Unfortunately, life is not easy for these people. They have been wandering around the capital area for a long time, which has caused a lot of trouble for the security of the capital area. During the day, the inspectors will always find trouble for them. At night, those who only appear at night The gangs will cause trouble for them. Very few people will survive more than 3 months in this base. The vast majority of people may be tortured to death by the inspectors in various ways, or they may be kidnapped by the gangs and cut into parts to sell for money, but Even so, there are still countless drifters on the streets of the capital area;

While lpz7909977 was still wandering aimlessly on the streets, at this moment, a loud siren sounded in the air, and then, a huge loudspeaker rang loudly: "The following number lpz7909977f-class robot , immediately knelt on the ground on all fours and received the inspection;"

Hearing this voice, lpz7909977 was obviously frightened and trembled. He did not dare to give any permission and hurriedly lay on the ground. In the capital area, everyone knows that no one can offend the governor. Check, otherwise, you will suffer the consequences;

General lpz7909977 is still lying on the ground. Without much effort, the two single-person airships roared to a stop, and two people jumped out from above. They were 19 meters tall and had slender bodies, but at a glance it could be seen that they were agile. The inspector who fights cold light robots in close combat.

These two machine inspectors are all yellow with black stripes on top, and they hold assault rifles in their palms, of course. From a human perspective, such an assault rifle is much more powerful than a heavy artillery, but they saw the two of them walking up to lpz7909977, trembling. He pushed it to the ground roughly, and an inspector stepped on its mouth, pointed a gun at its reactor and shouted: "lpz7909977, as an F-level robot, tell me what you are saying Come to the capital star destination;"

lpz7909977 did not dare to refuse permission and quickly replied: "Two police officers, I am here to participate in the fire transformation of the Tower of Eternity;"

The two inspectors heard it. They looked at each other, and another inspector standing aside said loudly: "Take out your qualification certificate to enter the Tower of Eternity and show it to me;"

Under the watchful eyes of the two inspectors. lpz7909977 held his breath and took out a card from his utility room. The inspector standing aside took the card and then took out a strange instrument and scanned it, then pointed it at the other person. The inspector said: "lpz7909977. In five days, he will enter the Tower of Eternity to receive fire for transformation. Today, the general will arrive at this place by boat." Before he finished speaking, he scanned the G port with the instrument. The nameplate continued: "lpz7909977, an F-class robot, without any criminal experience;"

The two inspectors who received this information obviously took a breath. The inspector who had been stepping on the g-hole also released his foot, stretched out his hand to pull it up, and shook its shoulders. He encouraged: "Good young adults, come on, we are on the capital star. Remember not to go to the nook and cranny at night. When sleeping, it is best to sleep in the nearby Central Park. It will be relatively safe. Unfortunately, there are people there at night. Patrol police generally do not allow ordinary people to sleep in it. You show them your qualifications to enter the tower and your nameplate. They should agree to let you sleep there before you complete the transformation. After the transformation is completely completed. Regardless of whether there is If you succeed, it’s best to leave the capital planet as soon as possible. This place is not a place where F-class robots can survive, do you understand?”

Even though the inspector's tone was serious, it was obvious that he was taking care of lpz7909977, so lpz7909977 was very grateful and said: "Thank you;" After the two inspectors saw that nothing happened, they boarded their airship again and roared. disappeared from sight in the blink of an eye. It wasn't until they completely disappeared that lpz7909977 took a deep breath. Fortunately, it was timid and would never do anything illegal. Otherwise, if it had If you have a criminal experience and are caught by the inspector in the capital star, you will definitely lose your skin even if you die;

lpz7909977 is a very honest person. Since the inspector told him that it is best to sleep in Central Park at night and not run around, he was very obedient and immediately rushed to Central Park. Central Park is a place open to the public 23 hours a day. It is a large park with a large number of visitors. Of course, the security force is also very strong. This is why the inspector let lpz7909977 sleep in this place;

When we came to Central Park, the real lpz7909977 took the initiative to find the patrol officer of this place, and asked to live in this place until his transformation was completely completed. He had a good attitude towards him and he did not have any criminal record. This place The patrol police in the area were quite friendly to it, and at least agreed to its request. They just asked it to stay in a corner with few people, and try not to disturb the tourists inside;

lpz7909977 is a robot that can withstand loneliness. From this point of view, Asemia vouched for it with her own head, because it is really capable of loneliness. After coming to the park, it sat quietly in the corner. , it sat for exactly five days without moving, which is good. It is a robot. Let alone five days, it can be fine even if it does not move for three months. But then again, Artemisia can’t do it. ! But then again, humans have to eat, drink, and eat. Even if he is in a transformed state at this moment, his energy can completely absorb the free energy in the universe to maintain his own survival;

But then again, after absorbing the energy in the universe, even if one does not die due to lack of energy, the feeling of hunger and cold in the stomach is real! Even though the Star Warrior ate less, he still couldn't handle being without food for more than 19 days. Asemiya's stomach now seems to be turbulent, and it can be said that her front is pressed against her back;

However, this is not the worst luck. The most unfortunate thing is the problem of defecation and diarrhea. People who eat whole grains will of course have excretion problems. Even if Asemia lives by absorbing energy from the universe, this cannot stop his own metabolism. ! Absorbing energy can only lengthen the cycle of his excretion, but it cannot completely eliminate it. For example, right now;

If Asemia were in human form right now, her face would definitely be suppressed. There is nothing more unpleasant in life than holding this in, but then again, what should we do? At this moment, he was on the capital star of the Mechanical Empire. This place had no atmosphere. The gravity is very small. He is not a robot. He does not weigh dozens or hundreds of tons like a robot. Now that he is hiding in lpz7909977's plug-in equipment, he feels light and fluttery. If Wan Yu goes out, he will not be floating immediately. Get up;

It's not the point that he floats. He can definitely hold on to something. The lack of atmosphere isn't the point either. With the power of night, it is not difficult to hold your breath for three minutes. As for this place, it is full of radiation. But it's not a big problem if it's not exposed to it for a long time. The problem is that the robot's nose is very smart, even smarter than a dog. If he had a poop nearby, it would be a big problem. It is easy for someone to discover this, and then he will be betrayed. This is not the most important question. The most important thing is that he himself is already somewhat unconstrained by the gravity of the planet. Then the daddy he pulled out will be even more unconstrained. After Wan Yu pulled it out, , the playful spirit floated up, and it hurt my crotch, no matter what I did, Ye Zheng couldn't do this even if he died;

It's a pity that the war is about to begin, so I can't hold back and fight with others. If I do this, my regional combat effectiveness will be reduced by at least 90%. Isn't this looking for death? At this moment, Athemiya suddenly had an idea. He let lpz7909977 lie on the ground and opened his own utility room, and then turned on the self-adsorption function of the utility room. Then Athemiya removed it from it. It flew out of the plug-in, squatted above its utility room, and released its transformation;

After a burst of crackling sounds, Ye breathed a sigh of relief. After lifting up his pants, he immediately transformed into Asemia and got into the plug-in equipment behind lpz7909977.

After struggling for five days in Central Park, on the afternoon of the fifth day, according to the ranking order, it was finally lpz7909977's turn to enter the tower. When lpz7909977 arrived in front of the Tower of Eternity and lined up to enter, through the plug-in equipment Between the cracks, Asemia looked at it. This Tower of Eternity was definitely the tallest building on the ground he had ever seen;

The Tower of Aion is actually a huge cone-shaped building with a thick bottom and a sharp top. The diameter at the bottom is about 2 kilometers. The height is conservatively estimated to be at least 29 kilometers high. It is unknown what devices are installed on the top. Burning raging fire, even in the cold night, can illuminate the area hundreds of kilometers around here as if it were daytime. You must know that on this planet with no oxygen and no atmosphere, if you want to light such a big flame, it will take a lot of light. The maintenance cost is a huge amount, and this can definitely be called a miraculous building;

Similarly, the Mechanical Empire can build such a beautiful building to worship the fire. It is also the Kerimodo crystal that Artemia wants to get at the moment. This shows how important this fire is to them. Look. Seeing the scene in front of her, Asemia couldn't help but feel a burst of despair. Can this really be taken away? Look at the soldiers on duty outside. Even the most basic soldiers standing guard are all super soldiers. Looking at the number of armed troops guarding the fire, it is estimated that there are at least 29,000 people, 29,000 super soldiers! This is already more than a number that Asemia can completely handle;

There are about a dozen other people waiting in line to enter the tower, most of them are Bohanguang robots, two of them are living robots, and as for the waste robots, there is only one lpz7909977. At this moment, there is a Bohanguang robot. The cold light robot is waiting to enter the tower. At this moment, it is doing a danger check before entering the tower. When entering the tower, you are not allowed to bring any weapons. At this moment, three super soldiers are eagerly surrounding the cold light robot. I can't wait to dismantle it into parts to check;

Seeing how intensive the inspection was, Asemia's heart felt cold again, but she saw him silently pull out his two spears, hold them in his palms, and be ready to fight at any time;

Time passed by in a hurry. After about 3 hours, it was finally lpz7909977's turn to take the examination. lpz7909977 slowly walked to the examination table and handed his tower entry qualification certificate to a super soldier next to him. , at this time, three super soldiers gathered around, scanning lpz7909977's body with scanner waves, while linking to lpz7909977's host memory bank to see if there were any abnormal memories;

Fortunately, the program Su Yulian created for lpz7909977 erased the existence of night on its own. Even if it saw the night dangling in front of it, it would not see it at all, so there is nothing special in its memory. place, most of its memories are normal. It was tired of working, and when it came out to take a nap, it felt that it couldn't go on like this anymore and wanted to become stronger, so it came to this place. ;

At this time, a super soldier came behind it, knocked on the plug-in on the back of its body, and said jokingly: "Hey, you are a useless robot and you have imitated our super soldiers to install plug-ins! Come on, tell me I, what is the purpose of this trick;"

lpz7909977 hesitated and couldn't answer, because it didn't know what this plug-in device was for. Looking at its appearance, the super soldier smiled softly and said in a deep voice: "Take this apart and open it for me to check. Down;"

Its words made Asemiya's body immediately tense up, ready to take action at any time. At this moment, the super soldier responsible for checking its body opened the utility room of lpz7909977 and reached in to touch it. Looking for the book www.zhaoshuyuan.com I just felt that my hands were sticky. When I took them out, I found that they were covered with yellow sticky substance. A stench immediately filled the surrounding area;

The super soldier looked at the stinking substance in his palm and immediately cried out in fright: "Fire, what kind of joke is this?" Before he could finish speaking, he put his hand to his nose. After sniffing it, the strong smelly data crazily poured into its brain. The huge data flow almost caused its brain to panic on the spot, and there was no way to analyze what the joke was.

Another super soldier on the side took a step back in disgust and said helplessly: "What the hell is this? Expired low-quality butter. Oh my god, it smells so bad. How long has it been stored in there! The waste robot is exactly that. A waste robot, such a thing is treated as a treasure and kept in the utility room. I can't stand it. I want you to check it. In short, this waste robot is packed with explosives. It won't detonate, and the tower is isolated. Most event signals cannot remotely control what people inside do, so there cannot be anything dangerous;"

Its words immediately made the other five super warriors around it feel very reasonable. Even the super warrior who was about to take off its plug-in equipment was not in the mood to stay stunned beside it, because it was really too It stinks, but then again they are super soldiers with status and status. If anyone knew that they were so interested in a useless robot, it would definitely be a shameful thing; (To be continued)

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