Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 379 The Burning Sunset

Ye raised his eyes and saw the stout man making a careful apology, and couldn't help but smile: "It doesn't matter who does the preparations, haha, as long as the skills are passed, I'll leave the rest of the fine-tuning work to you today. La, Wang Quantang."

"I promise it's ok, boss, haha. Let Chen Kui take care of your chariot, and make sure it's as flexible and obedient as your hands and feet." Wang Quantang slapped his chest loudly, and assured Ye Guo that this should be Wang Quantang reported his name for the first time, and also called Ye "boss" for the first time.

"Yes. But uncle, can you let me go in now to familiarize myself with the internal environment of the tank? I only sat in it for less than an hour last time, and many of the equipment are broken." Ye motioned to Wang Quantang to give up the control room. Let yourself in.

"Okay." Wang Quantang climbed out of the control room as quickly as possible and said to Ye with a smile, "I'm going to get you some instructions for the newly installed equipment. Wait for me." After saying that, the big man controlled the elevator. He descended to the ground and started tinkering on the computer used by the maintenance staff.

Ping, Wang Quantang's face appeared on the communication screen of the tank. He established contact with Ye through the maintenance cable, "Ye, I will send you the instructions for the new equipment immediately. I will keep in touch with you down below, the control room of the empire. It’s too narrow, I can’t squeeze in, haha.”

Ye selected "Yes" in the dialog box of whether to accept the data transfer and said: "Okay, uncle, I'm just sorry to trouble you."

"What's the trouble? Haha, it's my honor to serve you. Others can't even hope for it." Wang Quantang grinned and showed a pair of white teeth. The uncle seemed to suck when he saw the Queen of Night. Laughing gas usually keeps laughing.

Beep, the file transfer completion prompt sounded, and Ye began to focus on these instructions. Unfortunately, he was disappointed. These so-called new equipment are all installed on Thunderbolt. From Ye Ye's perspective, these equipment are things that he can easily master. There are no new federal facilities like I imagined.

In fact, this cannot be blamed on Wang Quantang for deceiving Ye. It can only be said that Alicia installed too many good things for the Human Torch. Alicia has installed almost all new equipment that is beneficial to mecha combat on the Human Torch. The Thunderbolt given to Ye almost covers the highest essence of existing federal technology. This is why after hearing that there was a problem with the Thunderbolt, Jialancha directly sent the Ace Commando and the Blood Prison Commando to respond to Ye instead. Reasons for sending other general troops. Ye, who was accustomed to using advanced equipment, naturally had no interest in these devices that he had been familiar with for the past two days. In more than a day in space, Ye had already figured out all the equipment on the Thunderbolt that was different from that of the soldiers. . After all, mastering new weapons as quickly as possible is an essential quality for every ace, and these facilities are not cumbersome to use. Most of them have nothing to do with mecha operations.

"Wang Quantang, I think we can go directly to the field for debugging. Haha, the new equipment here is available on the Thunderbolt. For me, these are not unfamiliar things." Ye indicated that he did not need to be familiar with the equipment, so that Wang Quantang could He organized the maintenance personnel and went with him to the shooting range to debug the tank.

Wang Quantang was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "It turns out that these equipments are on the Thunderbolt. No wonder those senior maintenance officials said that the Thunderbolt is the essence of federal technology. It is indeed like this. Ye. I will organize them immediately. You are a little bit Wait a moment."

"Okay." After Ye answered, he opened the weapons menu. During the maintenance, I didn't know if the federal maintenance personnel had made any changes to the weapons and equipment of this tank. Ye hoped that the useless mechanical arm could be modified. If the front spikes were equipped with beam spikes like an attack shield, that would be enough.

The maintenance staff at Base Three did not disappoint Ye. The last item in the weapon column was changed from the original mechanical fighting arm to a beam fighting arm. It seems that those smart and capable maintenance personnel found this shortcoming and improved it.

Ye saw that most of the maintenance personnel on the ground began to leave, and the maintenance cables were also detached from the interface on the tank with the help of the robotic arm. Wang Quantang greeted several more important maintenance personnel below to board a liaison vehicle. The temperature outside was not suitable for people to work in direct sunlight.

After everyone got on the vehicle, Wang Quantang personally raised two guiding sticks and began to guide Ye's chariot.

"Uncle, what's the name of this chariot?" Ye asked.

"We call it the King of Land. Haha." Wang Quantang shouted while waving his guide stick. The hangar door behind him was slowly opening. The heat wave instantly poured into the hangar, completely dissipating the coolness created by the air conditioner.

"Ye. China. King of Land, attack." Under Chen's guidance, the huge tank drove out of the fully opened hangar door and headed for the shooting range.

A giant silver tank, followed by a liaison vehicle, was galloping 60 kilometers north of Tris. It was already approaching the largest shooting range near Tris, the Tris Mecha Testing Range.

The liaison vehicle that was originally following the King of Land overtook the chariot when it approached the shooting range post and stopped in front of the post. Chen stretched out his head from the car, pointed at Ye's chariot and shouted at the post. : "Dis, help me get some mecha shields. We need to adjust the accuracy of that big guy."

A white-haired veteran walked out of the post, built a tent with his hands and looked at the King of Land carefully, and said: "Wow, when did our federation build so many big ones? Tsk, that cannon should be It's a sniper cannon, it's so handsome." The old man with the rank of second lieutenant ignored the heat in the sun and praised the King of Land. You must know that the morning sun in the desert is still very hot, and now the outdoor temperature in Tris is as high as 57 degrees.

Chen drove the liaison vehicle to the old man's side, blocking most of the morning light for the old man. He patted the second lieutenant who was obviously in a state of delusion and said: "Damn old man, don't take advantage of us if you want to suffer from heat stroke. Prepare your shield quickly. Our There’s not much time.”

The old man was obviously very dissatisfied with Chen's interruption of his appreciation of the latest federal works. As he turned and walked towards a truck next to the outpost, he muttered: "I know, I know, we are about to launch an attack. Yesterday, Tris was brightly lit. , the crowd was noisy all night long, and everyone could tell that there was going to be a big operation from above."

The liaison vehicle goes with the tank. Following the truck, we entered the wide shooting range. On the endless sandy ground of the shooting range, there were distance lines cast with cement. The straight-line distance between the two furthest lines is five kilometers, at this distance. The mech monitor should just be able to see the enemy mech peeking out on the horizon.

The old man on the truck signaled Ye to stop at the farthest five-kilometer line, then called Chen Yiyi and drove towards the target drone in the distance. In Second Lieutenant Diess' view, there is no problem with a huge cannon that can shoot straight at a terrifying distance of 75 kilometers, but can attack targets five kilometers away with flat fire.

Ye didn't think so in the control room of the King of Land. The distance of five kilometers was not far for Ye, but for the King of Land who had not undergone any adjustments. It is very difficult to hit the target continuously. No one knows whether the Land King can maintain the accuracy of its aim after enduring the huge recoil. Once there is a deviation, the anti-recoil damper of the sniper gun needs to be adjusted at night according to the deviation value.

The five-kilometer road is not very far for trucks and liaison vehicles. Soon Chen and Dis arrived under the huge vertical target drone. Dis jumped directly onto the robotic arm control position next to the vertical target drone and manipulated it. The huge mechanical arm took out a worn-out shield from the open cargo compartment of the truck. The shield in the hands of the robotic arm was scrapped from the federal front line. Looking from the back of the shield, the shield was densely covered with traces of repair agents. The front of the shield was painted with a layer of white paint. This is used to see the impact point of the shot.

Under Chen's guidance, Dis fixed the battered shield on the drone, and then the drone raised the shield straight up. The upper edge is exactly the standard height of the mecha, 18 meters.

"Okay, let's leave quickly. The power of that thing is not small. If we are too close to the shield, we may be killed by the explosive sound produced when it penetrates the shield." Chen pulled Dis from the control position. The old man originally wanted to watch the cannon penetrate the shield at close range from the control position.

Old man Dis was also a veteran. Hearing Chen's words, he knew that Chen was not alarmist, so he followed Chen in the liaison vehicle with the Nine Realms God Emperor. Drive into the distance.

"Okay, it's almost a kilometer away. That's enough, you can't see clearly any further away." Dis shouted after Chen Cai drove a kilometer away.

Chen stopped the car helplessly. After taking out two high-powered telescopes, he connected with Ye, "Ye, the target drone has been erected. Can you see it from there?"

"It's very clear." Ye replied, "But you just put up a shield, so you can't test the power of the King of Land's armor-piercing bullets."

Ye's words woke Chen up, and he immediately said: "Ye, wait a moment, and I will put up a shield for you. In this way, the recoil adjustment and power test can be completed at once."

"Haha." Ye Dandan curled his lips slightly and said, "Two shields may not be enough. In fact, Wang Quantang is aware of the power of this weapon. The power of one blow to break the waist, the thickest part of the bear armor, is conservatively estimated. You also need to use three shields to test the power. I doubt that even three shields may be able to withstand it. After all, the caliber is really terrifying, and the increase in power is not a simple addition."

"Okay, the three-sided shield drone can still be erected." Chen controlled the contact vehicle to make a 180-degree turn on the sand and drove towards the drone again.

The two shields stood upright behind the originally erected shields. After retreating to a safe distance, Chen connected Ye's contact again. "Ye, the shield is ready and ready for test firing at any time."

"Okay." Ye agreed, and then the Land King entered ultra-long-range shooting mode. On the side of the chariot, two huge mechanical arms stretched out, and their sharp heads were inserted into the sand next to the chariot, helping to stabilize the chariot. The upper body of the huge mecha stood up from the chassis of the tank. Through the fine adjustment of the mecha, the long sniper cannon firmly set the target composed of three shields five kilometers away into the aiming circle.

"Chen, when did our federation design this thing? It looks really awesome. Haha, tanks are going to be revived on this tank." Dis asked when Chen put down the communicator. In fact, Dis was an excellent tank gunner before going to the Tris Mecha Testing Field. However, during a battle, he unfortunately had an armor fragment hit his neck and injured his spine. Although it did not lead to paralysis, it still hurt his spine. His hands always had uncontrollable spasms and he could no longer control the tank. But the gray-haired Dis has always hoped that the Federation could recreate the glory of tanks on the battlefield where mechas became the main force. Now the king of land driving at night has undoubtedly given Lao Dis confidence.

Chen also knew how Dis was feeling, but this upright man still told the truth, "Old man, this tank is not a simple tank, and it was not made by our federation."

"What?" Lao Dis looked up at Chen suspiciously, hoping that Chen would explain his previous words clearly.

"This tank, haha, I use the quantifier "jia", its upper body, which is the most important part, is a mecha, not a tank turret, so from a design point of view, look for Shuyuan www.zhaaoshuyuan. com It is a mecha using a tank chassis, not a tank. Moreover, this tank was captured by us from the empire and was not designed and manufactured by our federation. Therefore, even if our federation wants to measure this kind of tank, Industrialization, now we don’t have its key technologies and assembly lines.” Chen said with a wry smile to Dis.

Dis looked up at Chen blankly, trying hard to digest the information in Chen's words. It took a while before he came back to his senses and said: "Really? Haha, let me think of this mecha as a tank. The reason why it will definitely create a miracle." The old man's eyes showed disappointment, and he looked towards the distant position of the night that he could not see.

"The first shot is an armor-piercing bullet, the second shot is the same." Through the voice control device, Ye decided the type of bullet he would shoot. This tank carries three types of ammunition. In addition to manual selection, it can also be quickly set through the voice control device. Of course, the articulation must be clear, otherwise the voice control device will not be recognized.

The identifier in the control room turned on a green light, which was a sign of successful identification. With a beep, the first armor-piercing bullet was loaded into the chamber of the sniper gun with the help of the automatic loader.

After confirming his aim again, Ye pulled the trigger as quickly as possible. Bang, the King of Land was slightly raised by the huge recoil force, and stabilized again before the second beep sounded. (To be continued)

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