Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 339: Ye’s students are all weird

When Ye hurried to the classroom, he discovered that the 19 students in this class had actually entered the cockpit and started to control the real weapons. Ye did not disturb them and actually chose one of them on his own. The cockpit was empty, and then he used his teacher number to log into the campus network;

After logging in, Ye seemed to have entered a brand new world. Of course, this place was the battlefield background chosen by these students. At this moment, a dialog box appeared in front of Ye: Please select the humanoid you want to control. Armor;

After Ye Sui clicked on this dialog box, at least hundreds of types of various standard humanoid armors of the Dinsame Kingdom appeared in front of him. The humanoid armors belonging to the Dinsame Kingdom were very distinctive and absolutely unique. Most of the humanoid armors they belong to belong to the balanced series. To put it nicely, it is called both offensive and defensive. At worst, it is pretty ordinary, with nothing particularly outstanding.

For these humanoid armors, Ye didn't look much at them. He directly chose the Gemini humanoid armor that he had driven before. After clicking OK, the scenery in front of him changed again. He seemed to be sitting in the cab of the humanoid armor, and This cab is clearly the cab of Gemini;

High-end humanoid armor like the Gemini, because it is balanced and does not have too many outstanding points, the parameters are also very popular. Ye only needs to change a few parameters to make the humanoid armor fit perfectly. This is a fighting style, holding the joysticks on both sides with both hands, and the fingers seem to be like two butterflies. It bounces rapidly on the small keyboard on the inside of the joysticks on both sides;

Immediately after the humanoid armor was activated, the screens in front of the cab and on both sides began to show the outside scenes. Now he is standing over the ruins of a huge base. There is a battlefield below. 19 humanoid armors are still fighting fiercely below. Unfortunately, if you look carefully, you will find that these 19 humanoid armors are divided into 3 factions. , one faction has 17 humanoid armors, and the other five factions have one humanoid armor each;

If Ye's guess is good. Those five humanoid armors should be the so-called Five Flying Eagles. Those five guys are indeed somewhat capable. While one person can deal with the attacks of 17 classmates, he can also guard against the sneak attacks of two other opponents of the same level. With such power, if he joins the armed army. At the very least, he will be directly promoted to school officer without exception;

These three guys are known as the Five Eagles, and their reputations are famous in universities in all major countries in the universe. They really have a few tricks up their sleeves. You know, even the worst students who can enter the doctoral class can control The level of humanoid armor is not completely comparable to that of ordinary people. At the same time, he faces 17 opponents with such skills, and there are also two opponents who are as good as himself. Even those experienced veterans may not be able to do it completely, but then again, they did it;

Thinking of this, Ye smiled coldly. Pushing the control stick fiercely, the humanoid armor he belonged to instantly drew a strange arc towards the group of students;

At the same time, Lina was about to block Jack's blow and was about to retreat suddenly. At this moment, the air raid warning in her cabin began to scream. Linna was immediately shocked, you know. When other masters at their level are flying in humanoid armor, they will unconsciously avoid the direction of long-range weapons such as missiles and nuclear cannons. Over time, ordinary long-range weapons have no way of locking on them;

The anti-air defense warning is installed on them and has only one purpose. It is used to avoid heavy artillery bombing. But then again, this place is a virtual network and not a real battlefield. How can an armored vehicle come? , that is to say, she was indeed locked by the long-range weapon of the ordinary humanoid armor at this moment. How could this not shock Lina;

Lina retreated violently while making evasive movements. Taking advantage of this free moment, she glanced at the surveillance scanner with the corner of her eyes, only to see a Gemini humanoid armor in the distance that she had never seen before. As they were murdering them fiercely, Lina hurriedly said on the radio: "Pay attention, pay attention, there is an unknown humanoid armor approaching, I am locked by the opponent, 'boom'"

Before Lina could finish her words, there was a huge explosion, and the red humanoid armor driven by Lina exploded into a ball of dazzling sparks. All the people belonging to her were dumbfounded. Unexpectedly, Lina, one of the Five Flying Eagles, was killed instantly by the opponent. Not only that, but also using an air-to-air missile that was least likely to hit her;

At this time, Jack gritted his teeth and looked at the Gemini human-shaped armor that had destroyed Lina, and roared: "Asshole, you dare to sneak attack, I will kill you;" before he finished speaking, he pushed the control Rod, the humanoid armor immediately rushed towards the Gemini at full speed;

At this moment, he saw the twin stars actually stopped and picked up the long ray sniper cannon in his palm. Seeing his action, everyone he belonged to was dumbfounded. Could it be that he thought Is it possible for a sniper cannon to blow up the humanoid armor Jack is driving? But then something happened that made them even more dumbfounded. They saw the muzzle of the gun in his hand casually fired in the direction of Jack, and another huge explosion sounded;

Looking at the sparks that appeared in the air, all the people involved touched their eyes in disbelief. If they killed Lina, they could comfort themselves by saying that it was a sneak attack. Then this time He faced Jack head-on, using the most common ray cannon, but Jack was still killed instantly;

"Damn it!" Andra slapped the console hard, pushed the control stick, and rushed towards the Gemini. Two of the five flying eagles were killed in an instant, which made Andra I feel like my face is burning, as if someone has slapped me in the face;

Andra was driving a close-combat humanoid armor, but he saw him changing positions all the time, forming an irregular path towards the Gemini. But then again, it made him feel even more angry. What's more, I saw myself rushing over. The other party actually stood in the same place, motionless and not dodge. nor attack;

You know, the attack power of the humanoid armor is very huge. If two close combat humanoid armors collide together, the side that takes the initiative to attack will often gain a greater advantage, but then again, the other side will not be able to use its original position like this. What moved was Chi--'s insult, and that's exactly what it meant. Even if I stand still, you are no match for me;

Andra, who was somewhat losing her mind, raised the two swords in her palms. Evil slashed hard at the Gemini, but after hearing a "pong" explosion, the Gemini held a one-handed sword in his hand and blocked Andra's attack seemingly casually. Then there was an explosion of "pop". While he was holding the blow, the defensive shield in his other hand hit hard on the head of the humanoid armor that Andra was driving;

In an instant, a round head flew into the air. At this moment, the two hands on the back of Gemini's body were reversed at this moment, and the short spear held above them followed the wound at the severed head. , suddenly inserted into the body of the humanoid armor controlled by Andra;

With a "boom", the entire killing process took less than one second. Another instant kill.

The explosion of Andra's humanoid armor was like a clarion call for a charge, and the Gemini piloted by Ye Suo suddenly launched into action. Like a lone wolf, he pounced fiercely into the flock formed by the remaining 17 students;

The Gemini who rushed into them could say that with just a move, a humanoid armor would be smashed into pieces by him in the air. The fight ended in less than 29 seconds, 17 humanoid armors, 29 seconds. This also requires Ye's pursuit time. No humanoid armor can survive a second in Ye's palm;

3 minutes later. The students who were "dead in battle" were "resurrected" in their original place under the regulations of the system. The scene was deathly silent. Of course, these proud students, these talented students who are called future stars, had no trace of anything. Fa Zi accepted the fact that they were defeated so simply;

"Get in line and just stand here for me. It's enough. Let's start class now." At this moment, a loud shout came from the humanoid armor that Gemini belonged to, which shocked the students. , but the habit they have developed over a long period of time makes them still consciously queue up;

Ye controlled the Gemini humanoid armor to fly in front of them, and said with a smile on his face: "Let me ask first, are I sure I am not in the wrong class? Is this place the 9th class of Dr. Computer Control? Did I go to the wrong place? Are you sure that your technology for driving humanoid armor is at the level of a doctoral student? How do I feel that I am on the same level as the freshmen of the hy0 machine class 033 that I brought! It takes only a second for them to fly in my palm. So do you. I heard that your class Didn’t any of the Five Flying Eagles come to class today? They are just a bunch of rubbish!"

Silence, deathly silence, most of the students' faces were burning, especially the five members of the Flying Eagle Five, Linna, Jack and Andra. Ye's words seemed like a whip, lashing them hard. In their hearts, but then again, what makes them despair is that they don’t even have a reason to refute;

How to refute, when a person who kills you on the spot is laughing at you unscrupulously, you can say that you are actually very powerful, then how can you prove to him, prove that you can last a second in his palm? If that's the case, why not die? This kind of humiliation is something that no one can fully bear;

Seeing that no student responded to his words, Ye raised his voice at this moment: "We don't want to talk anymore. When you are usually proudly showing off your computer control technology to others, have you ever thought about this day? The skill that I am most proud of is nothing like bullshit in my eyes. Therefore, in front of me, you have no dignity and no pride, you are just a bunch of rubbish;"

The anger of the students slowly built up, but then again they had no way to find a way to vent it. Growing up, they had won and failed, but this was the first time they felt so humiliated after a failure. ;

At this time, Ye's voice rang again: "I don't understand why the school asked me to be your doctoral supervisor. I lead my freshmen very well, even with their strength They are the same trash as you. At least they will know how to be humble. They will not think that they are pretentious like you. Isn't it amazing? Isn't it a thing that can be killed instantly? Even I must come to this place reluctantly. But in order to be worthy of my salary, I still introduce myself to you, my name is Ye, and I am also your current real sword and gun class instructor;"

Before he finished speaking, Gemini suddenly flashed out of the humanoid armor that Andra was driving. He shook his shoulder and said with a mocking smile: "Hey, isn't this the Ginza Humanoid Armor?" Young man, do you think you are qualified to drive such a humanoid armor that is more expensive than your entire net worth in this war? I remember that the Dinsa Meng Kingdom’s Ginza Humanoid Armor is only equipped with 123 units. Are you sure your technology is Can be ranked among the top 123 in the country”

Andra bit her lip hard, but still reluctantly spit out two words from between her teeth: "Can't;"

Ye immediately followed up and joked: "Since you can't, then what significance does it have for your technology to improve your technology by controlling the humanoid armor like this during training? Do you think that machine-controlled real swords and real guns are... Is it a place for you to show off your authority? If you think so, I suggest you drop out of school now, because you can't graduate in my hands;"

Before he finished speaking, Ye turned around and looked at a humanoid armor belonging to Tyla Feng. He said lightly: "At the beginning of the next class, when all the people belonging to it are training, all use light energy. Humanoid armor, and I will use bone spur humanoid armor to fight against you. Your graduation exam is exactly that. Whoever can survive 1 minute in my palm will be considered a successful graduate. Find Shuyuan, otherwise, Haha, let’s all drop out of school;”

"That's enough. This class will end here. I feel upset just looking at you. You can reflect on yourselves slowly. I'm leaving first. I hope someone can survive the next class in my palm." seconds;”

After saying that, Ye actually left most of the students behind. One person left first, opened the simulator cabin, hugged the textbooks in his arms, and left the multimedia classroom calmly. At this moment, there was someone behind him. Then a sweet voice came: "Wait;"

Ye turned around and saw that a red-haired woman with a ponytail was running out of breath. She knew who she was without even thinking about it. She was a famous presence in the entire Provincial University. The first among the 19 campus beauties of Provincial University Hy District College, and the fifth among the 19 beauties among the more than 29 million students of Provincial University, Lina, one of the Five Flying Eagles;

Lina, known as the Queen of Humanoid Armor, not only has a beautiful face, but also has a hot body that can be said to be the best in the school. The most important thing is that because of her long-term persistence in exercising, her whole body exudes a... With her healthy beauty and wild smile, what fascinated all the junior students was that the current senior college student Hua Linna had a look of despair. Of course, the pleasure Jiang Ye brought to her was indeed A little too big. (To be continued)

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