Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 377 The Situation of the Empire

"I said, you will lead the independent combat commando team, and your team members will arrive tomorrow." Jia Lancha said in detail beside Ye.

Ye hurriedly waved his hands and said: "My plan is just a rough idea. There is no need to overturn your original plan and change it to my plan. One day is too short."

"Haha." Jax laughed out loud, opened a plan in his computer again, and pushed the computer in front of Ye.

"Plan, Hot Sand Offensive and Defense War?" Ye read on suspiciously. The content and strategic outline of this combat plan were almost exactly the same as the strategy Ye just described.

Looking up at Ye's increasingly suspicious expression, Jax smiled and said: "Don't doubt it, haha, the strategic counterattack plan in your mind is the same as the strategic plan I discussed with Jialancha after the launch of the Albatross bomber. They are roughly the same, and even the gathering points of the imperial troops selected for predetermined oppression are roughly the same. Our views on how to deal with the empire's middle counterattack are also surprisingly consistent. Haha, it seems that the commander of this independent combat force This position belongs to you."

"Are you sure?" Ye shouted, "I will be responsible for commanding the counterattack against the empire's center. Well, sir, I'm afraid I can't do it well."

"What are you afraid of?" Jia Lancha cheered Ye up and said, "Everyone has their first time. With your talent, you will be very competent if you command a few more times. And when you commanded the Death Commando, it wasn't Is everything in order?"

Ye rolled his eyes and said: "When I commanded the Death Commandos, I commanded the mecha troops. This time, if the empire reaches Tris, I will command the coordinated defense of infantry, tanks, fighters and mechas. It’s not roughly the same.”

Jialancha said silently: "Then you won't use the independent combat commandos to deal with the emperor before the empire reaches Tris. In order for you to better complete the mission, I will let you choose the mecha commandos under my command.

Jialancha's words made Ye's eyes light up. Since you can't win in a positional battle, you can defeat your opponent in a mobile battle. The reason why the Imperial Army did not dare to assemble on a large scale due to bombers could be roughly the same as what Ye himself said before, using elite independent combat commandos to eat up opponents in mobile warfare. Ye lowered his head and thought for a while. The pilots of the independent combat commando must be outstanding pilots, and the mecha equipped should preferably be commando-level. There seems to be only one such unit in the Tyrad area. Ye was able to quickly choose his teammates. Among the mecha units in this area, they were the only ones capable of that arduous task. "Then let's use the Blood Prison Commandos. If they cooperate with me, I am confident that we will destroy the Imperial forces before they reach Tris."

Ye's words immediately made Jialancha anxious, and he immediately said with a grimace: "Can we switch to another team? This all-ace commando team is what I plan to use against Tyrad City, the empire's ace pilot. Yes. We know that the Empire's most famous ace commando team in the Tyrad region, the Black Three Stars, used the Imperial base in Tyrad City as an attack point to attack us. When our army attacked Tyrad City, the mecha troops It is very likely that they will suffer a lot of casualties. Without a powerful and mobile ace commando team, it may be difficult to contain them."

"But my mission here is not light. You can call the Air Force when you encounter that ace commando. I'm afraid that the father of three bombs will not kill them if he throws them together." Ye immediately found out for Jialan Got a bad idea.

Jax tapped the table twice on the side and said: "Ye, what I need is a basically intact city of Tyrad. If the father of three bombs goes down, most of this city will be wiped off the map. "

Ye knew that his idea was not good, but he still could not let go of the Blood Prison Commando. He hurriedly said: "Then my middle road is also very tight. Tris cannot be captured by the imperial troops. Otherwise, the empire will face the natural danger of Mo Rui and cut off Mo Rui at the same time. Rui has contact and supplies with the remaining troops in front of our army. It is meaningless for us to capture Tyrad City. Tyrad City is still surrounded by the empire, and it is only a matter of time before it falls again."

"Then I can give you two commandos to form an independent combat force. How about that?" Jialancha also knew how important it was to guard Tris. As long as Tris is not lost, even if the federal forces fail to capture Lower Tyrad, they can return to Tris and occupy a position in the Tyrad Desert. Otherwise, as long as the empire blocks the dangerous mountain road in Murray, the federal land supply line will be cut off, and the retreat route of the federal troops in the desert will also be blocked, becoming a turtle in the urn.

Ye shook his head and said: "No, the independent combat commando must be elite. The number is a burden for this kind of guerrilla commando. Only a small number of elite pilots can ensure that this unit has extremely strong firepower without malfunctioning." Activity and concealment.”

"But..." Jialancha really didn't want to leave his ace commando team in Tris, and tried his best to find a reason to bring them to the front line.

Jax knocked on the table again, interrupting Jialancha's words, "The Blood Prison Commando will stay at Ye's request. As for the Black Three Stars, let the frontline troops adopt evasion and containment tactics. Where will they appear?" , let the general troops evacuate there. Specially set aside a squadron of assault troops to contain their actions. After the main force of the empire is wiped out, the three mechas will not be able to fly for long. But Tris, if he can't do it very well If we want to eliminate the imperial troops during the movement, we must face the imperial attacking troops directly in the city at night, and we can’t do it without some good helpers.”

Jax's words made Galancha unable to object. Considering the overall situation, the Federation must ensure Tris's safety. The reason why Tris means much more to the Federation than Tyradh does to the Empire. Therefore, Ye's request should be fulfilled first. Jia Lancha could only agree, who told him before that he picked his troops at random at night.

"Then it's decided. The troops left behind in Tris will be composed of the Blood Prison Commando led by Ye and a full mecha brigade. Let's just take the first mecha brigade. Ye has fought with them before. This decision should be a better one." Jax raised his eyes and looked at Ye Dao.

"Yes, yes." Ye nodded and agreed. The other mecha brigades still need to communicate. Colonel Britt of the first brigade is familiar with Ye, and it should be more convenient to contact him for some work.

Jax curled his lips slightly and continued: "As for other auxiliary units. The infantry unit consists of the Hard Bone Second Machinery Infantry Company and the Red Flag Infantry Regiment staying behind in Tris, and the Mammoth Third Battalion also stays behind."

Jax's words made Jialancha wailed and said, "Teacher, are you sure? You left the 2nd Company and the Red Flag Regiment behind."

Jax nodded. Said: "There can't be many troops left in Tris, so we can only keep the elite troops. When Tyrad was captured, the smaller elites could not control large urban areas well, but the large number of general troops It performs well in this aspect, so we don’t need to bring many elites in this attack, we only need the number of elites that can form a sharp knife force.”

Facing the teacher's words, Jialancha stopped talking. The use of elite troops was indeed not much. The main thing is to use it properly. It's just that it's painful for anyone to hand over command to others after they have worked hard to cultivate an elite force. Jialancha is no exception, but he still walked to Ye's side and said: "For me. Take care of them and don’t let their sacrifice be in vain.”

Ye nodded and said: "I promise you, they will not sacrifice in vain, and no one's life will be wasted."

Galancha nodded, "Okay, but don't abandon Tris just to protect them. In that case, the teacher, I, and all the federal officers and soldiers will not let you go."

The corner of Ye's mouth curled up slightly. Said: "If Tris is lost, you won't be able to find our remaining troops." Ye's implication is that every soldier who fights to the end will protect the Federation's control of Tris.

"That's enough. This is the decision of the remaining troops. But for the night, please listen to me. Even if Tris is lost and all your soldiers are killed, you young man must return to Moray alive for me. Do you understand?" Jax obviously heard the whispered conversation between Ye and Jialancha, and immediately spoke up. If Ye dies, the Federation will not only lose an extremely powerful ace pilot, but it will also frustrate the confidence of all Federation pilots. Morale was low, and the reason why was that the night was already under propaganda from federal intelligence agencies. He became the pillar and idol in the hearts of all federal pilots. His fallen empire was bound to generate a lot of publicity. Bringing unimaginable negative impacts to the federation. So Jax would rather lose Tris, an important town that has a huge influence on the Tyrad Desert, than keep this guy who has a huge influence on the entire federation alive.

"Ah?" Ye was stunned when he heard Jax's words. "No way, sir. If Tris fell, there was absolutely no way I would abandon those comrades who fought alongside me and escape alone." The determination on Ye's face showed Together with his words, he expresses his determination to live and die with his comrades and Tris.

"However." Ye showed a bright smile and said before Jax could speak, "It's hard to say whether the Empire can defeat Tris."

When Jax heard what Queen Ye said, he took back what he originally wanted to say, and could only tell Ye Dao again: "Okay, don't take risks, try to exhaust the empire's power in the desert."

Ye nodded to show that he knew, and then asked: "Several of them, attacking from two directions...?"

Jax took over Ye's words and said: "Heinz and I will be responsible for the two-way attack. I will be responsible for the offensive on the right, and Heinz will be responsible for the offensive on the left. The right-wing attack force will be led by me except for the first one I brought this time." The three mecha brigades outside the mecha brigade formed the main force, consisting of two brigade assault tanks, the first division of the desert infantry, and the second division of the desert infantry. They attacked the right wing of Tyrad City along the upper coastal area of ​​the Tyrad Desert. The third fleet of the federal New London Navy will be responsible for the cover and support. The left wing attack force consists of the mecha troops originally stationed in the desert, a total of 94 mechas of various types, and the auxiliary two groups of assault tanks, the fifth desert infantry division, Together with the 7th Division, they will attack the left wing of Tyrad City along the lower coastal area of ​​the Tyrad Desert. The left wing force will be covered and supported by the Fourth Fleet of the Federal New London Navy. How about this arrangement? Heinz."

"I don't have any objections, teacher. We have assembled so many troops and we must make the empire look good." Jialancha said with a smile. Ever since the Empire landed on New London, the federal troops in the central battlefield that Garancha was responsible for have been retreating. Even after the federal mecha airdrop support, Garancha could not contain the Empire's offensive very well. Not long ago, it was Let the Empire capture Tyradh with overwhelming force. Although these failures were not caused by Garancha's command errors, they still caused unimaginable psychological damage to the major general. Now, after General Jax settled the northern battlefield and brought a large army for reinforcements, the Federation's military strength in the Tyrad region has finally reached a level comparable to that of the Empire. With the addition of new bombers, it is said that the Federation is already in Terra The German desert area occupies certain advantages. Galancha, who finally no longer had to deal with the superior strength of the Empire, was ready to teach the Imperial commander a lesson, telling the Imperial commander who failed to capture Tris even though his military strength was half that of the Federation, what exactly was the mecha? How to use it.

"Haha, okay, then let's compete to see who can attack Tyrad City first." Jax also laughed.

"Okay, three-star general Jax." Jialancha straightened his chest and saluted Jax.

"Three-star general? What military rank is this?" Ye who was on the side heard the strange title from Jialancha's mouth and asked curiously.

Jialancha looked up at Ye with a surprised look and said, "You don't know?"

Ye nodded suspiciously.

Looking up at Ye Xiaobai's appearance, Jax once again pulled out a piece of information from his computer and placed it in front of Ye.

"Change in the rank of general officers? Will the general rank be divided into three-star, four-star, and five-star levels?" Ye raised his eyes and read an order.

Jialancha nodded and went to Shuyuan and said: "The old promotion mechanism and military rank mechanism in the military department can no longer adapt to the current war. In order to prevent the embarrassing situation of personnel in the army who cannot be promoted. Appeared, only a few more military ranks were set up. This is how your special military ranks came about, and now, the general military ranks also need to be increased."

"Yes." Ye nodded as if he understood, and then said with a smile: "Then is there any benefit in the competition between you and Chief Erwin?"

"Huh?" Jia Lancha was stunned by Ye's jumping thoughts, but Jax smiled and shook his head.

"The competition between our teachers and students is just a friendly discussion, there is no prize." Jax waved his hand to Ye.

"Are you sure?" Ye still wanted to get some benefit from the bet between them.

There was a knock on the door, and it sounded like it was Jax's orderly. The reason why the federation's senior officers and orderlies have received advanced training is that only these well-trained people can knock on the door well and loudly.

"Come in." Jax closed his laptop and called the orderly in. (To be continued)

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