Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 327 The Sleeping Man

Ye Meng lowered his head and replied respectfully: "Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty. In order to save you and my grandpa, no matter how big a sacrifice I make, it is worth it!"

The Beast Queen nodded slightly and said slowly: "Ye, there is one thing. I will only tell you one person. Ye Xi is too utilitarian and not suitable to know about this matter. In fact, I have a sister, My sister, she is on the other side of the universe, and she is much more powerful than me. Her children had gathered 12 Cremodo crystals for her hundreds of years ago to allow her to evolve. Reached the ultimate form!”

After hesitating for a moment, the G Beast Mother Queen continued: "It's just that her temper is very similar to your grandpa's, moody. Unfortunately, she got in touch with me a while ago and said that she, at the moment, It's very boring. She knows that I have a group of star warriors here, so she wants me to introduce a good person to make her excited. So I want you to go and have a look. Don't worry, you may be fucked by her. Die, but she won’t kill you, these are her coordinates, keep them, it’s up to you to decide whether to go or not!”

Before she finished speaking, a red light flashed in the eyes of the Beast Queen, and a coordinate appeared in Ye's mind. The words of the Beast Queen made Ye have black lines all over her head. What does it mean to be punished? It's worse than death but you won't be killed. What do you mean by teasing her? This Queen Mother's sister is not like his grandfather at all, but she is very much like his mother. She is a devil;

Now when Ye was still weighing the pros and cons and trying to decide whether to go or not, the G Beast Queen opened her mouth again: "By the way, Ye, my child. There is something I forgot to tell you, my sister, her The name is Tanina, and her children are the Naga clan that almost caused the destruction of the universe 190 years ago. If you pass her test, you will most likely have an army of Nagas. Nagas are more powerful than Let’s talk about my children. But they are too powerful. If my sister wasn’t tired of the disputes and wanted to explore the world outside the universe, how could there be room for human survival in this universe? With Naga’s help, Ye Xi will no longer be able to cause any problems to you in the future!”

If these are just enough to make the night move. The Queen of the Creature Beasts still spit out a meaning that seemed to be a cannonball that completely stunned Ye: "Not only that, my sister is holding at least 3 Cremodo Crystals in her hands." The information is just that she doesn’t need it now, so she didn’t ask her children to help get it. You know, my sister has evolved to the ultimate form, and the birth of her child no longer requires her to do anything. It's done, it turned out to be created by a new Queen Mother, but the new Queen Mother is too young, less than 290 years old, so if her children are consumed too quickly, the replenishment will not be able to keep up with the consumption. Speed, after all, the birth of the Naga clan is much more difficult than our Pandora!"

Ye glanced at the Queen Mother with some resentment. After all, this didn't force him to go. With three Cremodo crystals, not to mention providing entertainment for Queen Natana, it was just to challenge her. Ye also has to give it a try. Looking at Ye's expression, the Beast Mother Queen seemed to know that he already had the answer in his mind, so she smiled slightly and whispered: "This is enough. I know you really want to see you." Grandpa, I won’t disturb you anymore, just go quickly!”

"Yes, I'm resigning;" After hearing the words of the Shengzhuang Mother, Ye bowed respectfully again, then slowly stood up, backed away from a distance of more than 29 meters, turned around and got into another cave. inside of;

Compared with the bright lights outside, this cave seems much darker. This place is not paved with fluorescent stones. It is actually illuminated by a magical self-luminous plant growing underground, a black vine-like plant. There are lantern-shaped fruits on the plants, which emit a strange red light, illuminating the entire cave in dark red, as if it were hell;

In the innermost part of the cave, there is a high platform, with a black throne made of unknown steel placed above it. Above the throne, a tall and handsome figure is sitting, with a robe on his body. A huge cloak can be said to have covered his entire body, except for his head, and his head is different from that of ordinary star warriors. There is a thick upward-curved head on each temple. There are sharp corners, and there is also a sharp point protruding upward in the middle of his forehead. There are five sharp corners in total, which make him look majestic and domineering. However, at this moment, the "V"-shaped eye patch on his eyes is a piece. Dark, of course he has his eyes closed now;

Looking at the figure in front of him, Ye was stunned for a moment. In fact, he knew without looking that the person in front of him was his grandfather, the most powerful star warrior! ! Zheng Yuanqing, it's just that compared to the last time he came, Zheng Yuanqing's appearance has changed again. Now he should be the same as the beast queen, still one step away from reaching the ultimate form.

Ye Rou walked up to Zheng Yuanqing, walked all the way to the foot of the throne, then slowly knelt down and whispered: "Grandpa, I'm back!"

After hearing Ye's words, a wave of red light slowly rose up in Zheng Yuanqing's dim eyes. Immediately after the red light lit up, Ye felt an invisible pressure shrouding his body. As time went by, the pressure became more and more intense, and even the surface of his armor "squeaked" because it was the first to bear the brunt of the pressure;

It wasn't until Zheng Yuanqing finally woke up that he restrained the pressure that he inadvertently exuded, causing Ye who was barely able to hold on to let out a long breath. Fortunately, he was in a state of change at the moment. His body posture, otherwise, he must be covered in cold sweat now;

At this moment, Zheng Yuanqing opened his mouth, but heard him ask lightly: "Why are you back? The Cremodo Crystal was found!"

I don't know why, but Ye, who is usually free and easy, was so nervous that she couldn't even speak when facing Zheng Yuanqing, but she saw that he couldn't stand it for a long time. Then he murmured: "I!!, I think there are other things for my mother!!, and for you, my grandpa. So I came back to take a look. As for the Cremodo Crystal, I have retrieved two of them now." The mother-in-law said that her sister Tanina has three. I plan to go to her place to have a look after leaving here!!!"

"Tanina;" Hearing the name Tanina mentioned in the night, Zheng Yuanqing's tone became a little strange: "That's fine. That crazy woman does have three crystals there, go ahead. Even if she She’s crazy, but if you survive under her hands, it will be a great help to your strength!”

Hearing Zheng Yuanqing's obviously different tone, Ye couldn't help but asked curiously: "Grandpa, do you know that Tanina!"

Unexpectedly, Zheng Yuanqing answered simply: "I don't know her, but when she communicated with Pandora, because my nerves were connected with Pandora, I heard everything. Well, she also felt my presence and made a fuss." Some unpleasant things, until I regain my freedom. The first thing I want to do is to beat her up!"

Forehead! ! , who is Tanina? Then again, it wreaked havoc on the universe thousands of years ago. The queen of the Naga clan who almost destroyed the entire universe. She is a super perverted existence, even more terrifying than the queen of beasts. I didn’t expect that my grandfather would want to beat her up, ugh! Pull him down, pull him down, it’s better to talk less and talk more in this kind of confrontation between perverts and perverts. The province has been affected by the fish pond, you must know. In this kind of competition among others, if the person is not of that level, even if he is scratched a little, it will be life-threatening;

Thinking of this, Ye quickly changed the subject and said: "Grandpa, I have two Cremodo crystals here. Do you think I can help you right now?" Before he could finish speaking, Ye opened his mouth and took out The two Cremodo crystals inside, which were originally the same as ordinary crystals, emitted a dazzling light after being taken out by Ye, and then slowly floated up from Ye's palm, just like that. So quietly suspended in mid-air;

At this moment, Zheng Yuanqing stretched out his hand, and two Cremodo crystals slowly floated into Zheng Yuanqing's hands. As soon as the Cremodo crystals arrived in front of Zheng Yuanqing, they immediately glowed. In the big earthquake, the energy contained in the crystal resonated with the energy in Zheng Yuanqing's body. The huge energy convection even blew up Zheng Yuanqing's cloak. At this moment, Ye standing below saw clearly , there is a vine-like thing on the back of Zheng Yuanqing's body, which connects the person he belongs to and the throne. That should be the nerve connecting him to the Beast Queen, and it is also the thing that restricts his freedom;

After a long time, the Cremodo crystal slowly returned to its original state, and then returned to Ye's palm from Zheng Yuanqing's hand. However, Zheng Yuanqing said calmly: "If you can't get 12 Cremodo crystals together, As for crystals, two and 11 don’t mean much to me. You should keep it with you. Even if this crystal is of no use to me for the time being, it is still very beneficial to you, especially this crystal. The energy is very special and will be very helpful for your fighting!"

Since Zheng Yuanqing said so, Ye certainly did not dare to refute, and whispered back: "Yes;" After that, he opened his mouth again and carefully put the crystal back inside;

At this time, Zheng Yuanqing's calm voice came over again: "After you leave this time, don't come back without our call. I will treat your mother in a few days. Your mother's condition is very serious." It's complicated. If you want to cure her, you need to use a huge amount of power. At that time, I will borrow the energy of the Queen Mother to heal your mother together. In other words, by that time, after curing your mother, The Queen Mother and I will both fall into a deep sleep for a period of time. Unfortunately, don’t worry, this sleep will not last long. With the strength of both of us, it could be as little as a few months or as much as a year!"

"It's just that after the two of us fall into a deep sleep, there will be a period of weakness. In order to prevent people with evil intentions from disturbing us, the Queen Mother will close the entrance and exit to the Queen Mother Star at that time. Not only that. Sister Tanina will also contact an elite Naga army to help defend. They are all guys who don’t recognize their relatives. For a little unnecessary trouble, if there is no call from the mother queen, you will have at least 1 year Don’t come back until now. After you leave, you should find time to go to Tanina’s place. It would be good to have a good relationship with her. Her power and mine are two extremes. What you learn from her will be useful to you. It will be of great help in the future!”

Hearing Zheng Yuanqing's words, Ye was immediately overjoyed and quickly asked: "Grandpa, do you mean that my mother can be completely cured? She can come and go at will like a normal star warrior, and there is no need to sleep like this all the time. Are you going down?"

Zheng Yuanqing nodded softly and said in a deep voice: "I am 29% sure that even if it cannot be cured fundamentally, the situation will not be worse than now. No matter what, the situation after treatment will be much better than now. , so it’s worth giving me a try!”

Ye knows that his grandfather Zheng Yuanqing is an invincible existence, but everyone has weaknesses, and so does his grandfather. His grandfather has three weaknesses, which correspond to five people. The other one is his grandmother who is far away on earth. Xu Shuyu, Aisha, and his mother Shen Qingfei;

Very few people knew this secret, and it was revealed to him by his careless mother when she accidentally let it slip. Therefore, he believed that even though his grandfather was very ruthless, he was more protective of his mother Shen Qingfei than he was. There will only be more, not less, and besides, if Zheng Yuanqing hadn't been so doting on his mother, he wouldn't have developed Shen Qingfei's lawless character.

Ding Sam's Meng Kingdom, find the bookstore One of the five superpowers in the universe, the largest Meng Kingdom in the universe. Its capital is called Puwangxius. Puwangxius is a very peculiar star. The collection of planets, or a capital area composed of 7 planets, is divided into 7 major regions. Each region is composed of a planet. They are divided into Central District, New Jersey District and New Jersey District. District, Sayedin District, Amzi District, Puharman District;

In fact, Provancius, the capital circle of the Dinsame Kingdom, is a collection of a super planet and its three satellites. It exists in a star system with 11 planets, and the central area It is the third planet of this star. The size of the planet in the central area is almost as large as Jupiter. And contrary to the laws of nature, the sizes of its three satellites are also astonishingly large, barely enough. One-tenth to one-twentieth the size of the central zone, these satellites were all asteroids hundreds of millions of years ago, but they were just too close to the central zone and were captured by the gravity of the central zone and formed;

After thousands of years of transformation by people belonging to the Ding Sameng Kingdom, these three satellites, which originally had no atmosphere and were in a dilapidated state and were not suitable for human habitation, now not only have an artificial atmosphere, but the environment inside can be said to be even more suitable for human beings. The survival is even better than the ecology of some tourist stars, and all of them have the current capital area of ​​the Ding Sam Meng Kingdom! ! A huge city composed of 7 planets. (To be continued)

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