Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 381 The Prelude to War

When the silver chariot passed by these mecha teams, all the pilots cheered for the chariot. They are cheering for their idols, and they are cheering for being able to participate in actions with their idols.

Ye did not expect that his appearance would attract so much attention from the pilots around him, so he opened the public contact channel, "This is Ye. Huaxia Special Major. I am very happy to participate in the preliminary preparations for the Hotsand Offensive and Defense War with you all. I wish you all great success and prosperous military fortunes. May your achievements be praised forever."

"Ula." After the pilots heard Ye's words on the public communication channel, they all cheered excitedly, and the entire communication channel was suddenly filled with Marine Corps-style cheers.

A pilot controlled his mecha to salute Ye. This action was instantly imitated by all the pilots who passed by Ye's tank. Starting five hundred meters in front of the silver chariot, the mechas handed the weapons in their right hands to their left hands, and then moved while raising their right hands toward the silver chariot in a solemn federal military salute.

Ye did not expect that his words would cause such a strong response on the public channel. At the same time, he also saw the solemn military salutes given to him by the pilots. So Ye Ye controlled the upper body of the tank to stand upright, and returned the salute to the mecha that saluted him.

On the road leading from Tris to the front line, a silver mecha chariot seemed to be reviewing the federal mecha troops on the expedition. It slowly advanced on the right side of the road. The federal military salute raised in its right hand was not lowered. The federal mechas on the left side of the road also solemnly saluted the tank and then stepped onto the distant front line.

There are about three brigades of mecha troops on the expedition, with 90 mechas. Some of the pilots who were walking in the front missed the night, including their assault captain and squadron leader. Even led by the captain, he ran to the back of the team and passed in front of Ye. Salute to the night.

Seeing this scene, Ye couldn't help but smile bitterly. He didn't expect that his energy was so powerful. He could make these pilots ignore the violation of marching regulations and just want to pass in front of him once and salute him as a military salute.

The cutest thing is the army infantry. These guys directly asked the personnel carriers to stop. Starting three hundred meters in front of the silver chariot, they lined up in a neat square formation and walked neatly in goose steps under the still scorching sun. . Salute passes before the King of Land.

When I returned to Tris base, I found that my eyes were a little moist. These strangers actually respected me so much and were so enthusiastic. From the eyes of those soldiers, Ye could see trust, the kind of unreserved trust, the kind of trust that Ye could lead them to victory.

These soldiers who came from the northern battlefield were all people who knew the performance of the Death Commandos in a series of battles near Emma. For a team like the Death Commando that dares to be active on the first line of battle, dares to go deep behind enemy lines to rescue its comrades, and dares to face powerful enemies. I feel sorry for the commandos of the Empire's feared ace force. These bloody warriors respect and admire the members of the Death Commandos from the bottom of their hearts. Especially the pilot of Death God No. 1, Ye Huaxia Special Major, who killed the Scarlet Rose, which they originally regarded as a nightmare.

After wiping away his tears and climbing out of the tank, Ye unexpectedly saw the two giants of the Federation's New London Star, Admiral Jax and Major General Garancha, waiting for him in his hangar.

Ye jumped off the chariot and ran to Jax's side and asked with a smile: "Sir Erwin, brother Heinz, what do you two great masters do when you come to the young man's hangar?"

Jax reluctantly curled up the corner of his mouth and said, "The two of us are here to tell you some bad news. I'm afraid Heinz won't be able to suppress you alone, so I'm here too."

A night of bad news. The smile on his face suddenly disappeared, and he said with some suspicion: "Sir, what kind of bad news is it?"

Jax motioned to Jialancha to speak, and Jialancha, who had his teacher push him to the front desk, could only smile bitterly and said: "Ye, don't react violently after hearing this, please calm down."

Ye nodded and motioned for Jialancha to continue.

"The Human Torch spare parts you requested may not be delivered in a short period of time." Jialancha finished the words quickly, as if hoping Ye couldn't hear clearly.

Unfortunately, contrary to expectations, Ye's hearing is still very good. After hearing the news, the originally approachable kid suddenly turned into a devil, stared at Garancha and yelled: "What? The spare parts for the Human Torch can't be delivered? Is there any mistake? Admiral Patton even connected a transport ship Are you unwilling to send one? Really, the Human Torch has no spare parts, how can it be repaired? Do you want to complete the Battle of Hotsand?"

The two generals were stunned by Ye's series of questions. Seeing Ye jumping like a cat whose tail was stepped on, Jax could only smile bitterly and step forward to explain. After all, Jax was an elder whom Ye recognized. His words still had a great suppressive effect on Ye.

"Ye, actually you can't blame Barton. You should know about the collapse of our blockade against the Empire's Baku Luz Fortress." Jax said calmly. It seemed that he had already figured out how to explain to Ye.

Ye nodded. Having personally participated in the annihilation of the Eighth Fleet, he naturally knew the impact this incident would have on the Federation.

Jax continued: "Due to the collapse of the blockade, the Imperial fleet has regained the ability to strike most of the New Britain space. In other words, Barton cannot guarantee the safety of the transport aircraft carrying spare parts."

Ye thought for a moment and said, "Then Admiral Patton can send a battleship to escort."

Ye's words directly made Jax show a depressed expression, and said: "Barton thinks so too. Barton is actually the person in the universe who most wants to deliver the Human Torch spare parts to you safely. But the federal defense line will collapse, and again The reason why pursuing the Eighth Fleet disrupted the deployment of the fleet is that these chaos cannot be restored in a day or two. Patton needs time to regain his strength and restore the already unstable morale of the Federal Space Force."

Jax's words once again made the somewhat peaceful Ye angry. This time, the target of his anger was not General Patton, but the dead rebel commander, Halton. After all, Barton had a very good relationship with the Xia sisters, and he also had a very good relationship with Ye. If it was really his fault, Ye would not be able to lose his temper. But Halton was different. As a traitor to the Federation, he could be scolded no matter what he wanted. It was Halton's fault that Ye didn't care about the idea that the dead were innocent, so Ye naturally lost his temper. He scolded Halton harshly for all the inconveniences he had brought to him.

"Damn Halton, what kind of rebellion are you doing? Not only did you seek death, but it also caused me to miss my vacation, caused me to parachute into the desert without preparation, and caused me to have my mecha broken and no spare parts for repair. Damn it. , a murderous spirit, I curse you to go to the eighteenth level of hell and never be reincarnated, you bastard. Phew." Ye scolded Halton fiercely in one breath, and the two generals were stunned again by the continuous parallelism. .

Jax could only helplessly pat Ye's shoulder, comforting Ye and saying: "Ye, in fact, when there is no Thunderbolt, you can still drive this tank to participate in the preparatory battle. I have seen this tank. The performance report is quite good. You have finished adjusting it today."

Ye nodded slightly and said, "It was adjusted by Second Lieutenant Di Si and Second Lieutenant Chen to ensure that there is no error in the three-shot burst."

Jax happily patted the battle lane: "Okay, okay, haha. Ye, if you show up on the battlefield to participate in the attack. With your prestige in the army, the morale of the soldiers will be greatly increased, which will greatly improve the morale of the soldiers." It inspires the fighting spirit of the soldiers. It should be easy to defeat the imperial troops."

Ye scratched his head in embarrassment and said shyly, "Do I have a big role? Haha, why didn't I know?"

Jialancha walked to Ye's side with a smile, gave Ye a punch and said: "Good boy, don't be a good boy when you get an advantage. Your performance in Emma has won the hearts of all the soldiers in the northern region. I guess you are in the north now." What the troops say is more useful than ordinary commanders."

Ye said silently and disdainfully: "The New London Star Army does not have a lieutenant general yet, except for Chief Erwin. I am the oldest."

Jialancha was immediately choked by Ye's words and could only clench his hands into fists. He held Ye's head and said: "Young man Ye, give you some sunshine and you will shine. You know clearly that I don't mean obedience at the military level, but you still push it like that. It seems that the teacher has spoiled you. ah."

Hearing Jialancha's words, Jax just said for himself: "It's none of my business." But he did not stop Jialancha's actions at all.

Under the morning light of the desert, the federal troops supported by the northern troops began to take action. Before the imperial reinforcements arrived, they launched a fierce attack on the imperial defense lines. With the dazzling morning light behind them, the federal troops launched a full-scale attack on all bases on the Empire's front line and launched an occupation war, uprooting the Empire's supply centers, assembly points and maintenance depots on the front line.

Due to the Empire's unfavorable reconnaissance, the Empire's defense forces fell into chaos in the early stages of the war. The entire Empire's defense line retreated for nearly fifty kilometers under the Federation's initial attack. It was not stopped until the Empire's troops from the Terrans base arrived for reinforcements. The army's retreat was stopped and a line of defense was reorganized in the desert.

He got up before dawn that night. In order to use the morning sun rising from behind the direction of the federal army's attack to cover his troops, so that the dazzling sunlight could disrupt the empire's shooting and interfere with the empire's judgment. All federal troops let It is required to set off at dawn and enter the scheduled attack location to stand by.

Ye drove the chariot and finally arrived at the No. 3 base where the Blood Prison commando team was located before the scheduled time. Major Garth had been waiting with his commando team for a long time.

"Major Ye, you're here." The red Iron Cross commandos saw the silver chariot appearing in front of the base and immediately came forward to greet it.

"Good morning, Major Garth, it seems your commando team is ready to go." Ye saw the three commandos walking towards him and said, "We will be teammates for a long time in the future. , please take good care of me."

"Don't dare, we should be learning from you. It's our honor to fight with you." Ye's words made those pilots who would surpass the standard of ace dare not dare, and they all said that fighting with Ye is the best for them. blessing.

Ye shook his head and said: "Okay, everyone, I'm relatively young, so don't call me by your name. Haha, just call me Ye. I don't need to pay attention to those rigid and fatal things from the military department here. Just order whatever you want. .”

"Okay, boss." The pilots of the Blood Prison Commando responded in unison. They did not dare to call Ye by his name directly, so they preferred to use the most popular title. Boss was better.

"Garth, please read the briefing of our operation to everyone. You are still the captain here. I will act alone to cooperate with your plan. After all, the cooperation between you and them is the most tacit understanding. I intervened forcefully. Coming in may cause you some inconvenience." Ye said to the red baron, Ye didn't bother to correct their names, as long as they don't call you, Ye felt quite uncomfortable hearing that word.

"Okay, boss." Garth responded, and then said: "The direction of our attack this time is directly towards the Empire's Terran base. Of course, we cannot hit there in a short time, nor can we Maybe a frontal attack there, haha, the empire’s tortoise shell is quite hard.”

Garth's words made his commando pilots and Ye burst into laughter. The turtle shell is indeed a good metaphor to describe Terrance, which has strong frontal defense.

Garth coughed slightly, indicating that everyone should stop laughing, and then continued: "Our mission today is to attack the 177th outpost in front of the Empire Terrans."

Following Garth's words, the map coordinates and general information of Outpost 177 popped up on the map displays of all mechas, including the estimated garrison troops, cordon locations, and locations of some checkpoints. Looking up at these contents, Ye couldn't help but sigh at the powerful reconnaissance capabilities of the Federal Air Force, especially the high-definition bird's-eye view of the 177 outpost, where the figures of the imperial infantry could be recognized.

Gals waited for a while and looked for Shuyuan www. so that everyone could look at the map carefully again. When he estimated that the time was about the same, he said: "The Empire 177 Outpost is located seventeen kilometers behind the current Empire defense line. It is mainly responsible for the defense of the federal forces in front of Tris. , vigilance and early warning work. The purpose of our operation this time is to completely defeat the imperial troops there, and then cooperate with the infantry troops to fully occupy outpost 177."

"The enemy's configuration is not large?" A pilot from the Blood Prison Commando interjected.

"Qiao, be quiet, I'm about to say something." Gals said, his tone full of helplessness. It seems that this Joe has a habit of interrupting in briefings, otherwise Gals' tone would not be like that.

After successfully shutting up Qiao, Garth continued: "From the intelligence point of view, the fixed defense of the imperial base can pose a great threat to the mecha. There are six two-mounted howitzers. Other weapons are harmful to the mecha. It’s so small that we don’t need to consider it. The garrison force consists of two commando bear mechas, a longbow tank commando, and an infantry company. On our side, there are three commandos, a tank, and a team of soldiers to cooperate with our actions. An infantry company. The overall strength is similar, but considering the difference in pilot capabilities, it is expected that it will be very easy for us to capture the 177th outpost. So my request in this operation is very simple, as long as you don’t rush forward too much , just don’t leave alone. The briefing is over, Major Ye, is there anything else you need to add?” (To be continued)

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