Ye is like. If he had feelings, he would not kill so many people so unscrupulously without any sense of guilt, let alone He seemed so close to the girl named Elsa one moment before the meeting, and strangled her to death with his own hands the next moment. It was a pity that he could tell himself so honestly, even if it sounded so ruthless, Elsa's heart was He was already satisfied, at least he was unwilling to kill himself, and he told himself so many secrets, even some secrets that ordinary Star Warriors were not qualified to have access to. Didn't this just prove that he had entered his heart? Hit? Elsa comforted herself like this;

She buried her head in Ye's arms and whispered: "It's not a big deal, I can completely treat you, but I just want you to be willing to let me stay...I am willing to stay for the rest of my life, but then again Speaking of which, please don’t forget to come to me. If your flesh hurts me, don’t let me stay for a long time.”

Looking at Erza's current appearance, Ye was startled for a moment, and then returned to normal. There was a slight look in his eyes, as if he was fighting something in a trapped animal. After a long time, he sighed softly. At the same time, a small, spider-like insect crawled out of his sleeve and crawled all the way to Erza's hand. After it crawled to the middle finger of Erza's right hand, it immediately lay down, The three little feet tightly hugged Erza's finger and made a circle. After a short time, the color and skin texture of the little insect began to slowly change, until it transformed into a black insect. a ring carved from agate;

Seeing that the ring was still taking shape, Ye lowered his head and kissed Erza on the forehead, and then sighed softly: "After wearing this insect ring, you are the one who belongs to me. No one else except me." You can't take off this ring unless you don't want this finger; not only that, from now on, you can only be my woman if you do something sorry for me. The insect ring will secrete a toxin on its own to kill You; unfortunately, after wearing this ring, you can use the energy in the ring to send me a message every day. No matter how far away I can receive it immediately, this is a special ability of the beast, not only that With this ring, any transformed beast will not attack you when it encounters you. In this way, you no longer have to worry about not being able to find me. Well, that's generally the case. If you want I'll take it off, just remember to tell me;"

"No...I don't want to take it off;" Erza heard what Ye said. He was immediately overjoyed and hid his hand as if he was afraid that the ring would be taken back at night: "It's a pity that I've already worn it. Why not wear it directly on the ring finger? It's really annoying..."

Looking at Erza who was still fussing over which finger to wear the ring on, Ye Rou sighed. In fact, this ring had another function. He didn't mention it at all. The coordinates, or one of his means of saving life, no matter how far away the two people are, if Wan Yu encounters danger or is seriously injured overnight, he can move to the position of this ring in an instant;

If someone who is interested is informed, after some careful arrangements. It is very likely that it will cost him his life, or in other words, this ring is Ye's only weakness; of course. Every star warrior has such a weakness. After all, God is fair when he creates human beings. The more perfect a person is, the more life-threatening weaknesses he has. It’s just that few people know about this weakness; and Ye’s This weakness is also known to only him. Of course, only people with mental illness will shout about their weaknesses to the world.

In the intensive care unit of the United Guards General Hospital in Argenlovik. The man who transformed into Star Warrior Sisedong was lying there peacefully. Unfortunately, it was completely different from last time. This time there were nine fully armed guards standing around the ward, wearing individual soldier humanoid armors. There are also nine guards standing in the monitoring room outside the ward. In the wards on both sides of the ward, there are two teams of 29 elite soldiers on standby at all times.

Li Wen, Jack, and a man who looked to be in his 29s were sitting quietly on the sofa in the hospital bed, waiting for him to wake up. I don’t know how long it took, but they were lying on the bed. The man on the couch trembled, and then slowly woke up. Maybe he didn't feel the impact of the transformed beast, so this time he was not as excited as last time, and actually seemed to be very peaceful;

Li Wen took a step forward, sat softly on the edge of the big couch, and looked at the man in front of him. Apart from the scar on his face that destroyed his left eye, the man in front of him still looked pretty good. Handsome, with a sense of elegance, she was exactly the type of person she was happy with. Thinking of this, Li Wen's pretty face turned slightly red. After realizing that she had lost her composure, she coughed softly for two seconds. After the voice, he said softly: "Counting this time, I have saved you twice. Do you need to tell me your identity, why you are a star warrior, and why you came to our Argenro again?" Planet Vic, are those transformed beasts here to hunt you down?"

The man closed his eyes, as if thinking. After a long time, he said weakly: "My name is Li Bai. I don't know where I come from, because I also want to go back, but I lost my way. I am indeed a starry sky warrior, or a former starry sky warrior! Xisedong, as for why I came to this place, you have seen it. I was expelled. I can't stand our endless killing. In order to find us In my hometown, in order to save my own people, I wantonly kill others. I can't be as ruthless as them. I want to say that I am a human being and I am not a beast. Therefore, I am regarded as a traitor and treated by others. The Star Warrior killed me. Unfortunately, I was lucky. The Star Warrior responsible for killing me and I were childhood friends. He didn’t kill me. Even though he destroyed both my eyes, I still survived. It's a pity that those transformed beasts are not here to chase me, because in the hearts of other star warriors, I am already a dead person, but when the generals were fighting, I looked at the war fortress. If the war fortress appeared, this star There must be some highly regarded space warriors near the planet, so wish yourselves good luck!"

When all the people who belong here heard his words, their expressions couldn't help but change. They didn't know what the differences between the Starry Sky Warriors were, but even the threat of extreme position-level Starry Sky Warriors was not something they could completely withstand. Unfortunately, Of course, the old man was quite experienced. After a short time, he caught the key point of his words: "War fortress, what is war fortress!"

Li Bai glanced at the old man for a moment, and after a short time he understood who had the final say in this place. Since he was in their hands, and since he wanted to live a normal life, if they didn't cooperate with him, Of course it was impossible, but he softly closed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "About the war fortress, I have only heard about it before, but this is the first time I have seen a transport creature inside the G beast. The mobile fortress and the space fortress are used to transport transformed beasts. These two fortresses are just like your starship carrier. They are used to transport transformed beasts. The only difference is that the mobile fortress is smaller and the space fortress is larger. There are also weapon systems above. As for the war fortress, this is not something I can fully access. I did not have the authority to mobilize it before, but one thing is absolutely certain. It is much more powerful than those mobile fortresses and space fortresses. Now, look for Shuyuan because the imaginary enemy of the war fortress is your armed fortress. As for what else is above the war fortress, I don’t know!"

Li Bai's words immediately shocked all the people who belonged here. The first reaction was that they were sold at a low price. The news that the planet Agenlovik has an armed fortress is a very confidential matter. Most people don't. You will know, but then again, how will the other side's star warriors know? Not only that, they will bring a war fortress specially designed to deal with armed fortresses. As for the power of the war fortress, no one here will doubt it. , quietly cutting off most of the communication links, then capturing an offensive space station, and injuring a star fighter before evacuating calmly. Therefore, Li Bai said that its imaginary enemy was fighting against the armed fortress, From this point of view, everyone who belongs to it is convinced that the other party does have this power;

After the old man said a few official polite words to Li Bai, he left the ward. There were many other things for him to do next. First, he had to investigate who leaked the information about the armed fortress. News, or who has inquired about such similar news recently? Secondly, he needs to find out whether the creature will attack the planet Agenrovick at this time. The reason is that it was not the Alpha United Group before, let alone the Alpha United Group. There are several nearby star fields that have not been attacked by the living beasts. This time the living beasts have crossed such a long distance just to attack the planet Agenrovick, so they must have their goals. (To be continued)

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