Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 34 Your smile in the candlelight

The night is endless, the bones are stretched out, the ground is frozen and the sky is cold;

Under the eternally dark sky, the endless lonely graves echoed with ghostly cries in the piercing cold wind; the biting cold wind, the endless ice and snow, the white shadows that kept drifting across the distant sky, and the distant The lingering ghosts in the ruins everywhere...

On this land, which was like the death realm of the underworld, Yue Hong staggered naked in the muddy ice and snow;

The piercing cold wind blew through the black silky but messy long hair, and the body as delicate as snow but scarred, bringing only the coldness that penetrated the bone marrow!

Yue Hong hugged his arms tightly and searched desperately with fearful eyes, trying to find a warm place. However, the only thing that could make him feel a trace of warmth——

But all I have is the lighter in my hand...

Although Yue Hong clearly knew that he was in a dream and everything around him was an illusion, but... he was still afraid and in pain. He knew that he couldn't bear it anymore, and he was on the verge of reaching his limit!


Suddenly, a shrill roar resounded through the sky like the scream of an ancient evil spirit. Then the earth shook, the void twisted, and then a huge tomb slowly appeared in the distant sky——


There was a loud noise and the earth shook!

In Yue Hong's horrified eyes, he saw that the huge tomb instantly turned into rubble like a collapsed foothill, and then a huge zombie slowly stood up from the endless tomb and stood in the sky. Amidst the overwhelming rotten smell, he crossed an infinite distance and appeared in front of Yue Hong solemnly in one step;

Seeing the zombie appear in front of him, Yue Hong could only collapse on the cold ground, hugging the scarred body tightly and curling up into a ball, shivering, but he could only watch the rotten hand like a collapsed sky. Falling slowly...


With a blood-curdling scream, Yue Hong suddenly opened his eyes. However, what he saw was not endless darkness, but a warm, comfortable, and gleaming candlelight full of security!

"woke up?"

At this moment, a deep voice slowly reached his ears. Yue Hong instinctively curled up his body again and turned his head to look with frightened eyes. However...

The large and fluffy Simmons, the warm quilt, the large desk under the glistening candlelight...and the strong figure behind the desk, and the broad and iron-hard shoulders on the naked body!

Besides that……

In the glistening candlelight, there is an ordinary face and a pair of——

Warm smile!

"Hehehehe! A grown man can be so scared even in his dreams. Look at your courage!"

Zheng Yuanqing put down his headphones and looked triumphantly at Yue Hong, who was curled up on the bedside like a woman tightly wrapped in quilt. Although he sympathized with him, the goosebumps all over his body made Zheng Yuanqing want to laugh at Yue Hong. It’s refreshing;


Hearing this, Yue Hong instinctively sat up with his legs crossed and glared at Zheng Yuanqing with clenched teeth. When the hair on Zheng Yuanqing's body stood up, he suddenly curled up the corner of his mouth slightly, then looked at Zheng Yuanqing with disdain and gently raised his hand with one hand. He propped himself up on the bed, jumped down and walked slowly towards Zheng Yuanqing!


He actually recovered!

"You, you, stay away from me! I'm telling you... you, you, you, if you dare to come here, I will..." Seeing Yue Hong's joking smile and looking at the steps that showed no sense of weakness, Zheng Yuanqing immediately went crazy. He kicked the chair away, rushed to the window, and pulled hard on the security window...

Seeing Zheng Yuanqing's hairy appearance, Yue Hong was slightly startled at first, then smiled slightly, and then sat on one side of his body on the large desk, and at the same time put a slender leg on the edge of the table. Then Zheng Yuanqing heard A deep yet tender voice——

"Do you think that with your current strength, you can break open the security window with your bare hands?"

"Yue Hong! You think I can do nothing but you don't!"



With a frightened scream, Yue Hong, who was reading a joke on the table, was stunned to see Zheng Yuanqing reach out and a dark and cold 88-type general-purpose machine gun suddenly appeared. With the sound of the bolt being loaded and the ammunition chain being thrown away, a black hole appeared. The muzzle of the gun was instantly pointed at him!

Dead silence!

A moment of deathly silence!

Full of the smell of gunpowder but with a hint of indescribable deathly silence!

"Hehe! The display is good, but do you know where the safety of the universal machine gun is?" With a chuckle, Zheng Yuanqing watched with horror as Yue Hong stretched out his hand to cover his mouth and laughed softly, while also showing off a "flower-like trembling" posture!

"you you you you……"

While Zheng Yuanqing stared at Yue Hong, he desperately searched for the legendary safety on the gun body, but military fans are military fans after all, and no matter how hardcore they are, it is impossible to know all the details of all guns...

"Okay, okay! I won't tease you anymore, I'm going to bed. If you don't need me to help you break out, you can leave at any time;"

Perhaps because he felt that Zheng Yuanqing was covered in cold sweat and his hair stood on end, he looked pitiful. Yue Hong covered his mouth again and smiled, then went down to the ground, returned to the bed obediently, lifted the quilt, and lay down. Soon, he heard the sound of steady and soft breathing. , it seems that he feels at ease with Zheng Yuanqing accompanying him...

When Yue Hong opened his eyes again, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse. As soon as he looked at the sky outside, he knew that it was already the next night;

Looking at the still bright candlelight in the room, Yue Hong couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, and looked eagerly at the writing desk as if he was looking for something!

Fortunately, that capable figure was still sitting tirelessly on the chair, chewing compressed biscuits and taking a sip of Harbin beer from time to time, while staring at a Dell laptop attentively, seemingly looking at something intently;

When did you get another laptop?

Looking at the laptop, Yue Hong couldn't help but frown slightly. He seemed to remember that when he teased Zheng Yuanqing yesterday, there was indeed a laptop next to his legs. Looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuuan. com But he was very tired at that time and didn’t pay attention;

Where did he charge it?

The can of beer in his hand seems to be fresh, but it has been three years since the end of the world...

This guy is really a mystery. He is not a high level, but he can always get these unimaginable things;

"Hey! Little guy, aren't you tired? When you are tired, just lie here and rest for a while;"

"By the way, if I have any thoughts about you, can you resist me?" Looking at the figure who was frowning and concentrating, Yue Hong covered his mouth again and smiled, then sat up and leaned lazily on the bed and said jokingly;

"You, you, you, please show some respect to me! I'm not afraid of you now. Let me tell you..." Zheng Yuanqing suddenly got excited, then reached out and pulled out the M500 hand cannon from his waist, and instantly pulled out the hammer and said tremblingly. Accurate Yue Hong;

This is his only solution now...

After all, it is estimated that 99.999 out of 100 men have no experience with same-sex harassment!

M500 hand cannon!

By the way... there's also the 88 pass!

This guy can actually get such a gun! How can this be! There is no garrison in Yoshiwara City at all!

Looking at the huge revolver in Zheng Yuanqing's hand, Yue Hong couldn't help but gleam in his eyes. In order to fight against the search team, he had long tried every means to collect guns and ammunition, but until now, there were only a few self-made weapons by the mountain people;

But now...

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